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    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Unpopular Gaming Opinions   
    One problem that we all face at a forum, is that we're reading text, and can't hear the tone of voice when a person says something. It may look like an attack when they're making a sarcastic joke. @Crazycrab and @Shagger are brothers. Say one of them called the other an asshole for liking >insert game title< in a joking manner. Or just said only assholes liked that game as a poke at his brother. Now say you are a huge fan of the game. You wouldn't be able to tell if he was saying the only ones in the world who like the game are assholes, or if it was a joke between brothers. Is he just calling his brother an asshole as a joke? Is he saying all fans of said game are assholes? Without hearing a tone of voice, all we have to go on is emotionless text. It's a part of the reason I skip some of the topics on this forum. But this topic is meant to be fairly abrasive.
    Now I'm not a mod, and I'm not trying to do a job that isn't mine, but I would like to suggest that people check their sensitivities at the door when clicking on this thread. But that's just my opinion, which may be an unpopular one.
  2. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Which performance mouse should I buy?   
    That's becuase Razor heavilly sponsor streamers and ESports teams.  Don't get wrong their products are good but it's like buying an Aston Martin when a there is a Jaguar has exactly the same performance for half the price.  The only reason they charge more is because they can.
  3. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in Updates and announcements: our first moderator, spam prevention, bid for rewards, and more   
    Hey everyone!
    I have a few exciting announcements to make today. First, I just want to thank all of our dedicated and active members for helping to make our forum a welcoming place for in-depth discussion. VGR has grown tremendously through your efforts into a thriving community. Now, onto the announcements!
    First of all, please congratulate @Shagger, who has become our first Moderator! Since becoming a member here, @Shagger has contributed thoughtful, detailed posts and engaged other members in meaningful dialogue. He has helped to create a balanced environment where open discussion is prized and every member is treated with respect.
    I anticipate bringing in an additional Moderator by the end of the year. I will be on the lookout for suitable candidates. If you are interested in becoming a Moderator, please contact me directly.
    Next, I am pleased to announce that enhanced spam prevention is coming to the forum soon. New accounts will face posting restrictions for X days so as to ease them into the community and help us to detect spammers.
    Finally, Bid for Rewards will remain a big feature for the rest of this year. In fact, you are going to have a chance to bid on AAA games and other major giveaways as we wrap up 2020, so stay tuned. Thank you again to each and every one of you for making VGR forum the best place on the web for video game discussion!
  4. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Unpopular Gaming Opinions   
    Whilst I wouldn't agree with @Crazycrab's brazen way if expressing them, I do actually agree with with his points. I almost never use M/K for game control on PC, with the exception of strategy games, some MMO's and some top-down RPG's. I don't even like using M/K for shooters despite the higher accuracy potential, it just doesn't feel as fun to play for me. I just feel more of a connection to a game holding a controller in my hand. Yes, I'm not as competitive that way, but I get round that problem buy not playing competitive FPS games on PC, only on console where I know it's a level playing field. Simple.
    The fundamental difference between a game controller the M/K concept is that one was created specifically to control a video game, the other one wasn't. M/K has come a long way, but hasn't fundementally changed. That is why M/K douse base problems with certain games and gameplay mechanics, like stealth a @Crazycrabsaid. It's that way because it still has to serve its original intended purpose. As for game controller ms? They have evolved a lot. We aren't playing with Atari Joysticks anymore, that's for sure. Controllers have become almost unrecognisable from what they used to be and are far more sophisticated and advanced, and have gone though this evolution at each step to improve one's connection to the game. That's just my own little theory as why I personally just enjoy a a controller alot more that a M/K.
    Not that M/K doesn't have its advantages as well. It's precise and offers you're hands and arms more rest as you play. As I said, the it's best way to play games where you manage as opposed to taking direct control, like RTS. It's also great for MOBA's and certain MMO's that uses a large array of control options. For any game that requires any even a remotely substantial amount of typing, a controller is a pain the ass, so there's that to.
    However, in the end, it's not about one being better than the other, it's about how each individual feels is better for themselves to control and connect to the game. Now @m76, I'm gonna be honest with, you I do believe you look down on people for using a controller on PC, and that's not fair. It doesn't affect you how another person plays Skyrim or whatever is on PC. You prefer M/K, not a problem, and this evening I'll probably be playing my modded version if Fallout 4 with a controller and I'm sure we'll both sleep just fine.
    One last thing to all of you, keep it civil. That is all.
  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Family sedan in We talked about 1st person and 3rd person. What about SECOND person?   
