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  1. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Shortie in Did you ever play Frogger?   
    I know it's a classic, but it's not something I've ever really enjoyed that much. Combat, Space Invaders, Missile Command and even Basketball fill more of my fond Atari memories.
  2. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Microtransactions   
    I know I'm not exactly neutral on this topic nor do I claim to be an expert, so don't take my word for it. That's why I would encourage @Empire Of Sight to get involved again in this discussion as he recently launched an NFT based game himself and could offer the "other" perspective. I did post a metaphor in another thread ages ago about the basics of what an NFT is, and here it is...
    Check out the other responses in that thread as well as other did go into some more detail.
    The longer version is, an NFT is a Non-Fungible Token. It's a kind of receipt for a digital asset, usually a piece of artwork, tied to a market revolving around a kind of cryptocurrency encoded into a blockchain. A blockchain is essentially a market management system that facilitates trading on this system. If you imagine cryptocurrency being to stocks what the stock market is to a blockchain, and that's the basic idea. Unlike the stock market though, profits can be made simply through interaction, like through a video game. The more people interface with it, the values of a blockchain and cryptocurrency increase as that value is determined by the size of the digital space that blockchain influences, and thus the assets held within it. Again, kind of like the stock market whare shares can go up of down based upon the economic conditions, the value of a blockchain and cryptocurrency can change based of the state of the digital landscape.
    The short version is, it's an unstable investment at best and a scam at worst. It's people who run those blockchains and own the cryptocurrency who are the only ones likely to make any money because the have thier own digital assets grow the more people feed into thier blockchain, it's basically a pyramid scheme for the 21st century.
  3. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Have you heard of The Eternal Cylinder? On sale ps4/ps5   
    It looks like Q*Bert fucked Final Fantasy.
    I'm in!
  4. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Do you think gaming sharpens memory skills?   
    I feel that what @Reality vs Adventure has described is muscle memory and getting to know game controls. As for weather gaming can help with memory issues, I can see it, but I don't know for sure. And even if if does, I doubt it's a better alternative to reading and metal exercise. 
  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in I finally finished my Free to Play MMORPG!   
    This Web3, NFT stuff is just not something I'm interested in I'm afraid, but congratulations on this launch and the very best of luck with your game.
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Does the focus on multiplayer online take away from story telling?   
    I'm in the same boat as @Reality vs Adventure and am pretty much a solo gamer these days, so would obviously want that to be more of a focus to game publisher/developers. However, trying to think outwardly rather of just myself and online multiplayer obviously has mass appeal, and there is nothing with that. However, I don't think the situation now is as bad as it was a few years ago when companies like EA were trying to claim single player games were dead in a pitiful effort to make them dead to the public when that clearly wasn't the case. A lot of great single player games are still being made and a lot of them, like Hogwarts Legacy The Last of Us and just recently Baldur's Gate 3 have been massively successful.
    I would like to see games offer quality in both multiplayer and single player as well, and it's in THAT area we're in a bit of a slump. For some reason game dev's/publishers can deliver good games dedicated to one or the other, but not both in the same package recently. This could be for a number of reasons;
    Game dev's aren't getting the resources and time they need to make games that offer both single player and multiplayer options. Game dev's themselves are spending to much time working only on one or the other because that studio is specialised and thus are not developing the wider range of skills they would need to make games that offer both single and multiplayer options. It could be sheer incompetence and laziness. Or it could be like @Reality vs Adventure said and publishers can't help themselves, thus detract focus from single player in these types of games and pull resources to focus of the potentially more lucrative multiplayer options and microtransactions. It's not there aren't games that have had both done well, like Titanfall 2, COD MW, Halo, Gears of War and Bioshock 2. Even The Last of Us and The Last of Us Remastered when they first came out had Factions, a fantastic multiplayer mode, but Naughty Dog and Sony have long since abandoned it. However, it feels like its been ages since we had a really good game like that and they are sadly missed.
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from CawayGeway in How the bird will use for laptop?   
    OK, I know that me and others have had a little fun here, but it's time to get serious. I think I speak for all of us when I say we have no idea what it is you're talking about. Birds using laptops? Are we supposed to be taking this seriously?
    There must be something getting lost in translation here. There is no way you're trying make a serious point about birds using laptops. I understand that English is not a language you speak day to day and we want he help as best we can, but if we cannot understand you and you don't ask for help, then I may have no choice but to lock this thread.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from CawayGeway in How the bird will use for laptop?   
  9. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from CawayGeway in How the bird will use for laptop?   
    I can totally picture tech companies creating a touch screen interface for octopuses', but then not waterproof the device. That would be just typical, right?
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in There's A Last of Us Knock-Off on Nintendo Switch...   
    I just came back to this thread to find that video I embedded in the opening post, witch was the official trailer for "The Last Hope" from the developer's YouTube channel, has been nuked via copyright claim by Sony Interactive Entertainment!
