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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Especially if this game is so closely based on something in real life, there little point do it at all if you can't do it accurately. People aren't stupid, they will notice and it'll just break immersion and make the game look cheap.
  2. So many major stadiums and venues, especially in America, are name sponsored now that licensing the use of more than a few of them would be both a practical and financial headache.
  3. A brave decision, and the correct one in my opinion. Too many game developers prolong a series beyond it's best to milk it dry to then inevitably end on a dud. For example, Metal Gear Solid should have ended at MGS4. That would have been a fine and climatic end to series.
  4. Sorry to say it, but you have way too much faith in Steam. Quality control means absolutely noting to them. Games like this or worse get approved for sale on Steam all the time.
  5. I don't think it was affection, It came across more like frozen terror to me. She saw that as soon as she finally got that frustrating lighter of hers to light up, her life was going to end. Of course, she knew was going to die as soon as she was bit, but in that moment she realised is was not going to be in the quick, painless way she had put together in her head. With the lighter not working right away and facing this infected face to face in that revolting embrace, that's horrible and low on anybody's list of favourite ways to go out.
  6. I just saw PyroLIVE's vid myself and was about post this insanity, but obviously you got in thier before me. And no, I won't delete the link to his patreon because I think this has to be seen to believed. It's difficult to even know what to say. This guy is clearly hoping that just one idiot with far more money than they deserve sets him up for life. The delusionary greed on display here is beyond any thing ever imagines. I remember in the TV show iZombie (Would recommend, by the way to anyone who hasn't seen it) one of the main villains Blane cons his top 1% clientele out of $25,000 a month for the brains they needed to survive and could do so because he held a total monopoly, but man even he has nothing on this guy when it comes to sheer ambition! And this is real life! And He's charging almost £1.5 million a month for nothing more than access to one of the worst games ever made and some pointless Discord role! This is amazing, it really is.
  7. You're right, the writing is terrible. My biggest gripe was that I, for one, couldn't gauge anything about the world or characters accurately based upon what was being described. This kid Brian was playing football, discussing some space sim' MMO with his friend then doing a class assignment on physics (Whare the first person to turn in the answer got the highest mark which makes no sense), to then go back outside to a playground that (based on the artwork shown) looked built for little kids to play hide and seek? How old is this kid supposed to be? I seriously have no idea? Also, according to the insane, toxic ramble that was the introductory text scroll, wasn't this supposed to be set in the 2100's? I didn't get that impression at all, I was getting late 1990's- early 2000's ish... maybe. That's not the only way in which the story completely failed to connect to that text scroll. In fact, I don't think a single thing in the rest of the game connected to it at all aside the name of the main character. If your going to create such a transphobic and misogenistic ramble for the set up of your story, at least have the balls to stick to it. But no, instead he decides to feed his inner fantasy about how he wished his school days went buy being an unsung hero on the football team, a genius in physics class and... being really good at hide and seek? Suffice to say, the story went absolutely nowhere.
  8. Shagger

    Hi-Fi Rush

    I must say, this looks like a lot of fun. Getting some real Sunset Overdrive vibes from this. The trailer was fantastic as well, very self aware and sharp with the humor. My favourite bit was when the showed this; To then follow up with this... That really got a proper laugh out of me. Being a rhythm game, a lot of the appeal hinges on the soundtrack, so I will look into the soundtrack before I decide to play it or becasue if the soundtrack is made up mostly of songs I don't like it will grate my nerves. But still, thanks for sharing.
  9. Before I go any further, massive credit to steam user and YouTube video game reviewer Matthew Werner for both his steam review; And this YouTube video to show this game, and it's worse than any of us could have imagined. Why is it so so terrible? The text is grammatically flawed, the artist behind the images was paid in bandwidth and the writing is from the mind of an immature MAGA prat who obviously hates games like Tell Me Why, Life is Strange and The Last of Us Part II for all the wrong reasons. I'm not going to go any further, the video speaks for itself, but man is this bad. It's clear now what the true goal this very strange individual, who will never have sex with a woman ever in his life, had behind creating this so-called "game". That being publish his bizarre transphobic conspiracy ideas because they would never get published in anything respectable. I do actually admire his ingenuity, it is getting more attention that it otherwise would have, but he's going to learn the hard way the idea that "any publicity is good publicity" is a myth.
  10. The copyright thing is a fair concern, after all the original developer couldn't make the follow up 007 game because the lost the licence after the started making it, and we all know what came out of that... Back to point, I actually do think that now Microsoft own Rare and becasue we have already seen things like Rare replay that includes Rare games originally on Nintendo consoles, that convinces me Nintendo have long since sold these IP's and copyrights, otherwise we would have seen some action from them years. I mean it is Nintendo and we all what they're like. So, nah, I'm not worried. Why keep the dated graphics if you can't even produce the original soundtrack, for example? That wouldn't make sense.
