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Shagger last won the day on August 31 2024

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  • Birthday July 3

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  1. Moving this to the Video Games sub-forum as the topic is about asoefic game and not a gaming related topic.
  2. Posting this asking for advice on resources and tools to help with the search is fine, but wouldn't it make more sense to post whatever details about the game you're looking for as well? Give us details you remember on whatever game it is you're trying to find on the chance we've heard of it? Why ask what forums we would use when you're already on one?
  3. I can't speak from personal experience, but I did find this Reddit thread that might help. Overall, it seams like the games run fine with a few issues here and there. I'd say go for it.
  4. This is a complex issue. There are licenses, local laws and contracts involved with selling games in a specific country. These factors of course change from country to country as well. This isn't big, mean Microsoft stopping people getting good deals on games, this is Microsoft trying to stay on the right side of thier contractual and legal obligations. Even so, banning individual accounts over this seems like both an extreme and lazy way to go about this. The right thing to do would be to detect users using a VPN (Something they clearly are able to do) and cutting off access to the store while a VPN us active.
  5. I think the long development time for games these days is a a factor here. Third party developers get dev' kits maybe about a year before a console's launch, but if a game being developed specifically for that console or console generation takes 6-7 years to make, this sort of thing is bound to happen.
  6. Let's face it, even if it was not these modders' intention, it's only a matter of time until somebody makes a version of this mod that will work with downloadable roms. I wouldn't be shocked that it could work with downloadable Ron's right now if they are in the correct format, such as an ISO. Regardless, this is great stuff. Great for game preservation as a lot of publishers/developers who made 360's have gone under since then. I don't see Microsoft wasting thier time taking issue with this, but I do see some publishers (Such as, I'm afraid to say, Sega) not liking this.
  7. What's the point on creating this thread just answer your own question? Locked.
  8. Again, this is thread that makes sense in reference to the current generation of consoles, not the previous one. In this state, this thread is worthless. So this thread is also getting locked.
  9. @Scorpion We're going back to this weird thing whare you post as if it's years in the past. We've been through this before, and I asked you stop. And to your credit, you did. But now it's back. There is no reason to have a "next-gen" discussion involving the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo WiiU in 2025 with thier successors all having been out for years. Hell, the successor of the successor of one of those consoles is coming out later this year! This is nonsense and it ends now. I don't care for your excuses, there is nothing you can say that will make this anything but these thread a ridiculous waste of time. Stop it. Thread locked.
  10. I'm not sure how I missed this topic because I have a lot to say. But hey, better late than never... Honestly, I have no respect for the opinions of prudes and idiots who don't understand the difference between depictions intimacy and depictions of sex. Especially when said individuals use thier own prudishness and lack of undertanding as a mechanism to talk down to people. I can almost garuntee the same people wouldn't say the same thing about movies, TV shows or books. Of course, there is a line between between appropriate, even if it is explicit, depictions of intimacy and exploitative, cheep exploitation and juvenile depictions of sex to sell to twits. The first issue is very simple, and I've said the same thing about violence in video games. The ratings system is there for a reason. That reason is to alert you to the content contained in the game. If you as a parent, or even just as an individual, don't respect video games for what the are, as in that they are an entertainment medium and not toys, then that's on you. You may get shocked and shaken that precious little Jimmy saw boobies playing Mass Effect or The Witcher, but you have nobody to blame except yourself. Thier complaints ended in terms of relevancy the moment age ratings started to appear on game boxes back in the mid-90's. Frankly, I find the fact that this is still a thing 30 years later is embarrassing. Next, onto the porn... I mean the point... or maybe I do mean the porn. That is the "controversy", right? I have nothing against sex or nudity or anything like that in games, but I hate seeing as a cheep excuse to sell the to the 13 year who's just discovered what his willy does. And that is ultimately what the difference between porn and legitimate media with sexual content. Context. Nodody bought "Debbie Does Dalles" for the plot and games like Mass Effect and The Witcher series aren't loved because there's tits in them. Context, like human intimacy and relations, is complex, so it's impossible to genralise, but I think most adults can look at a specific piece of media and understand wether or not any expressions of sex are appropriate in context or not. There is even such a thing as porn games, and they have existed since the days of the Atari 2600. And you know what, that's fine too. I personally see no reason to take issue with people playing games one handed with a box of tissues on the side. Hell, people who play emotional games have a similar set up. Jokes aside, I see no reason for games like that too exist, in fact, I even see them as more morraly adapt way to create such media than more traditional pornography. Some people aren't comfortable with sexually graphic content in media, and that's fine. I want to make it 100% clear they do not deserved to judged for it, nor do they even have to explain themselves. Some folk are just more comfortable with it than others. If there is something about a game that makes you uncomfortable, don't support it. Unless the game, or even a movie, TV show or whatever, is a deliberate attempt to provoke, offend or spread misinformation, then people should leave it be. And frankly, there are people on both sides of the political spectrum who need to heed that lesson. And this is what I think @Osiris397 was eluding to. And I don't think either of us want him to be, but he's right. Gaming at it's core more about action, not emotion. In the end, playing a video game is a test of self, so media that is traditional more existentially expressive is hard to translate into it. Having said that, improvements in the technology has made line between video games and visual media, like movies and TV shows, very blurry indeed. To the point where the only real difference is between the people who will indulge in one, but not the other. Pompous bastards, in other words. Games that practically sell themselves on emotional stories, like The Last of Us or Life is Strange, have been massively successful in recent years. Not to mention that adaptations between them have also seen a marked improvement in both quality and sucess recently as well and it's because video games are, at long last, being taken seriously.
  11. I actually disagree. Sega did well with the Mega Drive/Genesis because they beat Nintendo to 16bit, but the basic concepts and designs they implemented into thier hardware weren't that different. There was no real innovation there. Ever since the Mega Drive/Genesis, it was mistake after mistake. The rushed out the SegaCD/MegaCD when the technology was too young, not to mention it's impracticalities as an add-on instead of a separate console. Then there was the pointless 32X add-on they came out with leaving the Saturn underdeveloped compared the Playstation and N64. They never really recovered from that. It's a shame because thier next console, the Dreamcast, was the innovative, well developed console they needed instead of the aforementioned add-ons and Saturn, but it came too late. So in answer to the original question, yes. Sega's failures opened the door. Especially for Sony who made a similar console to the Saturn in that they were both CD based 32bit systems, but without Sega's split focus, Sony made it better.
  12. If your question is "Do you suspect that that so many indie games utilse retro style graphics because they can't produce more modern graphics?", I have to say yes. It's not that these games look bad or anything, I just find it a little embarrassing when indie game developers insist that retro style graphics are a stylistic choice when, at least some of the time, it clearly wasn't.
  13. I'm meant to say "Giant's", but it must have autocorrected to "Goats" 🤣
  14. I was gonna say the same thing. Even by modern standards the Big Gordon's Sword is a pain in the ass. Getting the Goats Wallet is a pain as well because of how cryptic some of the Gold Skulletas are.
  15. Shagger

    UFC 311

    @Heatman, there was no reason to start three separate topics for this as these fights were all at the same event. That is why I've merged them together and given them a general title. Please stick to this format in the future.
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