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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. For the purposes of this I'm going to discount add-ons like the SEGA-32X and the Atari Jaguar CD, but consider them notable mentions because one looks like a toilet and the other looks like something you would drop in it... For a stand alone, mainstream console, I'd have to go for both versions of the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom PAL SNES/Super Famicon Design NTSC SNES Design Now, before somebody goes insane, I am NOT dissing the console itself. It's a beloved classic for many very good reasons, but if you actually stop and look at them, there is little to compliment. The NTSC SNES was designed by somebody who lost his pencil case and only had a ruler left. It's very "white goods" in appearance apart from that weird ridge in the middle. Were they trying to make it look like a bicep or something? It really stands out and just doesn't look it it should be there. The PAL SNES/Super Femidom is, if anything, even worse. It's so dull, I'm struggling to even come up with anything to say. A kid back in 1991 would have to know what it was to regard it with any excitement. Compare it to it's big rival a the time, and I think you'll understand what I mean; Whilst the SNES looks like something your mum would wash your cloths in, that look likes a Tie Bamber. Enough said.
  2. It's not a massive difference, but it's neatened things up a little.
  3. I've merged the thread you started with this sticky thread within the Video Game Deals Sub-Forum that is specifically for discussion around Xbox's Game with Gold, as well as keeping the community up to date with the service to see what games are currently available. Such threads also exist for PlayStation Plus and Free Games with Epic. Feel free to read the OP's of these threads for more information. I speak for the community when we say that we apricate you posting this and bringing it to our attention, but these threads are here to help keep chat about these services in one, convenient thread. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
  4. If I'm understanding this correctly, the Scourge system is a free update to the existing free-to-play game. The in game purchases I think are mostly sold from the in game shop, but the Epic Games Store listing shows some of what's available externally. Why this is different to the Steam version and, as far as I can tell, the console versions, I don't know. Maybe those are packs exclusive to the EGS version? Either way, all I can suggest is download the game and see what's on the game's store.
  5. Horizon: Forbidden West. Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of my very favourite games, so there was no way I couldn't be exited for a follow up.
  6. I'd live in the world of Harry Potter then dedicate my time to perfecting my "make money" spell until I'm a millionaire. Don't look at me and think "You can't have your cake and eat it." That's a stupid expression anyway, why else would I want my cake if I wasn't gonna eat it?
  7. If every game was so similar to each other that there was no need for tutorials at all we'd bee in a pretty sorry state. Without thier own indigenous control quirks games just wouldn't have thier own identity. A case can be made that if a game is easy to play without a tutorial, that's a sign of a game that's got a very well suited and intuitive control set up, but I still would like to think every new game has something a little different to offer. I'm hearing you on JRPG's. Don't get me wrong, I love the genre, but they almost always have to take some getting used to. I touched on that when I reviewed Tales of Arise recently.
  8. Strange thing is I haven't actually played any of those, so I can't really say. I see it going to Resident Evil: Village or Deathloop. Either way, it must be said looking at that list has really sobered me up to the fact this has been a pretty dismal year.
  9. It's is hard to get these companies to pay attention to the simple collective message that the state is this game is unacceptable. It's even harder when said companies have to deal with Jane from accounting has somebody persistently telling her to kill herself on twitter. If you were, let's say, a HR manager at said game company, what one of those two situations would be a higher and/or more immediate priority? Exactly, it would Jane from accounting. That's why this shit doesn't help and in fact only slows the response from a company to address the concerns of the customer base.
  10. When it come to the kind of stuff surrounding people like Activision/Blizzard and thier abusive culture, that's a different matter and more complex. That's about how people treat people and their are individuals who have done serious wrong. When it's something as arbitrary as a game's lunch state, we handle it, as the community, by showcasing and talking about and bring those concerns to representatives of the company and make it clear "This isn't acceptable". We demand refunds, we publicly refuse to buy thier games until they are in an acceptable state. We write reviews for other people to read to spread the word about these issues. But most importantly of all, we do all of that in a civilised manner. We don't go to individuals social media accounts and give them hell just because they work there, whether they be the CEO, the janitor or anyone in between as no person is to blame for these things and no one person is in a position to fix these issues alone. Yes, there are people who need to be held accountable in these situations, especially in upper management, but that doesn't mean it's acceptable nor helpful to target individuals armed with one's frustrations.
  11. Wrong, NOBODY should be attacked. Not even at the executive level. Even if if it's an abuse, corrupt scumbag like Bobby Kotick, what you do is not buy thier games and criticise the company by joining the voices saying he should resign. In the case of Rockstar and Grove Street Games, criticise the poor quality of a game publicly, but for the love of god don't "attack" anyone.
  12. Welcome to the VGR community. Here's hoping you will learn to trust us and open up so we can get to know you, but for now, we're happy to have you.
  13. Think of it this way. Let's say Boeing come out with a band new passenger airliner and that airliner has a crash because of some design flaw. What you're saying is that it's OK to "go after" the guy who's job it was to secure the planes toilet just because he listed himself as an employee of Boeing on social media. That it's fair to blame that one flight attendant that just happened to survive the crash and went to social media to alert people to what had happened because she works for the airline . That the PR representatives for the airline and Boeing deserve to get threatened and harassed by an angry public even though they had nothing to do with what caused the accident. I don't know what it is you think you look like when you say stupid shit like this, but let me assure it's not good.
  14. For the what I promise will be the only time I take this thread seriously (Sorry @DC, but I don't think I'd be doing this right if I didn't least try to take the piss a little bit) posting suggested images could be little awkward here given the file size limit of avatar images on VGR, and that limit is around 500kb. For example, a direct upload of an avatar the correct size onto VGR would look like this; But it is possible for it to look like this on thread; This just make the image look better on the thread, but it's obviously the first image that's the one that will be used in the end. GIF's will also look smaller, here's my avatar uploaded directly to the forum page. So it's all worth bearing in mind.
  15. I've got to be honest and this... looks awful. There's a million ways to play the classic Pac-Man without this, the Pac-Man side scrollers are notoriously terrible and no Ms Pac-Man in the collection? Add to that a very suspicious currency = reward system and my enthusiasm for this evaporates very quickly.
  16. Decided to switch up my profile avatar again and took inspiration from... well, Avatar...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DC


      I has to do a double take! Nice change up. Speaking of which, I need an Avatar.