    Second person is something pretty much impossible to contemplate in a video game because the 2nd person is the perspective of your subject. In Call of Duty, this would be controlling the game from the view of whoever it was you were trying to shoot, or in something like Assassin's Creed, you'd be trying to control your character from the perspective of the guards. The camera angels you described in a racing game are still third person, just from a different angle. There are video games, especially racers, that have cinematic camera that take the view of how a motorrace looks on TV, for example. That is a second-person perspective, but nobody making a genuine effort to control the game accurately would actually use them. They're just for show.
  6. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Gamertotheend in Unpopular Gaming Opinions   
    @Gamertotheend I don't think there is a single thing you said that I disagree with, and that's coming from a newly appointed mod' that's desperate to make an example out of somebody 😂.
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from AndreiMirfi in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order   
    I had a dig around, and the only other place I can find where it's discounted is the Microsoft Store.
    Standard Edition

    Deluxe Edition

    So that's a decent deal right now, but who knows if the game will be cheaper that at some point between now and Christmas.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Gamertotheend in FIFA 21 Gameplay Leaked   
    Sorry, but who cares? Even for fans of these games what on earth do you expect to learn from leaked footage of FIFA? "OH MY GOD! It actually looks like soccer as opposed to Lacrosse or powerlifting! Get that footage on the internet! The world need to know!"
  9. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Unpopular Gaming Opinions   
    @Gamertotheend I don't think there is a single thing you said that I disagree with, and that's coming from a newly appointed mod' that's desperate to make an example out of somebody 😂.
  10. Like
    Shagger reacted to m76 in To those that game in third person …   
    I used to be a first person is the only good way to play games type. Then I left that attitude behind. Nowadays I barely even notice the viewpoint in shooters. it is inconsequential to me. But when it comes down to it, I even prefer 3rd person. Why? Vanity. I want to see my character in action. What's the point of spending hours in character creators and searching for the best looking armor or outfit, if I'm never going to see it? That's why I'm kind of disappointed that CP2077 will be First person view locked.
    But then there are games where fps view would not work at all, like Tomb Raider with a lot of jumping and climbing and having to be aware of the surroundings. You have zero situational awareness in first person view compared to reality. So I'd argue that TPS view can be more immersive, not less.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in To those that go specifically for first person games   
    Because it's the same perspective on one's actual sight, it can feel more immersive and real. For shooters especially, I'd say it feels more accurate as well. It's not an easy thing do well, though, not nearly as easy as people think. Because it matches a real world perspective, the slightest flaw in character animations, control, movement dynamics or reactions from the environment are more the more noticeable. The smallest things can really be immersion breaking
    For example, I started playing Fallout 4 on PC the last couple of days and I play the game mostly in 1st person (In this game, you switch between 1st and 3rd). One of the things I noticed right away was the way the character holds his/her gun while not shooting. It's something that really odd looking while standing still, but's it's especially odd while moving the character. The gun is held upright, straight out in front of it were a standing shot. Thankfully, I could install a mod that changes the animation so that the character then held the gun down and close to body and it looks way better.
    Here's a vid comparing the two.
  12. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Weirdest Game You've Ever Played   
    I might think of something else later, but the one that comes to mind right now would be Catherine on the PS3/XB360. It's a dark, seedy tale, told within the nightmares of a troubled yound man torn between the feelings of commitment to his current love and the temptations of a new beauty on the scene and... it's a puzzle game.
  13. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Unpopular Gaming Opinions   
    @Gamertotheend I don't think there is a single thing you said that I disagree with, and that's coming from a newly appointed mod' that's desperate to make an example out of somebody 😂.
  14. Like
    Shagger reacted to Gamertotheend in Unpopular Gaming Opinions   
    oh dear, I'm a little scared of posting here as my unpopular opinions tend to be very very unpopular and I don't wish to be banned.  but here goes and in no order:-
    Achievements/Trophies.  I feel these are one of the worst additions to gaming in decades for several reasons:  1st they are worthless and meaningless.  I mean whether you have 1 achievement or a million, it makes no difference.  2nd they actually set a bad mindset and instead of playing a game and exploring/discovering things themselves, they simply follow a 'checklist' of things to do set by the devs, hardly my idea of fun. (quite frankly one of the main reasons I bought a Nintendo Switch was because it does not have baked-in Achievements/trophies)
    Solution:  If you must have achievements/trophies in games, give them a purpose, right now they are just pointless fluff.   So have it so you can "trade in" your gamerscore or your trophies for things like money off games.  Then there would be a reason to collect these silly things.
    Modern devs think us gamers are morons - Why is it that in most if not all new games, whenever you come across an item you can use, it has a stupid glowing halo?  really devs, really?  Do you think we're too stupid to figure out what items we can and can't use?   and when climbing walls/cliffs.  The ones you can climb up have markings or paint to show us.  Again why??  it ruins the fun, discovering which areas you can climb up was good and you've taken that away from us now and it's all hand-holding and being lead by the nose.
