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    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Official Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread   
    I think the problem is that non-fans of pro-wrestling and it's sceptics are under some sort of delusion that we fans don't understand truth of it, when in actual fact we understand the truth better than they do. It is not a sport, it's entertainment. A showcase of athleticism and drama with the sprit of completion at the heart of that drama, but we know it's a story, not an athletic completion. I've already stated why calling it "fake" is the wrong terminology, and that explanation stands, so I see no point in repeating myself. You can like, dislike and feel what you feel exactly the way you want to feel about, but can I polity request you stay off this thread unless you have something positive to contribute? This blasting of it with the same "It's fake" cliché, even if your right, is something that's been said and heard a million times and it just has no worth to anyone. So please, just let the rest of us discuss this without the pointless aggravation.
  3. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Dead2009 in Official Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread   
    I think the problem is that non-fans of pro-wrestling and it's sceptics are under some sort of delusion that we fans don't understand truth of it, when in actual fact we understand the truth better than they do. It is not a sport, it's entertainment. A showcase of athleticism and drama with the sprit of completion at the heart of that drama, but we know it's a story, not an athletic completion. I've already stated why calling it "fake" is the wrong terminology, and that explanation stands, so I see no point in repeating myself. You can like, dislike and feel what you feel exactly the way you want to feel about, but can I polity request you stay off this thread unless you have something positive to contribute? This blasting of it with the same "It's fake" cliché, even if your right, is something that's been said and heard a million times and it just has no worth to anyone. So please, just let the rest of us discuss this without the pointless aggravation.
  4. Haha
    Shagger reacted to kingpotato in Cyberpunk 2077 Will Allow You To Customise The Look of Everything About Your Character...EVERYTHING   
    Me and my friends meeting in an online match in Cyberpunk with our custom penis

  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Cyberpunk 2077 Will Allow You To Customise The Look of Everything About Your Character...EVERYTHING   
    Yes, when this game comes out, the world will change forever as the Testgina will become a thing.
    On a more serious note, and not surprisingly, the games rating across the various agencies, regions and countries has been mature, 18+ or what ever the equivalent is everywhere, but NOT banned or censored. Even Australia is allowing it to be sold with that 18+ rating. This good though because CD Project Red aren't being forced change or water down in any way. Of course, strong Langridge, bloody violence, sexual content, drugs, alcohol and scenes of torture all contribute to this as well, so is a very mature. How long before some idiot parent or grandparent buy this for an 8-year-old then tried to blame the game for exposing their precious baby to such horribleness.
    But yeah, testginas. You know somebody's gonna do it.
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Official Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread   
    Alot of the time, especially before the COVID-19 crisis, that 2-3 times a week could easily be 5-6. In between time, there's constant training. Wrestling matches also typically last alot longer than a bout in the octagon. I admit that's less true of fights in boxing, those can go quite long, but they get breaks between rounds and, like @Crazycrab said, these fights are separated by months at a time. So once again, fake is the wrong word.
  7. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Official Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread   
    I'm SO sick if the ignorant cocks who dismiss pro wrestling for being "fake".  Just like movies, It's about telling a story.  If you compare it to a competitive sport like cage fighting, boxing or even Olympic style amateur wrestling then not only have you completely missed the point, but you are a total fucking hypocrite unless you dismiss every fictional book, movie and TV series that has ever existed for not being "real".
    I enjoy the over the top characters, the funny gimmicks, the in ring action and hold a lot of respect the athetism required to do this, scripted, 2 or 3 times a week.  Most top end pro-boxers or MMA fighters do it, unscripted, 2 or 3 times a year.  I respect them as athletes too but if you respect one but dismiss the other then you are a hypocrite.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Official Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread   
    Fake is the wrong word. Scripted, pre-planned, a show, stunting, yes, but nobody goes through the kind of risk, injuries, pain and wear and tear on their bodies that pro-wrestlers do by doing something "fake".
  9. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Official Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread   
    Fake is the wrong word. Scripted, pre-planned, a show, stunting, yes, but nobody goes through the kind of risk, injuries, pain and wear and tear on their bodies that pro-wrestlers do by doing something "fake".
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in I don’t know where to go in Skyrim   
    You can go off on your own right away if you want, or you can follow the guy as far as Riverwood (getting a brief tutorial on The Standing Stones along the way) and meet his family in Riverwood who can give you supplies and direct you toward Whiterun for the next quest on the main story. Which family you meet of course depends on whether you follow Hadvar or Ralof into the keep during the Helgen attack. Each family will talk to you and give you equally interesting, but opposing views on the political situation happing in Skyrim. Ralof and his family support the Stormcloaks, whereas Hadvar and his family support the Empire. This doesn't impact on the rest on the game, It's just an interesting insight into the views of these people with regard to the war.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in I don’t know where to go in Skyrim   
    It's fairly easy to find your way around in Skyrim, the map and user interface can tell you where to go. Once you have selected a quest (or quests) from the "Quests" tab in the main menu, such as below;

    Markers to indicate where to go appear on the map (here's how it looks with the marked location(s) are in view);

    (...and if the marked location(s) are off-screen)

    Markers also appear on the horizontal compass at the top of the gameplay screen to show you which direction to go to reach the maker from where your character currently is.

    I hope that helps.
  12. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - April 2020   
    250 awarded to each.
  13. Like
    Shagger reacted to GeppyX in I don’t know where to go in Skyrim   
    Oh wow. Silly me for not realizing that! That does help. Thank you.
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in I don’t know where to go in Skyrim   
    It's fairly easy to find your way around in Skyrim, the map and user interface can tell you where to go. Once you have selected a quest (or quests) from the "Quests" tab in the main menu, such as below;

    Markers to indicate where to go appear on the map (here's how it looks with the marked location(s) are in view);

    (...and if the marked location(s) are off-screen)

    Markers also appear on the horizontal compass at the top of the gameplay screen to show you which direction to go to reach the maker from where your character currently is.

