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  1. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Violent Games and Life   
    Aggressive, debatable at best, violent, not a chance.  Also the "Anti-SJW" angle is a political standpoint that has nothing to do with propagating violence as a result of direct exposure to the media.
    Here is one of at least a dozen reports based on ACTUAL studies I can post, this one being from highly respected Oxford University.
  2. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Violent Games and Life   
    Look we ARE a civil group. Most of the community is actually extremely friendly. But when you go into an area with an attack on that demographic, you’re not going to get any warm responses.
  3. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Violent Games and Life   
    For years now politicians have been making these very unwarranted accusations against gaming and gamers to protect themselves and/or organisations that support them against backlash and action that might affect their wallets.  It's not just games either but also music, TV shows, movies and even books.  It's well known amongst the gaming community that is in spite of decades worth of evidence and studies that prove that is a complete it's a complete crock of crap that they, naturally just choose to ignore.  
    So yeah, when you go onto a gaming forum and one of the first things you do is start a discussion throwing in that very bullshit is a bit like walking in a sports stadium being the only one wearing the rival teams shirt.  Some of us might get a little irritated.
  4. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Violent Games and Life   
    @Joshua Farrell by your logic, the internet is responsible for the 2 girls who attempted to kill their friend as a sacrifice to Slenderman.
  5. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Violent Games and Life   
    Because adults are willing to learn. If you didn't want to receive what knowledge we were trying to impart, why did you ask for it in first place?
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Violent Games and Life   
    I have an 8yo son who has played AC4 for at least 3 years. In life, he has not killed any ship captains or crew, plundered any ships nor hunted sharks and whales in that time because he has a strong grasp on reality. These criminals who blame video games for their psychotic behaviour are using that as an excuse to reduce their punishment. Many millions, if not billions play games. If we were all driven to kill because of them there would be literally nobody left. Frankly @Joshua Farrell, to believe that video games, or any entertainment media, instigate violence, means you're kinda stupid. Just because you can't play COD without feeling less respect for the sanctity of human life doesn't mean the rest of us are that unstable. Most of us can play these games, live in the fantasy, then when it's over, reconnect with reality and live our normal lives. If you can't, then that's your own VERY SERIOUS problem. Get help.
  7. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Violent Games and Life   
    Oh yeah, because the people most qualified to determine the quality of their mental health and what outside influences shaped their psychological profiles to drive them to commit their crimes are of course... the criminals themselves.

  8. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Violent Games and Life   
    @Crazycrab is exactly right. Video Games have no affect on behavior with the exception of a child throwing a temper tantrum when told to shut the thing off. Gaming in no way makes a person violent. Why is it that people only want to pull this argument out of their ass? What about the games that teach children to be a better person? Don't they have the same place in the arguments against video games? Take This Link For Example. Where the hell is the argument now?
    Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, and Jack The Ripper didn't play video games.

  9. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Violent Games and Life   
    NO!!  Absolutely not!  There have multiple studies that prove conclusively that there is no link between video games and violent behaviour and I'm completely sick of people that try to use video games as scapegoat.
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Life is Strange   
    It's multi-plat, so it's on whatever device, there's even a mobile version of the first game as well.
    Basically it's an interactive narrative, similar to a Telltale game. The choices you make influence the ath of the story. The original is a story centred around a girl name Max, a photography student attending an art collage having moved back to her home town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon. She experiences a nightmare having dosing off in class to then discover she has gained the ability to rewind time at will. I'd love to say more, but it would to walking close to spoiler line to do so, but how this story develops, the way you can influence it and the characters you encounter makes the best game of its type I've played and it's well worth it. Of course, if you're not into games that focus almost entirely on story with no real skill based gameplay other than exploration and light puzzle mechanics, this won't be for you, but I adore this game and this franchise.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DylanC in REAL FARM on PS4 only 24p! (Digital)   
    I don't get these games. After at hard day at my ACTUAL job, I totally would willingly sit down and pretend to be doing another more tedious profession that has a famously high suicide rate, you know, for fun. So even at 24p, I wouldn't. It's like offering your own firing squad a tip.
  12. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in What games do you play the most when you are feeling down?   