    3. Shagger


      Then it's decided. The community is going to choose an Avatar for you @DC. I'll generate a shortlist of the most embarras... I mean... awesome images I can find.

    4. Crazycrab


      What could DC be an acronym for?  I'm sure @Shagger can come with something.  Maybe (blank)-Child.

  17. You say you do not condole harassment, then in very next entrance describe going after individual employees on social media as acceptable instead of doing the right thing and calling out the company as a whole. Give as many coasts of paint you want make it look noble, but that is harassment. I explain the difference in the part of my post you, for some reason, left out of your quotes... I believe that these individuals and companies get both healthy critisisum and unhelpful bile and anger. The clear difference between us, and what indeed does makes this debate very open in general, is how each person defines the difference between harassment and criticism. Making a YouTube reporting on the issue, that's criticism. Posting on forums describing what's going on, that's criticism. Complaining to persons representing that company who's job it is to collect feedback in respectful manner, that's also fine. Going to the personal social media account of some random "designer" to shoulder the blame on them is not cool, just like how it's not fair blame the waiter/waitress in my pervious example. But you seem to think it's OK to send these individuals all your bile and frustrated anger just because they list that they work at "Game Company X". Because guess what, it's very common for somebody to have "I Work at Game Company X" on thier personal twitter profile. A lot of people list thier place of work on social media profiles, whether it be in the game industry or not.
  18. Sorry, I actually make a typo. I meant FFXIII. FFXII actually was a fairly challenging game at times as a strategy experience. The gambit system automated a lot of the combat, but it was still up to the player to set them up to suit each situation, especially against the tougher marks. FFXII took that away and instead had the characters "learn" the strategy on thier own. Not that FFXII didn't have issues, especially the original release. If FFXIII's levelling system was too restrictive (and it was), the FFXII's was way too open. It had a rubbish tutorial, it was cryptic, made a characters strength depend almost entirely on the gear they used and left the only way to level the characters efficiently was pretty to make them all exactly the same. Thankfully, FFXII The Zodiac Age fixed a lot of these issues by introducing a class system. If you haven't tried that version, I'd highly recommend it. I'd also have to disagree on FFXII as a storytelling experience. I thought it was on of the most mature and complex, yet relatable stories a Final Fantasy game has ever had.
  19. No, it's members of the public harassing Rockstar's employees on social media and forums over the state of GTA The Trilogy The Definitive Edition. Calling the company out for the sorry state the game launched in is one thing, going the the profiles of individual employees of the company to issue threats and vile insults is another. If you really condemn harassment of a game company's employees over situations like this, you would condemn it rather than just accuse Rockstar of hyperbole. You didn't do that. Instead, without any proof that Rockstar's claims are an exaggeration, you just dismissed the harassment as people criticising this bad launch. Frankly, that's a little worrying. Almost as worrying is the part I've highlighted as that literally is harassment what you describe. Going to an individual dev's twitter account to blame, piss and moan doesn't help. It's hardly likely that individual was in a position to cause this problem alone, nor are they alone in thier responsibility to fix it. At best, it's not at all helpful, but it's actually more like having a restaurant customer scream bloody murder at the server because thier steak was undercooked. It's just a loud, degrading spew of anger that's not even directed at the person responsible. Would you do that to you waiter/waitress? Probably not, so why is it OK to target individual dev's on social media in this situation? Call out the company, make YouTube videos, post of forums and reddit and on company social media accounts, that's how it's done. Going to an individuals social media account to shoulder them with the blame and criticism just because they work there is unacceptable. That IS harassment. So in actual fact, whether you know it or not, you do condone harassment. People who participate in or condone this kind of behaviour are big part of the problem. It makes game companies take the genuine criticism less seriously and divides thier attention in hinderance to addressing the issues that are brought up. You pretty said so yourself! So take a look yourself and what say and give it at least some thought before you post.
  20. Final Fantasy XIII is one that comes to mind. The combat looked cool, but wasn't nearly as engaging or complex as it appeared. The party AI learned easily how to fight the enemies and how to exploit elemental weaknesses and so on with no real command nor input from the player. So that pretty much cancelled out the strategy elements of combat, and with without the level of skill based input that one would see in a Tales game, for example, that turned combat into a tedious chore. Grinding was also powerful at times in the game, so even though there were barriers and limits to how far you could lever the characters until you got to the next part of the story, you could still get the party well ahead of the game and build up points to spend to make the party well overpowered when the levelling system opened up again.
  21. Locking this as there are other threads discussing the same topic, like here for example.
  22. My favourite has been the Burnout franchise (minus Burnout Paradise), especially Burnout 3. The series has sadly been dead for quite some time. I haven't really been that into racing games since, but I did enjoy what I've played of the Forza: Horizon games.
  23. I think given the OP's content and because this was posted to general gaming, we can take this thread as a thread about video games based off cue sports and the thread you mentioned, as part of general chat, as a thread dedicated to real life cue sports. Thanks for pointing that out though as I feel it was important to make that distinction.
  24. I've been looking into this and it seems Chess.com allows you to embed a chess game have played on thier site as a kind of "recap", but an actually live, interactive chess board. @Crazycrab, can you please link me to what you have found?
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