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    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Elon Musk gets mocked for saying violent games are bad   
    Wait a second, how can you say this;
    And this;
    Within the same post and expect it to make sense? Not to mention that you're also wrong:
    @Dismal_Bliss stated quite clearly that there was now a greater understanding of why Elon was being mocked over his comments. The sympathy was described very much as a past tense. Whether or not he still sympathizes with him is his propagative. @Dismal_Bliss did admit that there was a political motivation to Elon's statements before you even made made your apology.  
    And that was a reply directly to you, so I find it hard to believe that you missed it. I think you need to get your thoughts straight because you're not making a lot of sense right now.
  2. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Elon Musk gets mocked for saying violent games are bad   
    If you two are not comfortable with violence against police in a fictional fantasy, then that's fine, but I must be honest and it doesn't make sense to me to feel that way. I've talked at length about how blaming video games and other entertainment media for acts of violence and other social problems is hypocritical and counterproductive, so I won't go into great detail again and just summarize it.
    Like it or not, we have violent instincts. We evolved from predators after all. Standing up to and challenging those with power, the "Alphas", in our social group is also something that evolved from our base instincts, so if anything I'd describe the opportunity to express those instincts in a harmless fantasy that video games like GTA offer as healthy. Humans have sentience, that gives us the capacity to fantasize. It's a good thing. Most of us can commit heinous acts in fantasy without any harm done because we understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Expressing fantasy though a video game is not much different that doing it though pure imagination. People who can't define the difference between fantasy and reality in a video game or in any other form of entertainment media have a problem with thier mind, it's that simple.
    What makes what Elon sain hypocritical is the implication that video games are in some way responsible for violent behaviours or attitudes, which is clearly nonsense.  Elon knows this perfectly well, he only said it to manipulate an area of the public that want to believe that as it's convenient for them for it to be to true as it aligns with thier social/political bias. The man isn't stupid, he knew exactly what he was doing. Like @Dismal_Bliss said, for Musk it is politically motivated, not by passion or any actual moral stance. It's purely for clout. That alone is enough to call Elon a hypocrite, but @Reality vs Adventure quite rightly pointing out the acts of actual cruelty and mistreatment he's been guilty of and that also makes him a hypocrite. Hypocrisy deserves to be mocked and ridiculed because it's dishonest, disrespectful, stupid, manipulative and even potentially dangerous when it comes from somebody with the kind of power Elon Must has.
    That's my opinion, now switching to Moderator Mode:
    @Dismal_Bliss, unless I'm misreading this, you keep saying in your own way that you're not interested in the politics of this situation, but the fact of the matter is the politics are relevant here and can't be separated from this topic. You even admitted yourself that Elon Musk's motivations for his statements on social media were political, so like it or not that makes politics a very relevant part of this topic. I'm a moderator on this forum, a forum that has an entire separate sub forum for political discussions for a very good reason, reasons I know from my experience are very necessary. So why haven't I locked or moved this thread? Because, like deep down we both know, the polices can't be separated from this gaming related story. I made that judgment call when @Kane99 first posted this thread, and I still stand by that judgment. So my advice is, and it is nothing more than advice, if you want to continue to engage with this thread, don't just decide the politics of the topic aren't relevant just because you don't want them to be. I remember when the TV cop comedy show Brooklyn 99 aired it's final season in the wake of the BLM movement and didn't shy away from the controversy despite showing the police (mostly) as the good guys throughout it's previous seasons. Instead, they addressed it head on, and that was the right way to do it. Now @Dismal_Bliss , you're right, everyone has a right to thier own opinion and a right to express it, but everyone also has a right to challenge and question somebody else's opinion, that's what debate is. That's true of the free world, and it's true on this forum. You are also right about at least one other thing:
    @Reality vs Adventure
    You're starting to stray dangerously close to the line between challenging @Dismal_Bliss's opinion and making personal assumptions and attacks. Because this thread isn't on the political sub-forum, my tolerance for this is lower than it would be if it were. Because you can't have necessarily been expected to know that, there will be no action, but please reign it in a little and keep this appropriate. And that is NOT advice. This next part goes to you, @Dismal_Bliss and everyone else on this forum. If having your opinion challenged is too much for you to handle, you shouldn't express that opinion at all. Now @Reality vs Adventure, I actually agree with you here, I think Elon Muck is a hypocritical prick, but as a mod, I will never disallow people to challenge anyone's opinion even if I agree with it. All I ask is for people to keep it civil, and if they can't (And there is nothing wrong with admitting you can't keep a cool head with certain topics.), don't engage. That is all.
  3. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from BlazeNinja22 in What happened to these Minecraft door textures?   
    I can't find anything on this bug either. It appears this is not a common problem, which suggests there is something wrong with your install pof the game. All I can suggest is reinstalling the the game and if you're on PC making sure all your graphics drivers are up to date.
  4. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Questions And Explanations   
    First off, great thread. This could indeed be very helpful.
    Second, peripherals are simply external devices one attaches and/or connects to a PC (or even a console) to enable specific functions. A keyboard or a mouse are peripherals, a controller is a peripheral. A display, like a TV, monitor or whatever is a peripheral. The remote for your TV or cable box is a peripheral.
    When it comes to building PC's, some more specific advice is required. I'd do what I can for people, but to go though everything I know it would be inconveniently long for all off us. So, I'll offer instead a Q/A style thing on this thread. And not just me, I'm sure others will try thier best to help.. Ask, and I'm sure the community will do our best to answer.
    The only stupid question is one that's never asked.
  5. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Questions And Explanations   
    There's a lot of talk about this and that with people building their own PC's. Most of what they're talking about is something I personally have no clue what it is. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. So I'm going to pin this thread and see if it gains much traction. If it does, we'll keep it pinned. If not, we'll let it fall into the depths of the PC forum.
    The first question is what the hell are peripherals?
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Matthew Perry has died at age 54. A new Fallout New Vegas Mod Pays a Touching Tribute   
    For a kick off, I understand how late this is, but at the Matthew died on October 28th 2023, the forum was problems and I was unable to post this topic. I post it now because I figured it's better late than never. There is another reason that I ill get to in a moment, but first, to the main point.

