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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Lightly modded. It's the PS4 version so there's only so much one can do.
  2. Been doing some Skyrim recently and was playing a surprisingly compelling and enjoyable Nights of Azure 2.
  3. First of, here's a link to the Full Results There's little I'd personally disagree with here. I hay have had Ashley Johnson for best performance and I'm little unsure about the GTX 3080 winning the hardware award, but overall I'm quite happy with the winners. What do you guys think?
  4. Got there before I did. From I know, we're talking about properly tedious stuff here. Move the character a little bit, have the character face all directions, move into all stances, face all directions for each again, move them slightly, rince and repeat for every pixel of space in that room. The fantasy rarely lives up to the reality, but that's especially true with video game testing.
  5. As far as I can tell, one has to re-format a PS4 drive to work in another console, including another PS4. I found some instructions on how to do so for Playstation 4 consoles and with an external hard drive housing an Xbox one an format a PS4's hard drive then work just fine as an external drive. This will, ofcource, wipe out all the data on the drive each time you do so and that's not the only reason I don't see a huge benefit in doing this. The drive that comes with a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X will not only be larger, but likely faster than the rather dated and slow (and I mean slow even by the standards of the day) 500GB SATA II 5400rpm HDD that comes with the PS4 console. Still, I hope that helps and best of luck.
  6. I remember someone deliberately melting a PS4 Pro when that console launched to "prove" that console has issues. At least this time it seams most people and the press aren't buying the bullshit story. Fanboys...
  7. Western dev's/publishers have lost touch with the art, I'd agree, but the Japanese still know how to get this right IMO;
  8. Speaking on behalf of most of the rest of the world, It's a great thing that amoral, adult-sized toddler has been voted out, but the very fact Trump was elected in the first place makes it clear cut Biden still has it all to prove getting so close to such a low bar. Trump was not the start of America's problem, he was the result of them, and those problems have not gone away just because he has. My open letter to America. Do better. Whilst this is a step in the right direction, it's still just one step. There's much to do.
  9. This may not be a popular opinion, but in answer to the question are video games art my answer is a definitive no. Let me explain. Imagine you are laying out cards for a game of solitaire or setting up a chess board, is there any art in that? No, it's all about structure and rules to set up a challenge. That's what a game is. Games can't be art because they have a function. For something to be art, it has to have no purpose other than itself. However, cards and chess pieces have a design, a style that has no bearing on their purpose and that IS art. Just because a game, video or otherwise, is not art doesn't mean art can't be found in its make up can't help define it. More specifically, video games as a purpose exist to challenge and/or provoke a reaction from the player, but they always have an indigenous design and style that sets them apart each time, just like how chess sets and playing cards can have a variety of designs. So no, video games are not art, but art is an important it what video games what they are.
  10. Locking thread and removing the links. The only reason I'm leaving the thread here instead of deleting it is to make it clear to others who post this content that it is not welcome. We're not rats to poke and prod in the name of helping your sponsors figure out how to sell stuff to us. And if you are just a student trying to fulfill a class requirement, stay, post content and learn. There's more to learn by actually contributing to the community rather than a lazy attempt to leach information though a survey. If you contribute, I may even allow the survey link up, but until then, either contribute meaningfully or go away.
  11. I agree, this makes no sense whatsoever and will end up as another shitty, insulting and completely pointless spin-off like Metal Gear Survive or Umbrella Corps. The horrendously ill-conceived genre change is bad enough, but the fact that it's not even the same developer is just the icing on this shit cake.
  12. Welcome to the VGR community. If you need anything please let me know.
  13. Maybe I shouldn't be so willing to be this blunt, but that may be one of the dumbest things that I have ever read. What difference does it make wether the player be male of female? Both are just as capable of both playing and cheating. Unless you have some proof that, for some reason, it's mostly female streamers doing this you would be better off keeping that misogynistic nonsense to yourself.
