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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. I use Opera GX pretty much exclusively now. It's loaded with features, very gaming centric and is as fast and easy to use as chrome. I stated used quite recently, but I honestly couldn't imagine anything else now.
  2. I suppose that, in a way, it is similar to the prospect of people leaving thier bodies to medical science and plenty of people wouldn't have an issue with that. However, necromancy isn't exactly medical science, it's abusing people's remains to use them for personal gain, like for combat or personal defence, and that is kind of sick. Summoned Deadra are clearly not creatures of will, otherwise why would they serve you? So I see summoning them as a different matter. When an Atroanch or bound weapon is summoned, nobody's remains have been defiled for selfish gain. If it were me, I wouldn't like to think that my corpse was being uses as a weapon, especially in the likely truth that the one wielding me as that weapon was the one that killed me in the first place.
  3. I's disagree with you there. I've dropped my DS4 dozens of times and it's always worked fine. And, if anything, the XB1 controllers are built even better. I've only had to replace my DS4 once because the internal battery was loosing it's ability to retain a charge (an inevitability will any reparable battery). For the PS£, it was a different matter. You would have had your forth, maybe fifth haircut since you bought it and it would suddenly stop working. There were crap.
  4. @Heatman and @killamch89 This has derailed the topic somewhat. The battle for supremacy in the CPU market has nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you want to discuss that please either continue this in a DM's or start a new thread.
  5. Is it just me, or is it really funny that at the end after going through this story he said the words "If you can't get enough Ring of Fire"? 😆 Seriously though, I wouldn't necessarily call this a political matter, this is more like stupid people being stupid. Maybe it is true that conservatives are more likely to be the ones doing this, but I'd still like to think the majority of them would not do something this stupid. This is anti-vaxers being the idiots that they are. I know that VGR members are smarter that this, but please don't take medication that isn't prescribed for you, nevermind medication that isn't prescribed for humans. And if any of you actually ARE horses, then respect toy you... and how do you type with them hooves?
  6. I don't believe for one second that you would be claiming there was fraud in this election if Trump had won (Trump himself certainly wouldn't have), but let's just you're telling the truth, and if you are that may in fact be the problem. Not everything is a conspiracy, not everything is a façade or a lie. I'm not saying that one should accept everything they see blindly, but it's really not helpful nor healthy to believe nothing is real. The right way to go about it is to listen to proven facts. The accusations of fraud attributed to this election have been proven to be baseless, That's not me saying that, that's the findings of the US court system, many of which with Judges appointed by Trump himself. You can believe what you want and it won't make the slightest difference to me, but for your own sake, please pull your head out of his ass accept the reality. Doing for is offering more favours to yourself than anybody else.
  7. You've misunderstood what I said. What I'm saying is they will add these egregious microtransactions originally in the the "free-to-play" versions of games to the premium visions of games because "it is not fair to deny premium players the opportunity to buy them". That will be thier excuse.
  8. @Crazycrab posted the official rules above and, as far as I can tell, it's all perfectly legal.
  9. I'm not an American and don't live in America, so this is not coming from a political bias, just from an observers perspective. I wonder if you would still be saying there was election fraud if Trump had won. Somehow, I doubt it even though the election happened under same conditions. Do even have the slightest idea just how unprofessional, disrespectful and flat out childish that narrative is? It is literally a spoiled brat whining and moaning because he didn't get his way. This would be completely ridiculous if, for example, a perspective prom queen threw a hissy fit because somebody else won the crown, so how much more ridiculous is it when Trump and his supporters are behaving this way over an election? Given they way that Trump and his supporters have behaved since they lost the election as grown men and woman, frankly they should be embarrassed. And you, the one pushing this narrative, have the balls to have dig at millennials over this? Like it's younger peoples fault when it's Trump and his supports behaving like spoiled brats? I wish that you could see just how ridiculous this looks.
  10. If this budget needs to be spent (and to be fair to the cast, it wasn't spent on them despite the faith I have in then), the I would like to to think it was spent on effects. Both practical and digital to really bring the infected to life. I really hope that the town of Calgary, Alberta in Canada (a city that is no stranger to being a film set) isn't pushing it's luck and succeeding to drill money out if this project. In the end though, I just want this series to be good. TV audiences are used to successful adaptations from movies and books, so it's better for gamers if this adaptation is taken seriously. Not that we won't call it out if it's shit.
  11. I had heard this is pretty much the most expensive TV series ever made. Not that I give a dumb, I just want it to be good. To be honest though, I really don't think it needed to be quite this costly to work unless there's something I don't know.
  12. Yooka-Laylee is coming up, uh? I was hugely interested in this as it was billed as a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, but was panned by critics. At least I can get a chance to find out why.
