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  1. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Where is Administration vgr.com ??   
    All the information you need with regard to contacting the site for advertising purposes can be found under the Contact Us page linked at the bottom of the main site. There is a specific e-mail set aside for this exact purpose. Feel free to contact our site administrator @DC if you have any further questions.
    With the question answered, I'm locking this as there really is no need to discuss this on the public forum.
  2. Like
    Я публикую это после использования переводчика в надежде, что это сообщение будет понято более четко. Я уже рассказывал вам в другой теме, что нужно сделать, чтобы оформить покупку рекламного места на VGR. Это повторение тех инструкций, которые сейчас переведены.
    1 Всю информацию, необходимую вам для связи с сайтом в рекламных целях, можно найти на странице «Контакты» в нижней части основного сайта. Вот еще раз ссылка на эту страницу.
    2 Для этой цели выделен специальный адрес электронной почты. этот адрес электронной почты — [email protected]. Если у вас возникнут дополнительные вопросы, свяжитесь с администратором нашего сайта @DC. 3 Пожалуйста, прекратите спрашивать об этом на публичном форуме. Теперь эта тема будет заблокирована, и любые дальнейшие сообщения, которые вы разместите в ней, будут удалены.
    Отвечая на ваш вопрос о ссылке, которую вы пытались вставить, этот форум не работает с BB-кодом, поэтому ссылка не отобразилась. Однако мы бы в любом случае удалили ссылку, поскольку продвижение вашего веб-сайта не было одобрено.
    Here is this post in English for the benefit of everyone else.
    I am posting this after using a translator in the hope this message is understood more clearly. I have already told you on another thread what you need to do to arrange buying advertising space on VGR. This is a repeat of those instructions now translated.
    All the information you need with regard to contacting the site for advertising purposes can be found under the Contact Us page linked at the bottom of the main site Here is a link to that page again.
    There is a specific e-mail set aside for this exact purpose. that email is [email protected] Feel free to contact our site administrator @DC if you have any further questions.
    Please stop enquiring about this using the public forum. This thread will now be locked and any further threads you post on this will be removed.
    In answer to your question about the link you tried to embed, this forum doesn't work with BB code that way, that is why the link didn't show. However, we would have removed the link anyway as you promotion of your website has not been approved.
  3. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Which PlayStation console is your favorite based on design?   
    Why would you make such an effort to maintain the cleanliness of something you think looks so bad in first place?
  4. Like
    Shagger reacted to PGen98 in What features would you like to see in the next generation of gaming consoles ?   
    I just want to see them keep physical media alive.  I know that's asking far too much for today's generations, but the collector in me hates that we're going to lose physical games very soon.  I know most of them are essentially just serving as keys to download the rest of the game, but there's something about owning a physical copy of a game that makes it feel more certain.  I own this, it's mine, it's right here.  Digital games can be gone in the blink of an eye.  It's entirely improbable that physical media continues for another generation, but it's the one thing I hope for.
  5. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Gravity Rush 2 Remaster coming to PS5 and PC?   
    No kidding Sony, thank you. Assuming it is true, and it had better be.
    One of my favourite games on the PS4 with the original being one of, if not the best game on the PS Vita. Unique mechanics, unique style and presentation and surprisingly strong and entertaining story. I absolutely love this franchise.
    So suffice to say, I'm very up for this remaster and this movie, especially since I had resigned to the unfortunate fate that this franchise was dead and actually thought Sony had lost all care for this IP. They dropped support for Gravity Rush 2's online component after only a year and there has been no buzz on the IP since, until now. OK, so it's not a brand new Gravity Rush game, but I'll take this.
    Listen PC and PS5 players, buy this game. We're getting a second chance to show a criminally underrated game some much deserved love.
  6. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in alphaAI is giving away $50,000 in rewards   
    alphaAI, a new AI robo advisor, is hosting an exciting competition for a chance to win up to $5,000, or a smaller share of a $50,000 prize pool. This robo advisor sets itself apart from others by offering personalized strategy modes (Defense, Cautious, Steady and Surge), and the option to choose whether to take a conservative, moderate, or aggressive approach to risk management. As the market conditions change, the machine learning that alphaAI uses is able to continuously adapt and adjust.
    By signing for the alphaAI waitlist, you'll be automatically entered into the contest for the $50,000 prize pool. Referring friends and sharing the contest on social media will increase your ranking. When the waitlist period ends, the top 1,000 participants will be awarded cash prizes or free stocks. $5,000 will go to the top contestant. To take your shot at claiming up to $5,000, enter here (this link is not a referral link). To be eligible, one must be at least 18 years old and be a legal resident of the United States.
