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Aerielle del Rosario

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Everything posted by Aerielle del Rosario

  1. I love reading short stories especially horror ones, glad to find this website that has a collection of original short stories โค๏ธ What about you guys? Do you like reading? Do you have some sites or original works that you can recommend to me? I would love to read them ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. I see.. when is the official global launch?
  3. I played a random game called "Guns of Glory" (just to earn in-game points in my main game that I'm playing at that time) then someone messaged me to join in their kingdom and since I'm a newbie, I joined to their kingdom like really don't care at all...but I'm glad I joined with their kingdom because they're really fun to hang out with and it became a new reason for me to play the game. Nice lads!
  4. I know I'm late with the news but is anyone here playing it on mobile? How was it? ๐Ÿ™‚ I couldn't download it because of my phone's storage that's very close to hit its maximum... so I just want to know everyone's opinion about it!
  5. You can try vainglory, arena of valor, heroes arena, and Extraordinary Ones: Anime-style 5V5 MOBA ๐Ÿ™‚ hope it helps
  6. I think so especially with the leaked footage of it's gameplay on android (sorry I don't have the video >.<)
  7. I'm very excited of this film but which one will be the first to release... matrix 4 or bill and ted?
  8. I started playing Dark Souls (I know it was too late) anyways the beginning were already difficult... I don't know how to progress anymore and me think of just dropping it but I'm like...'I can do it'. So do you have any games experience that's difficult just from the beginning that it made you want to quit or rage?
  9. me too... because it will take me for several hours if I didn't
  10. I have 2 t-shirts from Uniqlo's Blizzard Special: Hearthstone cards and D.Va from Overwatch ๐Ÿ˜„ then I have a mini figurine of Leon from RE. OH YEAH before I forgot... -1 poster of Persona 5 -1 poster of Mario Kart -3 different posters of Sekiro
  11. I always wanted to become a scriptwriter so if ever I'll make a movie, it will be a psychological thriller. A story of a young man working on his project at late night when he saw someone standing in his neighbour's window, smiling at him. ๐Ÿ˜„ What about yours?
  12. I want to watch Yesterday...

  13. It's good that they're doing that for their employees but somehow if I see it in a corporate view, it's a marketing strategy...to shadow the real cause of delay and explaining the reason with sublimation.
  14. On the scale of 1-10 with 10 as the highest and 1 as the lowest, how good are you in swimming?
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