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    Shagger reacted to StaceyPowers in The Last of Us (Spoiler Thread)   
    Try this one.
  2. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in The Last of Us (Spoiler Thread)   
    I loved the first episode. The presentation and the performances were spot on. I actually like some of the changes, like how in this version Robert sold a car battery to Marlene that Joel intended to use to find Tommy and that Marlene needed to smuggle Ellie out of the city. That is better than what happened in the game. I actually mentioned this in my The Last of Us Review/Synopsis/Analysis that I didn't feel the smuggling of the guns didn't really make sense and was poorly explained. The motivations in the TV fit much better into the overall plot.
    I do agree. It does seem like, at this point, the violence is a little toned down, but it's like we are at a point in the story that violence was going to take centre stage, so it is possible that will come, we still have 8 episodes to go. Not that it bothers me, the show doesn't need to (and likely can't) go as far as the game.
    I am a little concerned about the next episode as were entering a part of the story (That being moving through the ruined city between the quarantine zone and the capital building.) that I think is much harder part of the game to translate into a TV show, so it will be interesting to see how well they handle this.
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    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in The Last of Us (Spoiler Thread)   
    I know there is topics about this show already but this is in the proper section and as of 8 hours ago, this isn't speculation and is about the show how it's actually presented:

    The first episode was great!  It detracted from the game in some places but never in a way was affected the story negatively.  I expanded the story into areas that the game never did while still remaining faithful to the lore and characters.  I'm my opinion as a massive fan of the game it's got the balance of being faithful to the source material while also giving me some suspires and unexpected moments.
    I do have a slight fear that the violence has been soften up a bit to much, but maybe that's just me being hardened up to what's in the game which was always going to be in more volume.
    I'd love to hear what you think and I am considering this a spoiler thread.  I've kept it spoiler free in this OP but feel free to discus spoilers from this point forward.  If you haven't seen the show or played the game consider this your spoiler warning from this point forward.
  4. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in The Last of Us HBO Show   
    From what I understand they didn't want the cast to be pulling from to many sources outside the script that Neil Druckman and Craig Mazin prepared for the show, which I think makes sense.  Bella needs to do her interpretation of the character, not Ashley's.
  5. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Brazil ex president Bolsonaro flees to.....Florida, USA to be welcomed by Floridian dictators   
    They should pay royalties to the Jan 6th rioters, or least get thier own sheet music. The timing of this as well as an unending list of similarities can't be a coincidence to the point whare it's almost funny.
  6. Thanks
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Rocket League Ranks Explained: Breaking Down Tiers Divisions and More   
    After this was user was caught making a post that was obviously copied from somewhere else I looked into this one too, and I can confirm that this was plagiarised from an article on EarlyGame.com:
    @Marven98, if your not going to make original posts then fuck off!
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Tonberry in Would you agree that gamers are lonely people?   
    There is a big difference between someone who is solitary and somebody who is lonely.
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    Shagger got a reaction from ImmersionGaming22 in VGR Member of the Month - December 2022 Nominations   
    I nominate @ImmersionGaming22. May not be the most frequent poster, but put a lot of detail and kindness into what he posts. The fact only complain I have, if you can call it that, is that "you post enough" is actually a testament to much I like him being here.
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    Shagger reacted to DC in Community Chat #1   
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all VGR Members!
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    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Driving games?   
    I'm more of a fan of arcade racers and "kart" racers. It's not like I have anything against driving sim's, I just think that other types of racing games are more creatively diverse and have more to offer.
  11. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Regional jokes. Some can even be fact.   
    A common conversation in Texas goes like the following:
    PERSON 1:  “Hey are you religious?”
    PERSON 2: “Yes I’m deeply devout”
    PERSON 1: “What religion are you?”
    PERSON 2: “Fullback”
  12. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - December 2022 Nominations   
    This is the official Member of the Month - November 2022 Nominations Thread. The winner will receive 500 VGR Forum Points which can be used in Bid for Rewards.
    Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community.
    You only nominate 1 member and you cannot nominate yourself.
    Nominations end December 30 at 10pm EST then a new thread will be created for voting. Please keep all thread replies strictly to nominations - no anecdotal discussions/comments.
  13. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Smokey in Guardians of The Galaxy.   