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you have any favorite game developer?   
    It's a true showing of just how sad the gaming industry is that I can swap out the word "Ubisoft" with just about any major player in the games industry and that statement would still make sense. I could even add a section on sexual harassment and employee abuse and it would still work.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Ever use the video game hotlines back in the day?   
    @Kane99 hit the nail on the head. Gaming hotlines were a rip off and with the internet being what it is today, we simple don't need them anyway.
  9. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Bilita in Ever sold any of your game account to make money?   
    I'm going to lock this topic, but before I do I want to make it clear to @Heatman that you have done nothing wrong. I'm locking the thread because having this thread here open to new replies is an invite for some very bad traffic. Spammers and scammers will be lead to this like shifty lawyers chasing ambulances leaving an industrial accident. Putting it simply, having this thread open is an invite for trouble.
    Besides, there is only one right way to approach this idea, and that is don't do it all.
    Whether you're buying or selling, don't do it. As a buyer, it's too easy to get scammed by having your newly purchased account just locked off from you by the seller thanks to things like two step notification. As a seller (doing this honestly), it could expose very sensitive information about yourself to people who shouldn't be trusted with anything. For example, you would have to surrender control of the email account you used to set up the gaming account. And then there's the point that every gaming account service would count such a transaction as a violation of thier TOS, making it very likely that the account being sold will banned before long, landing the victem of the scam, becasue it is a scam, into potentially a lot of trouble.
    I'm trying to be kind @Heatman, but meerly bringing this topic up without the caveat of "This is a terrible idea, don't do it" is very concerning. So given how you don't seem to undertand just how bad and dangerous an idea this is, I must tell you to not discuss this again.
    And if it wasn't clear to everyone else, don't buy or sell gaming accounts under any circomstances. Thread locked.
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Heatman in Why i think PC gaming is better than console gaming   
    I'm going to have to disagree with you on a lot of this. First and foremost, I want to make perfectly clear I love PC gaming, I truly do, but it has drawbacks. It's expensive, complicated and not nearly easy or reliable as gaming on console. It is not for everyone, and being a PC gamer doesn't make one in any way superior.
    True, but it comes at a price. You can expect to pay around 2-3 times the cost of a console to run the same game at the same quality on PC. I'll touch more on this later.
    This is nonsense. The quality of controls come to individual games and game types. Yes, mouse and keyboard are great on FPS's and strategy games, but they're terrible on games that require precise control of movement pace, like stealth games. Have ever tried to play something like TLOU or Assassin's Creed with a mouse and keyboard? I know that some Bethesda RPG's like Fallout and TES have perks that allow you to sneak while moving at full pace without penalty. Well, I do play those games with a mouse and keyboard and let's just say I can see why they included those perks.
    As for the part I've highlighted, that's just a straight up lie. With a controller, you push a button, it does a thing, it's not more complicated than that. I don't know what fighting games or controllers you've been using, but they don't work like that.
    Actually there are emulators that can be used on console, but for most part you're right. The sheer choice of games on PC is staggering, but there is a problem. Now this just my opinion, so take how you want, but I feel consoles have had better exclusives over the years, especially Nintendo and PlayStation. Yes, a PC can emulate a lot of console games, but it's very sketchy in terms of legality. I know emulation itself is not illegal, but downloading the ROM's you need to run console exclusives on an emulator is. Not to mention it's a pain in the ass with reliability and compatibility problems throughout the process.
    It's one of the great fanboy contradictions that PC fanboys consider themselves "The Master Race"  (FYI, you're referring to yourselves a Nazi every time you say that.) for being able to afford thier hyperigs, yet insist PC is cheaper all at the same time. Yes, I know that cost and value are not the same thing, but I'll get to that later.
    Consoles are so much cheaper to buy than PC's because a console serves as a revenue stream for the manufacturer, so those companies can afford to make no money, or even a loss, on the sale of the hardware. PC's are a very different story. Whether they're sold as a pre-built unit or as individual parts, PC manufactures need to make thier money on the hardware sale, that's why they're so expensive. You could buy a PS5 and a cheap laptop to serve as a utility computer and still not spend the same amount of money as you would do on a gaming PC that matches a PS5's gaming capabilities.
