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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. With all due respect to parents everywhere, I don't think reading the labels on a video game's box before you buy it is asking for much out of even the busiest parent.
  2. We don't need a more strict rating system, what we need is for parents/guardians to respect the systems we already have. There are still to many adults out there who don't respect video games as an entertainment media the same way they look at movies and television. They still see video games as "toys" to then be appalled to find these "toys" are full of violence, sex and so on. It never occurs to them that it's their fault for ignoring the badge on the front with a big age stamp or "M Rated" or whatever. PEGI, the ESRB and the other rating agencies out there aren't perfect, but it's hardly thier fault if ignorant parents choose to ignore their advice. No new system will fix the fundamental problem no matter how strict it is.
  3. Former Blizzard boss Mike Morhaime has issued a statement/apology on the issue published by Kotaku. I believe he's sincere in his apology, but Mike, you were at Blizzard for nearly 30 years with this happening right under you nose, so this is too little and far, FAR to late given that at least one woman has lost her life over this and god knows how many others have has thier self-esteem destroyed. If this misogynistic, "Frat Boy" culture was not what you and J. Allen Brack wanted at the company, why didn't you do something about it? Morhaime, Brack, you can both shove a large, seasoned onion between the lips you never kiss with like the turkeys you both are. At least Mike Morhaime is showing some sincerity and taking responsibility.
  4. Most games give you an option to re-bind the keyboard to other commands that aren't the default. Even if a game doesn't allow it, there's always third party software and programmable keyboards and mice that will do the same thing. I use a programmable mouse as I like to transfer as much control away from the keyboard as possible. In my perfect world, I'd only use the keyboard to access to access and navigate menus, WASD keys to move, number keys for hotkey shortcuts for items and weapons and that's it. It's not perfect, though. Programmable peripherals take time to get set up right. I was only satisfied with how I had set up the M/K controls for Horizon Zero Dawn on PC after about 2-3 hours of fiddling with it. For me though, the whole issue of preference when it comes to control is mostly down to the game. I would hate trying to play a RTS game with a controller, and would equally hate a very stealth focused 3rd person game like Metal Gear Solid or Assassin's Creed using M/K as a keyboard just doesn't allow for the same control over speed of movement. It's useally a toggle choice between fast as a thief at market or slow as an ass with no legs. Even in games like Skyrim I find it annoying.
  5. I thought about this, and if the community wants it, I would create Sticky threads in the Video Game Deals sub-form with the purpose of keeping people up to date on what the latest games on offer through PS+, GWG and other such services are. It would be laborious and I'd think most people get that information in good time anyway, but if the community thinks this would be helpful, I'm all for helping out. It would also be a place to discuss what games you want to see, discuss rumours and post your thoughts on the games these services are currently offering. So tell me what you think. Do you think this is a useful idea or not and what services you want to see included if we go ahead with the idea.
  6. This article from Gamespot has the full details, but also check out this video from ReviewTechUSA This is surely the final nail in Sadia's coffin. There are also rumours abut Netflix partnering with Playstation (as published by What Hi-Fi), but take that with a gain of salt. If there was one company I wanted to see do this, it would be Netflix and I'm so glad they won't be charging extra for it. They've proven over the years that they can deliver a reliable service and aren't afraid to be brave how they invest, so this is exiting for me. The one that's a little disappointing is that they'll be focused, at least initially, on mobiles games, but I'm sure that wont last. What's your thoughts?
