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    Shagger got a reaction from DC for a status update, That's midnight, so it's time...   
    That's midnight, so it's time...

  2. Like
    Shagger reacted to Akun for a status update, Just putting it out there: I'm more than 150 pounds/70kg, so maybe I'm not fat enough   
    Just putting it out there: I'm more than 150 pounds/70kg, so maybe I'm not fat enough to speak about this. That being said, I've always tried to not inconvenience others with my own flaws or insecurities. I don't think I have a sense of entitlement in that manner. So if my weight is causing someone else to be sandwiched in between me and another overweight person... I'll usually take the responsibility and move somewhere else. It's my problem, not theirs. Them being annoyed about being touched by a stranger in that way (or being a literal human sandwich on a flight) has nothing to do with weight, especially if they had a history of being sexually assaulted. It's not fat-shaming.
    People really need to stop calling out discrimination when there is none. It dilutes the meaning of the words and makes them meaningless in the long run, because if everyone is a discriminating bigot, discrimination itself has no meaning. Use these terms correctly.
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    Shagger got a reaction from DC for a status update, I have pre-loaded Horizon: Forbidden West and will be ready to review within I'm assu   
    I have pre-loaded Horizon: Forbidden West and will be ready to review within I'm assuming to be within a week or two. If there is anything you want to know about or even contribute too to this latest "Shagger Says", let me know as soon a possible.
  4. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC for a status update, I've made some final edits and additions to my review of Tales of Arise , so I'd appr   
    I've made some final edits and additions to my review of Tales of Arise, so I'd appreciate you giving it another look and leaving your comments. I've got something else in the works as well that should be ready soon. Thank you.
  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC for a status update, OK, clocked over 50 hours on Tales of Arise, and given how the story is going, I may   
    OK, clocked over 50 hours on Tales of Arise, and given how the story is going, I may only be halfway. This game is going to be the death of me.
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    Shagger reacted to AndreiMirfi for a status update, One year since I'm here! Woohoo!   
    One year since I'm here! Woohoo!
  7. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel for a status update, Doing better. I wouldn't say doing good yet, but just better.   
    Doing better. I wouldn't say doing good yet, but just better.
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