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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. 8Personally, I believe that we all make such mistakes every once in a while and it's something that is very normal. It's happened to me on more than one occasion and I had it returned or resold.
  2. Mine is wireless rechargeable and it's pretty good and portable to use. I hate battery consoles, it's kind of annoying to me.
  3. Age Of Empire was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the game outlay. It may be another game for all I can know but there is a very good chance it's Age of Empire.
  4. Seriously, if the game is an easy play task breeze, I would only play it just once. I might actually end up not completing the game because it's going to be a boring game act and I have more important games to play.
  5. Well, it's a fact that PC game lovers would always pick it over Playstation consoles and the same thing is applicable where Playstation game lovers are when choosing between playing with PC or PS console. Personally, I prefer PS console.
  6. Gaming addiction is the greatest gaming disadvantage. It will ruin a lot of things for you if you fail to get control on your gaming habits.
  7. Television is my favorite pick. Monitor is too small for my liking, so it doesn't gives me satisfying gaming experience which is why I prefer gaming with television and consoles.
  8. Game reviews are huge tip to my choosing of games. It gives me an opportunity to know how much people rate the game and how good the game is. Without game reviews, it's like going in blind with choosing a game.
  9. It's all aimed at making money, so it's actually a good thing in my opinion because all work deserves a good pay or profit.
  10. Cheat guides or walk through just like some gamers call aren't really my thing but some gamers would like it any day and anytime because it makes gaming very much easier for them. I'm among the hard gamers, so the harder it gets, the more intriguing it gets for me.
  11. Are there any classic games that are already in existence that you aren't really interested or a fan of because they are not as good as you deemed them to be? Personally, I think the ones already in existence are good and till I get to see ones that doesn't meet expectations, I wouldn't be too quick to condemn.
  12. Who knows what price Google would fixate on the streaming site subscription on monthly basis? But from what I can say, it would be determined by the availability of cataloged games on the platform. The more games there is, the higher the price would be.
  13. PS Vita is my favorite console. It's as portable as they come and with sleek design features that gives the what I call the best console handle playing experience. PS Vita is the best.
  14. All sorts of football soccer games like FIFA, PES, TOP ELEVEN FOOTBALL MANAGER, FM and so on.
  15. Played both on PC and Playstation consoles as well.
  16. Exactly, it's more like allowing yourself to be completely controlled and directed my the cheat guide which just makes you a puppet in the game play. It kinda takes away the actual fun and suspense of playing the game head on and proving your expertise. Personally, it's so sad some gamers allows themselves to sink this low with their gaming.
  17. Now, I just have a rush back memory of this particular Doom's soundtrack and I must admit that it's quite a great piece of sound bit that really tune up one's playing desire.
  18. Permit my asking if you have any history of eye problems? It might actually be the reason why you see things blur when they are up close to your face.
  19. Seriously, I have the same opinion as do you and it's practically baseless from my viewing perspective to avail criminals the privilege of having to enjoy playing games in prison. It's a complete waste of task payers money.
  20. From my experience, perhaps people or most gamers always look up to having a new and improved gaming system in order to enjoy all the new features, benefits and upgrades that comes with the latest version of the system. Why would you blame one for looking at getting a better experience with his or her gaming life?
  21. I completely agree with you on this one because it's very obvious that gaming is now being focused on more streaming service than it used to be and it could only get better as time goes on.
  22. Need for speed and Alphast, I'm not sure if I got the spelling correctly but I'm very sure gamers who are playing it would know exactly the racing game which I'm referring to.
  23. I don't have an eye problem or anything that would hinder my views when playing video games. Although, some would argue that the glasses would help reduce the effects of your monitor brightness on your eyes but personally, I don't stay too close to the monitor courtesy of my using wireless controllers.
  24. Definitely, if you don't share your stream YouTube video link or Twitch, you are definitely cutting off an incredible increased potential visitors to your site. It's very important, currently I don't have one, otherwise I would have shared it immediately on the platform.
  25. I would like to say that I'm kind of neutral about cheating game guides. Although, I'm not sure if I would ever use it for my gaming tasks but I'm not going to be against those who see it as an integral part of gaming. So, in my book, it's a matter of choice to make use of it or stay away from it.
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