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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. In future @Kane99, if you make topics like this can you please post a link to the game in question? Having done my research I now know of at least 2 video games based on Cobra Kai that exist, so you see why it's important to link specifically what you're referring to. A little common sense isn't much to ask for. I'm going to assume you mean this game that released on major consoles and PC in October 2020; Honestly, I think it looks terrible. A generic and rather choppy beat-em-up with some god awful graphics that I think is trying to be a spiritual successor to The Karate Kid on NES. It does kind of make sense to do that given that the Cobra Kai TV show is a follow up to the Karate Kid movies, but The Karate Kid game was awful! Why wouldn't you just try something different? I think people would have been fine if you didn't try quite that hard to follow what had come before!
  2. Shagger


    I don't mean to speak for her, but I believe she is referring to her Muscular Dystrophy.
  3. His sister ship, and it was a sister, was named after Alfred Peter Friedrich von Tirpitz, a German Grand Admiral. He was man. So you see, it still makes no sense.
  4. In response to the actual topic, there is only one difference between a game that's "woke" and a game that's "offensive", and it's not even in the game itself, but in the person observing it. They're both needlessly offended in a way that a civilised, sensible person wouldn't be observing the same thing, It's just as stupid for someone to be offended by a female character being needlessly sexualised as somebody being offended, and offended is the right word, by the same character now wearing jeans instead of skin tight short shorts. I've been playing a game called The Vagrant on steam (I'm tempted to do a "Shagger Says" on this game when I'm done) and it's from a publisher that's known for catering to a, well, let's say "I'm not crying, but still need an ample supply of tissues" demographic. And yes, the protagonist looks lie she just walked of the set of "Lord of the G-Srings" or some shit. However, the game itself, that I only bought to use up leftover funds from my Steam wallet, is superb! A dark, gothic side scrolling JRPG in the art style of some Vanillaware games like Odin's Sphere. It's brilliant and I honestly don't think anyone's Steam library is right without it. The story is fantastic and really engaging, the gameplay is satisfying, it is gorgeous and at $4 it is the bargain of the century. The main character may be drawn like she belongs in a god damb hentai, but that is the last reason anyone should choose to buy or not buy this game. However, there will be people who will do one thing or the other and it is not fair on the game. So because of that, I would say they would have been better of designing the main character in a way that was more, let's say, subtle. Does that mean I'm offended by the way she looks? No. If I was, I wouldn't have tried the game to begin with. Did the way she looked persuade me to buy the game? Again, no. Like it or not, when you swim through the bargin basement on Steam, the kindest thing I can say is that it's an ocean of lowest common denominator mucus, so even The Vagrant actually stands out as something to take at least a little bit more seriously. Like I said, I might do a full boar full roar "Shagger Say's" on the game, but TL;DR is, it's $4, buy it, I promise you won't regret it. I used "the Vagrant" as an example of how I'm a rational person and how I hoped everyone would view a game like that. I understand why some people would attack the game over the design of the main character and I would too if the game used that as crutch because it had no other way to stand on it's own, but that just isn't the case. There will be people who will defend the game from such attacks because "complaining about it makes you woke", and to me that's at least just as stupid. Don't jump on hate trains or bandwagons, don't stand up for any cause other than your own and what you truly believe in, and if you do, make it about something that actually matters.
  5. I feel compelled to tell you can post YouTube videos of songs quite easily simply by copy and pasting the link to said song into your post. I've edited your post add the song you described as an example.
  6. I'm sorry to disappoint you or anybody else, but I don't care enough to argue with him. I don't even care enough to even read whatever he had to say. However, he has already proven on numerous occasions that when it come to the subjects of social politics and prejudice he is 100% convinced that his perspective, as dark, archaic and twisted as it is, is somehow righteous. It doesn't make sense and, quite frankly, it's probably bad for one's metal health to even try to make sense of it anyway. It's like trying to understand why Adolf Hitler referred to his flagship The Bismarck as a "He" instead on the more traditional "She", it's just easer to take the reality as it is rather than suffer the effort to figure it out. So fuck it. Any form of moderation required on this thread, I'll leave in the very capable hands of @The Blackangel and @DC. It's better for both myself and VGR if I just ignored it.
