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    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Do realistic and idealized character/attire designs have to be at odds?   
    I generally don't mind either way long as the character designs fit in with the overall asthetic and tone of the game.  In something like a fantasy RPG I don't mind seeing idolised character designs in unrealistic scanty armours or whatever but I would take issue with it in something like Chivalry which is supposed to be more realistic.
    There is a specific franchise I'm going to call out.  Before I do I just want to state for the record that I am a huge fan of this franchise and have boundless respect for it's creator (the publisher can go to hell though).  I think the worst offender when it comes shamelessly objectified characters in a setting where it's unnecessary or even immersion breaking is the Metal Gear Solid franchise.  As sure as the sun rises in the east your guaranteed there's going to be at least one needlessly sexulised vixen in a Metal Gear Solid.  Sniper Wolf, Naomi, Eva, The Haven Troopers, The Beauty and the Beast Unit, the "Konami Eyes" model who's poster is planted all over the place in MGS2 and even the men aren't immune with characters like Vamp.
    In the majority of these I can look past it enough to still enjoy it.  There is one however that took the absolute piss, so much that's I'm quite surprised nobody has mentioned her in these other treads, and that is Quiet from MGS V:

    Do I really need to say anything?  This was done for cosplay and merchandising. It's such a plain example of senseless and shameless objectification.  Of course there are some that claim otherwise.  Kojima himself insisted that there was an explanation for it, but every explanation/justification that's been given holds water about as well as the holy tights she's wearing.  I probably should call spoiler here but honestly the actual explanation as to why this sniper foregoes any sort of camouflage or protection in favour of two pieces of string is so ridiculous that it doesn't matter.  If you don't already know get ready to laugh your ass off!
    To summarize, her lungs were burned in an earlier scene so her body mutated.  She now breaths through her skin so wearing anything beyond a micro-bikini would cause her to suffocate and die...
    First of all the problem could easily be solved by wearing any breathable fabric like cotton.  In fact she could wear just about anything that's not a full leather or latex gimp suit and she'd be fine.
    Secondly normal people can breathe normally through our nostrils, which a surface area of maybe a couple of square millimetres yet she needs 99% of her skin exposed to air to intake the same amount of oxygen?.... Bullshit!
    Thirdly and definitely the most ridiculous aspect to this, just take a look at some of the unlockable outfits:

    Uses skin to breathe yet can walk around with her skin covered in tactical gear, covered in blood or even covered in PAINT!  Did Kojima never see Goldfinger, that would kill a normal person let alone somone uses their skin to breathe!
    Sorry to rant there but this one really grates me, both for the shameless design of the character and even more so the ludicrous excuse.  The reason why it does is because I actually like Quiet.  She's fascinating not mention very useful in game.  She was easily the buddy I would use the most often, her covering me from a distance while I solo infiltrated suited my play style perfectly.   It takes a long time unlock the tactical outfit (below), which I think look WAY more badass.  However, not only does it not garner any advantages, it's costs you resources for her to deploy with it equipped.  So the game actually punishes you for not being a perv!

  2. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to killamch89 in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    I'll definitely check out Rocksmith but for me, it's just a new hobby to take up. I've been having that itch since earlier this year and with my dad passing last month, that itch grew stronger because my dad used to be a  musician and my love for music came from him and my mom.
  3. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    Whichever you decide to get I can definitely recommend Rocksmith, it's got great video tutorials and exercises for beginners for Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar and Bass.  One thing worth keeping in mind though and the game touches on this on the tutorial is that if you use HDMI for your audio output it will lag because of HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection), so use optical out instead.
    Which instrument you should get really depends mostly on what you wanna play.  Most of the time the Bass plays kind of supporting role while the guitar is out front but Bass often plays a more leading role in Jazz and Blues.
  4. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you sleep with the TV on?   
    Not on purpose... But sometimes the shit on TV is boring or I'm tired.
  5. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to killamch89 in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    Thanks for the info - I was looking into getting a guitar myself but I haven't fully made up my mind as yet what I'm getting.
  6. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to Sharon in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    That's really cool. As you get more comfortable with your instrument Kompoz is a great place to collaborate with other musicians if you ever take up an interest in writing your own stuff.
  7. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to Empire in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    Start with the instrument you like the best. The most important thing in learning any instrument is to practice, and you will practice more if you like the instrument. I mean I'm bad at playing. I'd say guitar because it isn't terribly expensive (Can get a decent used one for like $50), and isn't particularly hard. Plus, there's a wealth of free instruction in the interweb, in addition to tabs to whatever song you'd ever want to play.
    Or free as in YouTube from your own home 😛 
  8. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Sharon in Do you sleep with the TV on?   
    Not on purpose... But sometimes the shit on TV is boring or I'm tired.
  9. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    The one on the right is a 4 strong bass, on the left is a 6 string electric guitar.  As the name suggests the bass has a deeper sound and plays notes on the bass clef, the guitar is on the "normal" treble clef.  Each one has their own amp.
  10. Thanks
    Crazycrab got a reaction from The Blackangel in What is the cut-off date for what we call retro gaming?   
    There will definitely be differing opinions about this.  Me personally I would say the retro cut off is with the end of the PS1/N64 era.
  11. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Best place to learn a new musical instrument   
    A little update, I've since swapped the electro-acoustic for a full electric that belonged to my uncle as well.  I also got a guitar amp from the same guy I got the bass amp and it's a really good Marshall model.  For learning I've ordered a copy of Rocksmith (PS4) and there a song that played at my uncle's funeral service I've decided to learn first, Days by The Kinks.