    I hope that helps.
  15. Like
    Shagger reacted to Dhruvguy in newbie here hi all   
    Greetings All,
    I was referred here by a friend. Here to learn and contribute to the forum 😛
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Starting Spec-Ops: The Line   
    In terms of combat, there really isn't much to say. It plays like a fairly normal military FPS. The story though... well, let's just say that does NOT play like a normal military FPS.
  17. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in I made a meme for the times....   
    Fitting isn't it?

  18. Haha
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Pick one videogame that represents you as a person.   
    Lester the Unlikely...  That's what any gamer would pick if they are actually being honest.
  19. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in I could use some help...   
    A couple that look good to me are Rune 2 and Ashen. Also I have Kingdom Come Deliverance and it's a really sweet game. If I'm getting the price conversion right, the prices are below.
    Rune 2 - $29.99 / £24.24 / €27.72
    Same price for Kingdom Come Deliverance.
    Ashen - $39.99 / £32.33/ €36.96
    I decided to include the Euro as well. I don't know how far the whole Brexit thing has gone, and whether or not that affects the Euro in the UK or not. Assuming it was even accepted there to begin with. But I figured what the hell.
  20. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Favorite games from the old consoles   
    NES —
    Blaster Master
    Legacy Of The Wizard
    Bubble Bobble
    The Legend Of Zelda
    Punch Out
    Spy Hunter
    T&C Surf Designs
    Wizards & Warriors
    Zelda 2
    Illusion Of Gaia
    The Legend Of The Mystical Ninja
    Zelda A Link To The Past
    Mario Is Missing
    1080 Snowboarding
    Banjo Kazooie
    Mario Kart 64
    Zelda Ocarina Of Time
    Zelda Majoras Mask
    Game Boy—
    Metroid II
    Zelda Links Awakening
    Zelda Oracle Of Ages/Seasons
    Sega Genesis—
    Ghouls ‘N Ghosts
    Pitfall The Mayan Adventure
    Sonic & Knuckles
    Castlevania SOTN

    Dig Dug
    Donkey Kong
    Mario Bros (NOT SMB)
    Space Invaders
    Swordquest: Earthworld
    Swordquesr: Fireworld
    That’s just a quick list. It’s not a complete list, but just a few of my regulars. But I want to note that NONE of these are that flashback bullshit. They are ALL the real thing.
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in The Last of Us Part 2 New Release Date, Ghost of Tsushima Delayed Until July   
    A mixed bag of news. Whilst TLOU 2 will now release on June 19nth, Ghost of Tsushima has been pushed back to July 17nth instead of the originally planned June 26th. Kotaku article here. This is happening almost certainly because a disgruntled Naughty Dog employee leaked the plot of TLOU2 online, so to avoid spoilers be very careful on YouTube, Reddit and social media over the next few weeks.
    With this leek, they're bringing TLOU2 out perhaps sooner than they were going to and pushed Ghost of Tsushima back to avoid both these games coming out in the same month causing lower sales for both and creating a logistical nightmare with both games coming out within days of each other. It's a shame that this leak happened, but I am glad to be getting a new release date game and getting it soon. Frustrating for Ghost of Tsushima fans for sure, but it's not a long delay, so I think this will not affect them too badly.
    EDIT: A Gamespot Article with a bit more information
  22. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Video Game Player Typologies and Research   
    That was literally your first post! No introduction, no "these are the games I like to play", no "this is my favourite platform", no pic's of your pets wearing human cloths because it's funny, nothing. Just sign up then immediately present us with a survey that "totally won't" find out any information useful for marketers, so what are people supposed to think? You're right, people do consider this spam and it being done with lack of tact or subtlety is exactly why.
  23. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in WWE 2K21 Officially Cancelled   
    I think this is a good thing. WWE hasn't had a good tie-in game since 2K took over and they only got worse, culminating in the disaster known as WWE 2K20. This franchise needs a break to get it's shit together, and honestly if WWE were to look elsewhere to produce the games that might be for the best.
  24. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in I could use some help...   
    There are afew possibities around the £14 to £15 mark.
    Two Metro games, Last Light and Metro 2033
    Also two of Quantic Dream's games, Beyoned Two Souls and Heavy Rain.
    The Batman Arkam Games
    Axiom Verge.
    Untitled Goose Game.
  25. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Anyone know anything about this game?   
    As far as I can tell, it's a licence based on a live action adaptation of a book series from the 90's of the same name, Animorphs: Shattered Reality. I have never hard of the book series or the show, so I can't comment, but when something isn't remembered from the same era targeting a similar demographic as Power Rangers or Goosebumps that's got to be a bad sign. @kingpotatoThis is what is referred to as a 2 1/2D platformer. Mostly 2D, but with a third dimension being explored in some aspects of the gameplay. Crash Bandicoot works in the same genre.
    This is a let's play I found being played by someone who is familiar with the source material, so it's a good insight into what the game is about. As aforementioned, it' a 2 1/2D platformer with some bizarrely brief combat sections where you morph in an animal (That's something from the lore I assume). It looks clunky and difficult to control, it's not a particularly good-looking game with odd on odd mix of at styles and low res' graphics even by PS1 standards, although it looks challenging and there's a varied offering of platforming obstacles. Overall, I doubt it's worth playing, but @The Blackangel, I'll let you judge for yourself.
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