  14. I hate to be pessimistic because this brilliant, but it's also not enough. Not even close. If EA is making €500,001 or more from lootboxes in FIFA in Holland they just pay the fine and keep going. Don't get come wrong I love this as it's an attempt to hit EA whare it hurts, but in final quarter of 2019, EA made $1 billion from microtransactions alone. That's worldwide and obviously not all from FIFA, but the point is €500,000 a week is barley a dent. Besides, all EA will do is remove them from that on one country. What @Kane99 said is true, we need more than one nation to do this to really get EA to take notice. Another solution would for FIFA fans to wake up stop buying this crap.
  15. I'm a fan of the Idea that many developers have done and that's force cheaters to only play with each other. It's karmac by showing these annoying twit's what it's like to play with them, keeps them away from legitimate players and developers don't have to deal with assholes on Reddit drumming up a "controversy" by being "unfairly banned", when in 95% of cases it is 100% justified. So you see, everybody wins.
  16. None of them. My respect for a developer and/or publisher beings and ends with the money I spend on thier game. They can take it or leave it. Appreciation is another matter. A terrible publisher/developer can be responsible for a great game, likewise a revered company is also quite capable of doing wrong, take CDPR for example. In the end, the customer's respect for the company is wholly insignificant when compared to the company's respect for the customer.
  17. Sonic is a lot like Queen (the band). No fan would ever admit it, but as brilliant as some Queen songs get, that doesn't change the reality that there's as least as many shitty Queen songs as there are good ones.
  18. Lots of games have come out with photo modes in recent years. I'd say PlayStation games in particular have really embracing and pushing the idea a lot.
  19. I guess meme's can come true. 🤣 What I do like about this is that it's great to see that Xbox have a sense of humour.
  20. I think that was the plan for the likes of Crash Bandicoot or possibly Lara Croft back in the early days of PlayStation, but I think the system has kind of grown past that now. PS has its own away of exclusive IP's and with many iconic characters, but I don't think they need an answer to Master Chief, Sonic or Mario any more, if they did at all.
  21. I'm not gonna lie, I'm angry. To reiterate what I said in the OP for the one of the games OTHER delays, It's always better to delay a game than have it come out busted, so the delay is not what I'm angry about. I'm angry that game companies think it's OK to announce release dates and start taking in pre-orders well before they know the game will meet that schedule. I don't care how much everyone loves CDPR, make no mistake about it, this happened because of greed. CDPR wanted to cash in on pre-orders, to make money from a game they hadn't released. This is exactly why companies like EA and Activision want you so badly to pro-order their games. There's no way in my mind that Covid-19 and other, unexpected external circumstance can account for all the missed release dates for Cyberpunk 2077. Clearly this game was never going to be ready for its original announced release date back in April... and the other two. And you know what, don't be shocked if the have to push back the December date as well. (Credit to IGN for the pick) Having said that, It's still never OK to send death threats to developers over anything. It's counterproductive because it drowns out legitimate complaints and it's pointless because we all know those pathetic, keyboard warrior cowards would never actually go through with it anyway. More than anything, more any scummy business practices, more than cheating, that needs to stop in gaming immediately.
  22. It turns out my PS4 downloaded the update before I had a chance to stop it and there are definitely issues with friends lists and loading of the PS4's indigenous apps like TV and Video, PS Now and The PSN store. They work, but rarely load properly the first time. I've always hated the way that the PS4 (and other modern devices) hold features hostage the way they do unless you have the latest updates. I know it's frustrating, but to have the features be faulty and temperamental has got to be better than not being able to access them at all. My advice would be to just let the machine download the update and hope Sony fixes this soon. EDIT: Just an example. Got a spam message as I'm sure most people do, tried to load the offending profile to block them and after several minutes of loading, this is what I got...
  23. You can mod Skyrim without including cheats pretty easily, it's mostly graphical enhancements, bug fixes, gameplay improvements and additional in-game content. I completely understand why someone would want to beat the game in its vanilla state first, I'm the same in that regard. Modding be complicated and seems daunting at first, but there's lots of guides and helpful people who can help you get to grips with it. Our resident tech guru @Crazycrab, despite smelling like stagnant choral muck, is one of the best people I know to help you get started.
  24. A polite reminder to you both, but especially @skyfireas the one who first derailed the topic, that this is not a topic about social politics. Please stick to the matter at hand.
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