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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. I'm more excited for this than I would be for yet another clichéd ganger guy. Not because it's a woman, but because it's not clichéd. To give GTA5 credit, the main characters... well, some of them, weren't the seteriotypical type. So it just feels like a natural progression to me. One of America's most infamous drug barron's was a woman, but even if that wasnt true crime knows no gender. Anyone upset over this is pathetic.
  2. Gladly, because you clearly haven't understood the lesson. It is you that should be expected to link information as the the person offering the recommendations and information because it's not fair to expect me as the recipient to have to look up everything everyone posts. That is common forum etiquette and it's for a reason. Granted, VGR isn't as hectic and busy as some other forums, but imagine what it would be like on a forum where I would have to go through dozens of replies. Now imagine if all those replies were like yours where I would have research everything on my own. It's takes you a few additional moments to add links to you own post, but it could add hours of hassle for me if I was to be expected to look up everything from everyone without links to help me out. And that applies to not just me, but everyone who reads the thread who shares an interest in those same recommendations. That is, like I said, basic forum etiquette. It's an unwritten law that has basis in simple courtesy and common sense. Just like @Yaramaki, I would ALWAYS link to the games I recommend on the thread because it's just a few moments off additional time for me that could save everyone who reads that post a combination hours. It's a basic courtesy that is, apparently, beneath you. I don't know who you think you are, but what I do know is what you did was selfish, ignorant and lazy, simple as that. Let me put it another way. If it were a gaming news topic, you would not get away with putting up the story without a source. It's not against any rule if you don't put up a source, but it's expected as a part of forum etiquette to do so rather than have everybody who reads the thread look it up themselves. That's just how it's supposed to be done. It's the same with this. What your saying is that everyone, not just me, has to look up the games you mentioned just because you couldn't bothered? No, that is not how this works. The only time I DON'T link information for others to see when I don't feel the source deserves the traffic. For example, if I felt a journalism website was spreading false information, I wouldn't leave a link to thier article. I'd just tell the story and if possible try to find other, more neutral and better informed sources. Other than that, I feel it is my responsibly as the person putting that information out there to make it verifiable and easy to work with for the reader every time. You are just lazy and self-centred.
  3. There somebody who I think owns this concept. Poopy.
  4. Shagger

    Xbox Cloud Gaming

    I'm still a little weary of the technology. It's getting there, but I don't think most people have the kind of internet that would make this work. I'm also concerned about what it means for game ownership, preservation and buyer's rights. Digital distribution has already taken so much away and a "cloud" (a term I've always hated btw. It's just the internet, it's not new.) based gaming service sounds even less sustainable. Just like with Sadia, you paid full price to rent a game, effectively, you didn't own anything. That really puts me off. At least there is some stability with digital distribution in that you can still play a game that's no longer online so long as it's installed, with cloud gaming it's just gone.
  5. Why was that effort I suggested so beneath you, but it wasn't beneath @Yaramaki? What makes you too important to take a few moments to add links to a post? It's not much to ask when you recommend a game to someone on a thread like this to put up a link so they can see what you're on about. If you can't be bothered to put that low level effort of adding a video or a store page link into what you put into a recommendation, why bother post at all? Consider this, if I (as it the person you're trying to suggest games too) is not worth that bare minimum effort to up sources and information, why should I take what you recommend seriously? And then you have the balls to come back to thread and say "Fuck you, look it up yourself." I did not put this thread up for you to put in a bare bones effort just to add to the tally. I was actually being polite before when I said; Because honestly, your suggestions were rubbish. Most of the games you suggested aren't even in the right genre. Alien Hominid, Cuphead, Hollow Knight and Broforce are sides rollers, not 2D Shooters and (with the exception of Alien Hominid) are popular enough that I obviously would of heard of them already, so it's pointless suggestions anyway. The only game you got right was a game that isn't even on PC, and what's worse, you'll suggest that a mod on VGR emulate an NES game, something that almost certainly require using pirate links to download the ROM? Where is your common sense? I thought before I made my reply to you "Is this guy trying to waste my time?", but I let it go and decided to be nice, and this is how you repay me in kind? You what @Kane99, you attitude stinks. Do not reply to a thread like this of mine again. And for your sake, I hope you show the next person on VGR you recommend games to more courtesy than you've shown me.