    However, if you think you can, then I challenge you to try. Go on PC Part Picker and make a mock build that matches a PS5 in terms of gaming performance. I'll even be generous and allow you a budget double the cost of a PS5, so I'll say $1000 (or the equivalent) if you include a UHD blu-ray drive in your build, $900 if you don't. However, you must include a mouse and keyboard because;
    That is the user interface and is every bit as essential as a motherboard. When you by a console, you will get at least one controller with it as part of the package. In other words, the user interface is included, so you have to include it as well.  
    It's not like PC games are much cheaper than console games anymore either. 10 years ago that was a genuine advantage, but not so much now. And of course, let's not forget the problems with an all-digital set up and no used games like you can get on consoles. Even though console do some shady shit like charge to play online, you can game cheap on a console if you're smart about it, just like PC gamers can game cheap if they're smart about it.
    And I've highlighted yet another very misleading statement. Yes, you can keep a Gaming PC going for 20 years, but how many upgrades would one have to do in order to keep it playing new games over that time? It would basically consist of a complete rebuild at least once. Buying new consoles and peripherals over 20 years can easily cost a good $1500-$2000 (I'm obviously not including the cost of games, just the hardware), but if you think that the upkeep of a gaming PC wouldn't cost at least as much (but likely more) over the same period then you, with all due respect, are deluded.
    PC's can offer great value for money, but only for people who are very dedicated to it. One does have to invest a lot of money into PC gaming to get the best out of it, a lot more than one would on console. There is nothing wrong with somebody looking at the two options and deciding that PC gaming isn't worth it to them. It's great that you're happy with what you've got out of what you invested in PC gaming, but just because it's true for you, doesn't make it true for everybody else.
    In conclusion, I don't think you're ready to admit that console gaming has benefits over PC's in some ways because of some weird loyalty complex. It's just a PC, a load of wires, solder and silicone, you don't need to fight for it. In the end, what matters is games. I'm not a PC fan, I'm not a console fan, I'm a fan of good games. What I'm playing them on matters little.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from killamch89 in Does PC gaming reduce battery performance?   
    Batteries don't last forever. They loose thier ability to retain a charge after being charged and depleted so many times. So whilst its true gaming increases the power output of (what I assume is) a laptop making a battery deplete faster, that's not actually the problem.
  12. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Heatman in What features would you like to see in the next generation of gaming consoles ?   
    I know that I will probably regret asking this question, but how do you damage a console with your own sweat?
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Heatman in Do you sign up to services like Gamepass and PS Plus and never use it?   
    I genuinely believe in a phycological tic with these steaming services whare you simply don't value the content they offer as much as stuff you have bought.
    It's good to realize that you don't technically "own" any of the content in these services, but it sets one up perfectly for a trap. A trap that you're ready to relinquish basic buyers rights simply because it's digital, and we all have to stand up and say, "No. I bought this, I own it".
    A recent topic from @Kane99 discussing how Spec Ops: The Line had been removed from digital storefronts indirectly illustrates the problem. When a game, movie or TV series gets removed from these services is one thing, but what if for some stupid reason it gets removed completely from digital sale?
    Physical media isn't the solution. As mush as I support physical media the fact is it degrades, breaks and increaces in rarity over time.
    That's what great about digital support. It's reliable and accessable. Steam and other digital storefonts can pleage support for delisted games all the want, but why believe a company that might not exist for all of our lifetimes? What if Steam suddenly ended?
    And that's assuming the games even work with Steam active. Steam literaly sells games right now that literally don't work out the gate, not without workarounds and modifications. That's happend to me several times, I buy a game, that's been on steam for years, and it literally doesn't work.
    But back to the point. That phycolgial tic is the bait for the hook. However, if somebody is irresponsible enough to buy into these services without making use of them, at least some the blame must land on themselfs. Whilst there is no doubt that these companies will happily exploit the ever increasing confusion of the sheer number and complexities of this nevstreaming world. People have to take responsibility for this shit on thier own.
    However, none of that means you should indulge in every game, movie, TV show, musical piece or whatever just because you can and you paid for it. I doubt, for example,anyone plays enough games to exploit Gamepass to the point where they play literally everything the service has to offer, but if one gets what they value out of it, go nuts! If you don't, cancel it. Just make a contoius effort to pay for only what you want.
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in least fave weapon?   
    OP stands for "over powered".
  15. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in least fave weapon?   
    Before I address the topic I need to ask, is there particular reason you posted this to the PC sub-forum? On the face of it this looks like a topic with relevance to players on any platform, not just PC. If there is no good reason for this being here I will move this to the General Gaming Forum as that seems like a better fit.