    Well done, Sony, Right on!

    I'm editing the original post so the video displayed will now be the review of the game from Digital Foundry instead, I just wanted to have this post here as a record that this glorious moment actually happened.
  11. Like
    Shagger reacted to Hainced in What is your biggest gaming hot take?   
    I totally agree with you! Cyberpunk 2077 has its fair share of issues, but I also loved the game overall. The world, lore, characters, and gameplay are all fantastic. And you're right, the love interest storyline felt so genuine and emotionally engaging. Playing it on a well-equipped PS5 definitely enhanced the experience. It's a remarkable game that left a lasting impression on me too! 🎮💙
  12. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from LeoGrun in Translation needed   
    I found the clip. It's number 6, "Convoy of Death" starting at arond 8:35.
    It turns out it wasn't a car he was sitting on, it was a lawnmower. Having viewed the clip, I'm led to believe that he "sat on the bonnet", the bonnet being the front of the lawnmower. I can't say I know much about those sit in, drivable lawnmowers (Outside of spefic businessness and the landscaping profession, they're not very common here), so I can't say for sure if I was right or not about it being the engine cover or if it's actually an American term used to label the front of such a lawnmower spesifically. May there is a connection as the front of a car is usually whare the engine is found, but I don't know.
    Either way, the "bonnent" in this context is the front of a lawnmower. So... yeah...
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Knight Plug in Community Chat #1   
    Vey sorry to hear that. I wish nothing but the best for her.
  14. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from LeoGrun in How the bird will use for laptop?   
    I can totally picture tech companies creating a touch screen interface for octopuses', but then not waterproof the device. That would be just typical, right?
  15. Haha
    Shagger reacted to LeoGrun in How the bird will use for laptop?   
    Birds need a beak sensor and brain chip because their feet are not dexterous enough to type. Also, they are not great with human languages. Most devices have a very heavy bias towards human users. It's a huge gate that other species can't cross well. Even very dexterous animals struggle. Octopuses are considered to be one of the best animals at creative problem solving and yet not one can even send a gibberish text message, let alone learn English! Android needs to push native support for bird song voice input if they really want to talk about "accessibility" to the bird community. Samsung should invest in deep-sea devices for the octopus community. Apple will be pressured to follow, I think. Microsoft could use this opportunity to make their tablet-focused OSes fill at least an additional niche and become relevant more in the way they seem to want to.
  16. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in How the bird will use for laptop?   
  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Squirrel With a Gun   
    You know what, I can't even formulate a thought about this, just watch...
    Suffice to say, this trailer makes me feel drunk.
  18. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in There's A Last of Us Knock-Off on Nintendo Switch...   
    Were they high? Did they design that game on a damn 286 that still uses 5¼ floppy's? I don't know jack about writing any kind of software, but I could do better if I tried to write Chinese script with my ass cheeks. If that's the future of gaming, I'm out.
    Check please, the food sucked, the waitress was a bitch, won't be back.
  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Knight Plug in Survival horror remake fatique...   
    That, right there, is the problem with people taking issue with inclusion. The problem for a lot of people isn't so much prejudice as much as it selfishness. Yes, maybe characters being on the spectrum doesn't matter to you (I've never taken much stock in anyone who says that on the back of complaining about it for reasons I'll explain in moment), but think about what it means to people who have been, and in many ways still are, under attack and have had this world constantly try to tell them that how they are is some way wrong. Inclusion actually benefits somebody and make them feel like they belong and are right to feel how feel abouts themselves, that they can be comfortable in thier skin.
    If that truly means nothing to you, why even complain about it? I've said if before, but I'll say it again, good fiction reflects reality, that's how it connects to our real emotions and relates to our experiences. Nobody only has an issue with LGBTQAI+ representation in fiction, they have a problem with it being represented in reality. LGBTQAI+ representation in not an agenda, it's not politics, it's just life. People use the politics and agenda excuses because they don't want to face thier prejudices. That's why I don't take much stock in people who complain about LGBTQAI+ representation (or any other kind of inclusion, for that matter) in fiction and say they don't care and it doesn't bother them because if that was true they wouldn't have felt the need to complain about it in the first place. Non-factors produce a non-reaction. Analysing and discussing character representation, including thier orientation, that's a fair conversation to have, but there's a difference between that and complaining about it.
  20. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from LeoGrun in Well, I guess I should introduce myself   
    Welcome to VGR.
  21. Like
    Shagger reacted to LeoGrun in Well, I guess I should introduce myself   
    I'll be 32 this August, I've been playing games for a while now. I usually play on PC and switch but I fire up my Wii or N64 from time to time. (My Gamecube sadly died a while ago, but the Wii supports the games so I'm not terribly upset.) I own a WiiU, and I want to play it, I had a lot of fun when it was current but, well, you know. I still mod The Sims (1) and that's probably the single game/series I've played the longest. I also play board games, when I can get people together for it. Oh and I live on the East Coast of the U.S.
