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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Predictably, Atari have confirmed Soulja Boy was talking complete bullshit. Full story from Nintendo Life. And why not, I'll just throw this vid from ReviewTechUSA in there as well as he sums this up fairly well.
  2. @The Blackangel Well, the discord sever I went to could only suggest similar idea to what we already have. The first game probably isn't safe and using the filters, like the *-bit filer, may the second game OK. The problem is that the game has to be played through at least once to unlock them. A couple of them even offered to do that, but that's about the best they could do.
  3. If I disclude the title image, the third picture is a shot of two folk charging through a burning town on horseback, so I don't think that's the one you're referring to. The one you do mean I'm assuming is the picture of the "Shambler", and I think I can see why that would be a trigger for you. I still think the 8-bit filter might work. I'm on a TLOU discord, I'll ask on there and see if they have any further advice.
  4. If it's the one I think your refering to, the texture of that creature is similar to the clickers, stalkers and bloaters that appear elsewhere in the game, just bigger. You know better than me, but in my mind a pixelated version of it should elicit a similar, reduced response to the smaller ones.
  5. I feel like it's been years since I've actually offered a genuine compliment to COD, but if I'm understanding the trailer, something I've been waiting for in a WW2 FPS, especially from COD, has actually come into fruition. A WW2 game whare the focus isn't the American perspective of the liberation of France for the 9,000nth time. I'm especially happy to see the Eastern front and North Africa included. The area's of conflict in WW2 that isn't post D-Day France have been ignored for far to long. It's still COD, so I still probably won't buy it, but give Sledgehammer thier due, it's nice to see this change of setting at the very least.
  6. Soujia Boy's ventures into the business of gaming have not been met with much praise for good reasons. He rebranded knock off consoles with his own brand then tried to sell them at a mark up, and that's basically the entire business model he had. When he tried it three years ago, he not only got called out on it it, but Nintendo themselves sent him a cease and desist order because these knock off consoles included illegal ROM's of Nintendo games. Say what you want about Nintendo and thier heavy handed policies when it comes to pricy and protecting thier branding, but I'd honestly say they were justified on this one. There are even a lot of reports that consoles weren't delivered with a way to claim a refund from him. He defended this by asking people to call him directly and ask for a refund as if we all his his personal phone number saved in our phones. Idiot. He actually tried again this year by changing...well, nothing really. Still a knock off console with his rebranding selling for double it's normal price that has, one again, not been delivered for most people who bought it. The man is a con artist, simple as that. Now he's pulled his best punking of the world yet by claiming he has sold his Company Soljia Boy Game for $140million and has bought Atari and is now thier CEO. I'm saddened that I lack the talent to make this up. He confirmed this I believe during some kind of steam that was then posted to YouTube. This was the only clip I could find without commentary. I wanna make this clear. I didn't buy this for a second. Normally I wouldn't dignify this nor this attention whore with a thread, but I wanted to this time for a number of reasons: This is a deluded con man that need called out. This is an amusing story. I fully expect Atari to denounce this claim very soon. Obviously, there has been no word from Atari or any other credible source on this. I just want a record to say I called this shot. Maybe if he get enough bad publicity on this, he'll stop and stay out the games industry. If in the very remote chance he's actually telling the truth, then this is momentous. The final nail to bury Atari for good. Sad, but's a moment in history that needs recognised. I don't know what else to say, this is a joke. I know Soulja Boy will never read this, but if by some miracle you are reading this, then it's God that's brought you here and need to listen. I admired your ambition when you tried to break into the games industry, but it was with a very misguided business model and it hasn't gone well. It was at least an interesting story to observe, but enough is enough. Atari is a name people still hold dear and it's funny to mess with it. Even if you have actually bought Atari, not that I believe it, please leave running it to somebody else and just be a silent majority shareholder. But really, the best thing for you to do is get out of the game's industry, for real.
  7. You know, I'm just gonna open this thread up to spoilers. The game's been been out over a year, so why not. The review will remain spoiler free, but let's just go with it the responses.