    On topic, I've never been a fan of short/mid range rapid fire weapons like SMG's. I'm never accurate with them and they bleed ammo. I'm more a fan of single shot power and accuracy over a high fire rate. If I wanted a short range hip fire weapon, I'd have a shotgun instead. The one gun of that type that I have liked is the Spray n' Pray from Fallout 4 mostly because you don't need to be accurate with it and it's OP as hell.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Does PC gaming reduce battery performance?   
    Batteries don't last forever. They loose thier ability to retain a charge after being charged and depleted so many times. So whilst its true gaming increases the power output of (what I assume is) a laptop making a battery deplete faster, that's not actually the problem.
  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Questions And Explanations   
    First off, great thread. This could indeed be very helpful.
    Second, peripherals are simply external devices one attaches and/or connects to a PC (or even a console) to enable specific functions. A keyboard or a mouse are peripherals, a controller is a peripheral. A display, like a TV, monitor or whatever is a peripheral. The remote for your TV or cable box is a peripheral.
    When it comes to building PC's, some more specific advice is required. I'd do what I can for people, but to go though everything I know it would be inconveniently long for all off us. So, I'll offer instead a Q/A style thing on this thread. And not just me, I'm sure others will try thier best to help.. Ask, and I'm sure the community will do our best to answer.
    The only stupid question is one that's never asked.
  18. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Heatman in Last Game Played   
    Hi @Heatman, nice to see you again.
    As good a game as Hogwarts Legacy is, it's difficult to see what category the game had a real chance at winning. The design and music were directly taken or at least heavily inspired by the movies, so it wouldn't have made sense to be nominated for anything related to those and let's be honest, there were better RPG's and story-centric games this year. I'm not saying the controversy surrounding JK Rowling had nothing to do with the game's lack of nominations at TGA, but it there were both better and worse games that did what Hogwarts Legacy did better, even if it was in only one or two areas
  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in How important is storytelling in a video game for you?   
    Story is huge thing for me, it pretty much what makes a game for me these days. It's the motivation to keep playing and exploring whatever game it is. Let me put it this way, I can play a bad game with a great story more easily than a good game with a poor story.
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in A 13 year old boy is the first to ever to beat Tetris on the NES   
    I waited a couple of days on this new development to this story to see if the rancid old bitch involved or the company she works for would respond, but so so far they have not.
    Before I get to that though, might I say congratulations to this kind for doing something that people considered impossible for over three decades. It is truly a remarkable achievement. To achieve this takes a level of, skill, dedication and stress management beyond what the vast majority of people can even dream of, so to see it from somebody so young is remarkable. Well done.
    No onto the update. A 51 year old Sky News anchor/prestentor in the UK named Jayne Secker was reporting on this story on live TV a few days ago. Instead of praising this young man for the accomplishment, she instead scoose to mock him and tell him to "go outside" and say beating Tetris is "not a life goal". Full story from The Daily Mail and here is ReviewtechUSA discussing the matter on YouTube.
    This same hag was praising a 16 year old darts player that did not win the world championship on the same broadcast. Not that I'm taking anything away from that young man, I'm just pointing out the double standerd. Suffice to say, this makes my piss boil.
    The bitch is a disgrace, obviously, but this does prove that a ridiculous stigma still applies to video games and the people who play them and it needs to stop. If we start somewhere, I'd say start by this woman apologizing and getting sacked.
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Do you get the same excitement video games used to give you as a kid?   
    In my case, if anything I get more exited about games now than I did as a kid. I wasn't the most sociable child and whilst I did play video games with the friends I did have, back then it wasn't really the full on hobby that it is for me now. Yes, my pecimissum and cynissisum have definitely grown with time along with the rise of cooperate greed that plauges the industry today, but I do love gaming more as an adult that I did as a kid
  22. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Ok so its been a few months! Would love some more feedback over my MMORPG "Empire of Sight"   
    I feel like an idiot, but I can't find the "Sign up" option on you website. I an see the login, but not sign up. Should I just be trying to "log in" with a new email to trigger the sign up option or something?
  23. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Palworld: A pokemon-like game where you shoot up the pokemon? What is the world coming to!   
    Pokemon - This Time It's Personal and I'll Be Back to Fuck 'em Up Edition.
  24. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Kennysplash in Have you ever ruined your computer screen?   
    If you've made a double post post, report it so one of the mods can remove it.
  25. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Do you like the snow?   
    It's cold, wet and wreaks havoc. There is literally nothing to like.
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