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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Well, Doki Doki Literature Club is free to play, so if there's a good place to start, it's there.
  2. The most famous example of a visual novel would probably be Doki Doki Literature Club. The idea is a forum of interactive narrative whare players read text matched with images in the background to tell the story. Sometimes the characters are voiced and sometimes they re not and there often music as well. Think of it like a digital picture book. Usually the outcome of the story is determined by player choice. The quality of a visual novel is dependent on the artwork and the how good the narrative itself actually is.
  3. I think some kid googled "VGR" having named his YouTube channel as such, found the VGR logo and decided it was a good fit as a logo for the YouTube channel. Of course, only @DC can clarify if this is affiliated with VGR, but I suspect probably not. Joking aside, this might be worth you attention @DC.
  4. It was the trivia-based questions I struggled with. I remembered the actual film quite well.
  5. When I think "gothic" in terms of music, I think of dark, melodic, brooding symphonies with deep, bassy electric guitar riffs and operatic, haunting vocal styles that doesn't shy away from getting a little rough when the need arises. In other words, something like this..
  6. I've always believed the for something to be genuinely funny, it needs to go hand with intelligence. That doesn't mean it has to be mature or sophisticated, all the that means isn't something that relies on reactions generated buy pure impulse. It take a great deal of intelligence and foresight to present a scenario to the audience that get's their minds right ware you want them to get the exact reaction you want. That's why your wrong. Some douchebag wondering around swearing, making random pop culture references and relying of sexual humour and toilet humour is not funny. That's just stupid, and stupid isn't funny, not really, and it certainly isn't Deadpool. Deadpool is a very immature character in a lot of ways, but it's all put together where it absolutely depends on the audience's intelligence to bring the humour to life. What makes Deadpool funny, and @The Blackangel is right, he is extremely funny, is the complex way the character perceives himself and the world around him. He's self aware, yet utterly deluded at the same. It's maybe as if he maybe knows he's fictional, but is maybe confused about what fictional wold he's maybe in and maybe confused about what part he's supposed to play is this world... maybe. Despite that, he goes after his goals with the tenacity, certainty and drive of a superhero as if it's the simplest thing in the world. It's that sense of unpredictably combine with just how good the writers were at plotting his actions to have them make sense no matter how absurd they is why I love both the films so much. Ryan Reynolds was born to play this character, you can tell that he understands as well as anyone what the appeal of this character is and what makes him as entertaining and hilarious as he is. He can do that because he's smart as much as anything else, all comedians and comic actors are. People seriously underestimate how much brains it takes to be funny. Deadpool isn't even the only example of how immaturity can be funny when crafted with legitimate intelligence. Look at chows like South Park and Family guy that look like immature, fart-poop-boobies-swear word joke nonsense at first glance, but very cleverly weave in social and political satire into make up to really make the humour stand out.
  7. So he has STD's, what's the big deal? I'd quite enjoy Sturgeon, Tuna and Deepsea-Cod.
  8. I you were forced to eat an entire watermelon every meal, you'd literally up looking like one.
  9. Shagger

    Steam Deck

    Digital Foundry have uploaded an brilliantly detailed vidoe going through the spec's of the system better than I can, so here's the video. It looks promising, but not much more so than other handled gaming PC's that are hitting the market, such as the AYA NEO that was been talked about on the forums earlier in the year. I love the combined integration of a traditional gamepad with the dual touchpads of the steam controller, but I'm not sure about the Linux based OS. And really, to get the best out of this system, I think one would have to install windows on it and ignore the cheapest 64GB version altogether. I like the thing, I really do, but I think wiser gamers will wait about a year before jumping in. EDIT: Another big concern about all these handheld PC's is future proofing. The Switch, for example, was able to have seemingly impossibly ports coming it's way because developers themselves took the time to make thier games work with it's hardware. With these handheld PC's it's unlikely that many dev's will take the extra time they need to really eek the best out of ports for devices like this as all they're essentially doing id making a traditional PC game. If a gamer's hardware isn't up to snuff, it's generally "tough luck" on the part of the customer. Valve will have to convince dev's to put that little bit of extra time, toil and, ultimately, cash into making good ports for this device, especially in the years to come, and I just don't see that happening.