  8. I don't think that's unreasonable. I'm also very sorry it was one of my posts that prompted this. I'll join with you in this request to the forum members to take every care to avoid posting the kind of images you describe or offer a warning about it. It's obviously not guaranteed that everyone will see this thread, but what I'll do is pin this in the hope as many people take notice as possible. I'll also insist people avoid using these images as avatars and profile banners.
  9. You still haven't mentioned what the capacity of you storage drive(s) is. I was already aware of the potential issue with disk fragmentation @Crazycrab described, I see that as a separate issue to a HDD being full, but it's starting to sound like your computer just doesn't have enough storage. I do think it's very possible that your boot drive is needing to be defragmented, but I don't think that's the only issue.
  10. I'm no expert, but I don't think a storage diving nearing it's capacity would be a direct cause of slowdown on a modern PC. The games would have to be stored a rather slow HDD that also serves as the boot drive for the operating system for that to be possible. Having such problems after only installing a handful of games is also really odd. Can you give details on the PC you're using?
  11. I never consent to collection of data for anything if I have a choice. I don't care if it's solely for the purpose to find issues, bugs, gather data on performance or in some way to improve the quality of the game and that's all, I'm not paying money to be your video game tester.
  12. I can't be sure, but I think I learned about this feature whilst trying to figure out how to make Fallout 3 work on a modern PC (That game truly is a certifiable nightmare when it comes to trying to get it to run on a modern system.). That's Steam's quality control for you. A game from one of the world's largest and most revered publisher/developers that you buy 100% legit on the most popular game service in world and it literally doesn't work. I figured it out eventually, but the experience of trying to get that to work is something I'd wish on nobody.
  13. No, you don't have to buy them, but that still makes your game worse. To make the premium currency worth buying, the "free" currency has to become an unnecessarily tedious and boring grind to earn, otherwise there would be no incentive to buy the premium currency at all. It being possible to play the game without buying that garbage is not a good reason to put up with it.
  14. It depends a lot on how the multiplier game is set up. Sometimes it can be a lesser blow to quit a match and not have the stats' register than to continue to a loss. When this is the case you could attribute the fact that's the case to bad game design, and you would probably have a point. It's always better to make a game more rewarding to stick with to the end rather than quit, but this also a world whare it is unfair to not reward people who leave a match with nothing (it might not be thier fault after all, bad connection, server crashes ect), then finding the right balance is not simple as it sounds. Is it actually more rewarding to do poorly in lots of short matches then doing well is fewer longer matches and playing to the end for example? That would be especially important in a battle royale style game or big, longer timed events such Battlefield or an MMO event. There is lots to consider and if a system can be exploited, you're guaranteed somebody will so it's vital in the interest of fairness to get that right, and game developers don't always get that right.
  15. The problem is not that people don't read your posts, it's your inability to explain your position very clearly. Nobody is going to assume that you disapprove of Amazon and the corporate policy's they have in force when you spend half a thread defending them. Your other problem, and it's another frequent occurrence, is your inability to understand the difference between someone criticising your point and criticising yourself. What we were addressing is the problems with the points you made, not your overall view on a cooperation that you didn't even state clearly in the first place. If you can't debate in a mature manner without taking everything to heart I suggest you stop debating.
  16. When you say something that's in agreement with something an animated Disney villain from the 1970's said, that's already a worry... But even without that, what you just said is actually quite sexist even if it were true. At least in the world of Robin Hood it makes some sense because it's the middle ages and like it or not the gender roles were what they were, but for TLOU it doesn't make sense at all. Throughout history woman have been robbing people, it's not a gender specific profession. Spoilers Ahead I remember Henry said something about how the hunters in Pittsburgh "Didn't keep woman and kids around", and then there's the thing @Crazycrab mentioned about David's town of cannibals. Between those two area's, the Soldiers in Boston (many of them are female if I remember correctly), Robert's goons and the Fireflies at the end, that's pretty much all the human's you fight in the game. You're probably right @StaceyPowers, TLOU is a bit bit of a sausage-fest, but there is some logic to it. The second game was a lot better in this regard, though.
