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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. There has been no official word that Naught Dog are working on TLOU Part III, what you see above is a fan made concept trailer
  2. The conversation has moved too far away from what it was supposed to be about. Nobody's talking about "When they started their Fortnite journey" and are instead discussing microtransactions. This is one of these kinds of topics where you can only really answer the opening post once (if at all), then after there is little reason to post again other than in reply to somebody else's story, and I can't see a reason why that conversation would get very far either. The only thing that can be done to keep this thread going is to bring things into the conversation that don't belong, and that is exactly what has happened here. This was reported to the moderators by another member, and on the back of that report and for the reasons explained above, this thread will now be locked.
  3. To bad it's already taken. What about "Usinkable III"?
  4. I think announcing release dates close to said release date, no more than 4-5 months maximum beforehand, is exactly what every game publisher and/or developer should do. I spoke about it before on VGR, but I'll say it again for those who missed it. Game companies want to announce release dates as early as possible so they can start taking pre-orders a quickly as possible. Remember, these companies want all the money and the want it yesterday, so taking people's money and giving them literally nothing back is the ultimate goal. Taking in that money then actually coming out with a game at all is, to them, a compromise. Unless your Star Citizen, in which case you literally have taken hundreds of millions of dollars of your fans money and given them nothing but a bare bones, broken alpha to "play". Getting back to it. Some games make their release announcements close to year in advance to get those pre-sales, but there is no way that company in question can be certain that a game would ready that far in advance. It's just too early in the game's development to know at that point. It's almost inevitable that the schedule they have set out doesn't actually work out that way, forcing them into that choice to delay a game or release it busted. This is exactly what happened to Cyberpunk2077. CDPR announced game's release date in June 2019 at E3 to be April 16nth 2020, a full 10 months later. They foolishly announced the date at this time because the world was watching, again to maximise the amount pf pre-orders and hype they could generate. There was no way CDPR knew with any degree of certainty they could make that date when they announced it. And of course, as we know, they didn't. The game was delayed to September, then November until the game finally came out in December, a year and a half after announcing the release date. To cap it all off, the game still came out busted, a fact CDPR even tried to cover up, resulting is a PR disaster for them. If they just waited until a point where they knew the game was going to be ready before announcing that release date, that whole mess could have been avoided. Game companies can't seem to help themselves, though. Cyberpunk 2077 is hardly an isolated incident. Similar things, although maybe not as extreme, happen all the time.
  5. Obviously not because I haven't pranked everybody by adding an extra "0" into the title yet. 198
  6. A little weird, but I can't say I'm not happy for you. However, I don't feel like I would be doing this post right if I didn't point out that higher fan speeds, and thus more fan noise, are triggered by the component or components that fan is charged with cooling running too hot, not by whatever process or task the computer is doing. My laptop, for example, only does this when I'm playing a game that really pokes it with a stick. So to be honest, granted software updates do put a good load on the CPU, but it shouldn't be so much that a sudden and extreme increase in fan speed should be happening every time, especially with modern multi-core CPU's.
  7. I think instead we'll just move on and keep this going. 196
  8. The thread is about somebody that isn't you or @Heatman seeking recommendations for (preferably console) RTS games, it's not for you two to go back and forward and discuss Age of Empires. Letting this go from you two will inevitably lead to thread derailed and end up only belonging to you two's little chat alienating anyone looking to talk about the threads original subject manner. I've been here long long enough to know what @Heatman in particular is like. He can't help but get himself caught up in these things then before we know it, were 5 pages on and it's the same handful of people dancing around the same points over and over. So no, you were not on topic, this was a chat between yourselves. I've seen too many threads on VGR ruined by people doing this. I know you aware of the issues discussed in this thread, well this is how they start. With people saying something then somebody making a quoted response then it all just dissolves into a text chain between the same two or three people, and we have had enough of it on VGR. And before you accuse me of being overbearing, let me tell you this was not my action alone. This was in fact in was in response to another member who saw what was starting happen and reported it. So when I say we have had enough of it on VGR, I really do mean literally WE have had enough of it on VGR. Not me, we. So if you don't mind, when I issue you simple instruction like this in future, please just do as your told.
  9. The next number is supposed to be 195
  10. @Clasher and @Heatman This is starting to look like the start of you two using the thread for a conversation between just yourselves. There's PM's to talk to each other about these games if you so wish. On this thread, stick to the topic.
  11. I say text because I like the idea of not talking to people. I mean, humans, ugh...
  12. I hear you. At least with something like Gamepass there's a console or PC with games to play on them left to fall back on. With stadia, the collapse of it's service leaves you with nothing left that's useful after your investment.
  13. The image is a little difficult to work with because the figure is set of the left a little bit, but looks fine as it is at the time of posting this.
