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  1. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Favorite AVGN Episode   
    You know what happens if you play Godzilla backwards right? You see a very kind monster that puts out fires, rebuilds entire countries, and moonwalks into the ocean.
  2. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in VGR Member of the Month - April 2020 Nominations   
    Thank you so much @The Blackangel.
    My nominees;
    @The Blackangel
  3. Sad
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Community Chat #1   
    Well, he's dead. I lost my Mask yesterday.

  4. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Simulator games appeal?   
    I see "simulator" on the title of a game, I immediately social distance myself from it... before that it was cool. The world is full of posers.
  5. Sad
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in The Last of Us Part 2 Delayed...Again.   
    Yes, once again the wait for this hugely anticipated game, like it's the only reason I still live and breath kind of anticipated, has been extended, this time indefinitely due to what Naughty Dog are calling "logistical issues".

    Translated, because the world had gone to hell they can't ship physical copies of the game in an effective, timely and predicable matter right now, even though the game itself is actually finished. They could release the game digitally, but they reckon that wouldn't be fair to those who want, and especially pre-ordered, the game on disk. A strange situation that Naughty Dog's characters can handle a shitty situation like this better that they themselves can.
    But still, it's hard to blame them. It was inevitable that stuff like this was going to happen as a result of what's going on in the world. This game will not be the only victim of this, just one of the more high profile ones. Hope they keep trying, within reason, to sort this mess out, so we can have the game soon.
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in After 10 years, NieR is getting finished   
    NieR Automata came out a couple of years ago to huge acclaim from both gamers and critics alike, and very much deservedly so. It's a superb game. It was a sequel to the original NeiR but, at least in terms of story, held pretty much no connection to the first game at all. This was a good thing because the original NieR was the slowest selling consumer good since the DVD launch of Pearl Harbour. There was no point in continuing a story with characters that the gaming community had barely heard of. The game I've posted about is a "remake" of that original game from 2010. 
    As I said in the OP, I did play the original back in the day on the PS3 and it was a good game... well, at least the portions of that had actually been developed. Whether working on this game brought about the collapse of the developer, Cavia, or the collapse of Cavia brought an end to development of the game, who knows. Either way, Square Enix patched up the holes in the parts of the game that hadn't been made with sticky tape and quietly released it with little to no promotion, probably because they were too embarrassed to release this raw Chicken Kiev as a game. I don't know about other remasters, but this one I would not be shocked to find the "remaster" took a long time because before you can remaster a game, you have to at least finish it first.
    The fact NieR Automata was made I found really strange at the time because, why bring this back? It was like someone funding a Hollywood movie for a Chechnyen superhero that nobody has heard of. NeiR was loaded with potential and I'm glad they brought it back with NieR Automata and even more glad that Square Enix are finally going to give the original game the treatment it deserved. Despite the problem this game had, I enjoyed it a lot. I will so be picking this up in the hope they actually make the game should have had a decade ago.
  7. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Book of Travelers   
    It's an attractive game. My only complaint is that I wish the camera was closer to the characters.
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from TechnicGeek in Where do you buy games?   
    Welcome to the forums.
    Firstly, and most importantly, I would avoid key resellers, especially G2A.
    The idea is that people put up unused game keys for sale to unlock games on digital sales platforms such as Steam. It's easy to end up with extra games keys that you don't want. For example, unwanted gifts or if you bought a bundle but there are games in that bundle you already own, you could sell those keys on these sites to someone else that wants them. It's kind of like an eBay for game keys and digital software. The key reselling sites of course take a cut of that sale and/or host ads on the site that's how they make money.
    The first problem is you can only take these resellers at their word that the keys are genuine and haven't been used, so it's always a risk. Second issue, and this is especially true with G2A, these sites have been known to sell games bought from the original retailer with stolen credit card info, turning their store fronts into a front for fraud. G2A has found itself in hot water over this a lot of the last 2-3 years.
    Yes, keys on these sites can be very cheep, much cheaper than buying direct from Steam, Epic Game Store, GOG, PSN, XBox Live or whoever it happens to be, but I personally wouldn't be tempted by them.
  9. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in NEW iPhone game CouchLocked! Free during quarantine   
    I'm sorry, didn't mean to cause offence, but this isn't about grammar, this is clearly SSP. Nobody joins a gaming forum with a blank profile and then first thing they do is start a topic pushing some random mobile game. SSP is fine, but at least be honest about it. Links and/or screenshots wouldn't exactly hurt either, just a tip.
  10. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in I'm officially retiring from gaming   
    Well, it's time. I hate to do it, so I just want to say one last thing to everyone here before I leave the forum...
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in After 10 years, NieR is getting finished   
    NieR Automata came out a couple of years ago to huge acclaim from both gamers and critics alike, and very much deservedly so. It's a superb game. It was a sequel to the original NeiR but, at least in terms of story, held pretty much no connection to the first game at all. This was a good thing because the original NieR was the slowest selling consumer good since the DVD launch of Pearl Harbour. There was no point in continuing a story with characters that the gaming community had barely heard of. The game I've posted about is a "remake" of that original game from 2010. 
    As I said in the OP, I did play the original back in the day on the PS3 and it was a good game... well, at least the portions of that had actually been developed. Whether working on this game brought about the collapse of the developer, Cavia, or the collapse of Cavia brought an end to development of the game, who knows. Either way, Square Enix patched up the holes in the parts of the game that hadn't been made with sticky tape and quietly released it with little to no promotion, probably because they were too embarrassed to release this raw Chicken Kiev as a game. I don't know about other remasters, but this one I would not be shocked to find the "remaster" took a long time because before you can remaster a game, you have to at least finish it first.
    The fact NieR Automata was made I found really strange at the time because, why bring this back? It was like someone funding a Hollywood movie for a Chechnyen superhero that nobody has heard of. NeiR was loaded with potential and I'm glad they brought it back with NieR Automata and even more glad that Square Enix are finally going to give the original game the treatment it deserved. Despite the problem this game had, I enjoyed it a lot. I will so be picking this up in the hope they actually make the game should have had a decade ago.
  12. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in After 10 years, NieR is getting finished   
    I actually can't believe their bothering at all.  It was realeasd in incomplete state, reviews were mixed, and it was a commercial flop having only sold around 630,000 copies worldwide.  The only reason I can think of is that their trying to cash in on the success of the far better NieR: Automata.
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in After 10 years, NieR is getting finished   
    Today, Square Enix announced NieR Replicant, a "Remaster" (it's not) of the original NieR from 2010 and predecessor to the hugely successful (NieR wasn't) NeiR Automata. There will be legions of posers who will claim they played the original when they didn't for sure, but you can always trust me. Here's the original box art because you've never seen it before.