  10. I've heard of Pikmin, but never played it. It seams like one of these Nintendo franchises that Nintendo doesn't seem very interested in anymore, so sadly I doubt we'll see a new one on the horizon any time soon. Shame because it's always looked fun if not really my sort of thing.
  11. Final Fantasy XIII, it would give me a chance to shoot Snow in the face. That may no sound like the most noble or righteous of motives on paper, but trust me it is.
  12. Welcome to VGR. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. If you have a questions just ask.
  13. That's technically still mobile gaming. In terms of software and hardware architecture tablets and smartphones are pretty much the same.
  14. Your right. Internet not being available and the possibility of online services for games getting shut down are very real and justifiable concerns when it comes to digital game's distribution. Sadly, the question is kind irrelevant because there has not been a major PC game or port released on physical media for well over a decade. The format is long since died off. It's one the weaknesses of PC gaming in general. I did a little research on that game you mentioned Skip-Bo Castaway Caper and as far as I can tell the game has trouble running on modern systems because of an incompatibility with 64bit operating systems and hardware. This can, at least in theory, be fixed by running the games using window's compatibility mode.
  15. I'm playing it for the first time on PC (literally right now, but I've beaten Horizon Zero Dawn so many times on console I'm confident enough to say that I'm at least 95% there. There's still ne ideas, new strategies and new ways to look at things, especially since I recently started posting on the game's discord server, but I definitely feel I have way more to teach than to learn at the very least.
  16. Just ran that and it looks like I'll be ok, but given this thing is basically brand new it should be.
  17. I useually get dressed when I go out because when I skip that step people throw garbage at me .
  18. I never expect better from EA and they never fail to meet my expectations. This is horrid without being surprising. Seriously, who continues to buy these games?
  19. Honestly, I do just see this woman as another entitled "Karen". She broke down because she realised that in that moment the world around her didn't exist to serve her. Oh, poor you. That fact that people didn't want to get involved, but more importantly, not get involved on her behalf only irked her more. That's why she tearfully pleaded "don't report me" because she knew she was in the wrong and her delusion of privilege wasn't offering he any comfort. It's also a fair assumption given the words spoken and the tone of the voice of the woman holding the camera phone that she is most likely black, so a further entitlement of "white privilege" is also playing at least a part here. When that didn't work, it's time for the next step in the Karen notebook, play the victim. This obviously was not the case and she knew the evidence said otherwise because she was being filmed. The next part is my favourite. She was literally charging at the woman holding the camera phone demanding she "get away from her" whilst there was a good 20ft, shopping counters and clothes racks separation them. To maintain a distance, all she had was stay fucking still. What was really happening was she putting out that message of "get her away from me" for benefit of everyone watching this unfold to try and solidify the false narrative or her being the victim. I also believe was combined with an effort to take the phone from the victim. Then there's the ultimate "Karen" play, call the police and lie your ass off. People who are genuinely threatened do not behave that way. Nor do people who genuinely mentally ill. This just another entitled, stubborn, bratty and most likely bigoted woman who lost her temper. People who are mentally ill are introverted and vulnerable and are more likely to desperately try to escape these these situations rather than aggravate them. People who are criminally insane are a different matter, that's a very different kind of mentally ill, and this woman is not that either. She was in full control of her actions and knew why she was doing them. I'm not a phycologist so don't take my opinion as fact, but I don't believe for one second that woman was mentally ill and she deserves no sympathy.
  20. I'm not saying that you try to forcefully "convert" people, but it's clear that other people using a controller for FPS games does bother you, and the fact that it does bother you an issue all it's own. I'm just trying to understand why people take such issue with that. On a side note, people who put pineapple on pizza belong in the den of bastards and deserve to die.
  21. If I have leaned one thing today it's that you fuck with chickens!
  22. I can talk and piss people off at the same time.
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