  12. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in EA Is Planning To Revive Dead Space, More To Be Revealed AT EA Play On July 22   
    To EA's very little credit they do seem to allow their third party partners and even in house studios to run a little more independently than most other publishers.  I think this is why they have managed to avoid some of those potholes.
    Even this can be problematic at times.  In the fairly recent case of Anthem they didn't stick their noses in enough while Bioware's management was putting duct tape over all the problems.  That's not to say that EA don't share in the responsibility, or that some of their decisions and demands for the game weren't ultimately detrimental to end product and employees.  However, according to reports from people that were there, most of the blame was on Bioware's management.
    I have and will certainly continue to take my pounds of flesh out of EA and others for their crap, but doesn't mean their 100% to blame 100% of the time.  As much as it saddens me to say it In the case of these sports games I think (some) gamers are to blame as well.  By spending money on these nearly identical games and their in game currencies year after year their vindicating them.
    The only way that's going to happen is if you vote with your wallet.  If you stop buying them then, and only then will they be pushed to make significant changes.  There's no way FIFA, the NFL, the NHL, the PGA, the UFC and everyone else they've got these years long exclusive partnerships with are going to do anything about it.  As long as EA keeps paying they don't give a fuck no matter how much it hurts thier brand's reputation.
  13. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Justin11 in Best 2021 Games?   
    OK, this is getting beyond a joke!
    Not out.
    It's Battlefield and which one?
    Doesn't exist, unless your talking about MotoGP based on the motorcycle championship of the same name.
    It's Need for Speed and again, which is one?
    Last year.
    Not out.
    I'm convinced, these are a bunch of EA employees and/or people who don't have a clue!
  14. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to Heatman in Frostbite Was So Disastrous For Bioware & EA That Mass Effect 5 May Use Unreal Engine 5 Instead   
    As far as video games are concerned, bugs can never me eliminated completely. It's why they keep having updates frequently. With what I experience with playing Top Eleven Football Manager, it's crystal clear bugs are innate with games. 
  15. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from m76 in What is a game you have played that you would bet no one else here has?   
    Ok that's cheating 🤣!
  16. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to killamch89 in FIFA 15 Server officially shutdown   
    It was the last solid Fifa game that was actually bug free for the most part and I think it was the first one that had a fully developed Pro Clubs where you could play on a team online with other Fifa players. Pro Clubs was really the highlight of that year and a lot of us had so much fun.
  17. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to killamch89 in Do you still have some of your old demo discs?   
    You wouldn't be wrong at all - most of the "revolutionary" features in Fifa 22 are features that were available 20 years ago.
  18. Haha
    Crazycrab reacted to killamch89 in Do you still have some of your old demo discs?   
    Did EA pay this guy or something lol
  19. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Konami officially ruins PES by making it F2P   
    I'm not surprised by this.  Fuckonami have obviously been watching what EA have been doing with FIFA and their ultimate team casino and just decided to make that the focus.
  20. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from DC in [Sponsored] Find Your Toxicity-Free Teammates on Epal.gg!   
    I barely play online anymore, partly because there's there's so many toxic idiots online and I just don't wanna deal with them.  I'm glad to see a service that hopes to alleviate that problem.
  21. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Heatman in What is a game you have played that you would bet no one else here has?   
    I actually did play Enchanted Arms... and I thought it was pretty terrible.  The battle system was kinda interesting by GOD even by JRPG standards the characters were obnoxious as hell!  It also has I think the worst tutorial I've ever experienced.  It treats you like a fucking idiot, there were full paragraphs of spoken dialogue to explain even the simplest of things like opening a chest or climbing a ladder.
    I never realized it was developed by From Software.  That's curious little anecdote but this was before the Souls Series.
    My own contribution now and I'll bet not many of you have played Prisoner of War, a PS2 game where you play a captured US in piolet in World War 2.  I also reckon (or at least hope) that not many of have played this piece of crap, which I consider to THE worst I have ever played.
  22. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to m76 in What is a game you have played that you would bet no one else here has?   
    I'm pretty sure nobody here has played Revenge on School, since it was only ever available in my native language. It's a text adventure game from 1994, it is full of gratuitous violence and it's so absurd and grotesque that it's actually hilarious. There was only one thing certain: that every computer at school had a  copy of it somewhere hidden away in a folder.
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  24. Haha
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    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Would you rather be a brilliant scientist or an amazing singer?   
    I know, I really don't know why these producers insist on using it so much.  Most of the time it makes the artist sound worse.  I always got that with Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day .  The autotune on the recording makes sounds so flat and it makes no sense because his real, live organic voice sounds infinity better.
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