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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. The stats apply to users on Steam. Steam is a launcher and storefront for video games, it is not office or cooperate software. Those 28 million users don't include people using Microsoft Office. Even if it happens to be on the exact same device, using a PC as a utility and using a PC as a gaming planform is not the same thing. You do not need a PC with the kind of specifications a gaming PC to write up a quarterly report, study for a geology exam or organise a company's payroll. It's true that someone may use that same PC to do those things kind of things, but the only reason someone is active on a Steam account is to play games on it, even if they use the same PC for other things.
  2. Why would you say the number of PC users is "too high? There's nothing wrong with playing games on PC, it's a great platform for gaming. True, some people take thier appreciation of PC gaming too far with the "Master Race" carp and go all fanboy with it, but a PC being a popular ad current place to play is not a bad thing. It's a great option that has a great many befits for those who are willing to suffer it's drawbacks.
  3. To @Reality vs Adventure and @Crazycrab as well as anyone else who wishes to comment on this. I feel compelled to point out that the opening poster (Jayson) has been banned form VGR between when he started this topic and now that people are actually starting to reply. That doesn't mean the thread will get locked or anything, it's still a valid enough topic even without him, I'm just pointing that out so people don't expect a reply from Jayson that will never come. Now that's said, let's continue. I'm not American, so I expect an American to take anything I have to say on this issue with a grain salt. I have not lived in a society with the kind of attitude and culture towards firearms that America has, so I'm not in a place to say what that is like. However, I'm with @Crazycrab completely on this. There is truth to the cliché "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." as attitude is as important a factor as anything in this. The gun itself is merely a tool, a machine. Like all machines, it's function is to make doing a certain task easier for a human being to do. It is only as dangerous as the person wielding it. However, when that deigned purpose is to kill, it has to be looked at a little bit different. You can kill somebody with a hammer or a hacksaw, but that's not what they are designed for. So to me, the gun isn't the problem, its the amount of respect people show it. And as far as I can tell, too many Americans who have guns do not respect them. I remember this horrifying story from a few years ago about an 8 year old who shot his Grandmother after playing GTA IV. Can't say I blame the kid, after being asked by Roman to play pool or go bowling for the 800th time, I'd kill the first living thing I find as well. All joking aside, many people tried to blame the game. Well, at least one neighbour had common sense. From the article; Neighbour Johnnie Scott said: "Where did she have the gun? Where did he see the gun, was it in his eyesight? That's the thought that goes through my head." Exactly! Imagine if this situation had exactly the same, expect instead of the boy shooting his grandmother, he had accidentally shot himself. That woman would been beyond ridiculed and criticised for leaving that gun in a position, locked, loaded and ready to go, where an 8 year old was able to get his hands on it and shoot it. For some reason I doubt the safety catch was on when he picked up the gun, otherwise he'd have to know how to disengage it. So l believe found the gun in that condition, just lying out in the open ready to fire. Both morally and legally it's difficult to blame the child and people don't want to blame the grandmother because she died in the incident, so take the easy way out and blame the game. Just because she died in the incident, doesn't change the fact she 100% and solely responsible for what happened. And it is this casual attitude that she, and much of America, have towards guns that killed her. If I had a gun along with a small kid in the house, it would have it's safety catch on, out of easy reach, with a trigger lock attached, be locked in a safe hidden being a inconspicuous paining behind a secret wall guarded by robots and lasers, it would NOT be just laying around. So my question is, especially to Americans reading this who own a firearm, what is it to you? Is it something you would happily leave in it's pride of place next to the TV remote, or is a deadly device you keep secure, because I cannot imaging living with a gun and treating it like that grandmother did.
  4. As far as I can tell Viconia DeVir is not a character from Skyrim, but from Baldur's Gate II. She only appears in Skyrim as a mod (Be aware, some might consider this mod NSFW, you have been warned) . However, @The Blackangel is right about a couple of things. Her voice actress, Amber Lee Connors , is indeed gorgeous; And even though her "appearance" in Skyrim was only a part of mod, she actually did do the voice over for that mod, which is really cool. So the title of thread is a little bit misleading, but the point still stands. I is a opportunity to get to meet this talented and beautiful voice actress. here is her Wikipedia page for those who want to learn more about her career.
  5. Face it @egghead, @Crazycrab has point and he is right. And this is the same thing I was talking about in the Xena thread. You make posts where it's abundantly clear you have literally nothing to say on the topic, so just post anything at all. In the Xena thread you made a post that says nothing except that you have nothing to say, and here you don't know about about the movie 127 Hours (a great film, by the way), so just post about a completely different movie. Why? Like @Crazycrab said, if you want to talk about Castaway, then talk about Castaway, just on thread about about Castaway! Or Tom Hanks, or whatever. A thread that's relevant to that, a thread that is applicable. If there isn't a thread that's applicable, start one. It really is not difficult. Here's a tip, if you have nothing to say, then say nothing. Nobody is forcing you to reply to thread just because you clicked on it. There is never a good excuse to attempt to derail a thread, but doing just because you can't think of anything to say that is relevant to topic is ludicrous. Please stop it.