  7. You know what, I'm gonna stop you right there. Whatever it is you were about to say it needs stated that you are the LAST person on this forum who's opinion on this subject matter needs heeded. Your sexisum, racism, misogyny and even a kind homophobia that even you yourself isn't fully aware of makes anything you say on this topic pure poison.
  8. WHO. FUCKING. FUNDS. THESE. STUDIES! Video games are a hobby, a pastime. You may as well study how fishing has a positive affect on depression and come the very predictable conclusion that INDULGING HOBBIES HELPS! This pisses me off because I actually do suffer from depression and I can tell you that, if anything, video games are not the best solution. You are better going out, being physically active. Even today I bought a flash drive, but instead of having it delivered I went out to pick it up because that was better for my mental health. Yes, playing video games is better for your mental health and helps in combating depression, but compared to what? Doing nothing? Trust me, if you reading this feels depressed and in dark place, get the fuck off whatever device you're reading this on and go for a god damn walk. Don't play a fucking video game.
  9. I've never actually been to one, and likely never will and LAN parties don't really make sense anymore. 15-20 years ago my friends and family all gamed on consoles, so LAN parties were never really a "thing" for me. I do remember getting really annoyed by people claiming that LAN parties were "local multiplayer" for PC like what was available on consoles and no, it just isn't. It's network play between separate systems all running and separately purchased copy of a game, it was not the same thing as as for people with thier own controller playing Goldeneye on N64 on the same console. Just because that network is not a WAN (Wide Area Network, like the world wide web) an instead an LAN (Local Area Network, literally what LAN stands for) doesn't make it the same as local multiplayer that existed on consoles at the time. I know it's pointless to bring that up now and everything is different these days, but that really irked me when people claimed "Local Multiplayer does exist on PC because of LAN", it was so stupid.
  10. Im with @m76, @The Blackangel, @DC and @Crazycrab on this. It doesn't seem necessary as we have similar, but more subtle, systems in place already and this would, if anything, incite bad posting habits.
  11. Stat's ultimately matter more to me, but I would consider something of a flaw if you have sacrifice aesthetics in exchange for better stats. There's no reason anyone should have to comprise, especially since so many games offer options to wear armor and weapons as "skins" to sit on other items. Tales of Arise come to mind as an example of such a system. The there's the Assassins Creed Origins approach where you can upgrade old armours to a higher level so they can still be gameplay effective. That's a great way to keep old "epic" alive in the game.
  12. @StaceyPowers I really don't think we needed two entirely new topics to cover the additional questions you had about owning a gaming laptop and looking for recommend games, not to mention there is surely a ton of topics about game recommendation, both on PC and otherwise, on the site already. That's why I've decided to just merge these three topics together, it's just a waste of forum space to keep them separate. A reminder for everyone. Whenever you post a new thread that could easily be part of an already existing one, you bump someone else's topic down the board. It's short-sighted, selfish and leads to a large number of threads with very few replies clogging up the forum. If a thread already exists and it's very old, by all means start another one. In other words, don't post topics that don't need to be there, but apply common sense. Thank you for your time.
  13. Being made by From Software is enough to personally put me off. They have for years pushed the illusion if they make a hard game, like that automatically makes it a good game, when in reality thier games don't challenge strategy nor skill at all. I'm sad I'm the only one who sees that. Thier philosophy towards combat is fine, It's thier philosophy towards difficulty (and not letting you fucking pause!) that's flawed. Translated from a From Software game. This game you're playing is the most important thing and, in fact, the ONLY thing in your life. how dare you ignore me! Even for your own real life convivence! Fuck any phone calls, ignore anyone at the door and you don't need food because I've got plenty of BULLSHIT for you to eat. You like that? You like a boring story that doesn't matter because you'll never remember between checkpoints buy non-consistently dying all the time? Well FUCK YOU for not remembering something that was uninteresting to begin with. you'll like it because it's ME telling it! You don't get basic quality of life gameplay mechanics no matter how much sense they make and how little they take from the challenge of combat. You wanna pause to take a shit? Fuck you! How dare you ignore me! You have to deal with AI that prays on you're natural instincts (like changing attack direction when you hit the dodge button), unfair hitboxes that make hit's count even though the attract clearly missed and even a level select that's a beginners trap. Because I said so. You don't play me, I play you. And you're a fucking idiot, the perfect person to control. Now I command to you bully anyone who struggles with my games, that will feed me..." "Because I'm a "Souls Game "Fucking bow!".