    I'm looking for a place to talk about games to hopefully get myself excited about video games again. I've been in kind of a rut/funk for a while. 
  22. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from Knight Plug in Survival horror remake fatique...   
    Fear is biological. It's an instinct. Expose a bacterium to a toxic substance and it will flee, that's how basic fear is. Fear only became complex because the human animal became complex. The cause may be simple and the complex and dangerous relationship humans have with fear is vital, but also very open to interpretation.
    Tapping into so something powerful, but also unrecognisable without understanding the primal element of fear you are trying to provoke is dangerous, but that's part of the appeal. The original Resident Evil games prompted terror by limiting your ability to defend yourself. The way the game controlled directly affected the horror element. Gamers these days, they want the full package. Deliberately restricting the controls as a method to install fear and panic in the player is no longer an valid reason for that type of control, even if it should be. But in my opinion, it shouldn't be. We can have horror games now that can put you into that sense of panic and fear, but still control well because the technology has improved.
    I understand how the old School Resident Evil games were designed to control. How that limited scheme and options in combat with delays in control were designed to induce panic, I understand that, I truly do, but if those same developers were able to access the same tools we have today, would they do the same thing? Honestly, I'd say not.
    Tech' these days opens the possibility to create games that are just as scary as they were back then with a more connected feeling in how they control. I think Capcom get that. They want to replicate that same feeling, but in a game that controls like a game developed in the 21st century. Is that really so wrong?
  23. Like
    Shagger reacted to Knight Plug in Survival horror remake fatique...   
    I've been getting to the point where I'm really just so tired of hearing about many remakes of old horror games being developed. Especially with Capcom's handling of their remakes of Resident Evil 2 onwards with the story aspects undergoing changes, and whatnot, this indicates that I'm more sick of it than ever. And I mean, I played the original PS1 era games countless times in my younger years. I'd rather get new games in their respective series, or even something completely new and surprising, provided those games are trying to honour the franchise they are connected to. I don't mind.
    Perhaps these remakes (or the more appropriate term, reimaginings) help to bring the series to a modern audience, sure. If anything, gamers today may not like to play classic horror games due to the fixed camera angles, low resolution graphics and tank controls, preferring the over-the-shoulder way of things in full HD, or first person even. So it is beneficial to them. But decades long fans like myself know that the remakes have a lot of unnecessary changes, repeated cutscenes and boss battles, and whatever else.
    But after paying £500 for a PS5, I feel I would rather see the potential for more brilliant games like a Days Gone 2, The Last of Us Part III, or whatever. But instead, we're getting remakes of RE games being churned out in the wrong order, Silent Hill 2, Alone in the Dark, and others. While these games may admittedly be quite successful and play well, they are not *new* ideas, as such. Unless something gets changed, we already know James Sunderland hated Mary, and he ended her life out of pity for her. How can they put this across in a different way so that it feels unique?
    To tell you the truth, I don't even find the RE universe in general to be all that scary any longer, especially after RE8 with the tall vampire lady nonsense, or the ugly, living doll-like person hiding in the sitting room, and the other weirdness that plagued the game. It was just incredibly dumb. So I reckon I'd rather play other horror games, because all the RE games feature returning heroes who are veterans, so you always just get cheesy lines now and too much guns to blast up stuff, and repetitive ideas means you get little in the way of a new experience. Because essentially, every game is just about a virus spreading, but with a new letter at the start. Like the new K-Virus, or something.
    This is why the games just aren't creepy enough any more for my personal taste. Everything is getting recycled. Although the mutant baby thing you have chasing Ethan Winters in RE8 was kind of clever, the game did have a werewolves shooting section with Chris Redfield, which felt random and just added in for a bit of your bog standard, typical fan service. 
    Besides remaking games, Capcom has long had a history of trying to rip things off from other games in general. This is definitely the case with RE8 having mannequins, that act like the nurses in the Silent Hill games. I also got a lot of P.T. vibes from exploring that house as well. But if you tell anybody that on GameFAQs, they imply you're stupid for pointing that out.
    But take it from me: RE has lost the edge it once had. I've grown so fed up of moaning about it on forums, that I've basically gone and found other games to enjoy that have better graphics and are way more scary, tense, and interesting. I'm gonna be all the better for it.
    Look at Stray Souls, for example. That's an upcoming indie game that looks like it has way better combat mechanics than any of the recent RE sequels. And of course, there's the remake of Dead Space and Alan Wake 2. Yet another big budget game that looks to be taken the survival horror sub-category seriously again...
  24. Like
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    Shagger got a reaction from ImmersionGaming22 in Im back, I bet you've all really missed me haven't you? and are so glad im back to put the gaming world to rights with you all! hahaha :)   
    I am going to have to move this to General Chat.
    I see you've been through a lot, but I'm glad things seem to be coming togethe. It's great to have you back.
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