I think it is a good article showing how gamers and developers are being f***ed by Steam/Apple/Google. This needs to change.
"Nowadays, more and more developers talk about the bad influence of Steam, the App Store, and Google Play. Is it fair to pay 30% for a simple distribution without any promotion, after doing all the hard work of developing the game?
In addition to taking fees, Apple also requires paying for a developer account, and it costs $99 per year.
Google sells accounts for developers for $25 (one-time payment).
Steam takes $100 for adding the game to its store.
In 2018, Steam changed its fee policy. Now it takes 30% only from the first $10 million in sales. For all sales between $10 million and $50 million, the split goes to 25%. And for every sale after the initial $50 million, Steam will take just a 20 percent cut. However, this cut only benefits the large developers. Small developers with small sales numbers are put at a gross disadvantage with this new policy. It seems rather silly to pay that much when there are some platforms that take a smaller fee. For example, Ultra takes only a 15% fee while providing all the aforementioned functionality, plus even more."
Source: https://hackernoon.com/how-steam-apple-and-google-use-their-monopoly-in-the-gaming-industry-1k2q3yic