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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Something I find really annoying in Horizon Zero Dawn (and other 3rd person games, especially ones with similar stealth mechanics, like Assassin's Creed) is when the foliage between the camera and the player gets in the way. This is especially annoying when you're trying to line up a shot from cover in grass or something and you can't see the target that the character you controlling obviously can see clearly. This is a common issue and I've only ever seen one game address it, that game being A Plague Tale: Innocence. In that game, when you aim with your sling the foliage between yourself and Alicia fades so you can see what you're doing. Frankly, every game with a 3rd person perspective should do the same thing, especially if there isn't an option to switch to 1st person.
  2. In something like an RPG, I tend to avoid combat and situations I'm under-levelled for. This is usually not without cost in these games as you'll miss the chance to earn valuable resources and/or experience buy taking them on, so it's about balancing the risk against the reward. In something like the Last of Us where stealth can reward the player by saving resources is also a good excuse to avoid combat. Addressing what @StaceyPowers brought up in the opening post, it's a similar sort of thing, that whole measuring the risk vs the reward. I games like Oblivion, trying to persuade or intimidate somebody is often a much better ide than attacking them and risk the wrath of the guards. Th other alternative in that situation is usually doing some stupid bullshit for them to gain thier favour, but that's still better than attacking them 9/10.
  3. The only Ace Combat I've played is Assault Horizons and it was cool. It was a really gritty and fun game that I would recommend. Here's Angry Joe's review to give a better idea. I t may not have been the most realistic flight sim in the world and certainly not the most realistic flight sim in the Ace Combat series, but that's what made it a great game to me. Adding excitement and fun at the cost of realism I think is better philosophy. @Reality vs Adventure. That's really cool about your grandfather. I'm somehow surprised to find the F-22 was that at old and I wasn't aware they had been retired. A quick google revealed that the powers that be deemed the planes too expensive to make combat ready in the modern world, so I guess that's that. A shame, but I suppose you can't run a military on nostalgia.
  4. I'm 36 and haven't quit yet. I'm not saying my situation can't change be cause it can, but I doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon. I've kind of settled into a life that fits gaming better than other hobbies might.
  5. I don't think so. If @Heatman looked to have an open end to that question, the post would have been something like this; I think it's more likely he didn't know to continue the post to close out that question, so just posted it as is. I believe he was hoping to come up with something like this; Obviously, I don't know if that's what he was trying to say, that's speculation on my part, but I think you get my point. What I do know for a fact is that this post from @Heatman was the first in a string of 12 posted he made on VGR in the space of less than 20 minutes. Of course, that doesn't tell me how long he worked on that particular post, but that to me that is a sign that he was not posting with diligence and care at the time. Only @Heatman knows for a fact what happened, but to me it looks like an error or an urge to move on that prompted him to leave the post incomplete.
  6. I've always leaned a more toward PlayStation because they have had the better exclusives for me. Not that Xbox exclusives are bad or anything, they have some superb games, but Playstation's exclusives have just suited my tastes more. And just like @m76 pointed out, that's all it really comes down to. In fact, I feel that Xbox and PlayStation have become so concerned with what the other is doing that they end up making pretty much the same console. Even software support is almost exactly the same on both brands with only subtle and slight differences. The so called "console wars" make even less sense now than they ever have, and it's not just because I'm not 13 anymore.
  7. I couldn't play my games like that unless I had to. Even on the simplest games, like Atari 2600 simple, I would want to hear whatever sounds were there. There are some games like VN's that are often mute or with very little sound, and I like said if a game is simply made that way then so be it, but sound adds too much for me to turn it off.
  8. Trust me, I have seen people do 30-40 posts in space of an hour quite often. And not surprisingly, the quality of the posts tend to be dreadful. It's all things I mentioned already. Spelling and grammatical errors, careless formatting, off-topic posts, statements of the obvious that are often just lifted out of somebody else's post, incorrect details and clearly knowing the subject matter of that conversation not nearly well enough to even comment in the first place, but they do anyway. The most amazing part about this is that these people, at least at first, don't see a problem with this. I do not get how somebody can think they are making a worthwhile contribution when make posts at a pace greater than one post ever two minutes. There no other way to describe it, that is a rush, and a rush happens at the cost of quality. It's not thinking it through or caring about the end result. It's only recently I feel like I've been getting through to people that this kind of posting hurts a forum this small. It would maybe be OK on something like Neogaff that is really busy, but not here.
  9. It's not people posting 30+ posts a day that causes the problem, it's when people do these "bursts" of 30-40 posts in less than hour. It's impossible to put the correct and expected amount of research, proof reading, foresight or any real thought at all into what they posting at kind of pace. You inevitably end up with a wall full of rushed, error ridden, pointless posts really more a sentence long that either state the obvious, something factually incorrect and are often of topic because the people are not taking the time to understand what's going in the entire thread. When people do this it not only means they don't give themselves enough time to put care into what they write, they don't give themselves time to read anything properly either, especially if the post is more than a couple of paragraphs. It's a shame for people who genuinely do put and effort into what they post.
  10. On topic, I will say I have seen a marked improvement from several people, but there is still room for further improvement. Still, well done to all who it may concern.
  11. The first thing I need to point out is that this does not belong in "General Gaming", so I'm moving it to General Chat. Secondly, I'm not convinced this thread is necessary nor helpful. For Example, I would consider the "Community Chat" to be a suitable alternative to this, and the subject of the "spammy posting" has been controversial. Having said that, until this thread causes a problem, I see no reason to lock or remove it. I will be watching this thread carefully and I obviously expect people to post within the rules. So to everyone who contributes to this, behave yourselves. This is your only warning.
