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    Shagger reacted to ImmersionGaming22 in Im back, I bet you've all really missed me haven't you? and are so glad im back to put the gaming world to rights with you all! hahaha :)   
    Thank you Shagger, so for the delayed reply, go so much on at the min its unreal, ive never been so busy! 🙂 Not only am i still learning all of the stuff i mentioned in the above post, but ive just bought and set up a green screen for my channel, so learning all the tricks to using that effectively, as there is a lot more to it than i initially thought, lol isn't there always hahahaha Also ive started repairing and restoring faulty tech again too, so i buy faulty phones, laptops, tablets and consoles etc etc etc and then repair, refurb them, then sell them on, which is my way of not only recycling what would otherwise be e-waste, but than can sell it on to people much cheaper than it would cost them to buy a new one, as we are all struggling at min, under the current climate, plus i make a little on top for my time, so it helps me get by too! 🙂 so yeah mate been really really busy, still trying to have a social life too, but its easier said than done as there's only so much time in a day! :)
    Thank you for your kind word and support R vs A, i really do appreciate it more than you know, especially at the min, sorry about the late reply, but ive so so busy its unreal!! (see above reply to Shagger for the deets, as i cba writing it all again hahahaha) But yeah im getting there now bud thank god! 🙂 and no one will ever take gaming from me, its such a huge part of my life and who i am, soo no danger of that! :)
    Thank Killa! i really appreciate it mate and i glad i did too mate, as it was sorely needed trust me, i was so down, lost and confused it was scary, but that is all in the past now mate, life goes on, we heal and we plod on dont we mate, what choice do we have! 🙂 sorry for the late reply too, ive been really really busy mate, seriously!! (see reply to Shagger above for the deets, as cba writing it all again hahahaha!)
    Hahahahahaha freaks of nature! id rather be around freaks of nature and fit in, than be around fake peeps and not feel any kind of connection or common ground! 🙂 Also yes mate ill admit, even though the split was my choice, it was a shock to my system, as its all ive know for so long (2 decades wow!) but now im glad i did it, as im me again and able to pursue my likes and do things that make me happy, which wasn't an option for as long as i can remember! 😞 but its all part of my journey mate and has happened for a reason! Life is just a lesson, one which can teach us so much, if we just listen! 🙂 so yeah im getting there now bud, thank you! i hope all is good at your end too and ditto im always here for you guys too, should you need an ear or a shoulder! 🙂 sorry for the late rely, ive been so busy is un believable seriously (see the reply to Shagger above for the deets, as cba writing it all again lol!) Im currently playing The Last Of Us part 1 mate, (it's on my channel!) absolutely awesome story im loving it! I waited 10 years to play this game, as im a pc gamer, so had to wait for the port! what you on with at the min, owt exciting??
  2. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Squirrel With a Gun   
    You know what, I can't even formulate a thought about this, just watch...
    Suffice to say, this trailer makes me feel drunk.
  3. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Squirrel With a Gun   
    I always thought Conker used a frying pan, not a gun.
  4. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from Knight Plug in JoyFreak   
    I started posting on there frequently just recently and I'd have to agree with what you've said. Too many bots and whilst these users do get banned fairly efficiently (almost too efficiently, to the point whare I wonder why that particular account was banned as the posts on it were harmless), thier posts never get removed. It's badly moderated as well to be frank. Reported another member on thier several days ago because they just snapped me for some reason despite barley even knowing this person and I've heard nothing. Even if the mods decided to take no action, that's fine, but people who know my style of moderation know that I keep people informed and give them feedback. It's important that believe thier concerns are at least being heeded, especially if the mods don't agree. 
    The thing that really bothers me is that members, including staffers, use posts as a front to peddle things and for SSP and that is literally thier only reason for being there. I'm not going to name names or link to it, but one individual, a member of JoyFreak's editorial team no less, posts articles to peddle things that would be considered "controversial" at the very least here on VGR. For example, he posted an article examining the pros and cons between Steam and EGS which is fair enough but further down the page he hyperlinks to a site whare you can buy accounts. Just in case you weren't aware, doing this sort of thing breaks the TOS of both these platforms and could get that account banned. He also peddles online casinos, NFT's, cryptocurrency, you name it. All in the form of hyperlinks hidden in his articles, so even though it's shameless he isn't exactly being up front about it. To be fair, some of these articles make a decent read, but how is anyone supposed to take is seriously when he's only posted it to peddle a bitcoin casino or some other bollocks?
    There are some good folk over there, but a few things I would consider strange in how the forum is run put me off and it has an effect. No exaggeration, at least 80% of the posts are either SSP, bots or the aforementioned articles. Most of what's left are posts on the junk threads like "what are you listening to" or a thread to post random YouTube stuff.
    Now, it's not all negative. it's great looking forum with a nice, clean interface and a good variety of in-built features that are fun to use. And like I said, there are some good discussions and people to be found on there. The place also seems accepting and neutral when it comes to social politics, even if some of the members aren't.
    Overall, it's not a bad forum, but I'm ready to believe it's seen better days.
  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from killamch89 in Starfield Gameplay Deep Dive   
    I for one do find myself getting more exited, but still intend to keep my expectations in check and this game at arm's length given Bethesda's track record. I'm impressed by the sheer scale of this whole thing and admire it's ambition.
    A couple of induvial points I wanted to bring up that stood out to me.
    It looks like they're stepping away from the "unique" weapons thing that we've seen done a lot in Fallout and TES and instead just giving you a large verity of weapons that you can customise them to suit you needs in specific situation and to suit play style and skills, and to me that's a good move. The companion system looks very similar to what we saw in Fallout 4, just expanded and integrated into the ship and it's mechanics in a way that reminds me of the Lieutenant's mechanic from AC Odyssey and I'm fine with that.
    I too love the customisation. It seams like you can change both the function and appearance of your ship by how to customise it. That's going to be a lot of fun to play around with. Because somebody will, if you purposefully make your ship look like a great big flying cock, just know that you're a lot like your own penis. Not big and even less clever. Looks like they've learned some valuable lessons from Fallout 4 when it comes to the outpost building mechanics and that's good because that feature was horrid in Fallout 4, especially for console players. So again, nice work.
    But of course, the biggest concern with any Bethesda game, will it... you know... work? They didn't even address this in this showcase, they are not even claiming this game will work OK. Considering that while showcasing Fallout 76 Tod Howard infamously said to the world "It just works" makes me wonder. The systems in place look mostly like the kinds of things Bethesda has used a lot in the past with a few things thrown in like the space combat, but thankfully that and the other new things don't look overly complicated. Having said that, they do seam to be using these systems on a scale way beyond what even Bethesda have done before. So given thier track record, not to mention the fact Bethesda's Creation Engine is looking very much like Mr House;

