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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. And right way I've got issues. First, the name, it's dangerously close to XBox One X. There's a very real possibility that someone can accidentally buy the wrong console. Maybe I'm overacting, but I actually thought Scarlett was better. Second, it looks like something one would mallet into the ground to build a fence. But then there was this, in full game rendered footage, and I find myself falling in love... Haven't seen much talk of features yet, and Microsoft hasn’t addressed reports of the company’s plans for two next-gen consoles, but the Xbox “Series” X naming does suggest there won’t be just a single console. We understand Microsoft is planning two new consoles for Series X, with a second lower priced and less powerful console planned alongside the more powerful main console. For nerds, the Xbox Series X will include a custom-designed CPU based on AMD’s Zen 2 and Radeon RDNA architecture. Microsoft is also using an NVMe SSD on Xbox Series X, which promises to boost load times. Xbox Series X will also support 8K gaming, frame rates of up to 120 fps in games, ray tracing, and variable refresh rate support.
  2. If you're asking if these games are available on multiple platforms including Xbox then yes, at least the more recent games. If you're asking if you can interact with players on other platforms and/or switch platforms to play the game same game account with the same save file then no, you can't. Most of these games are single player anyway.
  3. What I would look for is interface improvement. VR demands so much more in terms of its control interface than other platforms and, as much as it's improved, still need to be so much more in order to gain popularity and become a popular choice for game development. I know when we get old will be tellin' dem kids about back in our day we were old school with our controllers and TV's instead of whatever fancy shit they'll be using that will likely be some version of VR. What I don't know is what breakthrough it will be to make VR better than more conventional gaming. It's not visuals, if that was it VR would be more dominant right now, but what would it take?
  4. I'd also recommended The Outer Worlds. From the same studio that made Fallout New Vegas
  5. Discord is basically a platform centred around gaming that allows people to group up and chat through both text and voice. Users can join and create servers on the discord platform for friends, members of their community or the public to join. More details on their website.
  6. Nintendo and PlayStation have always seemed to cater to my gaming tastes a little more that XBox, especially PlayStation. But still, I bought the PS4 first mostly because of how badly XBox messed up it's launch of Xbox One. However, it became the more played console for the same reason as was traditional, better exclusives, more to my taste. I also play on PC, of course, but in terms of gaming, the PS4 has been my main go to this gen.
  7. This pretty much reflects my thoughts. I'm a multi-plat gamer and hold no sense of brand loyalty, but the PS4 killed it with its exclusive games and Sony knows and wants to keep that going. Microsoft I think have also learned from that and thus have put a lot of investment in new studios and stuff over the last couple of years and that I think the next Xbox will have some superb games, just not right away.
  8. It's pessimistic, but I have to agree The professional relationship between Kojima and Konami is shattered. Even if they did work on this together the environment would be, if anything, even more toxic than it was with MGS5 and that could only hurt the game. Komami is a company that just happen to own a lot of gaming related IP's, but isn't actually that interested in making video games. They'll publish their annual sports cash cows and publish other games here and there to claim relevancy in the gaming industry, but seek to actually make money elsewhere. You know what, let 'em. A great game never made is a lesser evil compared to a terrible game ruining a franchise's legacy from a company that doesn't care. And because it seems Komami isn't will to sell these IPs, the latter is the best we can expect from any Komani game for the moment.
  9. Well, here it is. In my as always humble opinion, it wasn't brilliant. Nice to see confirmation of Resident Evil 3 Remake and more info on Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind was gonna please fans, but that Ghost Of Tsushima trailer was a trailer for a trailer and most of the other games were duds or have very limited appeal, like Superliminal and Dreams as well as Paper Beast as a game that's already strange, but also VR. This opened with Untitled Goose Game... the perfect start and a great omen. Onto my thoughts on the other stuff. Predator: Hunting Grounds will be Evolve and Friday the 13nth all over again, except I do see it being a pay-to-win, microtransaction laden leech. They're already doing "pre-order to win", so the intentions for this are very clear to me already. Spellbreak has potential, but a battle royal game trying to appeal to RPG fans? I'm sue about that. I do want to be wrong because it does look cool. It's totally right for PlayStation to celebrate 25 years and that message from Ken Kutaragi was sweet, if a bit short, so I'm not going to grudge that part, but let's be honest, it wasn't very useful. However, there was one shining star. The very appealing partnership of Square Enix and Platinum Games came out swinging with this; This looks amazing. This is probably still to early in development to draw any real conclusions and the release is probably a long way off, but this looks incredible. Getting some very nice Devil May Cry vibes. This, for me, was definitely the highlight. So what are you taking away from the State of Play. Anything you're looking forward to?
  10. I can't even begin to think of what say about this. Just feel sorry that this is real. Read about it here. Like I said, I can't explain.
  11. Ah yes! Finally the big nosed, ugly one shows up. Welcome bro.
  12. Developer SimulaM, creator of classics such as Car Mechanic Simulator 2018, has announced a new game where you play as Jesus. Doing his Jesusy stuff... Now, before we dismiss this, just think about it. Video games are created as an entertainment media made to empower the player. Whether it be lifting the Champions League in FIFA, or slaying the mighty dragon in Skyrim, all good games exist to make the player feel lke they are more than what they are and believe they can be. Playing as Jesus? Playing literally as God? Performing miracles and creating an influence so important that it would become foundation of modern civilization itself? That has got to be the most empowering concept ever! A game with potential as limitless as the power of the great deities! And... log it all as Polaroids in your journal... just like Jesus did... potential! ...or maybe... ...just maybe... ...this game is fucking stupid.
  13. As a multiplat' gamer, I would game sitting on the couch every time if I could, even on PC, unless it's a game I prefer M/K controls. It's more comfortable and practical in the sense that one will probably already have a couch instead of having to buy a more indigenous chair. With a modern PC's wireless capabilities, there's no reason to compromise any more, although I have to admit I have found Bluetooth on PC's to be about as reliable as a plumbers estimate. Sorry to devolve into a mini rant, but why is that? Phones, headphones, headsets, game consoles, speakers, car stereos and even printers on Bluetooth always work flawlessly, so why is it on PC's, arguably the most sophisticated devises of the lot, is it so completely hopeless?
  14. Shagger