    So, as I assume most of you know, Matthew Perry passed away earlier this year. Most people will know Mathew Perry as Chandler in the famous 90's/2000's sit-com Friends, but he was also one of us. A geek and a gamer who even voiced Benny in Fallout New Vegas not for a pay check, but because he loved the franchise. We have lost one of our mainstream heroes, a gamer in the limelight who was dedicated to making the art we love be taken seriously. RIP, Matthew.
    My second reason for posting this now this is explained by this video:
    A new mod called For Matty - A Tribute to Matthew Perry has been created by modder tunnelsnakesfool. The mod adds Benny's Suit, a grave in the Goodsprings Cemetery, a Friends themed re-skin of Benny's pistol "Maria" named "My Friend" and a note featuring a quote from Mathew Perry himself.
    Very sweet mod and a great tribute.
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Gaming Awards 2023 - The Results Are In   
    I am also stoked for a new Golden Axe. I am little concerned since the last time they tried to reboot the franchise we got this;

    FYI, I have played this and it really is as bad as everyone says it is
    Still, I feel like keeping my hopes high for this new one.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Did you enjoy the game awards?   
    @Dismal_Bliss already started a topic regarding The Game Awards, so there's no need to have another one. Thread locked.
  9. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Ravenfreak in Gaming Awards 2023 - The Results Are In   
    I am also stoked for a new Golden Axe. I am little concerned since the last time they tried to reboot the franchise we got this;