  14. I use my gaming laptop for PC gaming and everything else that's... laptoppy, and computerity for that matter. One of the great things about is that fact I can use it without a dedicated desk. Lap, armchair, coffee table, even in bed, it can go where a regular PC can't. I can use it wherever it's convenient at that moment. I will recommend one of the first purchases you make with regard to it being cooling lapboard. On certain surfaces and fabrics gaming laptops (at least in case of mine) can heat up very easily and just makes a laptop more comfortable on you lap. If you don't mind me asking, what model is it and what specs does it boast?
  15. First off, I've pinned this thread. It was about time. To be honest, I thought it was pinned already, but was surprised to find that it wasn't. Sorry if I overstepped @DC, but it needed to happen. Next just heard the new Sabaton single "Soldier of Heaven" and it is awesome! Sadly, I''ll edit this and post the actual music video is released, but for now...
  16. You speak like you, for some reason, think this is a good thing? That this is a sustainable, practical idea? That this what gamers want in thier games? I can't help but feel you're a little confused.
  17. Now that the question is phrased correctly, Kifer Sutherland. And as soon as he's done with my game, he'll play Snake (MGS) again and will record more than 15 fucking lines, so maybe he get it right this time! (Seriously, when Kifer played Snake, he barley said anything! Was he payed per word or something?) And in MY game, he will have flawless Fifeshire accent, everyone will laugh at his jokes and every strategy he wants to do will be the perfect one, like back when he was Jack Bauer. And most importantly of all, in the game he'll look like Dacre Montgomery because he's my man-crush.
  18. You've got a lot to learn about the world if you don't think that being poked with something sharp can be associated with a fetish.
  19. To rule the world through the power I will yield my my hoard of giant, killer Dung Beetles. Don't tell me your feel wouldn't compel you to obey because you totally would.
  20. What's an NFT? Oh, hello sirs, madam's... idiots, I'm not choosy, have I got a deal for you! I have, for you, a clock! A very nice clock. This clock! And I offer you this clock, that will totally be yours. You'll even have a receipt to prove it, see; Now, I will confess, this isn't the most practical of clocks so you won't be able to take it with you, bring it home, charge people to look at it or do... pretty much anything with it. Hell, I myself don't even own it, but what's important is that it will be YOUR clock for the bargain price of $3000. Hell, for an extra $2000, I'll throw if this delightful celling! Form an orderly cue, I can sell you all the clock. Seriously, buy this clock from me.
  21. I have a theory. The vast majority of these game companies deserved it. Let's be honest, pretty much all of these game companies will have been shitting out the kind of FTP, mobile-like, greedy nonsense that necessitated the 3 hour ban in the first place because of how manipulative and predatory they are. Maybe if these companies had developed games that don't rely on timers, paywalls and lootboxes, people may have supported them instead of "playing" for a couple of hours, hit an in-game block on progress then decided, "Fuck it. I can only play for another hour at the most until tomorrow anyway, I'll just not bother.". So you know what I say? Well done China, it's working.
  22. Racing games... in general. More specially using an open world hub to select games modes instead of menus. I don't know what racing game did this first, but it was Burnout Paradise that made it popular and there is a place reserved in hell for whoever it was at EA and Criterion Games that though that was a good idea. All it does is make selecting the game modes, tracks and cars you want slower and more awkward and you end up racing around the same areas over and over with limited variety.
  23. 11 pages in and I don't think I've commented on this... OK, do I think it's unfair that early buyers get early access, no. However, do I think that those offers are used as a form of manipulation and that that is in fact the main goal, yes. That means I HATE them. Getting early access, epically with the kind of progress = benefits systems that dominate multiplayer these days, is just another form of pay-to-win in my opinion. There is a difference between games that reward people for opting in early and games that punish people for not opting in early, and sadly most "AAA" games follow the latter.
  24. Yes indeed. Happy new year everyone!
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