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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. They might drum up some support from the gaming community by asking them to help dig the hole. Or here's idea, hold a contest for best design for the tombstone.
  2. The Switch is region free (good to see you're finally learning, Nintendo), so of one want's it, it's still very much an option.
  3. Done, but this is a chance to post something weird I can't ignore.
  4. Other than falling off shit, I can't think of much to say. There was a moment in The Last of Us when attempting to throw a bottle to distract a clicker I hit something right above my head, but I somehow survived that.
  5. I wanna see Code Veronica X get the remake treatment
  6. Thanks for that, and I apologize for the stupid joke. It looks like a rewarding system.
  7. God damb it! If I'm around, barricade your doors, lock your kids in the basement and say goodbye to your pets!
  8. They say money can't make you happy. Maybe it can't on it's own, but it would bloody help.
  9. That's a slightly older CPU, but a powerful one. The I5's are very good gaming CPU's.
  10. I'd ignore the word "super", that's most likely branding. What makes the difference with the cards is that RAM capacity, The seller isn't trying to con you, it's just that the card has variants. I can tell you from experience that even the mobile version of the 6GB 2060 in my laptop when running no higher than 1080p (I wouldn't run a game any higher because it's a laptop) handles the high setting with no issues on every game I've thrown at it so far, including "The Outer Worlds". A desktop variant with adequate cooling can only run even better.
  11. The 2060 does come as a 6GB card, I know that because what's in my laptop. A newer, desktop only variant ships with 8GB GDDR6. So the card he/she is trying to sell you is most likely an older version of the 2060.
  12. I looked at the requirements... ... to find a surprisingly demanding game here. Regardless, you should be OK with what you have posted as the spec's your computer, but I would recommend, for future proofing sake, to consider a stronger GPU, maybe the 2060 or a 1070 if you can afford it. It's just you have strong CPU would be better paired with a better GPU than a 1060 imo.
  13. And that is a good thing, and I'll explain why that's a good thing and why we have Half Life Alyx instead. To be clear, I have no interest in Half life Alyx, VR nor the Half Life franchise overall any more, too much time has gone by, but I do have my own thoughts on this. A big source of the negativity for Half Life Alyx comes from the very vocal group of fans who want HL3. Once again, Half Life 3 is never gonna happen, and for good reasons. The concept is dated due to the previous game's age making it all but impossible to do something that stands out the in what's become a very saturated market for FPS games. Most modern FPS games basically are HL2 and mimic the basic design, so it's hard to make a new HL game stand out. That added to the fact the diverse and high expectations from fans with regard to the story, and it would be impossible to make HL3 that's true to the game's core fundamentals, yet still distinguishable as an FPS of today. Half Life 3 is a games all but doomed to not live up to the hype. The only way Valve could actually make a new HL game is by doing, well, exactly what they have done. Innovate, try something different, but most importantly, NOT make it Half Life 3 as such a break from tradition would just create a huge backlash. Yes, this was always gonna piss some people off, but at worst this was the lesser evil, and I admire them for having the courage and wisdom to follow this through. FPS games have massive potential and ease of compatibility for VR, and based of what we saw in the trailer, this game looks particularly well-made to work with the interface. This is a game being developed by people who know the platform and who know with they're doing. I think it looks brilliant, frankly, even though I almost certainly won't buy it. I suppose it is possible they've made this game to reintroduce a new generation fans to the franchise, but I hope not because to present them with a more generic FPS after Alyx would be even worse for Half Life 3. To summarize, the vast majority of HL fans who won't buy Alyx won't buy it because it's VR, and that's fair, but I think that complaining about it because it's VR is no reason to get mad at Valve. It was either this or some other radical way to come out with a new HL game because HL3, despite what I'm sure would have been Valve's bet efforts and intentions, would have let people down in the end. I'm no Valve fan by any means, but on this occasion I understand what they're trying to do and it's the right thing for the franchise, I just wish they would stop teasing Half Life 3 unless they actually were making the game because that's just cruel.
  14. TL;DR Too often. I've played some Final Fantasy games, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Tales of Berseria, Dungeon Keeper, TLOU and others so many times, at least twice. Given how I could have spent that time, I'm a waste of blood and organs.
  15. Horizon: Zero Dawn was superb for me. I absolutely loved it. God ow War was also right up there and to put TLOU up there would be cheating a bit given that I played it on the PS3 first, but the remastered version is still superb.
  16. Had my own hand built PC's in the past, but right now I'm on a brand-new ASUS TUF FX505DV laptop as it was, and still it, a possibility of me working off site, so a new PC build wasn't the best idea. I'm loving this thing so far though, it's all the power one realistically needs for 1080p gaming (4K on a laptop is pointless, the screen is too small) and it wasn't to expensive. I can play The Outer Worlds at max setting and the FPS never dips below 40, but it's usually hovering about 60. Here the specks if anyone is interested. Back to the point. It wasn't long ago gaming laptops were overpriced, underpowered rubbish, but I think that's starting to change.
  17. This was the worst way Google could have launched this, knowing it was half-baked (or maybe Google higher up were half-baked) and unfinished. It's not just cast doubts on Stadia, but the very idea of these services as a concept. It's not a terrible idea, but it has been badly handled buy a company who's earned a reputation for abandoning their projects instead of being dedicated and improving them. I'll not be investing this anytime soon, shame because that one exclusive game Gylt looks pretty cool.
  18. Not so much a sequel (well maybe a sequel), more a remake, but I love to see the Magic Carpet 2 come back. It can still be played through DOSBOX, but the game is so unstable it's barely playable now. This game with a multiplayer component that's tweaked, modernized and balanced would be great fun.
  19. It depends, really. Sometimes I like to inject the world I role-play in with misery, death and destruction, and sometimes I like to be evil. The thing is most games RPG's and choice based games are more rewarding to people who make, let's say, "good karma" choices, so in all honesty that's usually how I play.
  20. I may be your Sheppard to guide you to the promised land, but I'm also lazy, so, the promised land is over there, you can figure out the rest for self, I got games to play! The only thing you need to know about is that if you share a different opinion to me on something, you're not stupid, misinformed or outwith your rights to believe what you say, but you're still wrong. 😎 Anyway, I'm a truly an evil Scotsman who's loved video games on multiple platforms for almost 30 years. The evil thing is I do is eat pet cats. I avoid strays because it's just not the same when it's a creature nobody loves. Hey, I said I was a man of the cloth, not that I was righteous. I also love heavy metal, wrestling, the outside when it's dark and doesn't burn and most of all, my son who surely will enslave humanity. Proud of ya, boy! Anyway, here's a Chickenhorse.
  21. Right now I'm sick as hell.

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