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  1. Haha
    Shagger reacted to killamch89 in GTA 6 has leaked   
    I just saw one of my favorite YouTubers Mightykeef upload this skit about the whole situation and it's hilarious as hell but is somewhat accurate.
  2. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Do you wanna pay $70 for Skyrim? F**K Nintendo!   
    Well here's some Nintendo Switch related bullshit to brighten up your day:
    In case your not aware the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim is basically the same as the Special Edition except it's got The Creation Club content included.  Creation Club is where you go to pay money for user created mods instead of going to Nexus Mods to get far superior content for free because.... your a jackass. The Anniversary Edition is something like £15/$20 upgrade or £43/$50 full purchase on PC Steam for this over a decade old game and it's almost universally agreed by Stream users that this clearly not worth it.  Yet not only is it $70 on the Nintendo Switch, as as I can tell there's no option to upgrade either!  It's the full whack $69.99 even if you own the Special Edition already.
    I genuinely don't understand how Nintendo keep getting away with charging such a premium which has happened multiple times.  Why are games so expensive on the Switch when in many cases the ports are inferior?  This is ridiculous.
  3. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Kale in Do we need somewhere for people to "chat" instead of the amount of PM style posts going on in the forum?   
    We have a general chat section including a forum games section that's there for a reason, the problem was (and I do say was as this problem has come under control in recent months on VGR) is that none of the culprits used the thread the way they were supposed to.
  4. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Do we need somewhere for people to "chat" instead of the amount of PM style posts going on in the forum?   
    We have a general chat section including a forum games section that's there for a reason, the problem was (and I do say was as this problem has come under control in recent months on VGR) is that none of the culprits used the thread the way they were supposed to.
  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Hello! Kale checking in!   
    Welcome to VGR, happy to have you here.
  6. Like
    Shagger reacted to Kale in Hello! Kale checking in!   
    Thank you!
  7. Like
    Shagger reacted to Kale in Hello! Kale checking in!   
    Hello there
    I am new. I have been a video gamer since the SNES days and have been hooked ever since. I like SRPGs, TRPGs, ARPGs, and so many other genres.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Kale in Hello! Kale checking in!   
    Welcome to VGR, happy to have you here.
  9. Haha
    Shagger reacted to Lamarr the strelok in Tell A Joke Thread   
    A cop knocks on the door of a house. A 10 year old boy answers wearing fishnet stockings ,high heel boots and  has a dog collar on. The cop asks him if his mother is home and the kid says 'does it fucking look like it'?
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Horizon forbidden west questions   
    Mechanically, it is very similar to the first game. Some minor improvements and changes here and there, but the base mechanics are pretty much the same. The only thing that's changed considerably would be the mele combat, it's way more complex than it was in the first game with combo's, defence breaks and so on.
    I will admit, a lot of things you didn't like I did. I like how the weapon wheal slows the action down while you select weapons and ammunition to keep you in the action but being fairer than forcing you to do it in real time and I only ever play the game on Ultra Hard these days. I found the requirement to reach campfires a firm, but fair fearure, so it didn't bother me. Becasue of that, take what I say with a grain of salt, but the headline is the two games play mostly the same.
  11. Confused
    Shagger got a reaction from Knight Plug in Silent Hill fans can go cry in a corner...   
    I said all of that in my first reply to you, so I don't understand why you need to repeat it as if we didn't know.
  12. Like
    Shagger reacted to Empire in The Last of Us HBO Show   
    I really like that this series appears to be including plot points from Ellie's Prequel comic hence that scene where her ankle is chained and where she first came in contact with the Fireflies and The Left Behind DLC with Riley hence the Gallopers Ride in the Ruined Mall. I think this series has everything right so far. And that clicker is spot on, I was worried they'd look a bit goofy but this is awesome make up work.
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Knight Plug in Silent Hill fans can go cry in a corner...   
    First off, never blindly trust what a YouTuber says, you need to look at the sources and do a little research.
    A quick summery for everyone to describe precisely what has happened. The Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea has rated something named Silent Hill: The Sort Message. I cant read Korean, so can't tell what the details are apart from the date (knowing what the rating is would actually be helpful, but alas, I don't know.). The company that applied for the rating is Uniana (Links to thier English website), a company best known for the production of arcade machines often under licence from Konami to use thier franchises (such as Dance Dance Revolution). Yes, that's right, arcade machines.