    Solution: just damnwell stop it!  We are not idiots, we can figure out where we can climb or what items we can pick up.  even if by trial and error.. just stop it!
    Fps games have grown stale and boring.  I used to love FPS games, both online and single player but I've not bought one in a couple of years now because they've grown so stale and same-y.  If you've played one CoD game, you've pretty much played them all and that goes for the other games too.   The games seem to be getting simplified or dumbed down and it's just the same cookie cutter nonsense over and over.   Go back 10-15 years and you'll find shooters were (on average) vastly more enjoyable and challenging.
    Solution: Study older games and stop doing the same old, same old crap just because it's the lazy option and people buy it regardless
    4: Single player GAAS (Games as a Service) should be banned.  There is no valid reason why single player games can only be played if you are online.  That is an utter joke and a scam because when the servers are shut down, your game is dead forever.   okay that's understood and accepted for multiplayer games but for single player games it's despicable and repugnant.  If I buy a single player game, I want to keep it and play it whenever.  Heck I still have games that I bought (or were bought for me) in 1982-86 that still work and I still play from time to time.   online only single player games are simply not acceptable.
    Solution: stop buying single player games that are online only. 
    Fallout 2 is still the best fallout game ever
    BotW was good but very empty and very boring
    Smash bros is one of the most dull games on the Switch
    indie games are 95% shovelware and 5% hidden gem
    Souls games are tedious and simply not enjoyable to play
    Mobile gaming is repugnant and rife with f2p garbage that pretends to be gameplay whilst doing nothing but bleeding the bank account of the unwary dry
    that's enough for now before I get into trouble. lol
  15. Like
    Shagger reacted to Gamertotheend in Do games push loot boxes and micro-transactions too much?   
    I'll be honest I despise things like lootboxes, season passes, microtransactions etc.
    I can understand that nonsense in F2P games, they have to make money somehow but when a new PS4 game is £45 and day one it has a season pass for another £20 to me that is basically a scam.  They obviously cut things from the game to charge people more for it.
    as for lootboxes, well regardless of how you spin it, that is gambling and should be imo heavily restricted or ideally banned.When it comes to microtransactions, I loathe them and I find the name insulting.  when some are £10-£30-£50-£80 there is nothing 'micro' about them.
    as for "time savers", that holds no water with me.  if you don't have time to play the game then don't buy it.  and you know, we can save the game so what's the rush?  even if it takes you a year to finish a game, who cares as long as you enjoyed it?  Only a fool would drop £45+ on a game and then pay extra NOT to play it.  lol
    I have no problems with a game having expansions down the line, that's how they used to do it and that's fine as you get a decent amount of content for your money.So yeah, I dislike all that nonsense, it's greedy and quite a despicable business practice.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in We've (finally) released our first game, so I interviewed our lead programmer about the experience! (With a bit of an AMA)   
    @MrNature72There is nothing wrong with a bit of self-promotion, but as you have seen the sheer amount of it from members who have joined the forum to do nothing but that has been a great source of frustration recently for the community. I look forward to your future contribution to the community and wish you nothing but the very best for your game, but for now, I'm going to lock this thread. You will be free to talk more about this game of yours once you have made a greater contribution to the community.
  17. Thanks
    Shagger reacted to AndreiMirfi in Forum Mod to Combat Spam.   
    Congrats, @Shagger!
  18. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Gamertotheend in Weirdest Game You've Ever Played   
    It's like the sprite from "Snake" has literally escaped from the game and is now running amok around the circuit board being chased by Fallout Eyebots.
  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from m76 in After a bit of struggle I'm finally here   
    Welcome to VGR. I'll be sure to check out those reviews when I get a chance.
  20. Like
    Shagger reacted to m76 in What would you like to see added to the forum?   
    Spoiler tags?
    Although changing text color to match the background might work
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Trump banned TikTok and WeChat. Are video games next?   
    Hi everyone. This is a polite reminder that the VGR forums has a separate section to debate politics, and for a reason. I understand that the issue described in the OP has relevance to tech and, in a hypothetical manner, gaming as well. With that said though, and reading through the more recent responses, I feel the original topic has started to get lost within the politics surrounding it. So I politely ask, can we please turn the topic back to the specifics of the original post? People are more than free to debate politics, but just in the correct section of the forum. Thank you.
