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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. It all depends on the game in question and how the port was handled. Wether the game is a PC exclusive is irrevant. One should not assume that game will not be compatible with a gamepad because it's a PC exclusive, nor should one assume that when a game is multiplatform that a gamepad will work. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, for example, is not comparable with a controller on PC. The only way to make it work is to use 3rd party software to map keyboard functions to the gamepad, like ReWSAD or AntMicro. Such things these days are very rare, especially amongst mainstream games, so there is little reason to worry.
  2. Shagger

    Road 96

    Not just video games, but all works of fiction are a reflection of reality at least to some extent, so it's inneveitable that social politics that so permiate everyday life will also be reflected. So @killamch89, I wouldn't not play this or any game because you want to avoid political issues, sooner or later you're going to miss out on some really good games because of it.
  3. OK @Jasmin, fair enough. I apologise for my use of language, hat was immature and unnecessary.
  4. I'm putting this here because everyone needs to read this and this discussion needs to be reignited. This is about the recent conduct of one of our newer members @Jasmin and how it has lead to this post here. After making a comment like that, I was not going to allow @Jasmin continue to post on VGR without rescinding that comment and promising to put effort into her content on VGR. At the time of me typing this, she had not done so, but will update if she does. As most of you are aware, we have had trouble in recent weeks and months with people posting just up the count with little to no care over the quality, forethought and purpose of what they post, just putting up anything at all so long as it's a post. That's why this very thread exists. This behaviour has been going on for some time with many of our members and we have been trying to discourage it on VGR with mixed levels of success. Clearly, there is still work to be done. @Jasmin's attitude with regard to what is expected of people as part of this community and contributing to this forum is obviously wrong, but in her deference, I do not believe she is 100% at fault. The habits of too many people on VGR who post farm is what gave this person the impression that this how we're supposed do it on VGR. @Head_Hunter, @Heatman, @Justin11 and others, this is the fruit of your labour. It's your continued insistence on posting like this despite serval efforts on my part to make it clear posting in these spurts of posts in the dozens with 2-3 minute gaps between posts is harmful to the forum. Not only is it a bad example and a bad impression, but these post end up generic, soulless, badly written and virtually pointless and that's if there're on topic at all. These posts also tend to be made in the wake of little to no effort to actually read threads accurately, which not only leads to inaccurate replies, but is also very unfair to other members who actually put effort into what they post. The bare minimum VGR members deserve is to have thier posts read and understood before someone replies to them. EVERONE deserves at least that on VGR. But because of long term members who continue to post in this unhelpful manner, this is what newcomers to the forum like @Jasmin think they are supposed to do, that this is what is expected. I'd say @Dannyjax, @Aniekwe and @Clasher, like @Jasmin are also newcomers to the forum who are also starting to follow the same path and this is very worrying. Trust me, this is not what we want. This has to stop, now. I'd recommending once again that @DC alter the way points are offered to not reward this behaviour, but what we really need is people to go back through this thread, read what people are saying, take the advice on board and post like you care, unlike @Jasmin. And if you're reading this @Jasmin, I asked only the same of you. All I really wanted you to do is understand your perception of what people are expected to do is wrong. Still, it's you choice to come back or not, but if you do I want to see a new attitude.
  5. I didn't even have to be the one to say it @Jasmin. And if that comment above is what you believe, get off this forum before I kick you off. If you're not interseted in engaging meaningfully with the community, then we're not interested in you.
  6. Stop with the lies. You did not read that post and you certainly didn't watch the videos to gain full understanding of the situation before replying as it is not possible to all that then type out a reply, even that painfully generic one, in 3 minutes. You've been caught, now start behaving like an adult and take responsibility.
  7. You still aren't reading threads properly, are you?
  8. Yeah, it is annoying when people post generically with no care or thought put into it...
  9. Surprisingly, there very little in terms of a price difference, they're both about the same.
  10. There are few things in gaming I hate more the the PC Masters-of-thier-parent's-basements-at-best race. It's just immature fanboyisum from pathetic, insecure little boys and I'm glad the idiots who call themselves PCMR are so rare on these forums. As a PC gamer, I am wholly embarrassed by them.
  11. I think it was more the fact Fallout 76 was a broken pile of hot garbage is what bothered the fans most, the cheaters and exploits was just a small part of it. I did here about the new DLC, it's going back to the Pitt... from Fallout 3... because, Tod Howard was out of ideas? Details from RockPaperShotgun.com
  12. Like I said, I define freemium as some very insidious and predatorially monetised, so the short answer is no. However, that doesn't men I haven't found some decent free-to-play games. Neverwinter, Eternium, S.W.T.O.R, War Thunder, Warframe, Genshin Impact (I admit that one does have some really dodgy monetisation, but there's far worse) and Rocket League to mane a few. And not just to get this thread back on topic, I'd also give a shout out to Fortnite. I'd never play it, it's not my sort of thing, but It does seen to manage it's free-to-play model better than other games do.