    I'm choosing to remain less than optimistic. In my opinion for a AAA, next gen game in 2023 this is not exactly the best looking game in the world either, especially considering what we've been seeing with Unreal Engine 5 recently. But like I said, this is Bethesda, so perhaps pegging back the graphics a bit would be for the best. One thing I'm really not sure about is how this procedural generation thing will work with the hand designed environments with another system to add locations like enemy outposts and... to be honest, that just sounds like something to go wrong.
    If this does work as advertised, this could be game of the decade potential, so come on Bethesda and please don't fuck this up.
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Akun in No to a genre?   
    I'm not sure if this counts as a genre, but I do avoid the "Soulsborne" type games as much as possible. The closest thing I've played to such a game that I've actually liked is Jedi: Fallen Order. I've long since accepted that, despite loving RPG's and 3rd person action/adventure games, the "Soulborne" just aren't made for me. I hate thier gameplay tropes, like no pausing (And that really is ridiculous in a single play game) and the sluggish combat. I hate the way they look, it the same dreary, demon underworld cliché every time. But most of all, I hate the trial and error philosophy behind the so-called "challenge". There're not hard games, merely cryptic ones loaded with beginners traps and cheap enemy AI that prays on one's natural instincts as a gamer rather than combat your techniques and strategies in a natural way.
  7. Like
    Shagger reacted to ImmersionGaming22 in Im back, I bet you've all really missed me haven't you? and are so glad im back to put the gaming world to rights with you all! hahaha :)   
    Hey all, i hope you are all well and doing good! 🙂 Im sorry ive not been on chatting with you all for a few months, but as i stated back in February, i had just separated from my partner of 20+ years, so was in a weird place back then and was unsure of what i would do going forward, as i had not been on my own for as long as i could remember! So yeah it was a shock to my system to say the least, and as im sure you can appreciate, i was not in a very chatty mood! 😞

    Anyway what i did do was lock myself away from the world, and did a bit of soul searching and finding me again, as when you have been in a relationship for that length of time, you tend to lose your own individuality, which i did massively, as my ex was a massive control freak. So what i did is focus on getting me back to me and also learning a lot more about having a YouTube channel and video editing etc etc etc, as i started my channel in about October last year, but by the time i split with my ex in February, i still had no clue what i was doing, as i was learning everything from scratch. Anyway as i said, i took that time out to do a lot of reading and watching tutorial vids, to build up my experience, which im still doing as we speak, but im also getting back out of the flat now too and having a life again, instead of just solely focusing on my channel. So yeah life is better now and hopefully my vids have improved as well, due to all the tricks ive learned along the way lol, although my confidence on screen is still a huge obstacle to overcome, but all in good time, Rome wasn't built in a day was it! 🙂

