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  1. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Family sedan in Heavy Metal in video games.   
    The first time I heard heavy metal in a video game was with Carmageddon, which used instrumentals from Fear Factory's Demanufacture album.  Back then I didn't even really know what heavy metal was but I loved it!
    But I think the king of heavy soundtracks has to go to Brütal Legend.  The whole game from visual design, lore, story and even self-deprecating humour all revolve around heavy metal culture.  Then there's the soundtrack which of course fucking rocks!  There's over 100 tracks The likes of Testament, Black Sabbath, Iced Earth, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Tvangeste, Dark Tranquillity, Megadeath, In Flames, Manowar, Dimmu Borgir, Judas Priest.....  It goes on forever!
  2. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Withywarlock in Heavy Metal in video games.   
    The first time I heard heavy metal in a video game was with Carmageddon, which used instrumentals from Fear Factory's Demanufacture album.  Back then I didn't even really know what heavy metal was but I loved it!
    But I think the king of heavy soundtracks has to go to Brütal Legend.  The whole game from visual design, lore, story and even self-deprecating humour all revolve around heavy metal culture.  Then there's the soundtrack which of course fucking rocks!  There's over 100 tracks The likes of Testament, Black Sabbath, Iced Earth, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Tvangeste, Dark Tranquillity, Megadeath, In Flames, Manowar, Dimmu Borgir, Judas Priest.....  It goes on forever!
  3. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Withywarlock in Why are there no see-through windows in Bethesda games?   
    It seems that the creation engine can only load in one area at a time.  Probably because loading in the entire open world with every interior and exterior location would take up far to much memory or might just a limitation of the engine itself.  So anytime you're indoors or even in a town it's a different data package to the rest of the open world.  So if you for example are playing Skyrim and you go through the doors of Solitude the game wipes the exterior world from memory and loads in Solitude in it's place.  Then if you go into the Winking Skeever it wipes Solitude from the memory and loads the internal of the Winking Skeever in its place.
    There are some engine's (like Ubisoft's Anvil; Assassin's Creed) that can load internal and external areas at once hence you can look outside through a window or an open door but Bethesda's dated software just doesn't seem to work that way.  I've said it time and time again that Bethesda need something new.  Since Microsoft bought them they could probably use 343's much newer Slipspace, but they seem to stubbornly sticking with what they've got.
  4. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Why are there no see-through windows in Bethesda games?   
    It seems that the creation engine can only load in one area at a time.  Probably because loading in the entire open world with every interior and exterior location would take up far to much memory or might just a limitation of the engine itself.  So anytime you're indoors or even in a town it's a different data package to the rest of the open world.  So if you for example are playing Skyrim and you go through the doors of Solitude the game wipes the exterior world from memory and loads in Solitude in it's place.  Then if you go into the Winking Skeever it wipes Solitude from the memory and loads the internal of the Winking Skeever in its place.
    There are some engine's (like Ubisoft's Anvil; Assassin's Creed) that can load internal and external areas at once hence you can look outside through a window or an open door but Bethesda's dated software just doesn't seem to work that way.  I've said it time and time again that Bethesda need something new.  Since Microsoft bought them they could probably use 343's much newer Slipspace, but they seem to stubbornly sticking with what they've got.
  5. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Knight Plug in Konami has entered a partnership with Bloober Team!   
    You got a source?
  6. Haha
  7. Thanks
    Crazycrab got a reaction from The Blackangel in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    You need to read between the lines when it comes to documents like this.  It's not about banning racial prejudice but about stopping people from being educated about it, it's literal censorship of history.  It's the very kind of ignorance and lack of understanding of other people that increases tension on topics like race in first place.
    Let's use World War 2 and Nazi Germany as an example.  What if the history of Germany in the 1930's was never taught in schools?  Most people wouldn't know or understand how Adolf Hitler, a man was openly antisemitic and anti-democratic came into power.  His motivations for going to war with the rest of Europe and organising a genocide wouldn't be widely understood.  It might be uncomfortable at times but it's very important to learn about it because if future generations don't learn these things they will be doomed to make the same mistakes.
    That's why this kind of legislation is a bad idea.  You don't educate people properly (especially about history) if you cherry pick just the facts that glorify or demonize the subject in the way suits a certain agenda.  You need to be honest and truth is America was built of the back of slaves.  The Native American tribes cheated out of their land and slaughtered by European settlers.  All Americans with the exception of those descended from those tribes are descended from immigrants or slaves.  It wasn't even that long ago the that black people in America had to fight for basic human rights.  I don't understand why anyone would think prohibiting educator's from teaching about these kind of events would do anything other than spread ignorance, confusion and isn't blatantly disrespectful.
  8. Thanks
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    You need to read between the lines when it comes to documents like this.  It's not about banning racial prejudice but about stopping people from being educated about it, it's literal censorship of history.  It's the very kind of ignorance and lack of understanding of other people that increases tension on topics like race in first place.
    Let's use World War 2 and Nazi Germany as an example.  What if the history of Germany in the 1930's was never taught in schools?  Most people wouldn't know or understand how Adolf Hitler, a man was openly antisemitic and anti-democratic came into power.  His motivations for going to war with the rest of Europe and organising a genocide wouldn't be widely understood.  It might be uncomfortable at times but it's very important to learn about it because if future generations don't learn these things they will be doomed to make the same mistakes.
