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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. I have played them both up to earning the platinum trophies. The load times would be pretty much instant on PS5 and the PS5 version would make use the console's indigenous control features through the dual sense controller and obviously the PS4 version would not, but there is nothing in the game that needed the PS5 to work. The technology that actually drives the software is more powerful in the PS5 allowing superior performance, but the architecture is the basically the same. The game would obviously does not run as well on PS4, but it does would run, there is no technical excuse. They got the game to run on PS4 with some compromise, no reason they can't get the DLC expansion to run on PS4 as well. Sony are doing this to ship more PS5's, it's that simple. This was business decision, not a technical one. That is why I hate this decision. If Forbidden West had only been on PS5 only to begin with, this wouldn't bother me even though I don't own a PS5 yet. Like I said in the OP, I don't expect Sony to keep making 1st party games for the PS4 forever, but if they do make games for PS4 it is fair to expect them to be supported. This is, quite frankly, an outrage.
  2. Some PC specifications detail what resolutions the game will be running at using the specified configuration, and quite frankly, we are at a point whare they all should be doing that because that has a massive affect of the load on the hardware. It could be that those specs are based upon running a game at 4K, but there's no way to know. Whatever the case, this could be the most demanding game on PC that we have seen to date, it's certainly the most demanding game on PC that I have seen. It is inevitable for 32GB of RAM to become practically necessary to play new games. I would hold off on upgrading just a little longer, though, see if we get more info on whether or not this applies to full HD of 4K.
  3. Of course they are. Video games are not toys like they were back in the 80's and 90's, they are in entertainment medium, just like movies, music, books and TV. And like the any entertainment medium, any work within it will be aimed at a target audience. If that target audience are adults and/or older teens, there's a good chance there will be content that, for reason or another, may not suitable for young children. Just like movies, video games are rated to help parents determine whether or not a game is suitable for their children. If they decide to buy a game with a more mature rating for a young kid to play, that's thier choice and I would never question it, but any responsibility for that child being exposed to something they would consider inappropriate, whether it be a violence, bad language, sexual themes, drug/alcohol use or whatever, the responsibility for that lies solely with the parents. Any parent unwilling to take responsibility shouldn't be one.
  4. ... It's only for PS5! Burning Shores will be set in the ruins of Los Angeles in what has become a volcanic landscape (A strange similarity to the Frozen Wilds DLC form Zero Dawn that was set at Yellowstone.). As you can see in the trailer, it looks promising; And it looks as if we'll see a functioning Horas class titan/ Metal Devil for the first time. The DLC exantion will launch on April 19nth 2023. It's cool, but why is it PS5 only? It's not like I expected Sony to make exclusive games for both PS4 and PS5 forever, but if the original game runs on PS4, why deny PS4 users the chance to play this? The Frozen Wilds was one of the best expansions I've ever played and was so looking forward to an expansion for Forbidden West to then have my hopes crushed like this as I don't have a PS5 yet is really disappointing.
  5. I highly doubt we'll ever see it, but if the di remake Magic Carpet 2, I'd bee exceedingly happy.
  6. This isn't normally something I'd consider worthy of discussing, companies file patents all the time, but this one interesting because Bandai Namco have it clear in the past that Takes of Arise (Anyone unfamiliar with the game can check out my review if you wish here) was only ever going to be a standalone game with no sequals or DLC story expansions, so what the hell is this for? Full story from Push Square. Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but with Tales of Crestoria being shut down back in February, I can't help but get the feeling we're looking at another mobile spin-off game. I personally would an expantion, but this isn't something that's tends to happen with this series. Not to mention the game's story was pretty much wrapped up and I don't feel it has anywhere to go. Does anybody have a theory?
  7. @ImmersionGaming22 I just want to quickly point out it is possible to quote multiple posts into a single reply. You can do this by hitting the "Quote" button again while typing your post; Or by hitting the "+" icon on the posts you wish to quote the past them all into your reply all at once.
  8. Honestly, I think you made the right call. Buying something that's both an arbitrary indulgence and expensive on whim isn't very wise.
  9. That would be the best complaint that was ever made at a restaurant! Excuse me waiter, but I don't think my dinner is quite dead yet...
  10. A good point about how this is oddly accepted in gaming, at least more so than it would be elsewhere. Excuse me, waiter? Yes, sir? I ordered my steak medium rare with mash potato's and grilled asparagus, but the steak is raw and the potato's are missing completely. Don't worry about that, sir, we'll fix that in an update next week. It's just not acceptable.
  11. Remember when Joel held two of David's men captive and played them of each other while torturing them? It would be so ironic to see Joel torture Troy Baker. For some reason I can actually see Troy playing specifically this guy... As for the idea of Ashly playing Anna, man I hope that's true. I do fear that might not be the case because I don't feel Ashley Johnson is immediately convincing as a mother to Bella Ramsey as the two really do look nothing alike, but I wouldn't care about that.
  12. Good and relevant advice with Starfield just around the corner. Hopefully I'll be able to resist Starfield or maybe I'll play it through Gamepass if possible, but knowing me I probably will still buy it if I have to because I'm a turd.
  13. This is not just the future, it's also the past. Compamiies like EA have been doing this for decades. The the two things that have ares; Post launch patching has opeen the window for this to become even more common. The internet as know it now helps word about such instances spread more quickly and get more talked about. But make no mistake, this is nothing new. I remember huge issues plaguing game like Magic Carpet 2 and the original Dungeon keeper back in the 90's. Then there's the now infamous E.T. game and Pacman port on the Arari 2600. Because post launch patching wasn't a thing until comparatively recently, one could say the problem was worse, if not as common, back them. To play the patched version of Dundeon Keepr, fo example, you had to buy the whole game again in the form of the Deeper Dungeons edition.
  14. Shagger