    Gaming isn't something I tend to do when I get like that, or at least I don't deliberately choose to game because I get like that. I'm more likely to don my headphones and listen to some music, maybe even go for a walk as I do. If I want to game, but feel like I can't be dealing with any more stress, I'll replay a game as I find that familiarity more soothing and comforting that playing a game I don't know as well.
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    Well said.
    The PC "master-of-puppets-is-the-only-master-I-would-ever-listen-to" race are deluded. Seriously @skyfire, I'm on the verge of questioning whether you have even the first clue about what you're talking about. 
  14. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    Yes, there a plenty of reasons.  Custom overlays on Twitch, access to better audio and visual equipment, customisable software, better facilities for monitoring chat, (like multi-screen setups) and capture cards for streaming Console content but none of this cheaper!  Like I was saying before I would expect some who streams professionally to have this kind of equipment because it's the "tools of the trade". It's about producing the best quality content for their Twitch and/or YouTube channels, their not saving money!
    Once again this is not the case.  We have already established an appropriate PC setup for a streamer is more expensive to buy but it's also more expensive to maintain and upgrade.  Putting the possibility of stuff breaking down aside (which is possible either way) Let do some add ups for 2 scenarios in this generation. One with a PC and the other with PlayStation Consoles and I'm going to make it a little more detailed this time so I can hopefully get through to you.
    Let's start again with our initial upfront budget of around $1000, at the time of the PS4 release in November 2013 on that budget you'd have been able to rock a Haswell Quad Core i5 and a GTX 760, maybe GTX 770.  Would this still be enough horsepower for a streamer today? Absolutely not, they would have to upgrade at least once. Not only would the 700 series cards be struggling with games after 4 or 5 years, but the non-hyperthreaded Core i5 would be an especially big headache for a streamer because over the last several years games which use 4 threads have become commonplace.  That means the streaming software would have no threads of it's own to do it's work, I know of this issue because I remember Jim Sterling attempting to stream a few years ago (I think it was Black Ops 4) but couldn't because the game was hogging all 4 cores of his i5.
    So lets say this streamer decides to upgrade for the same budget of $1000 in the summer of 2017 (half way through this gen), this time we need to make sure to have more than 4 CPU threads available.  So this time assuming that they re-used some parts from their old system to save some money they could maybe stretch to a GTX 1070 and a Kaby Lake i7.  So over the course of the latest console generation this has in PC hardware alone cost $2000.  Don't forget that's not even considering the cost of monitor(s), desk, chair, streaming/editing software, headset, microphones and a bunch of other things.
    We start with the initial cost of $400 for the console, $250 for the laptop and $200 for the additional equipment like a capture device, camera, microphone and so on.  That comes to $850 that's all you'd ever really need aside from a TV. let's assume, however they do a mid gen refresh when the PS4 Pro comes out. That's another $400 for the console, another $150 for a 4K compatible capture device, so $550.  That comes to a total of $1400, even if we put on the cost of another new laptop which be optional at this stage it's STILL significantly less.
    I don't know where this delusion that PC gaming is cheaper comes from, whether is confirmation bias causing you be selective in your use of the facts, they feel the need to downplay consoles to makes them feel better about their own PC builds or they don't know any better.  I've been on other threads where PC fanboys have tried to convince people that PC's save money and it drives me nuts because a gamer on both PC and Console and tech fan I know it's an outright lie! One guy on this forum even posted that a $500 novatech PC that had no dedicated GPU in it claiming it could do 4K at 120fps... yeah, maybe on Microsoft Paint!  I'm sorry to go on a tangent but I'm so sick of these damn lies, especially now that I know it's about to get even worse when assholes start posting all over that place that you could build a "PS5" equivalent PC for $400 or whatever and some people will actually believe it and waste their money on crap build.
  15. Haha
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Ask Crazycrab   
    I will finally confess my love for a lobster!
  16. Haha
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    One last post replying to this. I have MKM: Sub-Zero. I honestly don't think abomination is a strong enough word to describe that piece of shit train wreck. If you want an accurate analysis just watch the video:
  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    Honestly, you're being ambitious there. I know of no new Laptop with a dedicated GPU for less that $600 (I assume US dollars is the currency you mean). Trust me, I was shopping for a laptop not even three months ago, so I have a good idea what the market is like right now. You really have three options;
    1) Find one with an APU that could handle some games, but expect to only run very low end stuff (your post implies you have a laptop already, and will probably have integrated graphics)
    2) Working to increase your budget (Save, work extra hours, sell some internal organs ect)
    3) Look at second hand models (A risky area, but you can get good deals there with a bit of luck).