  13. I couldn't care less if you like it or not. The concept of "freemium" is a free-to-play, but very insidious and predatorially monetised game. I call it "freemium crap" because "feemuim" is "crap". Hence, it's "freemium crap". Deal with it.
  14. Farming is posting anything at all with no care as to what you are posting, just getting as many posts in as possible. It's easy to spot people farming on threads like this because just like how you lot can't be bothered to type a post that takes more than a few moments to type, you equally can't be bothered to read posts that take more than a few moments to read. Because you didn't read this thread nor it's opening post and decided to make a what was a very generic response to this topic that didn't acknowledge nor address anything in the thread, this was easy to spot. Anyone who actually read the thread or least the opening post and payed any mind to what was going on in this game would not say. Seriously, read the topic. Anyone who wanted to play this game after having read and understood what was going on with it would have to be a complete idiot. At the very least, they would have more to say than this; I can even prove you didn't read the thread. Here is a snip of you activity history, more specifically your activity history surrounding the very post in question: Pleas note the times. You'll notice that you posted the reply a the "Gotham Knights PRG" thread at 8:41 AM on Friday (That will be my local time). You then posted the reply in question at 8:44am, that's 3 minutes later. Do you expect me to believe that you found the thread, clicked on it, read and understood the then made a genuine effort to compile a relevant reply and it typed out in three minutes? No, you didn't. You clicked on the thread, quickly put together a generic reply. Bang, done. Next post, which is also 3 minute gap. Don't you dare insult me by insulating that I don't know exactly what it is your doing. You can't waste time actually reading what people post, you need make reply's, as many of them as possible, go go go! Quality, relevance and insight be dammed, just put in anything, it all counts the same. Why spend 10 minutes reading threads to help you formulate an interesting and relevant reply when in that 10 minutes you could get 4, maybe even 5 one sentence posts in, right? Fuck you, not on my threads. That's what why I called you out and I'm not letting get away with it. Don't reply to a topic of mine again unless you're actually willing to put the bare minimum of effort into it, and by that I mean actually fucking read the topic! This is a complete lack of respect for me not as mod, but a member. Everyone who spends thier valuable time to create topics of discussion for you deserves the respect of people to at least read the topic before replying, we don't create threads to give you a new field to farm on. If you keep doing this, I promise trouble. And the same goes for all of you.
  15. Thanks for the input. I see now how this can work, but only @Justin11 can confirm what he was on about. I will say though that you are a testament to what is possible by just posting with care and rushing as I wouldn't have even known English wasn't a first language for you. You are absolutely right that people like @Justin11 who consistently make posts so badly written and poorly thought out that it's difficult to understand them have no excuse. The staff would be more than happy to help if they're struggling, but the never ask for help because an incomprehensible post is still post, it still counts, so they don't care. Anyway, back on topic. I do see what @Justin11 is talking about with digital games. Scratched disks and dust are real nuisance. I don't like to amid the benefits of digital distribution, but I have to be honest there is a convivence factor to it and and you don't have to worry about keeping the games in good shape or risk them not working. That is a genuine advantage.
  16. Let me put it this way. That's the equivalent of buying around 13 full priced, AAA games. So for the same money, somebody got 13 proper, band new, full sized games, whereas you got skins for one game. Still think that was a good deal? Face it, you are an asshole publisher's dream.
  17. First off, a PS2 games come on DVD's, not CD's. Second, a PS2 doesn't have a hard drive, so how is what you describe even possible @Justin11?
  18. So, in other words you post should have read like this... right? The fact it took a whole paragraph to explain what it was you were trying to say says it all.
