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    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Relaxing, low pressure games with focus on exploring and/or building?   
    A great example I can think of is the "My Pet Dungeon" mode from Dungeon Keeper 2. At your own pase, without risk of attack, make the perfect dungeon within the games mechanics. No challenge? Wrong. You have to unlock the privileges with some challenges that lock certain privileges behind paywal... wait, no, doing stuff in game . I know that's mad these days.
    War of the Overworld, the spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper, also has this game mode. Buy it. Play it. But also, pay for it. It wouldn't be right if I didn't point out this feature is a paid DLC, but I swear this game is worth it.
  2. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from killamch89 in No longer for kids?   
    Reading these recent comments from @StaceyPowers and @kingpotato, a thought just occurred to me. When the PS4 launched, one of its launch titles was a game called Knack, if anyone remembers it. This was and 3rd person action/adventure with a rather unique co-op mode. Player 1 would play as Knack whilst player 2 would play as Robo-Knack, a character to help out in combat with infinite spawns, didn't appear in cut-scenes and couldn't trigger story progression on it's own. It was also down to the real Knack to trigger both character's size changes.
    This co-op mode was pretty much panned by gamers and most critics, with due respect to them, they did so because they failed to understand what it was for. A child would play as Knack whilst a parent, guardian, older sibling or whatever would play as Robo-Knack to help them out in combat, with puzzles and perhaps shoe the younger player get through platforming sections. Now, I did play through the game with my son who I believe was 5 at the time and had great time. Games like that are a brilliant idea that, sadly, haven't caught on.
  3. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in No longer for kids?   
    Reading these recent comments from @StaceyPowers and @kingpotato, a thought just occurred to me. When the PS4 launched, one of its launch titles was a game called Knack, if anyone remembers it. This was and 3rd person action/adventure with a rather unique co-op mode. Player 1 would play as Knack whilst player 2 would play as Robo-Knack, a character to help out in combat with infinite spawns, didn't appear in cut-scenes and couldn't trigger story progression on it's own. It was also down to the real Knack to trigger both character's size changes.
    This co-op mode was pretty much panned by gamers and most critics, with due respect to them, they did so because they failed to understand what it was for. A child would play as Knack whilst a parent, guardian, older sibling or whatever would play as Robo-Knack to help them out in combat, with puzzles and perhaps shoe the younger player get through platforming sections. Now, I did play through the game with my son who I believe was 5 at the time and had great time. Games like that are a brilliant idea that, sadly, haven't caught on.
  4. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from mont86 in Discord ????   
    I use it all the time. Usually those likes are what's called invite links. When you open them up, it should take to you new tad asking to collect accept the invite then the app will open with the new server displayed. If this doesn't work, it's likely because you need to download the desktop app.
    A users tag number is unique ID set by Discord to each user. Player are able to diffent screen names for each server they join and change them anytime. Here's mine for example.

    Using this number in search...

    ... can take you to this individuals profile. There, you can see information like what servers they're on. If you know or can find out this youtube/steamers ID, you could g to that sever through this then apply for membership directly.
    I hope that helps.
  5. Like
    Shagger reacted to kingpotato in Metal   
  6. Like
    Shagger reacted to Nergion in Metal   
    Share some heavy tunes. The metal shred thread!
    Kicking it off - Haiduk
    Melodic black /death metal
  7. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Why have games moved toward an adult market?   
    Well, I could repeat a lot of what I said n the other thread, but basically the three point you've mad sum it up. The kids who played in the 80's and 90's are the adults playing games now, so we grew up and gaming grew up with us. That gernertion is having children as well now, and I think we are more lenient than previous generation because we know hat the risks once associated with gaming are unfounded. I would never actually describe games as art (My reasoning for that is another topic for another time), but they are a medium that is (at last) being respected at the level of TV shows and movies, not to mention the lines between them have gotten more and more blurry.
  8. Like
    Shagger reacted to kingpotato in Everything is Deadly   
    Dream catcher fails to prevent a nightmare, therefore I dream of getting stabbed by toenails and end up dying in my sleep.