    Hi guys

    Welcome to VGR. Always nice to see new folk joining. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  15. With the exception of Devil May Cry 2 which was literally the greasy remnants from the bottom of used septic tank moulded into the shape of a PS2 disk, I've really enjoyed what I've played of the series. I'm aware of it's interesting development with it starting as a Resident Evil game and Capcom realizing that they were going off on a new tangent, thus deciding to make it a new IP and was one of the best decisions they ever made. I really need to try out Devil May Cry 5m it's been sitting on my "to-do" list for too long.
  16. Disappointed, but not surprised. There was no way Microsoft weren't going to follow suit sooner or later. Not that I'm in any way condoning Sony (An I'm fairly sure Nintendo) doing this, but this was inevitable.
  17. I wouldn't assume too much about the similarities and differences between these two countries just because they share a border.
  18. Even on the MegaDrive/Genesis, Sonic levels weren't exactly liner with various paths open to you and secrets to find, so the fact that they don't hold your hand makes sense to me. Unfortunatly, I don't have the game, so I can't really offer any specific advice. If you are stuck, try looking up a guide online. I did find this video that may or may not be the very part you are stuck at, but at the very least this user's gameplay walkthrough might help you out if you check out his other videos.
  19. Shagger

    E3 2023?

    Don't you think you're brining this up a little too early? E3 has got to be six months away. Sorry, but this is pointless. I won't lock this thread, but I'm lock other threads that come up closer to the event because this is already here.
  20. I was under the impression Japanese censorship was mostly related to violence rather than sexual content and nudity. Maybe it's both. I do agree with what you said about people having a fit over censorship, it is childish. I'm not a fan of censorship, adults do not need need thier media moderated that heavily when it's rated for adults, but it's pathetic to loose your shit over Lara Croft now wearing jeans instead of short shorts or whatever.
  21. Yes, it's possible to run games from other services (or any program, really) through the Steam launcher, but the feature is not easy to use and it keeps track of only a very limited amount of information. GOG Galaxy does this much better.
  22. Given the fact the original game was controlled with a single analogue stick, they'll have to. I love Goldeneye on N64 and Perfect Dark was even better, but let's be honest the games haven't aged that well. Bring back Perfect Dark with a retelling of the same, mad story with modern FPS mechanics, controls and graphics and I will be a happy man.
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