I love the PlayStation Vita. I have 2. I actually bought the 2000 first then learned about the OLED screen on the 1000, and eventually buyers remorse got the better of me and I bought a second one. I registered my 2000 in the UK so I can have access to the European PS store, so far I only have Final Fantasy one & two, 25th anniversary editions on that one. Since they never added those to the PS store in NA.
Anyways my favorite games for the Vita are
Dragon Quest Builders
Persona 4 Golden
Odin Sphere
Ninja Gaiden Sigma + 1 & 2
Killzone Mercenary
Dragon's Crown
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Adventures of Mana
Child of Light
Muramasa Rebirth
I feel like I must be forgetting some. But anyways not a terrible list, and those are only the games that I love on the system that are PS Vita only games, so I didn't include any PSP games or PS1 games.
Sheesh just realized this is kinda a necro post. Sorry.