    Ice cream
  9. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in No longer for kids?   
    I've deleted the most recent post in this thread. Please debate without personal attacks (both of you) or move onto another threads. Thanks in advance.👍
  10. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Relaxing, low pressure games with focus on exploring and/or building?   
    A great example I can think of is the "My Pet Dungeon" mode from Dungeon Keeper 2. At your own pase, without risk of attack, make the perfect dungeon within the games mechanics. No challenge? Wrong. You have to unlock the privileges with some challenges that lock certain privileges behind paywal... wait, no, doing stuff in game . I know that's mad these days.
    War of the Overworld, the spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper, also has this game mode. Buy it. Play it. But also, pay for it. It wouldn't be right if I didn't point out this feature is a paid DLC, but I swear this game is worth it.
  11. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from StaceyPowers in No longer for kids?   
    Video games were, at the start, marketed as kid's toys that utilized televisions as visual interface with some form of controller to interact with the game.  This started in the very late 60's and grew into the 70's with Pong machines, video arcades them home consoles and computers as the next couple of decades rolled on. Then in the later part of the 80's and into the 90's, video games stated to change. They were getting more detailed, closer to real life situations and with an already strong "boys toys" style connection to action, were thus becoming more violent.
    July 29nth, 1994
    A coalition of game publishers presents Congress with its proposal for the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, a voluntary industry-wide standard for age ratings on videogames. A joint congressional hearing in December 1993 took up the growing concern that the game industry was irresponsibly marketing violent videogames to minors. Spearheaded by Sens. Joe Lieberman. This was important as concerns from parents about how violent games like Mortal Kombat were becoming and if they were appropriate any more. Video games, despite these concerns, were still very much considered to be toys at this point. That's something some areas of the game's industry were actually determined to keep that way, more specially Nintendo who famously censored games like Mortal Kombat and Wolfenstein 3D. However, something had to give. The game's industry couldn't go on like that and his meeting would eventually give birth or organizations such as the ESRB, PEGI and other such self-regulating bodies for the game's industry throughout the world. This also spelled the start of seeing things like these on game boxes.

    (These are the PEGI labels, the ESRB labels are similar, but with some differences to the age ratings)
    Some may look at this like political nannying, but this is in actual fact the best thing to ever happen to the game's industry because this is the precise moment video games stopped being toys and became an entertainment media.
    Toys are for kids only (I'm well aware of those OTHER toys your thinking of, we all thought of the joke), but in entertainment media, you can make a product to market to anyone you want. The game industry took full advantage of this and it wasn't long before we saw games like Resident Evil. Ironically, the people moaning and bitching about games being to violent ended up giving the games industry the freedom to do make more violent and adult themed video games.
    Yes, this didn't stop the controversy completely. Even in 2019 there's still people stuck in the past who see games as play things and thus get all shocked and shaken when there a drop of blood, a boob or swear word. However, it's never been much more than short term political scapegoating that was never gonna cause any huge problem for the industry or prompt much more severe censorship and mostly because of what happened in the mid 90's. When stopped being toys, by definition of law. Obviously, there are still games made for kids and that's something that should remain, but even those aren't toys any more, they're still an entertainment media, just one produced for children.
    The ESEB and other such organizations have fucked up a few times, especially recently with the loot-box controversies, but ultimately their existence is to our benefit. Imagine if the meeting back in 1994 had gone down different and the proposal to self regulate was rejected? What would video games be like today, if they were to exist at all.
  12. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Community Chat #1   
    Look, I don't know if this is appropriate or not, but there's few people right now to vent too at the moment and I'm trying to sort my head out.
    I'm a pipefitter by trade. I served my apprenticeship in the same place I still work in with many of my former journeyman, one of whom just passed away.
    This man was special to me. I learned a lot from him, but also connected with him because we shared a similar taste I music, something I think he was mostly starved of in the work place. That made working with him fun even with the worst of jobs. He wasn't old (under 50) and the circumstances surrounding his death are still unclear.
    I just find myself really sad. I've been off work with a very nasty flu for almost two months and haven't seen him for weeks, now I'll never see him again.
    I appreciate you reading through this, I just wanted to let some of this loose.
  13. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Earn 50 Points Per Day [Limited Time]   
    Yes, I'm definatly gonna make this "my thing" on these threads...