  6. A cracking good game that a lot of people overlooked is now going on sale for the equivalent of $4 on Steam until august 7nth. That being Sunset Overdrive. Link to the Steam Page here https://store.steampowered.com/app/847370/Sunset_Overdrive/ To reiterate, this deal is a 75% discount on Stream for the PC version of Sunset Overdrive and is available now at that price until August 7nth.
  7. Shagger

    1 word song titles

    @The Blackangel Amranthe actually have a lot of one word title songs, to the point that I could call them somewhat of an oddity for it. I'll post few just for the sake on it. I'll cap this off with a couple of other bands
  8. This is my first venture into bullet hell games. They seem relatively easy to control and the gameplay is self explanatory, but I do suspect they'll be very hard to master. I don't think I'll find a better way to get better rather than to just play the games themselves.
  9. @Yaramaki I finally cave in and bought Bullet Soul as you suggest it would be good for beginners. Unfortunatly, I cocked up and bought the standard version of the games instead of Infinite Burst (They both cost the same), so I'll wait for Steam to sort out the refund, buy Infinite Burst they share my thoughts on it. I did play a little before requesting the refund and I like what I see so far.
  10. I trained a lot of monkeys shouting The Elder Scrolls V: memes
  11. Congratulations to VGR and especially to @Withywarlock. This forum is on the move and on the up and it i an honour to have @Withywarlock take his place the team.
  12. I must ask that in future you do not use the term "boomer" at all. I assumed you understood the term when you clearly don't have any understanding of it at all. I cannot be bothered to explain to you why your understanding of the term is misplaced, nor why it describes a different person than you think it does, but when I tell you are misusing it. So please, just don't use it until you actually understand it,
  13. I have worked for multimillion dollar defence contractors that still use XP. It's not about the OS, it's about internal networks, the external hardware and software they do, indeed, buy as well as internal security procedures that keep thier shit safe. It's of little consequence what OS they actually use. What you say may be true with some companies run by morons, but companies who have any data worth protecting pay to protect it, they don't rely on an OS's standard protection. I'm 37, so as a gamer that age I actually quite resent the term "boomer" anyway, but it doesn't actually make sense within your argument because a "boomer" is a person, but then immediately justify your stance on this from the perspective of a business, not some retro tech nerd having a midlife crisis. Why would you do that? Not to mention you're actually wrong. People when they get to a certain age gain an affinity for thier old furniture, but not thier fucking laptop. If you are a "boomer" with money, you will the latest shit whether you need it or not. It's for the same reason men with money my age buy spots cars. I don't know who you work for or what credentials you have, but you do not know the real world like you think you do. EDIT: Just to clear, even as a "boomer", I'm quite good with modern tech. Just saying.
  14. Why would a hacker with tools even remotely up to date enough to called a hacker want to steal the credit card info of somebody who in 2022 can only afford to own a device that runs Windows 7 anyway? It would be like a King stealing everything owed by a beggar. I'm willing to bet that Windows 7 is too old for most modern malware programmes to even be compatible.
  15. Resident Evil from the very beginning wasn't exactly a documentary. Given that, why would there be a line between Resident Evil and "fantasy nonsense"?