    Yes, the 2021 game is (currently) on Game Pass and the 2017 game is not (currently) on Game Pass. It is very fortunate that's true, otherwise it would be impossible to tell what game this was in reference to. Either way, @Smokey mentioning Game Pass was not a deliberate attempt to make it clear what game this was in refence to, and why would @Smokey do that to clarify this? Anyone blessed with both the knowledge there was at least one other GOTG game and even a modicum of common sense would not have relied on that to make it clear. They would art covert art, year of release, link to a store page (For the record, that's what I would do), post a trailer, mention what developer/publisher was behind it, not say "I played it on Game Pass". The only reason that helped was dumb luck.
    So no, @Smokey, you nor anyone else can use the research I did for you as retroactive excuse for piss poor effort you in making your own thread clear. As the thread author, I shouldn't have to do that for you. Mentioning Game Pass made it possible to figure it out what game it, but not only was it complete fluke because the other game just happens to not be on Game Pass right now, it also doesn't serve the purpose in the long term. What if we get a situation in the future that both games end up on Game Pass. Or if the 2021 game leaves Game Pass? Both of you read the OP again and tell me honestly that you would be able to tell what game @Smokey was talking about if either of those things were to happed. Exactly, you can't. Hell, you can't tell what this was in refence to right now just by reading OP, no without doing your own research into what GOTG games are on Game Pass. Much like I did and spared everybody else the trouble. For that, you are welcome @Smokey, but be honest because the truth is plain to see. You failed to clarify what game you were referring to because either;
    You didn't know about another Major GOTG game. Couldn't care if there was and was happy to lazily put up a very vague topic up. Or both  
    Like I said, in the future I expect you to start new threads with same care and effort put into them. I'm not saying it needs to be like one of my infamous reviews with video clips and screenshots that take a day to write, just something clear and concise.
    And @Shortie, I know you've got some sort of issue with me, but believe it or not I have no issue with you. I massaged you one time over a very minor thing and now you're on a bloodhunt for some reason. Following my posts around to then pounce on them and take the opposite stance just to provoke me is pathetic. Just like here, you will inevitably get tripped up and say something that makes no sense and just makes you look foolish because when one writes a forum post in anger, one never thinks it through. I've been in you position myself and it never ends well. So for your own sake, not mine, drop this vendetta and just enjoy the forum.
    Either way, discussion on this issue is closed. It's clear what game this was about, it was clear before @Shortie's spiteful and completely unnecessary provocation, we can all move on.
  14. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Does the Internet need controls or censorship?   
    I think she deserves a little credit. Despite her wholly ignorant point of view, she did at least find a creative way to express it. Most transphobes, homophobes and racists are pathetically predicable, but this is at least something different.
    She's still very much wrong and for obvious reasons. Identifying as a cat just to make a point misses the point. Being transgender, genderfluid or non-binary isn't about claiming you're something you're not for an audience, it's about finding out how to feel comfortable in your own skin.
  15. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Gameboy Camera   
    Yep. I had one, but thought it was the most ridiculous thing ever. I also had the printer to print out pictures. The Nerd has an interesting take on Game Boy accessories. Some are beyond insane, others were just kinda neat.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from killamch89 in Is gaming a 'worthless' hobby?   
    Playing video games will never cure cancer, reverse pollution nor undo Hitler, so like it or not the statement that playing video games is a waste of time rings true, at least to some extent. However, the same  is also true of golf, model trains and the effort one puts into building a sex dungeon. In other words, it's a hobby, a pastime, the clue is in the name. I suppose it is possible to achieve great things by being passionate and dedicated to a pastime, but that's not the point of a hobby. For example, the leather pool/snooker cue tip was invented by a bored French prisoner, a prisoner who ended up asking for more prison time to develop his invention.
    But that's not the point, the point is that whilst hobbies may allow the space for inspiration, they aren't necessarily the drive behind it. They are just ways to amuse oneself. They are not there to hurt anyone, but they are not there to help anyone either. Video games are the same, just like any other hobby. No more, but no less.
  17. Like
    Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Is gaming a 'worthless' hobby?   
    It's definitely NOT a worthless hobby. It's pretty much the way of the future. You have communication with others through gaming and making friends; it can be used in schools to help educate; it could have therapeutic effect through VR; there is the art of photography using the photo mode feature; there are job opportunities; there is competition gaming and also through esports; there is military training and could be used for all sorts of job training through simulations. Playing for fun is just one of the many things that's great about gaming. 
