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  1. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    I'm sorry @StaceyPowers, but even this very question grinds my gears. There's swings and roundabouts, but just asking said question implies console and PC gamers have to agree that there's an overall advantage to one or the other and I hate that. I'm a multiplat gamer, and could do into detail about the differences between the platforms and make clear how I feel about them, but why? Nobody would learn anything.
    The only thing I'm willing to dedicate myself to is that PC fanboys are the worst, but I still dread the social media garbage we're inevitably due from console fanboys with the next generation over the next few months.
    Like I said, there's ups and downs to both consoles an PC's, but what really matters to me as a multiplat gamer is games. So, just play fucking games!
  2. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from Executor Akamia in Console vs PC: which do you usually prefer?   
    I'm sorry @StaceyPowers, but even this very question grinds my gears. There's swings and roundabouts, but just asking said question implies console and PC gamers have to agree that there's an overall advantage to one or the other and I hate that. I'm a multiplat gamer, and could do into detail about the differences between the platforms and make clear how I feel about them, but why? Nobody would learn anything.
    The only thing I'm willing to dedicate myself to is that PC fanboys are the worst, but I still dread the social media garbage we're inevitably due from console fanboys with the next generation over the next few months.
    Like I said, there's ups and downs to both consoles an PC's, but what really matters to me as a multiplat gamer is games. So, just play fucking games!
  3. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Impeachmeant & WW3 Rumours   
    He wanted WW3, and he fought hard to get it. This impeachment has been a long time coming. Even before Putin got him in office. He is a disgrace and nothing more. It has become beyond crystal clear that when he said "Make America Great Again" he was referring to the Great Depression. There have been more mass murders, school shootings, and racially motivated killings in his first three years in office than there were in the previous 30 years if you don't count wars. That's pretty fucking pathetic, and sickening at the same time. But the worst of it is that there are actually people stupid enough to think that Trump has actually done even one good thing. And there is no sense showing them the light. They will just close their eyes, run into a closet with their fingers in their ears and scream "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
  4. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Favorite and least favorite controllers?   
    I hated the Duke (Original Xbox), that controller was too large. I have not got small hands, but even I found myself stretching my claws all over it to reach the buttons. Future Xbox controllers kept the layout, but were much easier to wrap your hands around, thank god.
    Obviously more modern controllers are better, but even with that in mind, I think the DS4 is the best controller I've ever used. It's width, it's refined, it's comfortable, the huge rand of control options it offers, and they're built like APC's. The one problem is the perema-battery. I'm sorry, but XBox have the right idea by giving to option to use rechargeable or regular batteries, and that stupid Micro USB charge port only make it worse. The controller can only live as long as the battery. The DS3 was like that to, but this problem only existed in theory because that controller WOULD break long before that became an issue.
    Something to consider though is that innovation can be risky. For example, there is a controller that was the first to feature a pause button, a fully analogue control stick, shoulder buttons, a partner console with four control ports instead of two and it is widely regarded to be one of the worst controllers in gaming history. It was so bad, it pretty much killed the console itself. That is the infamous Atari 5200. Atari were always willing to experiment. They made popular interchangeable cartridges, removable controllers, they were the first company to develop a wireless controller as well as the aforementioned attempts to innovate with the 5200, the first company make a handheld in colour and also really moved forward home computers. There experiments didn't always work, but they deserve props foo trying.
    Great post. Amongst the systems you mentioned that I've used, I have to agree. The SNES controller was very well-designed, although it's innovations like the wide shoulder buttons and it's compact, curved profile seem more like common sense today, back then it was radical. The N64 controller divides opinion even to this day, but I liked it. It suited the console and it suited the games. Starfox 64 (Or as it was known in the great U-of-K "Lylat Wars",  for some stupid reason) and Zelda: OOT, felt amazing to play on that controller.
  5. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Favorite and least favorite controllers?   
    I'm going to go over a few systems, but I'm not including any handheld systems on this, even though several have separate controllers.
    I'll start with a quick one. PlayStation kept an identical controller from PS1-PS3, so I can't pick one of them over the other, but in the PS realm I have to say that the PS4 controller is the most comfortable. Possibly the most comfortable controller in console gaming.