  11. So we've both found on two different hardware set ups that turning certain parameters up actually makes this game run better. Could it be something to do with the RTX features and these RTX cards are happier with certain settings even if they should be more taxing?
  12. Second episode, and it's still strong. First thing, I love the sets, the Boston ruins look incredible in this. Nice to have such a big budget, I know, but that doesn't take away from how good this show looks. The dialogue sequences in this felt fall more like they were lifted straight out the game on this one, but they worked in the game so why not I suppose. What was different was the scene near the start with Ellie waking up to see Joel and Tess watching her to make sure she doesn't turn and it was nice tough because I felt they kind of rushed passed that in the previous episode a bit, so it was nice to settle down and establish that and let the characters react to it in slow and clear manner. The thing whare Tess tosses Ellie to magazine after Ellie says she needs to go to the bathroom was cute, it's nice to see a little comedy in there. The action scene with the clickers in the museum was cool, if maybe a little short, but the ambience and atmosphere with it was spot on. The clickers looked and more importantly sounded exactly like the game and that was important to keep. And just like the game, they're revolting and don't want to get near them, but they say fuck that and put you right up them, right next to them is all thier horrid detail. Speaking of revolting, lets talk about the "kiss" Tess has with one of the infected. I don't that they changed it so Tess sacrificed herself to buy time for Ellie and Joel from infected rather than FEDRA because they used that to show some of these new ideas and mechanics they have introduced with the infected, so that was fine, but a new and horrifying element to introduce about the infected! I must admit whilst it did have the desired affect on me, a part of me also found it kind of funny because I could help but think of the scene in Red Dwarf whare Lister gets "tongue-hockeyed to death" 😂. It was also an interesting thing idea to open this episode with with scientist in Indonesia that is asked to examine what I suppose is "Patient 0" giving us an insight into whare this pandemic actually stated, or at least whare it was first recognised, something the game never did, and I like that the show is expanding into areas the game didn't go, that is very important to the shows success. In the first episode we had that TV interview whare that doctor (Played by John Hannah, extra points for that) describes how and why fungus is the greatest biological threat to humanity, now we have this "Patient 0" reference, I wonder if this will keep going with a new insight into the world outside the main characters at significant points in the history of the outbreak because that would be cool.
  13. I actually thought there was a maximum price cap of $200 for software on Steam, obviously I was wrong. This game, though, can only be one of three things A stunt. A scam. A front for money laundering. The game looks terrible as well. It looks like a VN, so story based game that, according to the trailer, "guarantees confusion". Well, joke's on you ProX, you've already confused me and I didn't give you penny!
  14. Thanks again for sharing. I did try this demo out just to see how this runs on the default graphics setting that rank as low, standard, high and ultra high. I wasn't going to go through custom settings at this point, I just wanted to get a basic idea. And on this hardawre; That I would say ranks a bit better than the game's minimum requirement, I was actually pleasantly surprised by the results. All of this was at 1080p in a borderless window. A couple of things to note, the game actually crashed when I tried to switch graphics settings in game forcing me to go back to the main menu to adjust the settings, which was annoying. I understand a game wanted to reboot to apply the new settings, but I've never had one crash by doing so before. Speaking of the main menu, the fps count was pretty much the same on the main menu as it was in game which seems weird to me. On low settings, the game ran between 55fps and 60fps (Hitting the fps cap I had set). So for people who value performance over visuals, the game runs fine. On standard, the game was hovering around 30fps. So at this point I was thinking, OK, to guarantee a smooth experience, it will have to bet set low, but this is whare things get a bit odd. On high, the game actually ran better, with the game hovering around 40fps. I would have to investigate the individual settings within a custom set up to understand why this happened, but this was perfectly playable and stable. On ultra high, this was pushing to far and I could barley get above 25 fps with it frequently dipping below 20fps. So on this setting the game was pretty much unplayable, but that was to be expected. Overall, I'd say those PC requirements are a bit pessimistic as this fairly low end set up seems to run the game at 1080p just fine. Maybe there was a day one or pre-launch patch as I believe Square Enix did get some backlash when they announced these PC requirements, but whatever the case this is good.
  15. I actually don't think so. VR is a far more niche market and only a small percentage of PSVR owners will buy one and even less of them will do so right at launch. I just don't see the level of scarcity compared with the level of demand creating the same kind of market for scalpers that we saw with the PS5 when it first launched. I know that won't stop some scalpers from trying, but even if were one of those ass-holes I wouldn't chance it.