  13. I consider good weather replication in a video game to be about gameplay effects more than just graphics. Metal Gear Solid has handled dust, fog and especially rain brilliantly. Walking indoors from wet weather leaves wet prints that enemies react to, turns soil into mud that leaves tracks for both you and enemies, but you can also use rain to your advantage. Rain patter drowns out the sound of your movement making it harder for enemies to detect you as you sneak up on them, it's astonishing how much attention to detail they put into it.
  14. Dying isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, it is merely the last.
  15. Well, to be honest this sounds like the same kind of scheme rich businessmen/businesswoman do all the time. Operate businesses in one country to then have them register thier accounts, funds, business addressees, licences or whatever in a completely different country to avoid paying taxes. We all know they're all at it. So, to me this is Trump the businessman, NOT Trump the ex-president of the US or politician, being Trump the businessman. It's obviously wrong, so I hope this investigation is successful so Scotland can finally be rid of him. We've been hunting for excuses to wash our hands clean of him for years.
  16. OK, @ZandraJoi, @Heatman and anyone else who's interested, here is how to run games using Windows 10's Compatibility mode. This does NOT gaurentee that games will work, but it's always worth a try,
  17. I'll make a post detailing how to run compatibility mode, but it'll have to wait until I get home in a couple of hours.
  18. Now, now, let's be fair. The microtransactions in FUT always work without fail.
  19. The human animal buy it's very nature wants to overcome a challenge when it's presented with one. Failure to do so breeds despair, frustration and anger. When a video game presents a challenge that doesn't live up to the promise it is a little bit of a let down, but I would take that over having to deal with the aforementioned despair, frustration and anger every time because a game, even if it's not very hard, can still redeem itself and offer a fulfilling experience through a good narrative experience. A game unfairly balanced to your detriment wouldn't be able to offer much of anything.
  20. Depends on the game. When it comes to game aesthetics, there's really two kinds of game, simulation and fantasy. A simulation is, as per the name sake, a game emulating something from real life, like Sports sims', COD WW2 games, historical settings and so on. In these types of games, you call them "good looking" when the graphics and design emulate that real world accurately. There isn't really any sense of creative style, it's all about the quality of the rendering. Some liberties may be taken for practical reasons, but overall it's all about accuracy, not style. When game dev's do this well, it's very impressive in it's own way, but it's also very limiting. There are some games in this category that do have a lot of creative style anyway. Take The Last of Us. for example. That is a simulation of our world, but in a post-apocalypse, so the creators had to create a lot of this world with it's decay, overgrowth and so on, so some of it's beauty dose come from that, but it's mostly about detail and accuracy. One of the great examples of this kind of concept of a "great looking" video game is, Gran Turismo, and that's still going to be the flavour for the latest one. Fantasy games are, of course, the complete opposite. The essence of whatever beauty they achieve stems of creative design and artistic merit. You don't necessarily have to have massive graphical fidelity to create something truly beautiful. Child of Light of one of my favrile examples of such a concept. Everything here is pure art and nothing about it is really meant to look that that real. The game looks like a watercouler in motion, the music is sublime and even the dialogue is written as poetry. One of the most beautiful games I have ever played and it wouldn't exactly push a GTX 3090 to it's limit. Remember this game was developed by Ubisoft and only came out around seven years ago, so it's not like like is a limited resource deal. There are, obviously, big budget AAA fantasy games that are blessed the same kind of graphical fidelity as games like the aforementioned Gran Turismo (Horizon Zero Dawn comes to mind, and that pretty is the best looking game I've ever played), but for those kinds of games there would be no point for them to accurately render a fantasy world that's dull and boring to look at, it's still about designing some vibrant and inviting environments to explore. Now, neither one of these approaches are wrong, it just takes applying the right approach to the right game. Having said that though, If a developer had to choose between making some look boring, but more akin to reality as apposed to implying some creative liberty to make it more aesthetically pleasing, I would say aesthetics every time. I recently picked up Mass Effect Legendary Edition and, with all due respect to the game's fans, on my god is the first game drab to look at! Almost every planet you land on looks like the same boring mixture of craggy hills, just with different weather. I know the game is well over a decade old, but I still feel it could have been better than this. I don't care that this planet is inhospitable so that's why there nothing growing, it's boring and dull, and that's the end of it.
