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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. On 3/4/2019 at 4:24 AM, Anachiwo said:

    I'm kind of an old school gamer, so I would like to have old contra to play on Playstation 4. Player contra first on my Sega console, so I would like to play it new on Playstation 4. It would be fun. 

    There There is a possibility that this game would be available and upgraded in Playstation 4. Why don't you try look it up and see what you come up with. 

    Good luck. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    Yeah. I think you've said all the answer here. I can't think in a better reason for it, haha! Most of people think just like us and I think this never gonna change. But video game demos are still important.

    Of course video games demo are very important otherwise the game companies would not bother making them in the first place. Some people might have different views on it but it doesn't really change how good they are. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, Anachiwo said:

    I'm really not that much of a PC gamer but rather more into console gaming. I simply manage any kind of mouse I come across whenever I had to play with PC. My advice for you would be to go to game store where you are supposed to buy the mouse and ask the store keeper for the best one within your budget. 

    I support this opinion, it's the best way to getting the right mouse for your PC in my opinion. 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Anachiwo said:

    Probably you must have some knowledge about how good or bad the said game which you wanted to play which as a result of such information you aren't bothered about playing the demo. This happens to most people. 

    Well, truth be told this might be a good reason why some people don't bother to play game Demo because they already have the needed information about the game already, so still going to play the demo is a waste of time and effort. 

  5. 7 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    I’ve never played a visual novel before, and don’t even entirely know what the genre is. Does anyone here play visual novels, and if so, which do you recommend on any system?

    We are exactly in the same shoe my friend. I have no idea what it's all about and from the looks of it, I'm not sure if I'm going to be bothered about it because I still have so many I haven't played which are already in my possession. 

  6. On 1/28/2019 at 11:33 PM, Cleopatra92 said:

    My favorite PC games when I was little were probably Pharaoh, Caesar II & III, Zoo Tycoon, RollerCoaster Tycoon, and, of course, The Sims 2.

    Other than Caesar II, I still play most of these at least once a year lol

    The Sims, Rollercoaster, Tycoon and Ceasar are very good PC classic games. My favorite is the Sims 2, it's such a great game which I'm sure that most people played. 

  7. 33 minutes ago, Anachiwo said:

    It looks like you have been exposed to so much noise that it's affected your hearing because being indoors and still needing to increase the TV volume to highest support the fact your hearing is affected. 

    There is an atom of truth in what you have said because I grew up in a lousy neighborhood full of all sorts of noise and distraction, so my hearing must have been affected at my young age without my knowledge of it, and it's probably now I'm feeling the effects of it. 

  8. 11 hours ago, mont86 said:

    TV speakers and sometimes on mute..  I do think the music can get your heart rate up whilst gaming.

    It's never enough to make use of my television speakers to listen. If that should be the case, it means that I would have to increase the television volume to highest in order to hear it well. 

  9. Ludo and chess is my favorite board games. I have the habit of playing with my friends and family over the weekend especially when we do not go for a hang out on such weekends. 

    Chess is fun to play if you know how to play it well. 

  10. Personally, I have never cheated in any games so far as a gamer. If I simply cannot finish the game, I would give it my all but if still proves abortive, I will give up on it and move to another. I have actually used any game cheats yet although I'm well aware of some of it. 

  11. On 2/28/2019 at 6:40 PM, Alyxx said:

    I'm fine with simple flat screen.

    That's more like it and I'm sure it's what most people would bank on. Who cares whether they play games using a curved TV screen or flat screen? What's more important is that they enjoy the game irrespective of which kind of TV it's played with. 

  12. On 2/7/2019 at 9:01 AM, Anachiwo said:

    Gameboy was my first gaming device, then Playstation 1 followed up and later Playstation 3. I didn't have any experience with Playstation 2. It's few months ago that I purchased Playstation 4. 

    Gameboy is cool. I had a great experience playing with it during my kids phase as a gamer. I think that most kids living in my neighborhood back then almost all had Gameboy. 

  13. On the part of being too young to play depends strictly on the kids ability to play. As long as the kid understands the game, knows how to play, then he or she is no longer too young to play even if he or she is still 2 years old or less. 

    On adult part, there is nothing like being too old to play as long you still enjoy the act. I'm a father with kids and I still play well. 

  14. 9 hours ago, Bravosi said:

    I listen with headphones, but obviously I sometimes use dynamics. Depends on what situation it is. Headphones are comfortable, but my head hurts sometimes because of them.

    Well, depending on the design and how portable the headphone you are making use of would determine whether it's going to be hurting you from long use. Mine fits just about perfectly, so no pains at all, no stress. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Anachiwo said:

    What I love about such gaming sites is the amount of gaming knowledge one can tap from watching it. It's very amazing what you can learn in a day as a gamer by using such sites. 

    Case in point, before these gamers upload to such gaming sites, they are already at a great point of expertise that they have so much to offer to their fan base. It's actually why most people lurk these gaming sites in search of more tips on how to get better. 

  16. Our old games lay the foundation for our entire gaming experience time stamps. They mold our future gaming preference and selection. If you take a look at the kind of games which you play now, you can bet to see some significant similarities between the old games and the new ones. 

  17. On 7/17/2018 at 9:06 PM, Keranov said:

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I have played 3 competitive matches today. I won one, another finished tied and the last one we lost because they were hackers and 2 people of our team abandoned the match. I really hate noobs with hacks and people who just join and leave but whatever...

    The tension that comes with playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive is what I find so impressive. You just simply can't get enough of the game if you are very good at it. 

    It's such a great game. 

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