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Everything posted by AnthoP

  1. In a recent statement, Ubisoft announced that they are collaborating with Ultra to create the games distribution platform that will compete with Steam. This news, which has gone slightly unnoticed video games world, is a huge blow for the French studio! So, they have just announced an AMA to answer the questions of those who would like to know what this partnership means, what will be this competitor of Steam, what role will play Ubisoft in this, etc. The AMA will happen this Friday, November 29 at 4 pm UTC and you can already ask your questions on Twitter with the hashtag #UbisoftxUltra More on the Ubisoft x Ultra partnership: https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/ubisoft-joins-ultra-blockchain-corporate-210003102.html AMA Announcement: https://twitter.com/ultra_io/status/1199011166019821568
  2. I think it is a good article showing how gamers and developers are being f***ed by Steam/Apple/Google. This needs to change. "Nowadays, more and more developers talk about the bad influence of Steam, the App Store, and Google Play. Is it fair to pay 30% for a simple distribution without any promotion, after doing all the hard work of developing the game? In addition to taking fees, Apple also requires paying for a developer account, and it costs $99 per year. Google sells accounts for developers for $25 (one-time payment). Steam takes $100 for adding the game to its store. In 2018, Steam changed its fee policy. Now it takes 30% only from the first $10 million in sales. For all sales between $10 million and $50 million, the split goes to 25%. And for every sale after the initial $50 million, Steam will take just a 20 percent cut. However, this cut only benefits the large developers. Small developers with small sales numbers are put at a gross disadvantage with this new policy. It seems rather silly to pay that much when there are some platforms that take a smaller fee. For example, Ultra takes only a 15% fee while providing all the aforementioned functionality, plus even more." Source: https://hackernoon.com/how-steam-apple-and-google-use-their-monopoly-in-the-gaming-industry-1k2q3yic
  3. If you plan to attend E3 this year in LA and you are a developer, I highly recommend that you schedule a demo of Ultra so you can discover before everyone what we need for the future of video game distribution: # Small Publishing Fees # In-Game Asset Ownership # Extensive Community Features # Highly Customizable Monetization System Schedule here: https://calendly.com/melissa-e3/meeting
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