    Xbox, I have never been a fan of, but their controllers were always comfortable, and the buttons easy to land the fingers on.
    Sega Genesis had an interesting controller. It was my first experience with a 3 button setup. The controller fit rather well into the hand, but the button setup I wasn't a fan of. Also I was coming from the Nintendo world, so I was used to a completely different system, even though they shared several game titles. I never really had any kind of interaction with Dreamcast, so I can't comment on its controller.
    Atari was a good one. They didn't screw around with bells and whistles. A joystick and a button. That was all that was needed, that was all that was made. I liked it then, and I like it now.
    Colecovision was an odd one. I never fully got what the point of the numerical pad was until I was older and found out that there were cards you could slip onto it that lined up the buttons you could use in your games. Also the rotary dial was entirely unique, and something I personally have never seen on another system. So it gets points for originality.
    Now the big one. Nintendo. With the NES, it was simple and basic. 2 buttons, a D-pad, and Start/Select. You didn't need any more at the time, so they didn't offer more. I like that.
    Then SNES comes along. Four new buttons that would be the base for every controller design from then on out. Not only did you have A & B, but now you had X & Y, plus the two shoulder buttons L & R. Very innovative design.
    N64 changed things up a bit more. They got rid of X & Y, and replaced them with the C buttons and a trigger button (Z button). I was a big fan of the trigger button. I loved how that all worked out. The one thing that never made any real sense to me though was the D-pad on it. There were only a handful of games that had even the slightest bit of need/use for it. So, I'm left wondering why they kept it instead of replacing it with something that there was intent to be used.
    Game Cube, I absolutely hated. It was extremely uncomfortable, the C button was now more like the joystick on the N64, and the trigger button was in such a messed up spot that it was useless. It was hands down the worst controller design I have ever seen.
    Wii didn't, in my mind, have a controller. The system was set up so wildly different, that I just look at it as having a goofy Power Glove more or less.
    So taking all that into consideration, I would have to say that my favorite controller would be the SNES controller, mainly because it introduced us to just how much a video game controller could be capable of. Especially since it was only a 16 bit system.
  6. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from The Blackangel in Physical copies of games with only a code inside   
    Let me start with by saying this practice is wrong, utterly wrong, but I have encountered it only once. I found it with Child of Light for PS4, and that's it (Awesome game, BTW). The gaming world will go digital, sooner or later, but consoles have held on to the principle that the buyers rights accosted physical media don't have to disappear. Yes, games are already getting over 100GB on PC, far bigger than a Blue Ray or an affordable Cartridge, so big downloads and online connectivity are a part of this now. However, buying games on physical media, even with the massive download installs you get these days, still grants you rights that game publishers just don't want you to have. That's why physical game media will die, not because digital is the future, but because it's the future ass-hole publishers want.
    This of course only applies to console users because PC users were willing to sacrifice the rights that physical media offered years ago, so no PC gamer holds any right to sympathy over this. Seduced by their oh so precious Steam, they have been willing to accept basic buyers rights on a drip feed because "Praise Gaben". Yes, I'm a PC Gamer, but I'm no PCMR fanboy hypocrite as I consider the lack of physical media and the buyers rights that go with it a huge disadvantage with the platform. I own no game on Steam, just paid retail price for the right to play it. Digital media is paying for access to games, not actually buying them, and that's what publishers want.
  7. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Ask Shagger   
  8. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Jaicee in Ask Shagger   
    Scalps, toes, souls, the usual.
    Seriously though, no really. I've got a modest amount of retro gaming stuff and one or two bits of heavy metal memorabilia, but nothing I'd call a collection.
  9. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in What are some factors which add realism to a game?   
    That's re-defined what goes through my mine when I hear "X Gon' Give it Ya".
    Back on topic though, another good example of great sound design immersing you in a game is Helblade: Senua's Sacrifice. For those who don't you, in that game, you're playing a Senua, a Celtic Warrior suffering from severe mental heath issues. The programmed the sound to, if you're wearing a suitable headset or headphones, to make it feel like the voices in her heard are really in YOUR head. I played the game like that it really is very uncomfortable and makes what is already a very daunting game that much more frightening. An amazing job Ninja Theory did on that.
