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  1. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Enter the VGR Pumpkin Carving Contest for a Chance to Win Cash or Points   
    Just showed my better half this thread and we've decided to give it a go. I'll probably be terrible, but it might be fun to try.
  2. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Twitchcon 2022   
    I'm not exactly sure why @Empire Of Sight felt it was necessary to bring it up, but having looked into it when I first saw that post yesterday it is apparently true. Obviously there will be no sharing of her work here on VGR and I haven't watched any of it myself (I only checked her bio), but anyone who is of legal age and is curious enough the internet is your oyster.
    Like I implied when I questioned why @Empire Of Sight brought it up in the first place, the fact she's an adult entertainer isn't important here and I personally don't judge her any differently. Right here and right now she's a human being who had an unfortunate and painful accident.
  3. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Ask Shagger   
    My son being born. I know it's a clichéd answer, but it's a clichéd answer for a reason. No father holds any other moment closer to thier hearts.
  4. Haha
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Trick or Treat - Participate Daily   
    Trick or Treat,
    Beat the Meat,
    Have a Bite to eat.
    I'll Take the piss,
    have at this,
    I might be into feet.
  5. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from Moonface in The Moon is Here!   
    Hi and welcome to VGR.
  6. Like
    Shagger reacted to Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    I find it annoying when reviews encourage pity-buying a game just because it's an indie game made by one person. While I could appreciate the hard work such a game would require, if the game doesn't appeal to me (whether it's because it's an indie game lacking the budget of a AAA game is irrelevant), then it doesn't appeal to me, and I shouldn't be guilted into spending my hard-earned money on something just because some other folks want to squander their money on supporting indie developers. Would you pay a large sum of money for a low budget mobile game over a AAA game just to support the developers? If you want to do that sort of thing and support the indie industry, it's your prerogative and more power to you, but don't gaslight, manipulate or guilt-trip me into buying it, saying how "other reviews are comparing this game to a AAA game." Of course they make comparisons to AAA games - they have a bigger budget and are a lot more fun, and therefore they feel those AAA games are more worthy of purchase. That's the sad reality of the industry, and no amount of good intentions from indie developers is going to change how cool-looking and high quality gameplay a AAA game will have over most indie games. If your positive review of an indie game requires the dismissal of the "high budget" of AAA games to make that indie game look better, then maybe the indie game you're defending just isn't that quality to stand on its own merits without comparing "developer budgets."
    I like Undertale and Spiritfarer, for example, but as much as I love them, I'm not going to pretend that they're far superior games than most of the higher budget AAA games I've played in terms of gameplay mechanics, game length, storyline and especially visuals. The specific game that got me to talk about this issue, however, is Prehistoric Kingdom. It's been in development for over a decade now, and many reviews complained that it has the bare minimum a dinosaur park management game should have, and I think that, at the very least, they're justified in feeling bored, even if such criticisms might've been unfair towards the indie developer working with a minimum budget. The sad reality is that if you're working with a lower budget, your game will have less features than a higher budget game like Jurassic World: Evolution 2. For all the flaws of JWE2, it's undeniable that it has 1) a lot more dinosaurs, 2) higher quality visuals, 3) a lot more gameplay features. That's not a subjective opinion; that's a fact. It's an opinion to say you enjoy the minimalism of Prehistoric Kingdom, but it's disingenuous to say that Prehistoric Kingdom should be bought just to support low budget indie games, especially when they haven't done jack to develop the game at all for 10 years. It's like begging for a charity case, and it's manipulative.
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Justin11 in If you could spend a day in any video game universe, which would you choose?   
    So given the choice to spend time in any video game universe you want with thousands of amazing and unique fantasy's to explore and you two would choose to spend time in the reality we actually live in...

  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Techno in Xbox Museum   
    Anyway, did long into it only to find the message "Play more games to unlock my museum."
    Still, the thing is pretty cool, and impressive for a browser based interface with a fully 3D areas to explore and some cool articles to read.
    One more thing, can somebody more well versed on Xbox than me tell me what the hell this frying pan is about?

  9. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Kyng in Chec-Kyng in!   
    Hello and welcome Kyng. Nice to have someone else into gaming and F1.
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Hey everyone!   
    Welcome to VGR. It looks like we're from a fairly similar place in terms of our history with gaming, so looking forward to getting to know you better.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Happenstance in Hey everyone!   
    Welcome to VGR. It looks like we're from a fairly similar place in terms of our history with gaming, so looking forward to getting to know you better.
  12. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Justin11 in Trick or Treat - Participate Daily   
    Trick or treat, but I'm afraid not much has changed...

  13. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Justin11 in Last Game Played   
    No, I hate football. I just found the first gif in the list that had something to do with a trophy.
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Family sedan in Last Game Played   
    Still going strong with my NG+ playthrough of Horizon Forbidden West and earned the Platinum Trophy a couple of days ago.

  15. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Free Games   
    I knew it, you're here to peddle that game, aren't you? Don't deny it, you made two posts here and with no introduction just "casually" mentioned the same game twice. As per our Forum rules and Guidelines, posts only meant to promote a product or service are not allowed on VGR without permission.