    FYI, I have played this and it really is as bad as everyone says it is
    Still, I feel like keeping my hopes high for this new one.
  10. Like
    Shagger reacted to Ravenfreak in Gaming Awards 2023 - The Results Are In   
    I knew that Balder's Gate 3 would be taking most of the awards, which is absolutely fine since it deserves every one that it got. It was fun watching The Game Awards, but being the Sega fan I am the most hyped I got during the event was when Sega revealed that we're getting a new Golden Axe game as it's been way too long since we got a new one! Plus a 3D Streets of Rage game?! SoR 4 originally was going to be a 3D game, which turned into Fighting Force. Also the announcement of OD got me hyped too!
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Ravenfreak in The Day Before released in early access and it's already a mess   
    Anyone who has even been casually been following this game and it's bizarre development story probably saw this coming. It's not the MMO that was promised, its now an extraction shooter with 30 players per server. There no zombie hoards as promised, I don't think I've seen a clip with more than 3 or 4 zombies in the same place at the same time. And you know that's by design because of how many bullets it takes to kill a single zombie. There is no mele combat, which is unacceptable for a game of this type. And like you said, bugs galore. The developers shut down and locked out thier Discord as soon as the game launched and it's plain to see why. This is confirmed as a scam. I hope everybody refunded this and that the scumbags behind it get what they deserve.
  12. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Ravenfreak in Skyrim to get paid mods, fans of Starfield is worried about it   
    That caught my eye because I always thought that Soinc the Hedgehog was a 16-bit game for the Megadrive/Genesis, but it turns out you were right, and I was wrong. An 8-Bit version was released on the Master System and the Game Gear. You learn something new every day.
  13. Like
    Shagger reacted to ScubaGearhead in Introduction   
    Hello everyone:
    I'm 38 and hail from British Columbia. During my life, I've been a casual gamer and have jumped back and forth between PC gaming and consoles. The genres I'm into are shooters, racing, RPG, sports, and city building. 
    I got back into gaming during the pandemic. At the start, I was playing my PS2 for a while until it sadly died. Then I unboxed and blew the dust off my N64 which my parents got my brother and I for Christmas in 1997. I played Perfect Dark a LOT doing the combat simulator and unlocking achievements/cheats. I played Rush 2: Extreme Racing a lot also. Despite the age of these games, I had a lot of fun playing them.
    Recently, I've been thinking about getting a newer system. The Xbox One X seems like a good choice since it gives me access to a lot of recent and older titles (I learned that Playstation has terrible backward compatibility). It also allows me to play 4K blu-ray.
    I'm looking forward to chatting with everyone here and broadening my horizons.
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Alex Jones' New Video Game Is More Unhinged Than You Could Have Imagined   
    Normally I'd agree with you and really not take this very seriously (And honestly, I still kind of don't), but because it's Alex Jones were talking about, it dose make wonder. Is this edgy entertainment, or propaganda? I've peaching in another thread recently about how entertainment media is not dangerous, but propaganda is. There is a difference between the two.
    Still, even though Alex Jones is undoubtably a dangerous, hate fuelled conspiracy theorist, I actually feel inclined to let this one pass. Whether he's aware of it or not, he's making fun of himself here as much anything else he's trying to do. However, it is interesting to see a man who claims books are corrupting the youth into being gay make a colourful, 2D video game whare the goal is to destroy gay or whatever the goal is. Unfortunatly, whilst I think he's a lot of things, I don't actually think he's as stupid as people say.
  15. Like
    Shagger reacted to Ravenfreak in Skyrim to get paid mods, fans of Starfield is worried about it   
    Honestly I'm not a fan of paid modders myself. As someone who hacks the 8-bit Sonic games and have done some work for people in the past, any time they offered to give me some money I would decline. I wouldn't want to make money off of someone else's work and I don't think its a good idea to charge people to get these mods. I agree with Shagger on this one, it's okay to support modders by donating money to their Patreon or other platforms.
  16. Like
    Shagger reacted to Kennysplash in How do you feel about video games restrictions for minors?   
    First of all, no offense taken. I even see this an opportunity to have a wider perspective. 
    The games are not to blame (nor books, movies). Rather, the easy access to them. 
    Of the three options:
    1. GTA being banned is out of it, doesn’t need further explanation. 