  7. Like I said, I refused to baited by you, so I'm responding to any of that nonsense you just said (although I do feel sorry for anyone who has had the misfortune to work for you if you think that's how it's supposed to work, but commission based jobs aside that really isn't how it works, so that's probably not true), but I do need point out that the quote above is a blatant a lie. This is what you said;
  8. YongYea made a follow up video detailing Blizzard's response, and this has not helped thier case at all. Well, there is little doubt in my mind that the "Frat Boy" culture at Blizzard is a real thing and that little to nothing has been done about it. I hope the get shafted for this. J Allan Barrack should resign and someone from outside he company with a proven record of managing a company with a favourable reputation when it comes to employee fait treatment should come i to weed out this current culture at Blizzard. Employees shouldn't trust the current management and thier word that things will "get better" and that they have a "zero tolerance pricy" against harassment when it's the same management who let this carry on for years. Why am I not surprised to see you and try and make victims out to be problem for calling this shit out? Paying men more than woman for doing the same job is a valid part of the lawsuit as it's misogynistic and discriminatory in exactly the same way as denying woman promotions because "if the get pregnant they wouldn't be able to fulfil their duties". I worked in a number of places and the only time I have never seen two people doing the same job in the same department at the same place of work getting payed different amounts is when is when one is a contractor and the other a core employee with the company (Typically contractors get payed more at the cost of having less benefits and less job security). That claim of yours that it's fair for two people in the same job at the same company as employees of that company with similar experience can get payed different amounts because "the tasks are different" is bullshit, and whoever told you that is a liar. I doesn't matter if one of them is far better at the job than the other, that is never a factor. If the company decided they're both qualified by hiring them, they're both same on paper, and that's that and they deserve equal pay and benefits. If the tasks were different enough to warrant different amounts of pay, it would be listed as a different job entirely, or at least that's how it should be. So even if that is Blizzards excuse, it doesn't exactly help them. It'll just be another example of employees being mistreated. That would be the case even if it turned out the woman was getting payed more, so you're right about one thing, that issue has got nothing to with sexism. However, I can't help but get the feeling that it's the woman getting payed less in this scenario with Blizzard and does bring the possibility of sexual discrimination back into it. This isn't cancel culture, this isn't anti-cooperate mobbing, this real life with real people where really get hurt and have thier will, self-esteem and mental health in general be badly affected. One woman even committed suicide during one of Blizzard's company trips because the "guys" were passing around nude photo's of her. So forgive me for offering no sympathy that this situation has once again questioned the reality you want to live in, but I really don't care how this affects you. I don't care because it's people like you who deny how racism, sexism, misogyny ect has been ingrained into society that is what allows it to keep happening. You are part of the problem, and you will continue to be part of the problem until you get off whatever planet your on and come back to earth. I've said my piece and thusly I will not respond you you on this thread because I know how stubborn we both are and refuse to waste any more of my time, but for your sake you have got to re-evaluate yourself.
  9. @StaceyPowers I'm gonna be honest, here. If it were really up to me, I might not let topics like this be posted at all. I feel that way because this serves a platform to bash one platform over others and that can cause real problems on gaming forums. "Fanboying" and "Waring" over platform preference has not really been an issue on VGR compared to other multi-platform gaming forums and communities in my experience. The VGR community has proven that these discussions can happen here on without it getting out of hand. I'm very thankful for that, but I want to keep it that way. So, whilst that's a marginal concern at best, there is another issue. That other issue being with this particular thread is the original title, it limits people to post very much in bias in favour of PC's as a platform without giving room to post otherwise. The core of the topic is fine, it's really about discussing differences in game controls and user interfaces, but it should be OK to post from various perspectives rather than just one. M/K controls and other control methods indigenous to PC's have drawbacks as well, and it's only fair to open this topic up to discuss those. This shouldn't be limited to PC's and consoles either, it would also be great to discuss the advantages and disadvantages mobile gaming bring to the table. So having thought about it, I have decided I will not lock nor delete this topic, but I am going to change the title to open the discussion up to accommodate a more broad and general perspective. Remember, we'll all gamers. Regardless of what we play on, we deserve equal respect. And @StaceyPowers, consider the title change a "working title". If you have a title in mind that would fit the new, more accommodating theme I've described, please let me know. This is still your topic, after all.
  10. Exactly, don't believe a word of it. Never watch those youtubers and don't follow thier social media. They are liars and con artists. That "leak" 3 days ago was not a significant day, it was Wednesday and nothing more. You said yourself that the information wasn't authenticated and there's a good reason for that. It's FAKE. People have making up and selling rumours on GTA6 for years and never comes to anything because it's fake. Trust me, it is better for your mental health to ignore them.
  11. You don't that feeling of connection or immersion from using a gamepad (Well you said joystick, but I'm gonna assume you meant a modern game controller) when playing racing games, but you do when using what a mouse and keyboard? Something that's, and let's be honest, even further separated from what is actually done to control a car in real life? Dose that some sort of sense that I'm not in on?
  12. I don't know where you get your information from, but here's a tip. Never go there again. Peddling lies about GTA6 has become industry all of it's own. People have had hugely successful YouTube channels by doing just that, and only that. That game is not expected to launch soon and there is no reason to believe it'll be the last GTA game. There isn't even sold proof the game is coming out al all.