    So yeah, i just wanted to let you guys know why i disappeared for a while, and that im back and will hopefully be chatting everything gaming with you all going forward! 🙂

    Speak soon!
    Woody! 🙂
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in No to a genre?   
    I'm not sure if this counts as a genre, but I do avoid the "Soulsborne" type games as much as possible. The closest thing I've played to such a game that I've actually liked is Jedi: Fallen Order. I've long since accepted that, despite loving RPG's and 3rd person action/adventure games, the "Soulborne" just aren't made for me. I hate thier gameplay tropes, like no pausing (And that really is ridiculous in a single play game) and the sluggish combat. I hate the way they look, it the same dreary, demon underworld cliché every time. But most of all, I hate the trial and error philosophy behind the so-called "challenge". There're not hard games, merely cryptic ones loaded with beginners traps and cheap enemy AI that prays on one's natural instincts as a gamer rather than combat your techniques and strategies in a natural way.
  9. Thanks
    Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Community Chat #1   
    Don't know what to say. I hope she got to say goodbye to her mother in person. 
  10. Thanks
    Shagger reacted to AndreiMirfi in Community Chat #1   
    Hoping that you're well, @Shagger.
  11. Thanks
    Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Community Chat #1   
    That’s just terrible. Did she make it to see her mom yet? My heart goes out to your family. 
    They caught him alive about 15 miles on the opposite direction where I was. Idiot went to a house of someone he knew. Just one week after this one in Texas, there was another mass shooting at a mall in Texas. Fucking Texas schools now have Winnie the Pooh books to train kids in school shootings. They have the bear stick his head in honey and be still. What the serious fuck? 
  12. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Atomic Heart   
    I am not kidding, that is literally how it works. Here's a clip of me doing so.
    And as you can see, the tutorial didn't mention that QTE was going to happen either, so I actually failed it the first time because I was caught totally off guard.
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Atomic Heart   
    This does look good. The quick look systems looks very practical and fun to use and the setting is interesting. Not a huge FPS fan, but I'm ready to give this a shot... get it, shot!

    I'll go sit in the corner...
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from NightmareFarm in Pragmata sure came and went huh   
    I'm still wondering what the hell happened to Deep Down. Capcom have a habit of hyping up games, especially new IP's, with awesome trailers and details about how awesome it'll be then we just never hear about them again.
    I found this video on the subject with what is the latest from a few weeks ago:
  15. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from NightmareFarm in Im back   
    I replied to the topic, but didn't even talk about what games I've been playing! silly me.
    Still playing Red alert 2 a lot, but have recently started experimenting with map creation. I played and reviewed Ravenlok through Gamepass recently. A beaautiful game, but with some serious problem with difficulty and combat. Check out the review here if you so wish. Other games I've been playing include World of Warships, Atomic Heart, A Plague Tail: Requiem (Reviewed that one as well, it's superb), Horizon: Forbitten West and Hogwarts Legacy to name a few.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Ubisoft Connect makes me MAD!   
    Earlier this evening, I thought, "I haven't played Assassin's Creed Odyssey in a while, I think I might just re-install it and give it a go". Given the install size, I had to remove a couple of games giving myself plenty of room for the game and any updates it might install. I originally bought the game from the Epic Game Store (After a combination of sale prices and coupons, It ended up being quite the steal.), so naturally I use the EGS launcher to install the game. A couple of hours later, I start the game and Ubisoft's launcher Ubisoft Connect opens up. That's OK, I expected that, but then Ubisoft Connect prompts me to install the game, all 100+GB of it, all over again!

    It turns out Ubisoft Connect does not recognise the EGS install of the game. Why? Because when EGS installs the game, the game is listed as "AssassinsCreedOdyssey" without spaces, but Uplay installs the game under a file called "Assassins Creed Odyssey" with spaces. I am not kidding, that is why Ubisoft Connect couldn't recognise the game was already installed! I understand Ubisoft wanting to verify a digital game copy, but this is just plain stupid. This isn't an indigenous problem with this game either, it happens with others. I read a Reddit post from somebody who had the exact same problem with AC Syndicate.

    Thankfully, I didn't actually have to install the game all over again as Ubisoft Connect does have a feature that allows you to tell the launcher whare the game files are and verify them, but that was still a full 20 minutes waiting for it to do so for no good reason.