  10. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Name the worst idea for a game   
    Data Processing Simulator. You already have some inexplicably popular simulation games based on incredibly tedious professions and tasks out there. So no concept, no matter how high the suicide rate is for people actually employed in it (Looking at YOU Farming Simulator), is too tedious for a video game for reasons I will never understand.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Happy New Year!   
    From a Scotsman to the rest of the forum as it is past midnight local time, it's Hogmanay! Happy New Year!
  12. Like
    Shagger reacted to Crazycrab in Games you gave up on/couldn't continue because of difficulty reasons?   
    The Getaway on PS2:

    It's important to note that game does not have a traditional health bar.  The designers wanted an immersive, photorealistic look so there's really no visible hud at all, it's up to the player to among other things keep track of how much ammo was left in your clip for example.  The only indication of your health is that the character will start limbing and staggering around like he's injured. It was quite a neat idea.
    I was enjoying it and the game itself is very challenging but not unfairly so... Until This one part that I swear to god the developers put in there as an intentional block.  It's towards the end of the game where you are following one of the main character villains onto a ship. You first have to clear the deck of bad guys and then enter the ship itself where the guy shoots at you when you come to an open door.  This one shot does a massive amount of damage sometimes even killing you instantly, like the asshole has a magic bullet! I know this for a fact because with practice and repetition on subsequent attempts I am able to get past all the guys on the deck without getting hit once but then I get to this door...  BAM It's over or at least my health is so low that it might as well be. I tried everything from creeping very slowly and carefully towards the door, running out as fast I could, rolling out and layout down cover fire but the result was always the same.
    I was enjoying it wanted to see how it ended but I just could not figure out how to get past this part and gave up.  I've never beaten it.  😞
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DylanC in Happy New Year!   
    From a Scotsman to the rest of the forum as it is past midnight local time, it's Hogmanay! Happy New Year!
  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Happy New Year!   
    From a Scotsman to the rest of the forum as it is past midnight local time, it's Hogmanay! Happy New Year!
  15. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Ask Shagger   
  16. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Games you gave up on/couldn't continue because of difficulty reasons?   
    I'm about to speak negatively of the Souls games.
    Before you read what I have to say, let me make something perfectly clear. If you're a fan of these games, I've got nothing against you. This is a re-telling of my own experience combined with what is only my own opinion, nothing more, nothing less. These games have appeal, just not to me. If you like them, good for you. I'm glad that you managed to find fun and satisfaction in them where I could not. So if you simply can't take negative critique of these games, I'm not responsible for how you feel if you choose to read on.
    Sorry, but I felt compelled to say this little disclaimer because some fans of these games are so sensitive and unable to take criticism they rally round to kick me off message boards and gaming communities just for expressing my opinion. I'm not kidding, it's happened before.
    I gave up on Deamon Souls, not because it was hard, but because it was crap.
    Basically, the game's "challenge" is a lie. Enemy behaviours and patterns are cryptic, nonsensical and unfairly prey on one's natural instincts as a gamer, so you can't use strategy, not to mention the blind traps in the environments. The controls are cripplingly and deliberately sluggish and slow to respond, so you can't rely on skill. All you can do is tediously go through a frustrating gauntlet of trial and error to figure out those cryptic patterns and trap placements, so all you really need to beat it is time. Time that the game just flat out doesn't deserve. I'll need to take a brave pill before I say this, but because of that the game isn't even challenging, at least not genuinely so anyway. You're even discouraged you from taking on enemies at a higher level for, well, you know,  a challenge because you earn almost no XP from them. What other RPG has you earn no experience for taking on tougher enemies? I discovered this because the game deliberately misleads you into entering the wrong level at the start, that's how much an ass hole this game is. I get the mechanic of when you die, you have to try to fight back to where you were to get some of your XP back, I don't have a problem with that, but that's still very harsh in a game where you pretty much have to die then employ trial and error to progress.
    All that might have been fine if the rest of the game had something to offer, in fact no, nothing can absolve the bullshit this game throws at you, but the point is I think that game hides behind it so-called difficulty to distract players from its other issues. The graphics are horrible even by the standards of the day, cliché in its design and art style, has no story worth telling and the online component is pointless and only means the game can't be paused (In a single player RPG, that is just ludicrous). That "trial and "error" approach also makes the game more repetitive than it needed to be. I've never played a game that managed to be both this frustrating AND boring all at that the same time. I want an RPG to test my skill, reflexes and strategy. This game and it's inexplicably popular brethren are only good for testing your patience.
