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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. Headphones gives the best quality when it comes to bringing out the real sound effects used in the game music. Normally, I don't feel comfortable disturbing others with my game soundtrack, so using the headphones offers some sort of privacy. 

  2. I believe that it's a terrible combination - wearing glasses and headphones. What are you trying to do to yourself? You can't focus with reading and at the same time listening to music with the headphones on. 

    You can't serve two masters at the same time. 

  3. I'm not among the set of impatient gamers who just rush into any game without having more information and reviews about it. In my opinion, game demo's are very important because it would literally give you an insight into what you are going to be getting in the game. I'm fully in support of game Demo. 

  4. Seriously, email spams is a good reason why I find it very difficult to register or subscribe to any online site because they will spam the living daylight out of your mailbox. 

    Most times, what I do is create a new mail to use for registering on such suspicious sites and careless about their spams. 

  5. 6 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Lot of gaming companies are rebooting the 1 year old games by creating side quests and DLC. So they can get some of the sales again. And things just keep moving ahead for them. So side quests and additional levels or say DLC of some sort can be definitely helpful for anyone who is trying to sell his games. I personally think that there are many games out there who do that. 

    Exactly. Look at some many side quests in one my favorite games called Final Fantasy. It's making the company gain more new sales. Also with the issue of remake, it's also another amazing opportunity for them to resell the game all over again. 

  6. 6 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I don't think the data that Google plus is giving away is importable in literal sense. I think text can be imported but the image and other formats are less likely to be so. And in such context I think it's nothing but account deletion option for them. Most of the google plus users also seem to be not interested in moving to facebook. so no idea how they plan on making the move and to where. 

    It's all up to you the technical team of Google to make provision for this data move. I believe that it's something that can easily be done by simply enabling a path to which such data can be moved. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    Yes, they've been fighting so hard for their place in this market and they deserve every single space they can get. Most of male players still need to learn that... But guess what, with or without them, women will get there!

    Of course yes, they have the quality to get there on top with the level of commitment and dedication they are investing in the franchise. Women are no longer the weaker sex. 

  8. 13 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    I think their representativeness has grown a lot over the years (definitely, today they had a much larger space than years ago). However, is far from reaching the threshold that the male side achived. Maybe, in a few more years, women gain the power they deserve.

    Gone are the days when women sit back and allow men to take all the glory and spotlight, now they are all out for it with men and they are doing relatively well from my perspective. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    I never liked those kind of chats. In my opinion, they only served to feed unnecessary discussions and draw attention away from the game. Plus, most of the current players (specially teenagers) are super boring and nonsense!

    Welcome to my game frustration. Seriously, the rate with which teenagers get into gaming is appalling and they literally lack good manners with how they talk and insult others in the game. This is a complete turn for me in some games. 

  10. 9 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I think it'd be possible that most of the Google plus users can move to other social networks like Diaspora. Though there are many social networks that are going to take opportunity. So far I think GNU social and the diaspora seems to be a good option for those who are planning to get into the safe social network that does not collect data like facebook. 

    Literally, that's the only choice that they are have to stick with as a result of the shutdown. One important thing Google should make sure to make provisions would be to make it possible for them to retrieve their data. 

  11. 9 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I love playing side quests. Be it any game. Even the mobile. I tend to prefer those type of the games can be fun for the overall game titles. I have learned from my experience that if you want to keep gamers engaged you have to create such side quests and the tangent story lines. That always helps out retaining the gamers on the game. 

    Exactly, and if the side quests are very fun and interesting, it's bound to get gamers to spend more time on it than the main game play. 

  12. 13 hours ago, Shine_Spirit said:

    I think any time is a good time to play video games (okay... weekends are better, haha!). But, I'd rather play it at night, after work / shower and dinner... Haha! Mainly because I get more relaxed and I always enjoy it more. 

    If you don't have anything much to do with time on weekends, aside from those that also works on weekends, then it's indeed a good time to play games. Although, some people would like to visit their friends and family on weekends as well as hang out with them. 

  13. Some people are very good with complain about just on anything even when it's their decision to get into such things or not. Side quest is a thing that can be ignored if you are not interested or play when you feel like. Personally, I don't have any problems with it at all. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Bravosi said:

    Game chats are not fun to people anymore because people became lazy, and moreover, unable to socialize. That's the reason why RPG's are in decline nowadays.

    This is absolutely true. At the moment, it's going into extinction and there is no chance of it ever being a trend any more. It was good then when it lasted. 

  15. On 2/18/2019 at 5:46 AM, skyfire said:

    Yes small boredom is okay to adjust but big impact on the life can be bad. And the thing is that gamers may not be bad. But games can be bad and have some sort of the psychological consequences. Many people tend to ignore that basic point. Because they think that it is upto us to adjust but addiction does not work like that. 

    A good number of people today are chronic introverts simply because of getting too drifted into fantasy game world and spilling far away from reality. This is a very big problem that is associated with game addiction. 

  16. On 2/20/2019 at 6:10 AM, skyfire said:

    Considering the innovation inside the Google is stagnated. They don't plan on making new one though. Google is now new cesspool for SJWs. So it may not release any new social media. And that means people have to be in need for moving to other social networks. I have seen some people moving to diaspora. And I guess it works out for them who knows. 

    As Google have made it a public news it's shutting down its Google+ platform, their users are definitely going to move on. 

    Nokia had ovimail in the past, but today it's scrapped and no more, most people moved to Gmail. 

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