  18. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Is gaming a 'worthless' hobby?   
    Playing video games will never cure cancer, reverse pollution nor undo Hitler, so like it or not the statement that playing video games is a waste of time rings true, at least to some extent. However, the same  is also true of golf, model trains and the effort one puts into building a sex dungeon. In other words, it's a hobby, a pastime, the clue is in the name. I suppose it is possible to achieve great things by being passionate and dedicated to a pastime, but that's not the point of a hobby. For example, the leather pool/snooker cue tip was invented by a bored French prisoner, a prisoner who ended up asking for more prison time to develop his invention.
    But that's not the point, the point is that whilst hobbies may allow the space for inspiration, they aren't necessarily the drive behind it. They are just ways to amuse oneself. They are not there to hurt anyone, but they are not there to help anyone either. Video games are the same, just like any other hobby. No more, but no less.
  19. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Dumb Ways To Die   
    Go to Walmart and yell out "Hey stupid!" and see how many people look up.
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in What are you listening to right now?   
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from ImmersionGaming22 in Which game if any had the biggest emotional impact on you, so upset you, angered you or left you feeling very satisfied after completing it??   
    I just want to quickly point out it is possible to quote multiple posts into a single reply. You can do this by hitting the "Quote" button again while typing your post;

    Or by hitting the "+" icon on the posts you wish to quote the past them all into your reply all at once.
  22. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in What is the difference between a “puzzle” and an “obstacle course”?   
    A puzzle is something you approach with no immediate solution. One has to employ problem solving to find the way past it, but there is no skill involved, just logic. It's a test of the the mind
    In an obstacle coerce the way through is obvious, it's all bout having the reflexes and skill to make it through. That is a test of skill, not strategy or logic.
    So what is the difference between a puzzle and an obstacle course? In short, everything. I do recall the platforming puzzles in game like Tomb Raider and the relic ruins in Horizon: Forbidden West that do combines puzzle solving and platforming together (what I would call environmental puzzles or platforming puzzles), but those are a combination of those two different components into one mechanic. To me the idea of a "jump puzzle" just sounds like a stupid name for something that already exists.
  23. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Is shipping unfinished games the future of gaming? 😥   
    A good point about how this is oddly accepted in gaming, at least more so than it would be elsewhere.
    Excuse me, waiter?
    Yes, sir?
    I ordered my steak medium rare with mash potato's and grilled asparagus, but the steak is raw and the potato's are missing completely.
    Don't worry about that, sir, we'll fix that in an update next week.
    It's just not acceptable.
  24. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Hi guys   
    Welcome to VGR. Always nice to see new folk joining. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  25. Like
    Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Is shipping unfinished games the future of gaming? 😥   
    They are being more and more dependent on the internet to be able to update fixes. Think about your mentality as a developer/publisher or I should say those in charge of decisions on when to release; their mentality will get lazier and lazier knowing damn well they can just hot fix issues whenever they want. When you do your job, do you half ass it to meet a deadline knowing you can fix it a month later? The reliance on the internet is a fault. The Cyberpunk fiasco should have brought about some kind of policy, but the gaming world doesn't have unionization to oversee these things. Therefore it will continue to happen. Do we have some kind of consumer protections for unfinished products? Imagine if music you hear on the radio were a sloppy unfinished mess! Imagine having to update the songs. That would be horrific! They also get rushed in the music industry, but it is always a completed project. Gaming is obviously more complicated, but it's just embarrassing to release a game that is messy. Do they not have a team to play their games before releasing? I say the gaming industry needs to pass some standardized tests before being released to consumers. If it goes over a percent maximum error allowance, then it goes back to development before it's released to the public. Problem solved. But then you will have those that complain about any regulations and this becomes an us vs them issue. Then those systems get corrupted and people will allow certain games to be released and not allow others due to their politics. So just leave as it is right? Expect unfinished games to continue and get worse then. There is nothing you can do about it. People will buy it, be disappointed, and complain. They will also keep increasing the prices too on top of not completing games. Want to start buying a $100 brand new unfinished game? We have to be pushed to the max before any progress can be made. What is our max? We will find out no doubt. Soon, you will only be able to afford that one $200 game as a Christmas present. And they play it only to find out it's a mess. A few years later, you are buying a $300 brand new game for Christmas that is unfinished. Gaming then becomes something for the rich. 
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