    2. The kid is not allowed to play, excellent. But he has such easy access to the firearm? One thing I always say about firearms is that they are self-manualled (permit me to use that word).
    If a five year old sees it, he knows where to hold, in few seconds he’ll discern there is a trigger to pull and to point as well. Like you said, if he had used it on himself the grandmother would have a lot of questions to answer. 

    3. Right there is the answer. Unless an eight year old could legally get a gun and register it. That incident would never have happened if there was no EASY ACCESS to the firearm. 
    I don’t blame the game or producers, but the fact that kids engage in them. 
    From the experience you gave, we can’t blame the gun. But the easy access to it. 
    That is why they are kids, they don’t get to decide what to wear, when to sleep, what to play.
    A kid that is exposed to entertainment rated above his age; whatever results from it, the entertainment medium is not to blame. 
    This has been insightful, really. 

  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Kennysplash in How do you feel about video games restrictions for minors?   
    I couldn't agree with you less. In fact, with all due respect, I don't feel that you understand the level of sheer nonsense that post was.
    Entertainment media, wether it be video games, movies, TV, books or music does NOT pose a threat, that is ridiculous. Scapegoating and the blaming of entertainment media for socital problems, now that IS dangerous because the powers that be who do this sort of thing never address the real issue and causes behind those social issues. They take the easy way out. They don't want to address the real issues because they don't know how to, don't want to because it politically polarising (Gun violence is great example if that. I've actually got a prime example if that coming up in a moment.) or they simply don't want to solve the problem at all. It's lazy propaganda and it's deeply stupid. Scapegoating is such a bad thing that it even costs lives
    I've talked about this horrifying incident before on VGR, but I feel it's appropriate to bring it up here to help you understand why what you're saying is nonsense.  About 9 1/2 years ago an 8 year accidently shot and killed his Grandmother after playing GTA IV. Can't say I blame the kid, after being asked by Roman to play pool or go bowling for the 800th time, I'd kill the first living thing I find as well. All joking aside, many people tried to blame the game. Well, at least one neighbour had common sense. From the article;
    Neighbour Johnnie Scott said: "Where did she have the gun? Where did he see the gun, was it in his eyesight? That's the thought that goes through my head."
    Exactly! Imagine if this situation had exactly the same, expect instead of the boy shooting his grandmother, he had accidentally shot himself. That woman would been beyond ridiculed, criticised even demonised for leaving that gun in a position, locked, loaded and ready to go, where an 8 year old was able to get his hands on it.
    Whare was the gun lock? Why was is left low down and in plain sight? It even defeats the purpose of owning the gun if it's for self defence. If the kid could get his hands on it so easily, why wouldn't a robber get thier hands on it just as easly?
    Back to the story. For some reason I doubt the safety catch (assuming the gun even had one) was on when he picked up the gun, otherwise he'd have to know how to disengage it. So l believe found the gun in that condition, just lying out in the open ready to fire. Both morally and legally it's difficult to blame the child and people don't want to blame the grandmother because she died in the incident, so take the easy way out and blame the game. 
    I'm not going to deny the possibility the game was factor, kids are impressionable (although not as impressionable and certainly not as stupid as I feel you're implying.) as I've admitted already, but it's an M rated/18+ rated game, so why was he playing it in the first place?  People who expose themselves or thier dependants to media that is clearly labled as being potentially inappropriate have to take responceibily for it. It is NOT the responceibily of the people who created that media, simple as that. Like I said in my earlier post, the ratings system is there for a reason and there is no way that could innocent works of fiction as a "threat" and understand that purpose.
    Now you tell me @Kennysplash, which of the following three options do you think would have had the best chance of success in preventing this incident?
    GTA IV being banned beforehand or never being allowed to be sold. The parents and/or grandmother not allowing this 8 year old to play a game so clearly ment for adults. Better scrutiny and training for firearms owners on keeping thier guns safe.   
    I'm going to give you a hint, one of these options wouldn't work, one would definitely work and another wouldn't garuntee success, but is still a sensible course of action. God help you if you can't tell which is which.
    There's nothing wrong with having moral objections to certain expressions of entertainment media, the best art usually is provocative at least to some extent, but do you understand just how ludicrous it is to call it a "threat"? Who told you that? Who or what are you listening to? Whoever or whatever it is, for your sake I'd highly suggest you stop now.
  18. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in What games do you enjoy playing?   
    IMO, Cyberpunk is a style of visuals and setting rather than a genre. The colourful, rebellious, self indentified identity of punk with futuristic, sci-fi elements. It's like not like video games are the only expressions of cyberpunk. For example there are several movies, like Tron and The Running Man that I'd describe as cyerberpunk as well.
    In terms of games, and as you've shown, first person games seem to be a popular choice with this aesthetic in recent years for reasons I can't quite figure out. But still, I have seen RPG's, FPS's, side scrollers and even racing games with that aesthetic theme. There are limits, it's not like all genres suit the aesthetic. Horror is one that strikes me as one that really wouldn't work. 
    But that's not the point. Cyberpunk is an art style. An art style that suits some types of games and stories more others, but an art style none the less.
  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Ravenfreak in Sony announces "The Last of Us, Part 2 Remastered" for PS5   
    I'm not exactly surprised by this, but it still seems kind of pointless. I love both The Last of Us and the The Last of Us Part 2 (Both are links to my respective reviews), but have Naughty Dog and Sony not milked this enough?
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Name a game that deserves a sequel but never got one   
    It's also available on PC and Xbox 360 consoles. I'd recommend you do go the PC route if you can because it's a later release with performance enhancements and DLC included. Given the game's age you won't need a supercomputer to run it. 
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Turn ON "Follow" Notifications here at VGR Forums   
    If somebody quotes your post or, for lack of a better term, "mentions" you by quoting you username @Dismal_Bliss like I did just there, you should get a notification. You can choose to follow users by clicking on thier profile and hitting the icon.