  17. Again, you fail to understand that just because it's nothing new or can be considered common, that doesn't doesn't automatically make it right. A few years ago, a couple of my colleges started thier own business manufacturing exhausts for cars using skills they learned from the apprenticeship program they severed with the very company we all worked for. The even bought equipment for the new business with money earned from working at our company having been full time, time served employees for only a couple of years. Did my company penalise them or take action? No. My colleagues just put in thier notice of resignation when thier new business was ready parted ways with the company amicably. Why interests people pursue in thier spare time should be no business of any employer unless it's a direct and deliberate attempt to make money off that company's goods and/or services. Like, and for the sake of it let's use Amazon as the example, selling of Amazon's warehouse stock by yourself or selling prime membership codes and pocketing the money. Amazon are in the game development market, true, but barley so because they haven't even a had single successfully released game as of yet. So employees that are in thier own free time and using thier own equipment doing game development is none of Amazon's business, just like how it was not my company's right to stop my colleagues stating thier open business using skills my company paid for them to learn. You have a habit of defending every obviously rancid cooperate practice that ever get's discussed here because that's what you're used to. Well, accept my sympathies because you clearly work for some grade A assholes.
  18. If I'm remembering the movie correctly, It has been a while, the puppet actually did become a real boy. As a puppet, his nose grew when he told a lie, but after he became a real boy his nose moved further south and now grows when he sees a pretty lady.
  19. Vice City is my favourite GTA game. Everybody gives the props to San Andreas, but I actually prefer Vice City. I like it's setting I like the pogromist, love the soundtrack and the side missions are much more rewarding that GTA3. Set in the 1980's, about 15 years or so further back than GTA3, you play as Tommy Vercetti, a mobster recently released from prison. The "family" in Liberty City don't want Tommy in town because his crimes are too fresh in the mind of the local population, so they send him to Vice City to set a drag deal to quietly make some money in this bustling trade that Vice City has to offer. They want to do this quietly because the family doesn't want to deal with drugs openly. However, the deal is a set up and both the drugs and the money is stolen, so now Tommy has to track down whoever it was that set them up and recover the drugs and cash. Thus begins his quest to build his own little empire for the mob in Vice City. I think it's superb. It's the good old goofy days of GTA, but with a compelling story in there as well.
  20. Fair point. OK, here's what I'll do. I'll lock this thread and leave a link to the already existing thread in the opening post so the old thread can be easily found.
  21. Enough of that. You two don't agree politically and that's fine, but it is out of order to bring this to threads that have nothing to do with it. That assumption is unfair and without any real base to it outside of you clearly painting all conservatives with the same brush. Consider yourself warned, don't do that again. Same to you @The Blackangel. Don't encourage him.
  22. I've been gaming since the early 1990's. And on systems like the Atari 2600. I've gamed on just about all systems since then, especially the N64 and PS2 as they are my favourite systems. Now I do indeed hate the Original XBox controllers, thier sheer size was ridiculous. But did I find a durability problem like I fund with DS3? No. I know there are controllers like the on for the Atari 5200 that had a horrible reputation that I can't speak of, but based on my recollection the PS3 controller was the worst with time and quality overall considered.
  23. There has been, I've no doubt, many references to gaming themed songs on VGR, but I want to see some of them referenced specifically. So please, let's see what songs you know that are created with a video game as it's direct influence. I'll start with Dan Bull. This guy is good; (Do not download the Dungeon Keeper game on Mobile, it's crap, even though this song isn't)
  24. It's the PS3. What I did there was hold onto the SHITFT key for a moment to long to generate the capitol letters, but ended up typing a pound sign (£) instead of the number three as they are assigned to the same key on this keyboard. One uses the SHIFT key to switch between the two key functions, the same key used to switch between capitol letters and lower case. My bad.
  25. On topic, I don't see how it's possible to injure your hand directly playing a game unless the control interface your using is very badly designed or you're using it wrong, and even then it just isn't realistic in these times. Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have spent many years and even more $millions developing thier control interfaces with great effect to the point where I just don't see how it's possible to injure whilst using a controller normally without there being some pre-existing condition. Game modern game controls and even M/K configurations just don't push hand movements and responses hard enough to cause a problem. I work in heavy industry and I'm well aware of the risks the use of man made tools pose on the body, and I can tell you for a fact that there is no game control interface that poses something even close to a comparable level of risk to the tools I use daily.
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