  14. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Dose the VGR forums have a Discord server?   
    I understand, and you have a point, Discord can take activity away from forums. It happened at another community I was part with, but that was much larger community that was more focused around community play and basically started using Discord to replace Teamspeak (PSA, teamspeak is a garbage app), so it didn't affect the activity on the threads too badly. I won't say anything else about that community other that it's problems and collapse came for different reasons. They're technically still active, and I was a game leader and even a moderator over there for a while, but I'm long over wanting anything to do with them.
    Anyway, like you I am keen to hear other member's thoughts on this as well. It can help communities grow, but it really depends on what is said communities focus.
  15. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in Dose the VGR forums have a Discord server?   
    Hi @Shagger, thanks for creating this thread. I'm appreciative of how quickly you've become involved with our community. It really means a lot.
    I am personally against a Discord because this is already a pretty tight knit community as it is and my concern is that a Discord server would take away from the activity on the forums. It's already easy for people to communicate here through PMs, various forum threads, and the General Chat. I'll leave this topic open for you to reply to and others to weigh in but I think it's best for us to continue without Discord, at least for the time being.
  16. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from Crazycrab in Dose the VGR forums have a Discord server?   
    And if there isn't one, I think it could be a good idea to have one. Live chat and discussions between members through both text and voice, mod tools and lobbying to play games together. Discord has free and very well polished apps on PC and mobile devices, so can be used as a chat server between PC and console users. AI've seen a lot of communities use this service to great effect. I know I'm new, but I think it's something worth considering.
  17. Like
    Shagger reacted to The Blackangel in Google Stadia is out...and its bad   
    Unfortunately, @Shagger is right. Google has started on countless projects, and abandoned the majority of them in mid production. The only one I can even remember that they actually released was the Google Glass. And that was probably the worst product any company could ever have come up with. I personally think they should stick to being a search engine and email service.
  18. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Earn 50 Points Per Day [Limited Time]   
    Done, but this is a chance to post something weird I can't ignore.

  19. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Earn 25 Points Per Day [Limited Time]   
    Thanks for that, and I apologize for the stupid joke. It looks like a rewarding system. 
  20. Like
    Shagger reacted to DC in Earn 25 Points Per Day [Limited Time]   
    Thanks, points awarded 👍
     Thanks, points awarded 👍
    Hi @Shagger, thanks for joining our forum. I want to take this moment to educate you on the VGR Points System.
    So users receive 5 Points for each new thread and 2 Points for each reply. At the time of this post you have 33 Points (see below).

    With your Points you can win free prizes such as cash, video games, gaming accessories, and even consoles.
    Click THIS link to learn more about Points. Click HERE to view our current and past auctions. And lastly, click HERE to view prize proof.
    We are currently giving away a copy of Modern Warfare. You do not have enough Points to participate in this auction but as you post more (and participate in rare giveaway opportunities like this) you will gain more Points and can participate in our Bid for Rewards Program. 👍
  21. Like
    Shagger got a reaction from DC in Good News! Your Chaplin has arrived.   
    I may be your Sheppard to guide you to the promised land, but I'm also lazy, so, the promised land is over there, you can figure out the rest for self, I got games to play!

    The only thing you need to know about is that if you share a different opinion to me on something, you're not stupid, misinformed or outwith your rights to believe what you say, but you're still wrong. 😎

    Anyway, I'm a truly an evil Scotsman who's loved video games on multiple platforms for almost 30 years. The evil thing is I do is eat pet cats. I avoid strays because it's just not the same when it's a creature nobody loves. Hey, I said I was a man of the cloth, not that I was righteous.

    I also love heavy metal, wrestling, the outside when it's dark and doesn't burn and most of all, my son who surely will enslave humanity. Proud of ya, boy!
    Anyway, here's a Chickenhorse.

  22. Haha
    Shagger got a reaction from LadyDay in Take the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale Test   
    God damb it! If I'm around, barricade your doors, lock your kids in the basement and say goodbye to your pets!

  23. Thanks
    Shagger got a reaction from LadyDay in Will it run Planet Zoo well? (I know nothing about computer-parts)   
    I looked at the requirements...

    ... to find a surprisingly demanding game here.
    Regardless, you should be OK with what you have posted as the spec's your computer, but I would recommend, for future proofing sake, to consider a stronger GPU, maybe the 2060 or a 1070 if you can afford it. It's just you have strong CPU would be better paired with a better GPU than a 1060 imo.
  24. Like
    Shagger reacted to kingpotato in Google Stadia is out...and its bad   
    Google Stadia has officially launched, quoting the review I read for the system : Stadia is a cloud service that runs games on Google’s servers, then beams them to your device. You can play on a TV, on a phone, or on a PC. Basically you dont need a console, all you need is a google account and internet connection. So far it looks good and it play good. But here comes the obvious problem, it has a lot of lag.
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