    Even for lowest level gaming, in 2020 I would not wish to see anybody settle for less than a GTX 950 or equivalent at the very least.
  18. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Executor Akamia in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    Sorry, but that's not entirely accurate.
    Going back to the 80's, 90's and into the 2000's, PC 's (Personal Computers) were all designed as a utility for what you described as the "routine work" with some capacity for playing games on them. However, and very recently, PC's changed. And they changed because they had to.
    The utilities these large, impractical and expensive devices became more accessible on newer devices like cheap laptops, tablet computers and phones. Even offices began using more efficient servers with connected workstations rathen than individual computers. The Utility PC, us pretty much dead.  
    Gaming PC'S, or at least as we know, are also comparatively new. Obviously, PC gaming itself is not new, but the technology that defines them today exsist because gaming is why and how PC's stayed relevant in this modern age. The utility capacity for PC's is not lost, so technically @skyfireisn't wrong, but it's not really an advantage anymore. The point is you don't need a gaming PC when a simple notebook or even tablet can do the utility work just as well, so that doesn't sell PC's anymore. The only thing traditional desktop computers still exist for in 2020 (and most of the previous decade) is gaming. The expensive, arbitrary luxury that is the Gaming PC.
    It's also perfectly possible to stream from a console as well, so I really don't know you said that. And combine a simple laptop with a game's console and you would have the bases covered and it still cost less than a gaming rig, making PC gaming still more expensive.
    @Crazycrabtouched on how PC game deals don't make the platform much more affordable these days either. It's just not as good as it used to be with digital console games having more competitive sales and the advantages of physical media, but there's another factor. People have lost the difference between cost and value. Value us defined buy the individual as to how much said product or service is worth to them, so each to their own to define it. Cost is simply what one parts with for that service, it's a simple fact that cannot be debated, and that's whare the PC has a problem.
    Yes, it's very possible to draw better value out if the fact PC's do still have better game deals and the fact you don't pay to play online. However, you only get that extra value back a little bit each time you buy a game, so to offset the significantly higher cost of the hardware, that means buying a lot of games. That COSTS more money, even it it may offer more VALUE, see the difference? For someone who would buy a few AAA titles and exclusives a year, that would just not be worth it.
    In conclusion, the PC is more expensive. By miles.
  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    Sorry, but that's not entirely accurate.
    Going back to the 80's, 90's and into the 2000's, PC 's (Personal Computers) were all designed as a utility for what you described as the "routine work" with some capacity for playing games on them. However, and very recently, PC's changed. And they changed because they had to.
    The utilities these large, impractical and expensive devices became more accessible on newer devices like cheap laptops, tablet computers and phones. Even offices began using more efficient servers with connected workstations rathen than individual computers. The Utility PC, us pretty much dead.  
    Gaming PC'S, or at least as we know, are also comparatively new. Obviously, PC gaming itself is not new, but the technology that defines them today exsist because gaming is why and how PC's stayed relevant in this modern age. The utility capacity for PC's is not lost, so technically @skyfireisn't wrong, but it's not really an advantage anymore. The point is you don't need a gaming PC when a simple notebook or even tablet can do the utility work just as well, so that doesn't sell PC's anymore. The only thing traditional desktop computers still exist for in 2020 (and most of the previous decade) is gaming. The expensive, arbitrary luxury that is the Gaming PC.
    It's also perfectly possible to stream from a console as well, so I really don't know you said that. And combine a simple laptop with a game's console and you would have the bases covered and it still cost less than a gaming rig, making PC gaming still more expensive.
    @Crazycrabtouched on how PC game deals don't make the platform much more affordable these days either. It's just not as good as it used to be with digital console games having more competitive sales and the advantages of physical media, but there's another factor. People have lost the difference between cost and value. Value us defined buy the individual as to how much said product or service is worth to them, so each to their own to define it. Cost is simply what one parts with for that service, it's a simple fact that cannot be debated, and that's whare the PC has a problem.