  14. Hey! So you choose one at last!
  15. The STU (Sewage Treatment Plant) on board HMS Illustrious when she came in for a re-fit. You don't know what it means to get ready to work dirty until your removing a 5m section of 6in pipe knowing it is literally full of shit. The smell of sewage doesn't actually bother me that much (rotten food like we found in the waste lines of the kitchen equipment is worse), I think it was the combination of the sewage and the harsh chemicals used in the system that made it so rancid. We were working in this compartment on and off for about a year and it was months before the smell actually went away and it was tolerable.
  16. My vote is for one of our newer members @Grungie. Not gonna lie, it's unlikely that you'll agree with everything he has to say, but with the amount of thought for quality and foresight and the amount of himself he puts into what he posts, that warrants respect. So despite a couple of rough moments in these early stages, I'm glad to see him here. It's hard to explain, but I felt like this forum needed you @Grungie, so welcome.
  17. Completed my 2nd playthrough of Tales of Arise yesterday. New game+ on this game does allow you to modify certain things about the game, so I decided to increase the amount of EXP and Skill Points that were earned and I think that was for the better, especially for endgame content.
  18. Very sorry for your loss. Know that we are here for you if you want.
  19. I have had those moments where I really have nothing better and actually want to play something, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to do so. I useually just stick on the TV, Netflix or Amazon video when that happens and get back to gaming when I can be bothered.
  20. I'm glad you posted this because this is exactly what I have been saying about cosmetic microtransactions. To be fair to Fortnite, it is not pay-to-win, but that doesn't mean that the cosmetic microtransactions aren't manipulative, predatory and even harmful, maybe more so than pay-to-win. You offered a specific example, but I have literally said this this in a general context before on this forum, like here from two months ago: Here from May And even here almost 2 years ago (I'd also check out the vid @Crazycrab posted a little further down that thread) An argument could be made that this isn't really the fault of the game, rather the crewel nature of the children playing it, but that would be very naïve. This happens all the time in Fortnight and other, similar games and it does not happen by accident. They do this on purpose, it is by design. I'll admit that part of me wanted to make this reply because of selfish vindication, but a lot of people think I'm talking nonsense when I bring this up and here is at least some proof that it really isn't.
  21. And the whole reason why these horrid practices are worming thier way into PC and consoles is because the mobile gamers have been so accepting of them. To mobile gamers, that's what gaming is, and these companies know that. That's why they use mobile gamers as the proving ground for these disgusting practices because the peploe who play mobile games dont know any better. Take Diablo Immortal, something that we know is an incidoeos pile of piss, yet right now has a rating of 3.4 stars on the play store despite a metacritic user score on 0.3/10. Mere days later, Blizzard announce Diablo IV. Coincidence? No chance. Part of it was a feeble attempt to distract everyone from the bad PR generated by Diablo Immortal, but it was also a clear sign they wanted to know what they could get away with in terms of monetisation. They won't look at the reaction from PC and consoles fans, they'll pick and choose to listen to the positive feedback to justify the inneviable action of inserting at least some of the horrid systems from Diablo Immortal into Diablo IV. If mobile gamers didn't have such a "relaxed" attitude towards these practices, something that comes at least in part from ignorance on how proper games on PC and console work, these companies wouldn't get away with it. I'm not saying that mobile gamers deserve the contempt the get from PC and console gamers, all I'm saying is that mobile games and mobile games recieve that unfortunate compemnt for a reason. They justify how mobile games are, and thus justify their business model, and that in turn is all the justication companies like Acti-Bilizzard and EA nead to try and extend that to everything, even full priced games. It's a similar sort of thing with EA FIFA fans. The majority of them continue to support those games despite their insideous, predetory nature, so EA are always trying to push that shit into thier other games.
  22. I can agree to some extent, but it isn't all about a superiorty complex from console and PC players. Like it or not not, mobile gaming is an area whare the very worst of the industry is not only tolerated, but it's the norm. So I don't think gamers on PC and console can be blamed for asking "Why do mobile gamers put up with this?". When the answer the get is from people who clearly don't have the kind of standered or expectations that is expect on console and PC, I think questioning how much they care and wether they are fully aware of what it is they choose to support it's a fair criticism. Gamers on PC and console are more prepared to say "this is not good enough" and it's because they know better. I know that sounds harsh, but like it or not it is the truth.
  23. I only uninstall a game only if and when the Flying Spaghetti Monster tells me too. Praise Be! It just so happens that he only commands me to do so when I'm done with a game or if I need the space, but that's just because he is wise.
  24. I think we have got to a point in this thread where all that needed to be said has been said. To summarise, if anyone is blacking out, getting dizzy, disorientated, headaches or anything of the sort whilst playing games, stop immediately and take a break. If it's a persistent and/or recurring problem seek medial advice. I've never been a fan of people posting medical advice on a public form, especially one where the members are almost certainly not qualified to offer a professional opinion. Because of that and the fact this thread had run it's course and can only serve to repeat itself, I'm locking this. @Icefrost, I know I speak for all of us at VGR when I say we hope this final reply finds you well.
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