  19. Over the last week or so, a situation that started with a YouTuber under the name Quantum TV pasting his take on Elden ring has spiralled out of control into a controversy that literally threatens the next Adpocalypse. Here is a summery of the situation as I understand it. A YouTuber with a little 60k subs working in the niche AV community on the internet doing things like reviewing TV sets and producing guides for optimising displays, decided to do a review of the video game Elden Ring. Fair enough. I won't link the review as I don't really wanna send this guy traffic, but what he put up was what most of the gaming community consider a bad take on the game. He didn't enjoy the game and implied that video games should be made for everyone. I'm going to break of into a slight tangent here because, I am actually going to defend the guy to some extent here. I may even agree with him to a point as well. People who have been on this forum for some time know I feel about From Software's games. Every time I've played one, for a number of reasons, I've not enjoyed them. I don't like thier game's approach to difficulty as in the philosophy of it, I don't like thier inclusion of certain inconveniences like not being able to pause and I don't like how sluggish and enfeebling the games feel to play, but that's me. I also don't like thier lack of accessibly features, like a difficulty slider. When Quantum TV made his take, I'm not sure if he meant that all games needed to be made accessible to all, or if all games needed to be made for all. It's important to distinct those not just because they mean different things, but because one I strongly agree with, and the other I really don't. Accessibility features I'd say do need to be included in games now, there's no excuse for it. Allow people under more difficult circumstances to enjoy thier games, I don't think that's asking for much. I also see no reason any game (with some expectations like interactive narratives and some platformers) should omit a difficulty option. It doesn't take the challenge away and lets people who are more into for exploration and the storytelling experience to enjoy the game thier own way, and that's fair. What I don NOT agree with though is that every game should be made for everyone. You can't make a DOOM game that's meant to appeal to Candy Crush players, not should Square Enix make a Final Fantasy game to appeal to Call of Duty fans. Likewise, From Software, despite everything I've said, should not make thier games for me. Thier games are not my thing, and that's fine, they should do exactly what they do and make thier games for thier fans. I don't know what one of those applies to how Quantum TV feels if either of them, but moving on. How anyone, including Quantum TV, feels about Elden Ring is not the issue, it the insanity that has come in the wake of the video that's the real problem. Several Youtubers found Quantum TV's review of Elden Ring and disagreed with it, many making thier own videos reviewing the review, so to speak, offering how they feel about his take. On the odd chance Quantum TV is reading this, welcome to the internet. People are gonna have a take and an opinion on what you say and they're within thier right to do so. If woke the morning after your review to find most people disagree with you, then too bad. What you do not have the right to do is abuse the copyright system to try and remove videos critiquing your video. Even if they were, let's say, "harsh", you pull you balls out of the cabinet, strap them on and behave like a man and deal with it. You do not abuse the copyright system just because your precious feelings were hurt. Those videos obviously completely fall under fair use. It doesn't end there, though. Well known game reviewer The Act Man was one such Youtuber who had a take. Not only did Quantum TV try to get his video removed, Quantum TV called his mother to claim his son was being mean. I know what he was trying to do because this has happened before and it was hilarious, but this isn't the same thing. This was funny when Alanah Pearce told the mother of a 13 year old who sent her explicit, sexist, misogynistic messages what her son was doing, it's just petty when you tell the mother of a grown-ass man he didn't like your opinion on Elden Ring. An already frustrated The Act Man who had been doxed not long before then did something that, we all have to agree, was a bit stupid. He put out satirical, jokey tweets about doxing YouTube staff and harassing people, and YouTube demonetised his channel. The also supported a claim that there was something sexual in one of his videos where he put up a pic of a cucumber near Quantum TV's mouth as some sort of joke, which is bullshit. Whilst all this is going, no action is being taken again Quantum TV over various violations of YouTube TOS's like the aforementioned abuse of the copyright system (YouTube themselves acknowledged that the videos claimed were fair use) avoiding bans, doxing, harassment as well as Quantum TV's now deleted social media with a history of racist and horrendously homophobic comments that were liked on his YouTube channel, but no. The Act Man get's his YouTube Channel demonetized over a sarcastic doxing tweet an a cucumber near some guys mouth, whilst Quantum TV tweets he wishes death on the LGBTQ community, harasses people, actually doxes people and abuses the copyright system, yet nothing is done. The snowball is already rolling. Philip DeFranco has already interviewed The Act Man on his channel and it's only a matter of time before this story get's the attention of the mainstream media who HATE YouTube. When they do, they'll show how a childish, extremely homophobic bully who abuses YouTube's own copyright system to harass and silence people he disagrees is allowed to do what he wants on the platform whilst innocent creators get penalised for nothing. Especially given that it's pride month, advertisers will very likely stat pulling out of YouTube and thus could well trigger another adpocalypse. And all of it to tend the ego a slimly little prick who reviews TV's. This has got to stop. YouTube for thier own sake need to take appropriate action here to avoid this from happening. Pleas, check out YouTube and you will find videos from the likes of ReviwTechUSA, Boogie2988, SomeOridinaryGamers, Optimus and many others who have been covering this story better than I have and can offer the facts in more detail. There's too many videos for me to cover here, just go to YouTube and look up the keywords to find out more. #JusticeForActMan
  20. What the hell does that mean? How does a person "slip off to" something? How would they not now about it? Why would they not agree to it? What the fuck are you talking about!?
  21. What has any of this got to do with the subject? You want to talk about the price of old consoles, talk about the tice of old consoles on an appropriate thread. Why is sticking to thread's topic impossible for you lot? I'm getting sick of this.
  22. I know it's me that kind of started this, but I think that's enough of real world Peal Jam now. There's an entire sub-forum dedicated to music and there you can post and discuss these clips to your hearts content, but can we please move this thread back on track now? Thank you.
  23. Even with all these re-makes, Capcom are still putting out new Resident Evil games as a respectable pace and they're quality games, so I don't really see the problem.
  24. Why would the PS% be Sony's last console? And more to the point, why is this game proof of that? I see no reason to believe the PS5 will be Sony's last console on account of this.
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