    Because of this, I'm removing the link from your post and all refences to any specific game you've mentioned from your posts. Try this again, and it will be a ban.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in PlayStation is giving top Stars members ‘priority’ in customer support   
    I couldn't agree less. I actually believe people with less experience of the PlayStation band and the technology and features indigenous to it are more likely to need help than those who have been playing on the brand for a long time. There should be NO priority given to anyone when it customer service, every who needs it needs it and the same service should be made available to all regardless of how many purchases they've made or how actively they play. I actually find the very idea of what Sony is planning deplorable. This isn't frequent flyer miles or a loyalty stamp from a coffee house, that's fair. This is like at that same coffee house being told you wave to wait if there's a problem with your order or a mistake on your bill because a more regular customer wants help first. I'm actually inclined to call this disgusting and I cannot understand why anyone would think that this is OK.
  17. Like
    Shagger reacted to Akun in PlayStation is giving top Stars members ‘priority’ in customer support   
    What's not to understand? It's an inherently flawed and biased system that guarantees quality support to privileged and entitled members only. And what you're saying is that anyone who doesn't put hundreds of hours into their PS games should just suck it up and put up with shitty customer service if there are bugs and issues? I'm sorry, but that's insulting.
  18. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Do you wanna pay $70 for Skyrim? F**K Nintendo!   
    The only thing that Skyrim on Switch had going for it was the fact that you could play it on the go as a portable version of the game, and the most critical word in that sentence was "had", as in past tense. With the emergence of portable gaming PC's like the Aya Neo and the Steam Deck, these ports on Switch don't really have that going for them anymore. So somebody at Nintendo and/or Bethesda thought it would be great idea to make the Switch port even less appealing than it already was by jacking up the price? 

  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Justin11 in RIP Stadia - Closing up January 2023   
    I've got to give Google credit for offering those refunds. I can say with absolute certainty that other companies would not have done the same.
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from runswithspatulas in RIP Stadia - Closing up January 2023   
    I've got to give Google credit for offering those refunds. I can say with absolute certainty that other companies would not have done the same.
  21. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Akun in Why Does 40% Of Gen Z Identify as LGBT?   
    I could care less about your conspiracy theory's. Gay people exist, and if you can't handle that reality, find your own way to deal with it. One think I won't allow though is homophobia on the boards. There are people (including staff members) who grace these threads who are on the spectrum, but even if there weren't, hate has no place here. Consider yourself warned.
  22. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Do you wanna pay $70 for Skyrim? F**K Nintendo!   
    I didn't just ask that for my sake, I'm not the only one who really hates that. Still, I appreciate that, so thank you.
    I want you to understand something though. It's not just the term and what it means in history that bothers me. As a PC gamer, I find the idea that we are somehow better than other gamers just because of a platform presence abhorrent and fundamentally wrong, and there's a reason. I was once part of a forum and gaming community that was about gamers grouping up and organizing with each other to play games together, but at first they absolutely refused to support those of people played on console and excluded them. Whenever we tried to organise our own game nights on console, they shut us down. Even on cross platform games they set the rules up in such a way that we could not join in. So you see, I'm not just being some "snowflake", "PC Master Race" is an attack of the very principles I hold as a gamer. None of the arrogance and elitism that some PC gamers feel is justified and just like how me and a few others refused to let to let it be acceptable back then, I refuse to let it be acceptable now.
    Anyway, rant over. Once again, thank you for being cool about this.
  23. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in VGR Member of the Month - September 2022   
    I've submitted my vote. The only reason I didn't nominate this individual is because they were nominated already. Best of luck to all of you.
  24. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Do you wanna pay $70 for Skyrim? F**K Nintendo!   
    I didn't just ask that for my sake, I'm not the only one who really hates that. Still, I appreciate that, so thank you.
    I want you to understand something though. It's not just the term and what it means in history that bothers me. As a PC gamer, I find the idea that we are somehow better than other gamers just because of a platform presence abhorrent and fundamentally wrong, and there's a reason. I was once part of a forum and gaming community that was about gamers grouping up and organizing with each other to play games together, but at first they absolutely refused to support those of people played on console and excluded them. Whenever we tried to organise our own game nights on console, they shut us down. Even on cross platform games they set the rules up in such a way that we could not join in. So you see, I'm not just being some "snowflake", "PC Master Race" is an attack of the very principles I hold as a gamer. None of the arrogance and elitism that some PC gamers feel is justified and just like how me and a few others refused to let to let it be acceptable back then, I refuse to let it be acceptable now.
    Anyway, rant over. Once again, thank you for being cool about this.
  25. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Akun in Do you wanna pay $70 for Skyrim? F**K Nintendo!   
    I didn't just ask that for my sake, I'm not the only one who really hates that. Still, I appreciate that, so thank you.
    I want you to understand something though. It's not just the term and what it means in history that bothers me. As a PC gamer, I find the idea that we are somehow better than other gamers just because of a platform presence abhorrent and fundamentally wrong, and there's a reason. I was once part of a forum and gaming community that was about gamers grouping up and organizing with each other to play games together, but at first they absolutely refused to support those of people played on console and excluded them. Whenever we tried to organise our own game nights on console, they shut us down. Even on cross platform games they set the rules up in such a way that we could not join in. So you see, I'm not just being some "snowflake", "PC Master Race" is an attack of the very principles I hold as a gamer. None of the arrogance and elitism that some PC gamers feel is justified and just like how me and a few others refused to let to let it be acceptable back then, I refuse to let it be acceptable now.
    Anyway, rant over. Once again, thank you for being cool about this.
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