    OK, the did also publish some games for Komani in Korea and were were also responsible for publishing eFootball, but that's hardly a reason to get exited given how much of a disaster that was. @Candy Stick, you and the Silent Hill fanbase have got to get a grip. This Silent Hill: The Sort Message could be anything. It could be an Arcade, it could be mobile game, it could be a tech demo, anything that isn't a full boar, full roar Silent Hill. I personally don't see even Konami leaving the publishing of a Main Silent Hill release in the hands of a subsidiary, although it is possible that Uniana are just handling the publishing locally in Korea. So it is still possible that this is a proper, new Silent Hill, but I doubt it.
    How many times are people going to have to say it. Believe nothing unless it comes from the horses mouth. Stop doing this to yourself, man.
    Anyway, here is the article from Gematsu that I believe was on of the first places to report the story. Another link form VG247 that goes into a little more detail.
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from melanie_marie27 in Movie Theater Snacks: Popcorn and...which candy?   
    I'll eat whatever I can sneak in because the price of cinema snaks are a joke.
  15. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from melanie_marie27 in What year did you get your very first computer?   
    I remember it was a Packard Bell PC from I think around 1996-1997. I have no idea now what the specs were, but it was a Windows 95 OS, it made a clicking sound and had a little light flash to indicate the CPU was doing something (A weird feature now that I think about it.) and loved it. I fell in love with PC gaming on that think with Dungeon Keeper, Decent, Screamer and Magic Carpet 2. I still play these games today.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    I agree, I consider a game to be worth buying when it's worth the price regardless of who developed/published it. Dont get wrong, there are good reasons to not support certain companies, but game to game, they should be considered on their own merits. Besides, it's not like the indie scene doesn't have its fair share of scum working in it. 
  17. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in What would you like to see added to the forum?   
    You can post news relevant to Debate, Religion, and Politics within that sub forum. Otherwise, all news would be categorized under General Chat as you did with the Queen is dead thread. Just use your best judgment.
  18. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Justin11 in You Can Only Save One Person, Who Do You Choose?   
    You can't be serious, right?
  19. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Songs that are just plain fun   
  20. Haha
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in You Can Only Save One Person, Who Do You Choose?   
    The nearest person with a working uterus, I'm thinking purely clinical here.
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    I am more one for keeping games rather than selling them on, even with physical games, so not being able to sell digital ganes on doesn't really bother me, but I couldn't agree more that is a major downside to digital distribution. Nor do I feel that digital games are priced family given that problem. There was a time that PC gaming justified that problem with games being cheap, but I just don't feel like that's the case anymore. EGS offers a lot of games for free and sales can birth great offers, but it just isn't what used to be.
  22. Confused
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in VGR Member of the Month - September 2022 Nominations   
    I would like to nominate a monkey.

  23. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from runswithspatulas in Do we need somewhere for people to "chat" instead of the amount of PM style posts going on in the forum?   
    The way you have conducted yourself so far is fine, so if you just keep doing what you do and it will be OK. What we were discussing here is people firing in a mass a low effort, pointless posts just to add to their post tallies.
    There was a point where a lot of people were pretty much hijacking threads to use as there own personal text chain instead of engaging in the structured discussion that's meant to happen on a forum. It was hurting the forum because people were getting there post buried by people post one sentence replies from others who didn't care about staying on topic, the legibility of their posts, the purpose or what their posts added. the only thing that mattered was that it was a post, something to add to the tally.
    If you browse the forum, find a topic of interest, give it a read then if you have something to add, an opinion to express or a question to ask in relation to that topic, post a reply. If there is is topic you want to talk about not being discussed, start a new thread about it in the appropriate sub-forum. That is  it these people were doing, they were just moving down the threads one by one to make a pointless post with thought or purpose put into it then onto the next one.
  24. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Do we need somewhere for people to "chat" instead of the amount of PM style posts going on in the forum?   
    The way you have conducted yourself so far is fine, so if you just keep doing what you do and it will be OK. What we were discussing here is people firing in a mass a low effort, pointless posts just to add to their post tallies.
    There was a point where a lot of people were pretty much hijacking threads to use as there own personal text chain instead of engaging in the structured discussion that's meant to happen on a forum. It was hurting the forum because people were getting there post buried by people post one sentence replies from others who didn't care about staying on topic, the legibility of their posts, the purpose or what their posts added. the only thing that mattered was that it was a post, something to add to the tally.
    If you browse the forum, find a topic of interest, give it a read then if you have something to add, an opinion to express or a question to ask in relation to that topic, post a reply. If there is is topic you want to talk about not being discussed, start a new thread about it in the appropriate sub-forum. That is  it these people were doing, they were just moving down the threads one by one to make a pointless post with thought or purpose put into it then onto the next one.
  25. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Techno in Xbox In Japan   
    No, I'm just speculating that if Xbox were looking for a publisher to buy up to better improve their market share in Japan and obtain a nice collection of popular Japanese IP's in the process, that might be the way to go.
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