  16. This does look good. The quick look systems looks very practical and fun to use and the setting is interesting. Not a huge FPS fan, but I'm ready to give this a shot... get it, shot! I'll go sit in the corner...
  17. As one of the 15 people who have actually played this game, I would honestly say I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people say it is, but is is uninspired. It controls well and has some legitimate drama and fun action, but this does not outweigh the issues. Just to be clear, I didn't buy the game, it was a freebee with my laptop, but the game is in my Steam library. The marvel characters don't feel that distinguished from each other play. It really comes down to ones that fly, ones that shoot, ones that can get over gaps without flying, ones that mele with mixing these things together in way that makes sense for each. For example, Iron Man shoots and fly's making him feel the same as Black Window. The Hulk mele attacks and jump over gaps making him pretty much the same a Ms Marvel who mele attacks and using her stretchy arms to get over gaps. The game also focuses so hard on fan service that it completely neglects the characters and showing them in an interesting way. It kind of reminds me of M. Night Shamalan's The Last Airbender in that it feels like is was made by someone more interested in proving what they know about the source material rather than actually addressing the indigenous plot. That's especially frustrating in this story with it's genuine potential whare the Avengers and inhumans have be vilified and shunned in the wake of a tragic disaster, but it takes that and plays it far to safe with every predicable clichéd twist and narrative exploited. The game's protagonist (Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel) is actually one of the few things I liked about the game's story. I genuinely found her relatable, humble and was interested in her journey, but the boring and aggravatingly slow and padded out manner in which her story is told just kills the momentum and interest I developed for her early in the game. One can easily see the game is built of the skeleton of the modern Tomb Raider games, a sensible idea to be fair, and if they had done that while developing a more interesting story with maybe a decent multiplayer mode and without the live service garbage that took all the publics attention away from what merits the game had, this really could have worked. Ironically, I actually think this game might be better once it goes offline and is playable as the simple, single player it really should have been from day one. They actually came painfully close to making a good game, but greed and ill-focused effort on the storytelling got in the way. I can sense a lot of love from Crystal Dynmanics for the source material, but it got so badly diluted by the greedy ambitions of Square Enix and Marvel (Yes, Marvel, because I genuinely believe this game would have been pretty much the same no matter published it) that the game was only ever going to be a dud. A real shame.
  18. I actually had high hopes for this, but the consistently mediocre reviews with similar complaints can't all be wrong. My worrys were starting to multiply with a very shady review embargo that allowed reviews very late. Add to that Square Enix apparently did not gives out PC codes at all, not to mention the insane PC requirements: Leads me to predict that this game is going to have issues at launch on PC. There is no way with those requirements that this has been properly optimised. There are game with graphical fidelity that at least match Forsaken that need half as powerful hardware to run.
  19. For a kick-off, I want to make it clear I understand that is not meant to run games nativity, it's meant to be used as a device one streams games too, but even as that it still fails. My biggest issue with this thing is the price. Yes, it's cheaper than a Steam Deck with higher quality screen (No kidding, it really is), but if you want a handheld streaming device for cloud gaming only, what exactly is the matter with buying something like this for a phone or tablet? Link to this product on Amazon Yes, the G Cloud is cheaper than Steam Deck making it look like a good deal if you're only intending to game on the cloud, but it's six times more expensive than this perfectly decent controller for a phone, and I'm sorry but that just isn't worth it. The phone will serve perfectly well as a device to stream games too and because it's using a phone as the steaming device this mobile game controller will also have the advantage of working without WiFi because it's steaming to phone with a SIM card in it, something that the G Cloud can't do. Not to mention the G Cloud is still more expensive than a Switch. If anyone reading this thinking about about buying one these things, can I please implore you not to do it. I actually like Logitech's products, for example I use a Logitech mouse that I would swear by, but this just doesn't need to exist, much less be a part of your life.