    People are calling it a "remaster", but it's not. A decade after this RPG and half finished predecessor to NieR Automata that 5 people at most actually played and almost nobody even heard of until Automata came out, the game is finally being finished. I'm not a promoter, so I give you the truth, so don't let anyone trick into believing that tis is a "remaster". Me and @Crazycrab are in fact 2 of those 5, and he borrowed the game from me after my girlfriend bought it for me it at complete random without really knowing what it was, so it was pure chance we played it at all. That's how obscure this game was.
    Like I said, the term "unfinished" barely scratches the surface here, but It wasn't buggy or broken. They finished parts, but barely started on the rest. Most of the cutscenes and dialogue weren't voice acted even though they were clearly supposed to be, but much of the rest of the cutscenes and dialogue weren't in the game at all. They run out of time, so replaced them with walls of badly formatted text against a blank background instead. Reading this made it clear this was supposed to be gameplay instead and even described combat scenarios and boss fights. There was a few graphical issues to, poetically with antialiasing and close up rendering. Things got really pixilated when the camera got close, it was like PS1 textures.
    OK, so half of this dinner was still living of the farm, but the other half was actually rather tasty, and that's why this game annoyed me so much at the time, you could see the potential. The gameplay was varied and had a fantastic retro feel with a modern presentation. Combat was fantastic, especially the boss fights and the game looked really cool despite the obvious production problems and aforementioned issues with the graphics. It also told a fantastic, unique story with superb, colourful characters and really good voice acting when it was there. Kainé in particular is very memorable. A foul-mouthed, ruthless, but still very funny badass wearing lingerie the entire time (Even 10 years ago it was a different time for gaming, progression is all good).
    All joking aside and despite my genuine frustration I am  excited to see this game perhaps finally reach it's full potential and would urge you all to check it out. I don't want to one of only 5 anymore. And they actually do plan to "make additions and improvements", so I'm not exaggerating when I say Square Enix are finishing it... at last. Here is the trailer and an article below for you all to check out to learn more, but remember, it's NOT a remaster, no matter what anyone tells you.
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Bad games with good aesthetics   
    Genji: Days of Blade comes to mind