  6. Windows user here. It's what I'm used to and grown comfortable with. Yes, it's not perfect, but I do feel it presents more options and flexibility than people give it credit for.
  7. I'm sorry, but that is not what a forum is. It's structured discussion. That's why a forum is divided up into different areas for different themes of discussion. So, like it or not, it is not OK for a conversation to to flow towards the weather on a Minecraft thread. That is not what a forum is. People need to understand that there is a difference between this and a chat room or social media thread.
  8. You are 100% correct. It is impossible to stop people form going off topic in discussions. It can't be done. Whether that individual is doing it on purpose to "post farm" as @Patrik described it, or because they didn't care enough actually ask themselves the question, "Is what I'm about to post worth posting?". Or, indeed, whatever it was that compelled @Justin11 to think that trying to divert a conversation on a thread about "Driver" from a relatable post about "Watchdogs" to Moto GP for... some reason. And yes, @Boblee, I did see your reply on that thread. And no, the answer is not restrictions, that's a last resort that nobody wants, at least partially because that doesn't even hit at the heart of the problem. Me, @kingpotato, and others have said it several times. The answer if for the people who do this, whether they know they are doing it or not, to stop. Stop, and think about what they post. I'm not going to repeat myself, so this is what I said earlier in this very thread. It isn't difficult. All everyone has to understand is that this is a forum and what that means. There is only so many more times I can say it and I have literally run out of ways too say it. The message is out there, posted by myself and others, on the forum and even through PM's for some people. Just stop, and then think about what it is you are about to post is worth. I question the choice to post or not every time as part of the process of figuring out what to say. "Is this relevant?", "Do I need to post this?", "What will this post add?", "Does this answer anyone's question (including a question not directly asked)? "Does this ask a question worth asking?". If I keep getting no to these questions and then be faced with the choice to post nothing, or make a post anyway that may as well be nothing, I post nothing. As does anyone with respect for the forum. Most of these theses posts aren't even proof read in any way, riddled with spelling errors and typos, a true testament to how little the people that post them care about them. I know my spelling typing is atrocious, but at least I try. I have read read through this very post on no less than five occasions before deciding I was satisfied with it. That is all that is being asked, to think. Is that really so much?
  9. @Justin11 and @Yaramaki Well, there is quite a lot to get through here isn't there. @Justin11, this post of yours; Could be seen as an attempt to derail the thread. It's OK on this thread to mention Watchdogs as there is a link between that game and Driver. You could even go so far as to say Driver, or more specifically Driver 3, is the reason Watchdogs exists. I'll post more on that as a regular post once I'm done with this for anyone who is interested, but the point is there is a link. However, there is no link between Watchdogs and MotoGP, or MotoGP and Driver for that matter. They are different genre's of games and, to the best of my knowledge and research, they do not and have never shared a developer or publisher. Bringing this up here in this thread is bringing something completely unrelated. Honestly, you may as well have said this; And it's especially puzzling that, even by your own admission, you never played Watchdogs, so what did you have to add? We all become aware of specific game's reputation, but posting about that rarely adds to anyone's knowledge of said game, especially if they've played it and you haven't. It frustrates people who know first hand what a game is like. You had literally nothing to add, so make an excuse to post something then tried to make the conversation about a completely different game just to have something to say. In the world of forums, that's called derailing. An on VGR, it is a classic example of the "post anything to post something" mantra that has been frustrating the community lately. I can't speak for him, but I'm willing to bet it is that frustration that boiled over in @Yaramaki. So whilst I will not condone the actions of @Yaramaki (and we WILL talk about that), I can understand them. You, @Head_Hunter, @Boblee and others think there there is no harm to this? Well, here it is! Here is the harm, alongside a very familiar headache for me that goes along with it. If you want to talk about Moto GP, talk about Moto GP, on a Moto GP thread! If there isn't one, start one, it really isn't hard. I sense a very strange reluctance from those of you who post in this manner to start new threads for some reason I can't understand. You seem more content to spin other threads off course to better suit your subject manner. Now, @Yaramaki, like I said, your is frustration shared by many on VGR, but try to keep that reigned in. The following goes for everyone, If see something that you feel needs looked at by the mod team, report it. Calling it out and addressing it yourself on the public form will almost always only make it worse. Reporting someone is not an attempt to get anyone in trouble, it's merely calling something to our attention and nothing more. So you see, you were wrong; I didn't take action before this because I thought what you were doing was OK, I didn't take action because your mention of me in that post was the first I even knew about this. Since you have apologized and it seems resolved I'll take this no further, but I hope to leave this post with lessons being learned on all sides, Now, moving on.