    I don't know if the same thing happens if you install and launch Ubisoft games through Steam (If somebody can confirm, please do so), but this is why nobody wants to have to buy a game through one platform, then have to link it and run it through another. EA makes you do the same thing when you install EA games through Gamepass, for example, but to thier credit at least that works without any stupid bullshit like this. I wouldn't put it past companies like Ubisoft and EA to make this whole process deliberately inconvenient just so people will use thier own launchers instead of EGS, the Xbox Windows App or Steam.

    Anyway, rant over. I just wanted to put this out there in hope this might see others avoid the same problem.
  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from NightmareFarm in Im back   
    Nive to see you again. Welcome back.
  18. Like
    Shagger reacted to NightmareFarm in Im back   
    Hows it going guys? What games have you been playing this past year?
  19. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Do you keep the U?   
    Since we speak and scribe the King's English on this side of the Atlantic, I could just boil this down to saying you filthy colonials are spelling things wrong, but...
    You know, that's it. You filthy colonials are spelling things wrong.

    Seriously though, I have no idea why this and other spelling differences like this happen on the same language.
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Top 20 Worst Video Game Consoles   
    Technically, the 3DO wasn't their console. The 3DO was an unusual video game console in that it wasn't manufactured by a first party. Panasonic were just one of several companies who were contracted by the 3DO Company to make the console. The others being GoldStar (Now known as LG) and Sanyo with Creative Technologies being responsible for the peripherals and many of the components inside. This meant there were several different versions of the console with different hardware branding, but there were all made to similar specifications. The 3DO Company itself founded by the founder of Electronic Arts Trip Hawkins and it was his company that was responsible for and would profit from software distribution, like a game publisher. The various companies that actually made the system would only see thier cut from the single hardware sale. In a way, the 3DO today looks less like a gaming console and more like a purpose built gaming PC, perhaps like one of those Steam Machines that were about a few years ago.
    And that was whare the real problems with the 3DO started. The fact the console had some advanced tech' for the time and that the manufacturers had to profit from the hardware sale is what made the system so expensive. It did have stand out graphics and some great ports of games like Wing Commander 3 that included almost DVD quality FMV, but it wasn't worth the price compared to it's rivals. A shame because I actually think it was a good system.
  21. Like
    Shagger reacted to Anders in What is your biggest gaming hot take?   
    I absolutely agree. The only soulsborn game I've spent any siginicant amount of time with is Elden Ring, and although I did enjoy what I played of it, I definitely think it's way overrated. I mean, I do see why people think it's a good game, but people talk about it like it's the second coming of Jesus and the best game that's ever been made. 
    Most of the time I played it was spent doing the same things over and over again to farm XP, just so I could level up enough to not die in two hits. The game does not explain anything at all to you, so you have to look up what pretty much every item you pick up does. I won't comment to much on the story, but as far as I got, there wasn't much story to be had.
    I've never been a fan of extreme difficulty in games. I'm fine with a bit of a challenge, but having to replay the same boss fight 20-30 times is just excruciating to me. Whenever I try saying that to a soulsborn fan however, the answer is always the same:
    "Git gud"
  22. Like
    Shagger reacted to Shortie in I just watched someone commit suicide   
    I am so sorry to hear this @The Blackangel and @Rain Dew 😞 you hear about people doing these things a lot and it is never easy to hear about it when people take their own lives but to have seen it is a whole other story. 

    My condolences go out to their friends and family at this awful time and I do hope that both you and Rain Dew and able to get all the support you need to get through this. 
  23. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Jack Black on RDR2   
    This video absolutely hilarious. I watched it several times before I came here to post it.
  24. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in [Sponsored] Skin.Club Pick’em for Paris Major   
    Paris Major is fast approaching and Skin.Club is excited to launch a new season of predictions for this highly-anticipated tournament. We invite you to make your predictions for each stage of the Major, including the Challengers Stage, Legends Stage, and Champions Stage, taking place from April 21 to May 21. 
    By accurately predicting the "match winner" and "match results" (3:0 or 0:3), you'll earn points that can help you win some incredible prizes. The more points you accumulate, the better your chances of getting into a better giveaway and winning even more valuable rewards. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to test your prediction skills and win big!
    Prize Pool: $15.000
    How to Play and Login
    – Login with your Steam Account;
    – Start with “Challenger Stage”;
    – Fill all the empty spots with teams’ logos;
    Get ready to win some awesome Pick'em skins and watch the Paris Major with SkinClub:

  25. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in x box one question   
    Is it possible they were claimed through games with gold by the previous owner? I think there was a time when games that were claimed through GWG remained yours even if you ended your subscription.
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