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Shagger last won the day on August 31 2024

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About Shagger

  • Birthday July 3

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  1. I don't really see the issue of a minority (Albeit an annoyingly loud minority) of gamers being, let's say, culterally intolant and what the Star Citizen fanbase do as the same thing. In both cases it takes a special level of stupidity to engage, but I can feel sorry for the Star Citizen fans in the same way I feel for scam victims in general. I understand how it's much easier on one's pride to believe the lies of the scammer than admit to yourself that you have been fooled. Yes, Star Citizen's fans, or perhaps Star Citiizen's victems to be more accurate, have been making themselves look stupid by not only buying into that scam, but relentlessly defending it for over a decade. However, as with all scam victims, it's not simple stupidly that brought them there. They are victems of some very shrewed, crewel but also very clever manipulation. You can't put the blame, or at least not all if it, on them. The culturally intolerant I mentioned earlier deserve no such sympathy. It's all very simple with them. Stupid, ignorant, closed minded people doing stupid, ignorant, closed minded things.
  2. Saying that games should be developed for a specic culture to play implies that gamers aren't capable of enjoying cultural themes in games unless it's thier own. As petty and narrow minded as some gamers have proven themselves to be, I have to believe that we are better than that.
  3. Honestly, as mush as I like him in ring, I find the character a bit dull. I fear this push he's getting is coming a little too soon, but I hope to be proven wrong.
  4. Sorry to hear about your aunt. That's rough. Anyhow, I'm back home now. I'm still is a bit of discomfort after the procedure, but im otherwise OK. Just need to wait for the results of the tests.
  5. Every time a referee makes a decision, there is always somebody who has to turn it into a conspirisy. I've never put much stock in that crap and I'm not about to start now. In the end, referees are human beings and will make bad calls, but that doesn't mean there's a bias.
  6. A little update, but try not to be too concerned. I'm being admitted to hospital tomorrow for some minor surgery on Wednesday. More specifically, a renal (kidney) biopsy. For the past 6 months or so, traces of blood and protine have been found in my urine indicating a kidney problem. The biopsy is being done to try and definitively diagnose the problem. If all goes well, I should be back home Wednesday evening. Again, try not to worry, and because the operation will be done under general anesthetic meaning I'll be awake), I might find myself with some more time to hang around on VGR than I've had in recent weeks as I recover. So I'm looking forward to that and to generally taking it easy over the next week.
  7. To me, they're different enough that it's hard to say because it turns them into completely different games to each other in my eyes.
  8. That's like saying Racial segregation in the United States was a good thing because it meant black people could sit in the same resteraunts as white people. There was literally no reason to have "white zones" and "black zones" in resteraunts as there was no difference between intended use and reason to be there between white and black people. It was based on prejudice and nothing else. It's the same with e-sports gender segregation. There is no justifiable reason to separate genders for such competition as gender provides no difference in the parameters of the competitive abilities of the players. This can be justifiable in certain athletic completion as men and woman have desimilarities in how thier bodies grow and develop, especially under physical training. As e-sports are not athletic completion, like I said in my earlier post: So that statement from you makes no sense. The weird thing is, the second half of you post completely contradicts it; You're actually right, here. Gender segration would entrench stereotypes and open completion would foster equality. However, gender segregation is NOT open completion. It would actually close of leagues and tournaments to certain individuals and teams because of the gender of the players. It's the literal opposite of open competition.
  9. Day 1 patches I'm OK with. Some bugs are only detectable right before launch. Besides, it's better that a gaming coming out broken. It paid content on day one that bothers me. If content is completed for a game's launch, it should not be charged as an extra. Sadly, the industry has chipped away at people's tolerance for these absurd business practices. Every game has Day 1 DLC or pre-order bonuses
  10. Shagger


    I played the original back in the day. It was a decent arcade racer with impressive graphics for it's time. The game controlled OK for a game of it's time, but by modern standers it doesn't hold up well. It was slippery and floaty. It was also sevely lacking in content with only 6 tracks and I think 8 cars (Well, 16 given there was a manual and automatic of each car). I also don't recall there being any multiplayer of any kind, which is admitantly difficult on a PC game from 1995. Whare the game excelled was it's soundtrack. You could select the audio files on the game disk (CD-ROM) to play as the in game music and it sounded fantastic. This new game is certainly a very drastic change in style. The trailer implies a very similar approach to the core gameplay, and arcade style racer with drifting and so on, but it will have to be further developed and improved on.
  11. Yeah, this is AI generated visuals. There are subtle inconsistences with colour boundaries and shading that just don't look right. For example, no competent human artist would have so much pink and purple on both the character models (the focus for the eye) and all over the backgrounds. That happend because the "developers" specified those colours and likely negated to specify thier use or add more colours. Even the game description on Steam reads like a checkbox for an AI filter. Don't get me wrong, it looks pretty. Very pretty. I was especially impressed with the fur effects and animations, but it's also complelty shameless.
  12. The longest single session I had playing a game was Uncharted 4. I started after breakfast, then the next thing thing I knew it was thing I knew it was time to call it a night 16 hours later. Weird thing it I do t actually rate the game that highly, but it was obviously doing something right.
  13. I finds games calm me, give me focus. Even in frustrating moments I'm quite chill, just sorting of muble my frustrations out then get back to it. There are other things in life that provoke more of a reaction.
  14. I saw a topic posted just the other day about Cyberpunk 2077, and this is what I had to say then; And I'll echo similar sentiments here. We gamers have no good reason to care about game sales. In the case of Elden Ring, I will never buy it because I'm not interested. I don't care if a billion people buy it, I still won't. And if I did buy it, then they got me! Good for them, I bought the game! The sales figures, if anything, would mean even less to me then. The point is there are games I love that I feel as if I'm almost the only person who has played them (Like The Vagrant or Nights of Azure). Likewise, there are games that are bought by everyone and thier mother that I can't stand (GTA IV, Bloodborne, Destiny and Call of Duty come to mind). I know that typically when games sell well it's for a reason, but it garuntees nothing. In the end, it means nothing. And once again, I do not get why people are so obsessed with this.
  15. The more I think about, the stranger the idea of drinking cow's milk actually is. And I love milk... I mean somebody looked at a tone of smelly animal and decided "Yes, I'll drink out of that" when the idea of drinking human milk, something most of us did as babies, is generally consided a vile idea. An alien looking at that behaviour would be baffled.
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