    You can also follow chosen topics by hitting the highlighted control near the top of the thread;

    You should be presented with this drop-down menu;

    From there, you should be able to customise your options. I hope this was of help to you, but if you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. Me and the other members of staff are here to help you.
  22. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dismal_Bliss in Sony announces "The Last of Us, Part 2 Remastered" for PS5   
    I'm not exactly surprised by this, but it still seems kind of pointless. I love both The Last of Us and the The Last of Us Part 2 (Both are links to my respective reviews), but have Naughty Dog and Sony not milked this enough?
  23. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Shortie in What is your favourite Halloween movie?   
    My favourite is probably quite literally Halloween. A classic slasher for a reason.
  24. Like
    Shagger reacted to svjiminfxv in Hello everyone!   
    Hi there, I'm svjiminfxv and I'm new to this forum. My hobbies are gaming and listening to kpop. Nice to meet you all! 
  25. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reverie in Do you think free online multiplayer games will become more frequent?   
    Another good reason why I don't buy these "live service" games anymore. These companies are desperate to draw you into these games as early as possible because its those early players that are easier to rip off. Frankly, it disgusts me because if you start playing a game early, your experience is likely going to be less polished that somebody who picks it up a few months later given how bad these games tend to launch.
    Game publishers don't have a "quota". They want all of your money, as well as all of everyone else's money, they wanted it yesterday and want to give you nothing for that money in return. Any step away from that closer to actually offering a fun game that's worth the price is a begrudged frustration and only done as a last resort, and that includes making the game at all. Why else would they sell games broken to say "we'll fix it" later? Why else would they cut stuff out of the game to sell back to you as microtransactions, battle passes, deluxe editions, pre-order bonuses and DLC? Even games that are free aren't really free, they do that as an excuses to be even more egregious with all that bullshit.
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