  10. I'd be carful with that. If you buy a new than stick that uses a different generation of RAM chipsets, for example mixing DDR3 with DDR4, they will not work together. Also make sure you motherboard can take the extra ram. Every motherboard has limit. Having two different sizes of RAM between your two sticks will work, but it's not the most efficient set up. If it were me, I would take @skyfire's advice and work a little harder then buy two 8GB sticks.
  11. I am another one of these people that don't really notice a tangible difference between 30fps and 60fps, so 30fps or more is fine for me so long as it's stable, even if it never gets as high as 60fps. I'll take better visuals even at the cost of some performance. On my current gaming laptop, that's the kind of frame rates I tend to get when I run modern games at max settings, at it looks perfectly fine even of a 144hz screen. As @Crazycrab pointed out earlier in the thread, people have to consider how the frame rate thier game runs at and how that matches the screen they are using. Frame rates aren't everything. Quite frankly, I hate having to turn on that FPS indicator to then faff about with my graphics setting when I start playing a new PC game.
  12. I've always wanted to get into Kingdom Hearts, but the chronology of the series is so confusing that it's difficult to know where to start.
  13. Shagger


    Do you mind if I ask why you bothered to comment then? Anyhow, I actually didn't know there was a Xena tie in game either, but from what I see here it looks surprisingly decent.
  14. That's fair. These types of games are not made for everyone. Still, I would get a little frustrated as watching someone else play them, like if they the make a choice I wouldn't have made or if they don't go down a back alley or more hidden spot that I would have explored, it would be a little maddening.
  15. I can only speak for local prices, but a single stick of 8GB desktop RAM de[ending on it's speed costs £20-£30.
  16. You did (if I remeber it correctly) have to knock down all the training dummies to get the platinum. That was a bit cryptic.
  17. That's what I would have brough up. Doing that was so fun, especially in Left Behind and you couldn't do that in the main game.
  18. I'm having a very similar debate with @skyfire on another thread and I'm long way from convinced that you need $1400 laptop to do web design. On a side note, do you mind posting the specs of you specs of your machine? Thanks. Back to the point, a cheaper laptop that isn't meant for gaming could suit that purposed then buying a PS5 to use for gaming and I'd bet my last penny it would work out less than $1400. True, you would know better tha me what is required out of a computer to do web design, so if you could fill me in on that I'd apricate it.
  19. Wow, good for you! I wish I had friends like that.
  20. Honestly @kingpotato, I'd say @Boblee was on topic, and actually asked a good questing in the process.
  21. Maybe they suffer from Ostraconophobia (The fear of shellfish)?
  22. To be fair, it's not like consoles are immune to breaking down. I'm on my third PS4. OK, if you genuinely believe you can build or buy a gaming PC with the same performance of PS5 within the budget of a PS5 and basic laptop, prove it. I'll even double the retail of a PS5 to make it $1000 because I'm feeling generous. To set the parameters for this, we need to find a multiplatform game and know how it runs on a PS5. My first thought was AC Valhalla, but it turns out that game's performance on PS5 is rather complicated with dynamic resolutions. So I 'll go for Godfall instead, that runs at 60pfs at 4K on PS5. According to my research, the graphic quality isn't quite the equivalent of Ultra High on PC, so lets go for medium to high settings as the equivalent (source). According to this article from RealSport101.com, the dev's of Godfall have stated that to run Godfall at 4K 60fps, you need a graphics card with at least 12GB of VRAM. Because your trying to build a PC that's the equivalent of what you get with a PS5 out the box, there will be a few rules; A mouse and Keyboard must be included. That is the user interface and it every bit as vital as any component. Because a A PS5 is shipped with a Dualsence controller (That serves as the user interface for a PS5) as part of the package, this is totally fair. At least 850GB of high speed SSD storage, like a PS5. 16GB of RAM as per the recommended specs, and will be necessary for 4K. You can omit a UHD Blu-ray drive from the build if you want, but will reduce your budget by $100 as you will be building something that's equivalent to a PS5 without the disk tray. An operating system. Again, it is vital and a PS5 is shipped with one, so that's fair. I've found you a Bottleneck Calculator to help you match a suitable CPU and you will compile your list using PC Part Picker. I found this totally decent Lenovo Laptop on Laptops Direct to serve as the utility computer next to the console that in $US would work out at $200. That gives you a total budget $1200 with a disk tray or £1100 without a disk tray. Good luck!
  23. Still sounds more in line with strategy and tactics rather than an actual puzzle.
  24. It's about time. I have to admit I use amazon all the time, but doing so knowing the working conditions that thier employees have to put up with always made me feel a dirty.
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