  21. I'm glad you asked, because I'm having some trouble with this game: Lack of quest marking. I can use the menu to look at quest information, but can't mark it on the navigation map of the ship nor on the personal radar. Why have these systems when they can't be a marker to tell you where to go? This is really annoying as the quests, including the main story, cannot be marked accurately. All you have is the navigation on the ship and the descriptions in the details, with no real makers, just a vague description on what system you are in. It's bullshit. Difficulty Spikes. I've never seen an imbalance in difficulty like this since Dragon's Dogma. You move through an area, it's simple, then there's a point, and then it's impossible to survive. The games autosave feature lets you start right at the latest checkpoint on that level, but it's pointless because the last actual save would likely be well before this. It could be the lack of quest marking indicated, but it was not made clear as there is not level nicator for aa mission. Maybe I was levelled to low, but I had now way to tell. If I was not levelled high enough, but we can't be sure, but it's cryptic as hell. Even trying to hot go into a mission outside the main story was difficult. The vehicle drives like shit (This is based on PC controls). It's directional input is dictated the position of the mouse AND with WASD. This sounds OK in theory, but is very difficult to mange in combat. You want the vehicle to keep moving forward, but you have to turn the turret in combat. In Mass Effect, at least on PC, this means using the mouse, but this interrupts the control of direction on the keyboard. So as you turn left, you have to awkwardly and gradually start pressing A or D depending which direction you're turning to make the turn smoothly. Given that the M/K keyboard is a digital set up, this is difficult to control I sill love this opportunity to play this game, but any help the VGR community can offer, please offer it.
  22. Why are you being so cynical about this? It's a re-release of what are actually quite old games at this point for newer consoles and PC's with all the additional content included for the price of a single AAA title. Old fans may want to buy it, especially if the own the older games only on console and want to use thier newer hardware, some may not because they've already bought and experienced them, but either way nobody is forcing them to buy it. For people new to the franchise, like myself, it's very convenient and well price offer to get into the franchise for the first time. I know it's EA we're talking about and I would leap at any chance to diss' them, but I feel I have to be honest and there is nothing fundamentally wrong with what they're doing here, at last no more than any other remastered game. On the contrary, this is one of the examples of a remaster/re-release that's much easier to justify. There are people who wanted this and for good reasons. Younger gamers who may have been too young for these games when they first came out, people who didn't own the correct hardware, didn't have the money at the time, old fans who choose to experience this version of the game, there's lots of perfectly justifiable reasons for people to want games like Mass Effect Legendary Edition to exist. Sometimes publishers handle these ideas terribly, like Activision with COD 4 Modern Warfare Remastered, so one needs to judge it on a case by case basis, and considering all perspectives and I just feel there is more good in this than bad and the only points of complaint come from this being a remaster. The "problems" stem from the issues all remasters have, not from how this one has been presented, sold and handled overall. That doesn't mean I don't see your point, I totally do. It's not fair for people who already bought the games and thier DLC to have to fork out again to play the same shit again, especially considering that old fans could easily have spent $200+ on this overall to then have new players spent $60 or less for a better version, I get it. And you know what, maybe the should have found a way to offer or at least discount the Legendary Edition to people who already own the original three games, I'll side with you on that. The point is I try to look at these things from multiple perspectives then make a judgement rather that just my own rigid and limited perspective. This may not suit yourself and once again there is nothing wrong with that, your 100% justified in your own reasons for not wanting to buy this, but it's about millions of people who play video games, not just you.
  23. New regulations that have been in the works since 2016 to push for more energy efficient computers and monitors are about to come into effect that could effectively ban Gaming PC's above certain specifications in six US states, including the home of silicone valley California. So to save the planet, people in these states will not be able to have top-end gaming rigs because the politicians, who are most likely lobbied by oil companies and power companies still using fossil fuels, say so. More details from Game Revolution. Also check this vid from ReviewTechUSA This is insane and hypocritical to the max. I really don't thing that Gary playing Call of Duty on his GTX3070 and i9 9900k is what's the real cause of climate change. To be fair, gaming PC's can chew up a lot of juice, but I refuse to believe that this is a major factor when it comes to the US's inflated carbon footprint This is just so politicians can claim thier doing something to tackle climate change whilst not upsetting the oil billionaires who lobby for them. This is the same as blaming GTA whoever some idiot shoots up a high school. I'm reluctant to bring politics into this, but it's impossible to avoid. I just hope this ludicrous and misguided idea doesn't spread. A slight relief in the fact that the ban targets PC that use a lot of power when idle, so if the power consumption can be lowered enough by the system at idle even a powerful PC might be OK, but there will still be rigs that will still not make the cut. It makes me think of another problem, how are they going to enforce this? Somebody building a PC that, in theory, wouldn't make the cut can just say "I'm gonna install power management software", "I'll only run games a lower settings so the PC uses less energy", "I Promise to to overclock my components" or "I don't leave my computer at idle, I always turn it completely off", so how is this even going to work?
  24. I honestly don't feel like this version of the game was people in your situation, but for people like me. If you don't want to buy it because you bought it and the DLC content already, that is perfectly fair, but it's not all about you. Personally, I's say time is a factor. This isn't the same thing a a developer/publisher bringing out something like this after a year or two, that really is an insult to the fans who nought it new and it's DLC, but the age of these games that does make this a little different.
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