  12. Welcome to VGR. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
  13. That is a bit misogynistic. You may be able to produce sperm for you're entire life, but it's only possible for a woman to bear a child (at least safely) for 20 years or so of her life. If you have ambitions of being a father, don't expect it to be an easy option in your 50's. Woman have other options other than you're 100 year old saggy sack even today. Take it from me, be what a woman wants, rather than what you want a woman to want from you.
  14. I'm locking this thread. This thread's title was quite literally a question with one answer, and that answer can only be provided by George R.R Martin himself. The fact the thread went on for more than one page is baffling. Either you know it or you don't, and we don't. I know that George R.R Martin's history with gaming is something of a grey area with a lot of speculation, and that can breed good conversation, and that's why I let this thread be as long as I have. It's also very current and important given his involvement with Elden Ring. However, we're entering an era of this thread where people are bringing up barely relevant things to keep it alive. Just look at the last post form @Justin11 right above this. Mystic Quest has literarily nothing to do with this. So I'm calling it. However, I don't want this thread to end with a sour dump, so I'll post this video for some fun.
  15. I'm going to have to strongly disagree. Slack and Connecteam are not designed for gaming, they're for businesses. I'm sure they work fine, but they just not designed for same purpose as Discord.
  16. Just in case anyone reading this thread is unaware, the PlayStation started it's life as CD based add-on for the SNES. They even got so far as developing and manufacturing an number of prototypes (that are now VERY expensive collectors items). Nintendo were quite big dicks about it actually because just as Sony were preparing to announce the console and without telling Sony, Nintendo publicly announced thier partnership to produce thier CD add for the SNES... with Philips (I'm not even kidding, that actually happened). Of course, that add-on never happened either and ended up becoming the miserable failure known as the Philips CDi, so yeah, it's safe to say Sony had the last laugh in the end. Anyway, back to the topic. It's almost impossible to imagine what gaming would be today if the Nintendo PlayStation came out out as opposed to the Sony PlayStation. I do agree it does seem unlikely that this partnership would have lasted beyond the CD add-on, but it is possible Sony could have kept going and further developed thier own gaming/console technology without Nintendo, but they may have been behind the curve by the time they did. I Find it unlikely that Sony's own console would have been as popular if that CD add-on come through. So in the end, I have offer thanks to Nintendo for being such ass holes.
  17. What if I was to tell you that Sir Patrick Stewart and Sean Bean had roles in the same Indie game?
  18. It turns out that Prey has also already been on offer for free at some point as well. So 2 of the three games this week have already been free at some point though Epic.
  19. Exactly, NFT's are already tanking barely after they got stating. Time will indeed tell and right now time is proving you wrong.
  20. As you can tell, I'm surprised.
  21. I was actually going to post this in another thread, but it was bit off topic, so I'll post it here. I had mentioned the Kinect in that thread then remembered this video, and I think everyone deserves to see this video. This guy is hilarious. I know the video is an hour long, but trust me it's worth it.
  22. Despite what I just said, I do actually agree with @Boblee. E3 2010 has to rank up there, and not just because of Konami, but Microsoft's reveal of the Kinect is hard to watch these days.
  23. @Boblee, @Justin11 and @Heatman You guys are doing it again. This thread is now about something else because of you. It's the same thing every time. Somebody posts something on topic that refences something else, and you see that as an invite to talk about that something else. That something else in this case being Konami. There are plenty of threads about Konami and how crap they are, so either discuss that there or discuss it through PM's. Either way, stick to the topic please.
  24. With all due respect @NightmareFarm, I couldn't agree with you less. I actually think the level of visual improvement, the "leap" as you put it, get's less and less each time, especially considering the leap in the actual power of the hardware if anything gets wider each time. Not that those examples you put up aren't impressive, but if one actually looks at the whole history, I think that one will find the level of improvement does get less and less each time. I'll start from the beginning and work my way up to show you what I mean. Pong, 1972, 1st Gen I know the Odyssey came out the same year, but that was really more of a device to let people use thier TV's as an accessory to play what where basically board games. Pong, I believe, was the first video game you could play on TV at home. 2nd gen The next step isn't straightforward to navigate and it is debatable, but I'll go for the Atari 2600, 1977 Combat 3rd Gen Now to NES (8 bit), 1985 Mario Bros 4rth Gen Then to SNES (16 Bit), 1991 Super Mario World 5th Gen Then to the 32 Bit and N64 (1995-1996) (I'll use one shot from a PlayStation game and one from the N64) Goldeneye, N64 Metal Gear Solid, PlayStation 6th Gen The next example shows PlayStation 2, released 2000 Primal 7nth Gen Sticking with PlayStation, I'll go for PS3, 2006 Heavenly Sword 8th Gen Next, PS4 released 2013 ...and one of my favourites, Horizon Zero Dawn 9nth Gen And for the most recent of consoles, I'll go with the PS5 and an exclusive game to that console; Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart You see, I really do not see the level of improvement in graphics increase over time, I see the opposite. we're at the point where you could quadruple the amount of polygons in a 3d model and it would barley make a difference to how it looked. Obviously still images don't tell the whole story, like improvements on how games run, and that's why I'm actually glad the new generation of consoles seem to be more focused on improving the gameplay experience with reduced load times and higher, more stable frame rates rather than pure visual fidelity like they have been in the past. That's the right thing to do because I do feel graphics have hit something of a glass celling. We're at the point where putting more power into graphics is going to make less and less of a difference. The PS6 could have the power of 64 PS5's and would it really help the games look much better? VR maybe a bit of a different story because VR, as we know it today, is still an emerging technology, so maybe there is more room to improve thier, but even there is it's only a matter of time before VR runs into the same glass ceiling, so I actually don't think so. VR games look good even by the highest standards already.
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