    That's fantastic! Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of the vocals, but the music gets me moving. I suppose I should post something...
  15. The first game that comes to mind for me would be The Messenger; In what could be one of the most hilariously, deliberately lame video game plots ever, you play as an average ninja tasked to deliver a message whilst the REAL hero fights to save the world. Obviously, it doesn't work out like that, but it's still funny as hell. It's has a fun, very self-aware kind of fourth wall humour with colourful 16bit style graphics. It tries hard to remind you of games like Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden, but with a very modern upgrade and levelling system. To be honest, it's not the smoothest game in the genre in terms of control, it takes some practice, but it's worth that extra effort. The game was available for free on EGS a while ago (the chance has sadly passed), but it's still worth picking up.
  16. I got a new 2TB SSD for my laptop. Wasn't really a "Black Friday" deal, I just append to buy it that day. Worth it though, this thing only came with 500GB NVMe SSD and was full after a month.
  17. Honestly, I think the account is just somebody posting around forms and social media trying to peddle this game, so I wouldn't expect an answer. I checked the steam page anyway and it's puzzle game where you have complete a set of puzzles in order progress through a prison. Yeah, because if a man in prison can solve a bunch of puzzles, it makes sense to let him loose. It looks pretty dull and I'd assume id made up of a bunch of pre built assets that barely make sense together. I wouldn't waste your time.
  18. I'm currently playing Tales of Berseria. Beaten it before, but I enjoy it and this will be my first full play through on PC. Great JRPG with complex, but intuitive gameplay and a compelling yet fairly dark story. The game still knows how to have fun though with a very off-beat, awkward comic tone to a lot of the dialogue. The looks are it's let down though. This game has great art style and the character models look great, but with the graphical fidelity of a PS3 game, basically because it is a PS3 game ported over to PS4 and PC.
  19. Until December 12th, Jotun: Valhalla Edition is free on the Epic Games Store. I'd heard great things about this one, but never got a chance to play it. Click here to redeem.
  20. After Blitzchung, the non-apology at Blizzcon and all the other crap the company has thrown in their own face in 2019, they're now skimming money of a charity event and have been doing this for years. Every year for WOW they come out with an in game pet that cost $10 and donate 100% of that $10 you pay to charity, except they don't. They will donate the full $10 of this purchase to charity until they reach their goal (in this case $3 million), but after that they keep it for themselves. More detail in this fine video below from Vara Dark (Dark Titan Enterprises on YouTube).
  21. Shagger


    And I'll just throw this out there as well, my favourite band.
  22. I use it all the time. Usually those likes are what's called invite links. When you open them up, it should take to you new tad asking to collect accept the invite then the app will open with the new server displayed. If this doesn't work, it's likely because you need to download the desktop app. A users tag number is unique ID set by Discord to each user. Player are able to diffent screen names for each server they join and change them anytime. Here's mine for example. Using this number in search... ... can take you to this individuals profile. There, you can see information like what servers they're on. If you know or can find out this youtube/steamers ID, you could g to that sever through this then apply for membership directly. I hope that helps.
  23. Shagger


    Been listening to a lot of these ladies lately.
  24. Reading these recent comments from @StaceyPowers and @kingpotato, a thought just occurred to me. When the PS4 launched, one of its launch titles was a game called Knack, if anyone remembers it. This was and 3rd person action/adventure with a rather unique co-op mode. Player 1 would play as Knack whilst player 2 would play as Robo-Knack, a character to help out in combat with infinite spawns, didn't appear in cut-scenes and couldn't trigger story progression on it's own. It was also down to the real Knack to trigger both character's size changes. This co-op mode was pretty much panned by gamers and most critics, with due respect to them, they did so because they failed to understand what it was for. A child would play as Knack whilst a parent, guardian, older sibling or whatever would play as Robo-Knack to help them out in combat, with puzzles and perhaps shoe the younger player get through platforming sections. Now, I did play through the game with my son who I believe was 5 at the time and had great time. Games like that are a brilliant idea that, sadly, haven't caught on.
  25. Me killing you for criticizing milk. I love milk. PS, don't eat toilet paper. A Dream Catcher
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