    Yes, it's very possible to draw better value out if the fact PC's do still have better game deals and the fact you don't pay to play online. However, you only get that extra value back a little bit each time you buy a game, so to offset the significantly higher cost of the hardware, that means buying a lot of games. That COSTS more money, even it it may offer more VALUE, see the difference? For someone who would buy a few AAA titles and exclusives a year, that would just not be worth it.
    In conclusion, the PC is more expensive. By miles.
  20. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    Sorry, but that's not entirely accurate.
    Going back to the 80's, 90's and into the 2000's, PC 's (Personal Computers) were all designed as a utility for what you described as the "routine work" with some capacity for playing games on them. However, and very recently, PC's changed. And they changed because they had to.
    The utilities these large, impractical and expensive devices became more accessible on newer devices like cheap laptops, tablet computers and phones. Even offices began using more efficient servers with connected workstations rathen than individual computers. The Utility PC, us pretty much dead.  
    Gaming PC'S, or at least as we know, are also comparatively new. Obviously, PC gaming itself is not new, but the technology that defines them today exsist because gaming is why and how PC's stayed relevant in this modern age. The utility capacity for PC's is not lost, so technically @skyfireisn't wrong, but it's not really an advantage anymore. The point is you don't need a gaming PC when a simple notebook or even tablet can do the utility work just as well, so that doesn't sell PC's anymore. The only thing traditional desktop computers still exist for in 2020 (and most of the previous decade) is gaming. The expensive, arbitrary luxury that is the Gaming PC.
    It's also perfectly possible to stream from a console as well, so I really don't know you said that. And combine a simple laptop with a game's console and you would have the bases covered and it still cost less than a gaming rig, making PC gaming still more expensive.
    @Crazycrabtouched on how PC game deals don't make the platform much more affordable these days either. It's just not as good as it used to be with digital console games having more competitive sales and the advantages of physical media, but there's another factor. People have lost the difference between cost and value. Value us defined buy the individual as to how much said product or service is worth to them, so each to their own to define it. Cost is simply what one parts with for that service, it's a simple fact that cannot be debated, and that's whare the PC has a problem.
    Yes, it's very possible to draw better value out if the fact PC's do still have better game deals and the fact you don't pay to play online. However, you only get that extra value back a little bit each time you buy a game, so to offset the significantly higher cost of the hardware, that means buying a lot of games. That COSTS more money, even it it may offer more VALUE, see the difference? For someone who would buy a few AAA titles and exclusives a year, that would just not be worth it.
    In conclusion, the PC is more expensive. By miles.
  21. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Ask Crazycrab   
    Let's just say he contagious and leave it at that.
  22. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    I'm sorry but that is simply not true.  PC's are FAR more expensive than consoles to buy and upgrade and you save next to nothing in the cost of buying games.
    New releases are maybe £5 to £10 cheaper but useually not even that.  The deals you get Steam sales or whatever aren't any better than XBox Live or PSN either, not to mention used games and services like XBox Game Pass.  Even if the games were legitimately and consistently cheaper on PC in the current climate of publishers relaying more on recurrent user spending models like DLC and Microtransactions the upfront cost barely matters anyway.
    In this day and age the only way that PC gaming is cheaper that consoles is if your pirating.
  23. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    I'm sorry @StaceyPowers, but even this very question grinds my gears. There's swings and roundabouts, but just asking said question implies console and PC gamers have to agree that there's an overall advantage to one or the other and I hate that. I'm a multiplat gamer, and could do into detail about the differences between the platforms and make clear how I feel about them, but why? Nobody would learn anything.
    The only thing I'm willing to dedicate myself to is that PC fanboys are the worst, but I still dread the social media garbage we're inevitably due from console fanboys with the next generation over the next few months.
    Like I said, there's ups and downs to both consoles an PC's, but what really matters to me as a multiplat gamer is games. So, just play fucking games!
  24. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Games that you would like to see ported on the Nintendo Switch   
    It's hard to say now I have a powerful laptop, so no third party titles would tantalize me. However, I'd actually like to see how Star Fox Zero would turn out with a control set up that, well, you know, worked.
  25. Thanks
    Shagger reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - December 2019   
    Congrats @Shagger! I've awarded 500 Points to your account.
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