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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 8 hours ago, DylanC said:

    I usually use wireless headphones, but I occasionally use a wire when they’re out of battery. 

    True. Battery issue is one of the most important aspects of using wireless headsets. When you are out of electricity to have the headset well charged, you will have to use the wired ones. 

  2. On 3/7/2019 at 8:02 PM, DylanC said:

    I usually prefer first-person shooting but there are lots of exceptions to the rule. I do love third-person shooters, too, basically. It really depends on the game. In general, I prefer MP shooters to be first-person and story-based games to be third-person.

    Seriously, FPS have always been my favorite kind of gaming shooting narrative. It gives me a more sense to closure with playing, like I'm inside the game. 

  3. On 3/7/2019 at 4:55 AM, kingpotato said:

    You guys remember the old days when you purchased a brand new game and it came with an extra disc that was the demo of a game or even better some included the demo on the menu of your game ?
    This happened during the PS2 era for me

    Exactly. It was such a funny time in the gaming world and actually we really loved it well back then. I can very much remember some of the adventure games demo I played back then. 

  4. On 3/7/2019 at 1:13 AM, killamch89 said:

    It's got more to do with my attention span - I literally cannot sit still for more than a few hours or else I start to get restless.

    This is actually why I don't really only seat down to play games. I can lay on my belly and play very well. For the record, I'm just like you when it comes to seating down, I find it difficult to sit too long. 

  5. Yes of course I do purchase DLC games. It's one of most played game recently in the world of gamers and it's such a great game. Remember the one of Lara Croft spin off in Final Fantasy, it's one of favorite. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    I'll follow you on this because the full version of O.D.T. it's on my list (by the way, I have to say that this is a great choice). But you know, we can't have it all... Right? Haha!

    Exactly my feelings mate. We simply can't have it all even though we wanted to. It's the sad story of all gamers lives. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    Well, I think the first thing that you'll have to notice have to do with the brand. After that, you could some researches in some specific forums because - usually - they help a lot in some situations like this. 

    What brand of the headset could you consider to be the best brand quality in the market? 

  8. On 2/9/2019 at 11:46 PM, killamch89 said:

    Worms Armageddon was pretty fun to play with its funny sound effects and cheesy background music.

    Worms Armageddon is very good. I can remember very how often I used to play the game, it shows how time flies and other new games replace our first ones. It's just so funny but good at the same time. 

  9. 20 hours ago, Anachiwo said:

    If it's for spying purposes, I wouldn't consider it at all because it won't lead to finding anything healthy at all but rather it would expose what might literally be harmful to my family case in point (Cheating partner). But if it's for security reasons, then it's definitely going to be worth using. 

    You want my advice? Don't spy on your wife, girlfriend or partner because you are definitely going to find that which you are looking for and it's not going to be good at all but nasty ugly dirty. 

  10. Are headphones really worth the hassle? They are accessories and are bound to get damaged every now and then, so it doesn't really matter how or where they are purchased because they are most likely to get damaged and replaced over a period of time. 

  11. 8 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    I wanted to make the question about personality rather than skills, as for most of us, the answer would be "I couldn't" if we talked about skills. If you had the gameplay skills, would you have the stamina/focus/determination to take on the career? My understanding of it is that it is quite a grueling profession, and it has a very high burnout rate.

    That's actually exactly the kind of work I like, lol. But I wouldn't have the stamina required.

    Who knows how some people would take it? We all do some crazy jobs at one point in time, so in my opinion if the pay is worth it, then definitely the stress would count for nothing. 

  12. I have heard about this site for a while now but haven't taken the time to check it out. Although, it's not really intentional for my not looking it up but down to lack of time to do so but I'm definitely going to be snooping through it sooner rather than later. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I have recently purchased Dell 116 optical mouse. And for my gaming and the writing related usage is worked out on that. I don't need any fancy mouse. So far good mouse that can let me hold the device and get to move the pointer is good enough. I may also consider making use of the similar other mouse which is good for grip on the hand is good enough for me. 

    Between Dell and HP products, which one would you consider to be a better product when you want to recommend buying for someone new to gaming? I'm thinking of HP but want to have another opinion on this. 

  14. If you look to getting unreal deals when purchasing items online, you can be rest assured that one day you will be getting bitten in the ass with having a low quality item sold to you and you can't literally do anything about it. 

    My advice would be shop wise. 

  15. 8GB RAM is not enough for one with serious drive for gaming. I don't really know how to do this but I would recommend going to see a software expert in order to get a professional help in knowing how to get it done for you. Or better still, you can go for laptop with higher RAM. 

  16. Wired headset or Earphones are never really my thing because they get tangled and also develop partial contact easily which is very annoying. Some would go to the extent of having only one ear playing, so to avoid such issues, I would go for a wireless one. 

  17. Well, if there is any need to have a CCTV installed in my home probably as a result of security issues, then I'm sure it's a good idea. It would be very helpful in keeping stalkers away from your home as well as thieves. 

  18. I would like to recommend playing Tekken 7 if you are that interested in playing fighting games. It's a great addition to the fighting gaming franchise, I have been playing it for a while now and it's quite a great deal of game. 

  19. 4 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    The ending to Zelda: A Link To The Past was a bit of a let down. I was hoping for more, but got relatively nothing. Same goes for Castlevania Symphony Of The Night.

    I had the same feelings about the ending of Zelda, as a good fan of the game, it surprised me a bit but I waved it off and moved on to other games. 

  20. Blaster Master seems pretty good to me. I think that I have seen a few people who are into such classic games and they are very well satisfied with it. Literally, I don't have an specific game preference but as long as the game is fun filled to play, I'm good with it. 

  21. Take it from me that you are not the only female who plays video games because I have lots of female friends as well as my cousins who are active gamers. Hell, my sister plays with her smartphone almost all the time. 

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