    I was SO excited for this PS3 launch title one as I loved the original Genji on the PS2. Things started off promisingly as this game was gorgeous for it's time, and would probably still hold up quite well today. Unfortunately it appears that all that effort focused on the games graphics are aesthetic design should have been better split on actual game. The story was boring and didn't lead of its predecessor very well and the combat felt slow and disjointed compared to the previous effort. Then there was the camera, oh GOD the camera! It would pan away putting enemies off-screen, it followed the player's character way to close and just the player had no input on it at all. It was just not intuitive at all and made the game almost unplayable. What a disappointment, but it was the perfect game summarize the PS3's early days. Prettier than the PS2, but worse.
  15. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Bad games with good aesthetics   
    Genji: Days of Blade comes to mind

    I was SO excited for this PS3 launch title one as I loved the original Genji on the PS2. Things started off promisingly as this game was gorgeous for it's time, and would probably still hold up quite well today. Unfortunately it appears that all that effort focused on the games graphics are aesthetic design should have been better split on actual game. The story was boring and didn't lead of its predecessor very well and the combat felt slow and disjointed compared to the previous effort. Then there was the camera, oh GOD the camera! It would pan away putting enemies off-screen, it followed the player's character way to close and just the player had no input on it at all. It was just not intuitive at all and made the game almost unplayable. What a disappointment, but it was the perfect game summarize the PS3's early days. Prettier than the PS2, but worse.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in The Last of Us HBO Show   
    So you're a full on homophobe then. I don't understand people like you. I don't see how the fact two people who love, respect and trust each other hurts you just because they're the same gender. But whatever, you be the horrid, prejudiced, disgusting you that you want to be, but no opinion you have on the subject will be taken seriously by me.
    I'll give you one piece of advice though, if you hate gay people and that "SJW crap" that much, stay away from TLOU and especially it's Left Behind DLC and you'll almost certainly want to avoid THOU part 2 as well. All games that feature female leads and/or gay characters and/or female characters that are not just obedient dish washers or made purely for the spank bank. So also avoid the Mass Effect series, the Dragon Age series, the Life is Strange games, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Metal Gear Solid Games Control, Metrioid, Tomb Raider, pick the "right" COD's and Assassin Creed games, Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher games, Final Fantasy, Tales of Berseria, Detriot: Become Human, Until Dawn, Beyond: Two Souls... actually just Play Duke Nukem Forever quite literally forever because nobody is making games for you any more.
  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Elder Scrolls or Fallout: which do you like the most?   
    It's a close one, but I prefer The Elder Scolls. Better stories and the magic, dragons, sword slinging fantasy theme just appeals to me more than Fallout's post apocalyptic theme. I agree with your points in favour of Fallout, especially the humour part, but when it comes down to it The Elder Scrolls is just more my thing.
  18. Sad
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Community Chat #1   
    Broken heart. I’m having to consider putting one of my rats to sleep. I haven’t been forced to a decision yet, but I still spent the entire day bawling my eyes out.
  19. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Community Chat #1   
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in TLOU: Is there any chance Riley and Marlene could be related?   
    I can confirm that it's cannon, Riley and Marlene aren't related. I believe it is the American Dreams comic that confirms this, but I'd have to check it out again to point out exactly where and how.
  21. Like
    Shagger reacted to MeowsePad in The Sims 5   
    I probably won't buy The Sims 5 for a while. I like to wait for them to get the bugs worked out since EA never lets a game get fully finished before releasing it. The release of The Sims 4 was a disaster, and the game itself is still a major cash grab. It has some fun features, though, but I'd still say I like The Sims 3 the best.
  22. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in VGR Member of the Month - March 2020 Nominations   
    I nominate
  23. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in VGR Member of the Month - March 2020 Nominations   
    Thanks @The Blackangel!
    I nominate;
    @The Blackangel
  24. Like
    Shagger reacted to kingpotato in VGR Member of the Month - March 2020 Nominations   
    I nominate @Crazycrab, @Shagger @The Blackangel @StaceyPowers
  25. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in VGR Member of the Month - March 2020 Nominations   
    Thank you for the nominations. I really appreciate it. Glad you consider my contribution valuable.
    My nominees;
    @The Blackangel
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