  13. Honestly, I don't think I've played a game to date that really gets this right, and I am including TLOU in that bracket. So sorry, @StaceyPowers, but I think you're wrong. Ellie (and the other followers in TLOU) only behaved like people during very scripted moments. Otherwise, they had a habit of getting in the way, taking cover at your position instead of flanking and running around in front of enemies during stealth and somehow not being spotted. Now, I get that last part because in terms of gameplay because it really wouldn't be fair to have your position discovered on account of confused follower AI, but it still breaks immersion. TLOU2 improved a lot, but it ways still not perfect and, if anything, relied more heavily of scripted scenarios to make the follower AI work. At least the followers in that game were actually able to hit enemies and make some contribution in combat, and that is more than I can say for a lot of other games.
  14. Kind of, but The Last of Us is chess to RE checkers when it come to post-infection-apocalyptic storytelling. Everything I have to say about The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part 2 can be found in those links (WARNING: Long reads and there will be spoilers, especially for the first game).
  15. I don't have a big personal interest in this franchise, but I can see why fans aren't happy. The problem isn't the game itself. Truthfully, I think it looks kind of cool. The issue as far as I can tell is that it's a creative design and gameplay concept that hasn't really got anything to do with Tom Clancy as current fans know it. It's like if we get a Fallout game that's not a single player RPG, but a online looter-shooter MMO. No wait, that actually happened, and it didn't go down well. Same story with Metal Gear: Survive, Even if it were any good as the zombie hoard PVE multiplayer game that it was (It wasn't, it couldn't even meet that low bar), it still wouldn't have sat any better with fans as that it not what people want in a Metal Gear game. This doesn't mean XDefiant is gonna be a bad game, like I said I think it looks quite promising, but a colourful, anarchistic-punk themed online shooter is simply not Tom Clancy. I have no objections to Ubisoft making this game, but they've just slapped the Tom Clancy name it instead of doing what they should have done, that being releasing it as it's own IP. It's obvious why they did that, it's because they think the Tom Clancy name will help it sell. That is a terrible PR and promotional decision for two reasons; It alienates and frustrates current Tom Clancy fans who know what they like about the franchise and offering something that doesn't fit those hopes and expectations will make said fans less likely to buy the game. By slapping a famous name onto a game that doesn't conform to that specific franchise, what Ubisoft is basically telling potential gamers is "We don't think this this game is strong enough to stand on it's own and be successful by itself. We're making it, but already don't have an faith in it.". If the people making the game don't believe in in it, what reason does anybody else have to believe in it? Like I said, this doesn't mean that this will be a bad game, but when game companies have done this, especially recently, it has typically not turned out well. So this is a "wait for review" title at the absolute best for me, but that probably still means I'm the VGR member most exited for it .
  16. You thought that was bad, just check out the mascots for London 2012; Don't worry, you don't have a dirty mind, everyone thought the same damb thing.
  17. Great deal, flexible package and to aid to good causes as well. Link to sale page on Humble Bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/games/hearts-of-iron?utm_content=cta_button&mcID=102:60f7687408535150a13e8501:ot:59156c9e66d5d9205561fab7:1&linkID=60f76874e40701613114929c&utm_campaign=2021_07_21_heartsofiron_bundle&utm_source=Humble+Bundle+Newsletter&utm_medium=email Minimum price; 0.79p for the game alone(I'm guessing about $1) £6.08 for Game + 3 DLC add-ons £12.99 for full bundle (The example shown). Available until August 11nth.
  18. There's more to games than graphics, to the point I would say that's on the lower on the list of factors on what defines a good game. Art design, style, story, sound and most importantly gameplay matter so much more when it comes to engaging the player and overall enjoyment. Some would argue that order games handle those aspects better than more modern titles. So I'm sorry, but the statement "lower graphical fidelity makes games boring" makes no sense at all.
  19. He's right @skyfire. You could generate a list of "indie" games and include Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto 4 and The Witcher 3 and it would be perfectly valid.
  20. Just to clarify, this is VGR's official YouTube channel.
  21. Any animal that doesn't cooperate with the Zoo staff. Let's face it, that's the only time Zoo animals are actually entertaining.
  22. Shagger

    Steam Deck

    I wouldn't put so much faith in Valve. Remember the whole "Steam Machine" fad that fizzled away to nothing? That didn't catch on for many reasons, but what it mostly boils down to is when Valve designed the concept they clearly had no clue why people played games on console instead of PC's. They petty much assumed people played on console because they can't build PC's, wanted a box that would fit on a shelf and only played on controllers and that's about all thought process they put into it. This has been conceived with comparatively more common sense, but only because this isn't a new idea. There's other, similar devices out there, this is just the first one from a household name brand like Valve and Steam. This will not be a success if Valve underestimate the target audience again like the did with the Steam Machine.
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