    I know in the minority with my view on this, but I don't care. Soul's fanboys always say I hate the game because I need to "Git Gut" and I'm just don't like a challenging game, but that's not true. That "trial and error" style of difficulty that these kinds of games employ is cheep, lazy and I'm even tempted to call it padding. So it's not that the game is hard, it's why it's hard that makes me hate it.
    To be clear, I have not played any of the Dark Souls series (Deamon Souls put me off for life), but from what I hear a lot of the problems like the storylines, blind traps and control issues are gone or greatly lessened, but that "trial and error" approach to difficulty is something that will always be a pet hate of mine, so I'm not interested in playing those types of games ever again.
    Thank you for reading. Can I ask that you at least sterilize your pitchforks before you use them? I don't want to get an infection.
  17. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Fallout 76 is in the news AGAIN...   
    I'd have to look it up to get the precise details, but I believe what happened was a community leader and popular player on Fallout 76 exposed a bug  or exploit in the game, recorded footage of it and reported it to Bethesda. However to show the exploit in the footage he obviously had to use it and that got him banned. I might be wrong, but I think that's what happened.
  18. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Ask Shagger   
    Not because of the crabs, it's because Crazycrab is boob face
  19. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Ask Crazycrab   
    Is Jerry Springer still a thing?
  20. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Games you gave up on/couldn't continue because of difficulty reasons?   
    Before I get to my games, I wanted to respond to this. The people that pull this kind of shit, well I have two words about that: FUCK THEM. Not everyone is going to get along, or agree on everything. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. I can't say anything about Daemons Souls because, while I have the game, I have yet to actually play it. I know, I'm lazy. It's your right to not like a game. I personally hate Halo and GTA. Many people think I'm fucking nuts. Some will agree with me. But all in all, stick to your guns, and tell the others to piss off. You and I didn't exactly start off on the best foot, but I think we've moved past it. We choose to stay, or we choose to leave. Who gives a shit?
    Now on to my game entry.
    I would have to put DarkStone for PS1 on this list. The game is impossible from the start. The paths through the forest outside the town are so monotonous and many so well hidden that you can never find your way around. The enemies pop up out of nowhere and before you know it you're dead. Finding your way back to town, even with your map, is a whole quest in itself. The game is absolutely terrible.
    One that while I can enjoy, but can't stand at the same time is Zelda: Goddess Of Wisdom. It's a ROM-hack, but it is so god damn hard that it's next to impossible. I've been playing it for three years, and have only just found a third dungeon. I say A third dungeon because none of them are labeled in any way, and I have no fucking clue if I'm going in the right direction or not. The items I need, I'm not getting. I don't know if they're dungeon items, or something I'm supposed to find somewhere on the world map. It's honestly one of the hardest games I've ever played.
    One that I'll keep playing until I beat it, not because I enjoy it, but because after 30+ years of trying is Legacy Of The Wizard. I've talked about it before. You have to find 4 crowns to release and awaken a dragon so that you can kill the dragon. I have so far found only one crown. I'm too stubborn to give up. But once I do beat the damn thing, I highly doubt I'll ever play it again. It's gotten so bad that I've devolved to using a Game Genie to power up my characters to try to make the game easier. It doesn't help.
  21. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Fallout 76 is in the news AGAIN...   
    If 19 of them stop playing, the last one will get what we all wanted, a single player Fallout game.
  22. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Ask Shagger   
    Well, I've been here for a number of weeks and have gone past 100 posts now, so I feel like it's time. Well, VGR community, lets have it. I'm not nervous or anything...

  23. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from killamch89 in Fallout 76 is in the news AGAIN...   
    If 19 of them stop playing, the last one will get what we all wanted, a single player Fallout game.
  24. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from kingpotato in Fallout 76 is in the news AGAIN...   
    If 19 of them stop playing, the last one will get what we all wanted, a single player Fallout game.
  25. Like
    Shagger reacted to kingpotato in Fallout 76 is in the news AGAIN...   
    This is horrible for the 20 people who still play this game
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