  16. I'm actually getting a little fed up with people doing "Remake" trailers in commercially available graphics engines (In this case, Unreal Engine 5) with no association with the games in question. And this post pretty much explains why. It's false hope. It just gets the masses exited for something that is, quite literally, nothing. It's a video and not much more. People have been able to do amazing things with digital animation and set plays within limited digital environments for decades, all that Unreal Engine does is provide a tool to do so for the masses. The person who made this "trailer" obviously declared that it was fan made, but that doesn't change the fact it's gonna fool someone into thinking this is a real thing. Or, at the very least, drum up excitement to lead to inevitable heartbreak for fans for a game that was never going to happen in the first price. I guarantee you Rockstar know, and have known for ages, how badly people want a remake of Bully (and why not, it's beloved game), so what practical purpose does creating this trailer actually serve other than give somebody a wholly self-cantered chance to show off and make some ad revenue? Exactly, none. In a lot of ways, this no better than the people who that made a fortune making up and hoaxing GTA VI "leeks" on YouTube and on social media. To give this individual some credit, they do at least have talent and this does look amazing, but that doesn't change the fact doing such a thing is ego-centric, unnecessary and in the end helps nobody. This would be okay if it really was just received as a bit of entertainment, but we all know that's not what really happens.
  17. I'm sorry to break this to you, but this is not them helping each other out, it's just business. What happened was the patented high-definition disk format made to replace DVD that Microsoft backed up, the HD-DVD, failed. When it failed, Microsoft had to make a contract with Sony to provide a Blu-Ray licence for future consoles because there was no other choice. And why wouldn't Sony agree? Getting a cut of a rival's profits from a product certain to sell well into tens of millions for all the effort of signing a piece of paper? We wish we could make money that easily. Another interesting thing about this, even though I doubt it factored into Sony's decision in all this, is that Sony actually know Microsoft's pain in this situation first hand. Thier rival to the VHS, Betamax, even though it remained in production until 2002, never saw even close to the kind of popularity and widespread use that VHS did. It's almost certain that Sony had to make VCR's to play VHS tapes with a licence agreement on the technology patent held by thier rival JVC, exactly how Microsoft had to for Sony's Blu-Ray.
  18. Spot on. I would never call Elden Ring overrated or overhyped, least of all because I haven't played and likely never will. I've had enough experience with From Software games to know that this developer just doesn't make games for me. I reserve the right to criticise them for the methods, signatures and tropes they employ as I think some of them f**king stupid (no being able to pause, lack of difficulty options, the sluggish and un-empowering combat to name a few), but I would never suggest they need to change and make games for me. If they did, it wouldn't be From Software anymore. As much as I hate thier games, I respect them as a developer enough to want them to keep making for thier fans, not me. That's the right way to do it, actually the only way to do it. So they'll keep making games the way they do, I'll keep avoiding them because I already know I'm going to hate them, the sun will still rise in the morning, set in the evening and the tax man will harvest everything I earn in between, the way world should be.
  19. I'm locking this thread as there has already been several ne threads recently about the player transfer market as well as the pinned Sports Bar thread , so we don't need this.
  20. First off, thank you for the suggestions, but I'd apricate it if you included links in these types of please.
  21. I don't think Atreus will "take over". Just like how Tomb Raider wouldn't be Tomb Raider without Lara Croft as the lead, God of War wouldn't be God of War without Kratos. Yes, the character and indeed the game can evolve and change, but it wouldn't make sense for the lead of the game to change completely.
  22. I'll offer up my nomination for @Yaramaki. This has been a major few weeks for him with the promotion to moderator, but he has really taken it in his stride and is still putting out some of the best content that he has done to date. Well worthy.
  23. Those are some amazing suggestions, thank you so much. I'll have to do my own research before I decide what games or games to start with, but I'm spoiled for choice now thanks to you. I'll probably not bother with Darius Burst for now as that game is little bit expensive and more for bullet hell enthusiast, but the Cave games look cool (Especially Deathsmiles) and they all look fun to play. Once again, thank you. Great suggestions.
  24. I want a recommendation. For some reason, I want to play a good 2D Shooter, so I'm looking for recommendations. I'm sorry to say I can't really offer any point of reference nor narrow it down apart from I'd prefer it to be a PC game. An old school graphical look (16 bit era) would be cool, but not essential. I did find a game on Steam called Ikaruga that matches what I'm looking for pretty close, but I'm open to other ideas. So if there is something you know of or have played, please let me know.
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