  22. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in Forum Guidelines and Moderation Policy   
    Moderation Policy
    If you follow these forum guidelines, there should be no reason for you to ever have to face any of these consequences.  Here is what you can expect to happen if you do violate these rules:
    Minor offenses:  This will result in a gentle reminder, and if applicable, your offending post/avatar/signature will be removed. Serious or repeat offenses:  This will result in an official warning.  You may lose some of your privileges on the site and may be added to a moderation queue (your posts will need to be reviewed before we let them go live).  We may revoke Points if applicable. Extreme offenses:  We may temporarily or permanently ban you from the site. All administrators on this website reserve the right to edit, delete, move, block, split, or merge content for any reason, and to temporarily or permanently ban members of the site at their sole discretion.  If you do not understand a decision which has been made with regard to your account or your content, PM an administrator to ask for clarification. 
    Thank you for following our rules and making the VGR Forum a friendly and fun place for everyone!
  23. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in Forum Guidelines and Moderation Policy   
    Account and Miscellaneous Guidelines
    Do not open multiple accounts.  Please use a single account only.  If you share an IP address with another user, please contact us in advance before you create a second account under that IP address. Please refrain from using proxies to access our website.  Banners in your signature must measure 650x200 pixels or smaller.  If you violate this rule repeatedly, you may lose your signature privileges.  Please do not use inappropriate images. Avatars must conform to the size limit and also must not contain any inappropriate imagery.  If your avatar violates these terms, it will be removed immediately. Do not use our forum for purposes of self-promotion or to promote any product or website.  This goes for topics you post, responses to other topics, private messages, and profile comments.  If you notice a violation of this rule, we ask you to please report it to us immediately.  Of course you are allowed to promote your graphics and YouTube Videos, but so so in the designated forums.  Statements of libel or personal attacks are forbidden on this site, whether they concern other members of the forum or not.  Harassment is forbidden, and if you engage in this kind of behavior, your posts will be removed immediately. Do not attempt to do our jobs for us.  If you see a post which violates our rules, report the post instead of attempting to moderate the post yourself or respond personally to the situation.  While we appreciate your help, causing a conflict on the site because of a rule violation will only contribute to the drama and make our jobs more challenging.  Simply report the issue so we can resolve it ourselves and prevent further disagreements. VGR Points may not be traded for any other currency.  VGR Points that are traded for cash will be removed. Reputation may not be purchased with VGR Points or cash.  Those who abuse this system will be subject to whatever penalties we see fit. If you have a complaint regarding a specific member, please use the PM system to submit your complaint here.  Do not attempt to handle the matter publicly. 
  24. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in Forum Guidelines and Moderation Policy   
    Posting Guidelines
    Please use common sense when you participate on our forum.  If your posts violate our guidelines or we feel they are unsuitable in some way, we may edit, move, or remove your post.  If we do this, we will usually send you a private message to notify you.  If you do not hear from us, feel free to inquire, but you may assume that your violation was minor in these situations and that we have forgone contacting you because we are swamped in other moderating duties.  If you do hear from us, please do not assume that means that your violation is serious; we will let you know if it is directly. Please post grammatically.  While we do not expect perfection as far as your spelling and grammar is concerned, we ask that you do your best and post readably in English.  At the same time, we ask that you do not make posts or replies simply to correct the grammar or spelling of another forum member.  This behavior is a form of trolling and will not be tolerated. Spammy or rude posts do not belong on this forum.  If your post does not contribute to the topic in a positive, useful, or supportive manner, please defer posting.  Comments which are negative and do not contribute to discussions on the forum will be removed.  If you bump a topic (such as a recruitment thread for clan members), please provide some kind of new information, and do not simply write “Bump” in your post.  You may bump your topics once every 48 hours in any section of the forum.  Do not attempt to maneuver around this rule by “tag-team” bumping. Posting links is acceptable so long as the links are relevant to the topic.  No affiliate links please.  Do not post misleading links or images, including links or images that lead to shocking content.  Likewise, we do not accept posts that promote hatred or intolerance of any groups or which link to hate sites.  Try not swear or use any vulgarities on our forum.  Some users are under the age of 18.  Make your posts appropriate to a 13-18 age group. Use good judgment.  Please do not discuss torrent sites or pirating software or any related topics on this site.  Do not post private information concerning yourself or anyone else on this forum.  For more information, read our guidelines on staying safe online. If you have suggestions for improving the VGR forum, we welcome you to contact us.  You may send your suggestions via private message or post them publicly here, however we do not permit posts made solely to damage the community.  Please refrain from posting only to insult or complain; post with a positive, constructive purpose.  Posts which do not conform to these guidelines will be removed.
  25. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Forum Mod to Combat Spam.   
    I have to agree. The rate of increase in spam posts is staggering. We all know you bust your ass to take care of this forum, and we do appreciate it. It may seem thankless or go unmentioned at times, but we all do. But like @Shagger said, you’re just one man. I would honestly recommend picking two that you feel you could trust not to abuse the authority and give it a trial run for a week or two at least. Then go from there. With 3 staff the amount of spam could be handled quicker and it would take some of the load off your shoulders.
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