  20. That "it wasn't realistic" excuse doesn't work for the backlash for Battlefield V for three reasons; Nobody cared about the story in a Battlefield game for years until a woman appeared on the cover. Just a coincidence, I'm sure, right? Woman did fight in WW2, just not in the American or British forces. Not just video games, but western media in general has some strange issue with telling stories from WW2 that don't involve D-Day or the liberation of France. You can look into the civilian uprisings in occupied France and Poland and especially if you look into the Eastern Front, there are plenty of examples of woman in combat. But instead of taking inspiration from real stories and break that unwritten rule about only talking about post D-Day and the liberation of France, EA and DICE decided instead to make something up. That's the real problem with how EA and DICE handled that. However, nobody, I mean nobody, who complained about a woman being on the cover ever mentioned that, not once, because they're ignorant twats who know fuck all about history. They were just offended by a woman being on the cover, end of. The context didn't matter and I'm absolutely certain that these idiots would still have had a tantrum about it even if this female soldier was based of a real person or event. If "realism", of lack there of, was the issue, why did they all complain about a woman being involved, but not care at all that many of the characters, including that very woman if I'm remembering it correctly, were using prosthetic limbs that didn't even come close to existing back then? So it's apparently OK to have technology that didn't exist, but a woman in combat is too far. Face it, that backlash came from pathetic man-babies who feel threatened whenever the protagonist in video game they play is anything other than Stg-Straight-White-Testosterone-Filled-Manly-Man-Penis.
  21. I agree with @killamch89. Ever since video games stopped being toys like they were before the mid 90's and became an entertainment medium, of course the stories, themes and the way in which those stories were told would become more mature and even aimed specifically at adults at times. That's why the inclusion of, let say, more "sensitive" content doesn't bother me any more in a video game than it does in a TV show or a movie. If that means having character say something or do something that would be considered offensive or inappropriate to get the message across, develop the character or fit into the setting (Especially in a game set in our own past history like RDR2.), then I'm fine with it. Obviously there's a limit to bounds of good taste and whilst opinions on what that limit is can vary greatly, I feel games tend to stay on the right side of it 99% of the time. I acutally feel controversies tend to erupt when people themselves are too sensitive like "Oh no! That character is gay! How dare they have a gay character in my game!" or "A woman on the Battlefield V cover! This will not stand!". Stupid shit, basically.
  22. A quick note, one has to include the quote marks to get this to work, but yeah, it is worth trying. Thanks for sharing.
  23. Well, happy belated birthday! And that is cool. Can we have some pics? I believe that the design of the Super Famicom is the same as the PAL version of the Super Nintendo. It's the American Model that was different I believe. That's interesting to me because with the NES, it was the American and European models with the same design with the Famicom being drastically different both in name and in design, the with the next system the names stayed the same with "Super" prefixed to the front, but it's the American model with the different look compared to the other two. Nintendo, so wonderfully weird, never change no matter how much easier it makes life for both yourselves and you customers.
  24. First things first, you're on the wrong thread. This is a news topic discussing the recent comments made by Bruce Straley on credits for the The Last of Us TV series and unionisation, it's not the thread to express your thoughts on the TV show or the games themselves. There a thread been created for discussion on the TV show here, so please direct your comments about the show there and there are a number of threads discussing the game out there and ample opportunity to start your own if the existing threads don't fit. Don't reply to thread unless you're prepared to address the topic at hand. But since we're here, I must ask with all due respect, how can you say the narrative in the second game is "dogshit" without having even played the game? And no, the "I know because of the leaks" excuse does not work because they weren't 100% accurate and clued nothing into the ambiance and atmosphere of the game in those key moments. That's the long way of saying you haven't got a clue. I can say what I want, though, as I did play the game, even reviewed it if you want to check that out. The point is, stick to the topic, please.
  25. This will probably not be a popular opinion, but no, I do not think he should be given a credit for the TV show without being actively and directly involved with the TV show. A lot of the ideas, concepts, plot lines and characters used in the TV show would have come at least in part from him through his work on the game, and I truly understand that, but that's true of every adaptation. There will always be people who had input on the original movie, TV show, game or whatever it is who's idea's inevitably get utilised in an adaptation without a direct credit, that's just how it works. This is just set up to open a can of worms. For example, what it somebody from Naughty Dog's graphics designed team says " I was the one who made Joels shirt that colour in the game, and he's wearing the same coloured shirt in the show, so surely I deserve a credit and appreciate reparations from HBO's costuming department.". Sorry, but there has to be a line drawn between credit for actually working on the adaptation and having something you imputed into the original project being used in said adaption. I do 100% support unionisation, but that case gets weaker when someone tries to push for it with what is, quite frankly, rather petty and self-centred motives. If Bruce Staley actually cared about people getting recognised and fairly compensated for thier work on video games, he wouldn't have been co-director at a company with a history of crunching thier employees and do nothing about it. Honestly, Bruce is petty, childish and selfish hypocrite. This actually reminds me when Andrzej Sapkowski sold the licence to CDPR to make The Witcher series of video games based of his books for a pittance because he hated video games and had no faith the games would actually be successful. When the games were successful, he sued CDPR, and worst of all he won. Bruce is basically doing the same thing, he's after money and is using the unionisation narrative as a step up to mount the high horse he has no right to ride. Trust me, he does NOT care about employee's rights, only his own.
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