    That's why this kind of legislation is a bad idea.  You don't educate people properly (especially about history) if you cherry pick just the facts that glorify or demonize the subject in the way suits a certain agenda.  You need to be honest and truth is America was built of the back of slaves.  The Native American tribes cheated out of their land and slaughtered by European settlers.  All Americans with the exception of those descended from those tribes are descended from immigrants or slaves.  It wasn't even that long ago the that black people in America had to fight for basic human rights.  I don't understand why anyone would think prohibiting educator's from teaching about these kind of events would do anything other than spread ignorance, confusion and isn't blatantly disrespectful.
  9. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Shagger in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    You need to read between the lines when it comes to documents like this.  It's not about banning racial prejudice but about stopping people from being educated about it, it's literal censorship of history.  It's the very kind of ignorance and lack of understanding of other people that increases tension on topics like race in first place.
    Let's use World War 2 and Nazi Germany as an example.  What if the history of Germany in the 1930's was never taught in schools?  Most people wouldn't know or understand how Adolf Hitler, a man was openly antisemitic and anti-democratic came into power.  His motivations for going to war with the rest of Europe and organising a genocide wouldn't be widely understood.  It might be uncomfortable at times but it's very important to learn about it because if future generations don't learn these things they will be doomed to make the same mistakes.
    That's why this kind of legislation is a bad idea.  You don't educate people properly (especially about history) if you cherry pick just the facts that glorify or demonize the subject in the way suits a certain agenda.  You need to be honest and truth is America was built of the back of slaves.  The Native American tribes cheated out of their land and slaughtered by European settlers.  All Americans with the exception of those descended from those tribes are descended from immigrants or slaves.  It wasn't even that long ago the that black people in America had to fight for basic human rights.  I don't understand why anyone would think prohibiting educator's from teaching about these kind of events would do anything other than spread ignorance, confusion and isn't blatantly disrespectful.
  10. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?   
    Depends who's paying.
  11. Haha
    Crazycrab reacted to Patrik in What video game character would you choose to be stuck alone on a desert island with?   
    lot of space in desert to play Bowling in as well!
  12. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Patrik in What video game character would you choose to be stuck alone on a desert island with?   
    Roman Bellic from GTA 4, I'll need something to eat.
  13. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from StaceyPowers in If you had to change your name to a video game character’s whose would you pick?   
    Duke Nukem, as far as I'm concerned if you pick anything else your mad!
  14. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?   
    Depends who's paying.
  15. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Withywarlock in What was the most baffling game announcement from E3?   
    I agree, this is complete crap and it should not be getting a free pass just because "Kojima".  It's like that "True Ending" DLC that Capcom did with Azura's Wrath years ago.
    If they just marketed it as additional content it would be fine but no.  Instead they make the original playerbase feel like they've been cheated.
  16. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    I did manage to find one of them filed by Republican Representative Chip Roy of Texas. You can read it judge for yourselves.
  17. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    You can go onto Congress.gov, but their quite hard to find unless you know the bill number.  The search tool is not the most intuitive I'm afraid.
  18. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction?   
    At the beginning and end of the day number one has always been the only one that cared or looked after number one. No one cares. Everyone is alone, and that will never change. There will be the occasional alliance, but that doesn't equate to caring or concerning about others. You will be alone from the day you're born until the day you die, and no one ever has or ever will care.
    It's called the human condition.
  19. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Today is America's very first Juneteenth federal holiday   
    June 19th is officially recognized nationally and signed into affect by Biden as the day of independence for black Americans when in June 19, 1865 after the civil war, the Union soldiers declared the independence of blacks from slavery in Galveston Texas. Why Galveston? Because it is the farthest south the soldiers had to go and carve a path of independence for blacks as the southern strongholds still refused to give them freedom even when the war ended. 
    All this time blacks have been celebrating the 4th of July as an independence that their ancestors didn't even have till more than a century after the country's independence from England. USA independence was in 1776 and black independence from slavery was 1865. And even after that blacks endured oppression and segregation and didn't get full rights till the 1960's civil rights era. And today we are seeing that same oppressive pattern that has inflicted them and their ancestors their entire existence in America. 
    So today, blacks can celebrate their independence in a new light and I hope all of us celebrate with them as they have always celebrated the independence from England. And this is a holiday where everyone gets the day off work and some even the Friday before it. I'm very happy to share this holiday with them. 
  20. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in What movie, picture, or video always makes you laugh no matter how often you watch it?   
    This one is for you guys @Crazycrab @Shagger

  21. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in License to drive/license to vote/no more license for hand guns in Texas   
    In the UK aside from a few very rare exceptions nobody is allowed to carry firearms even among police, and that's exactly how it should be.  I know some will defend saying that they are responsible gun owners but theirs no such thing since the power to end someone's life at little more than touch of a button is not a responsibility anyone should have.  We're impulsive, emotional and our bodies are practically chemistry labs constantly producing chemicals that affect our judgement in ways that are notoriously unpredictable.  This effect is made even worse by the substances that we add to them through drink, drugs and even the contents of our increasingly un-naturally prcocessed diets.
    History has proven time and time again that more people carrying causes more problems, not solutions.  Untill American's realize that and revoke the 2nd Amendment School shooting's, mass murders and trigger happy cop killings are just going to keep going up and up.  Right now the "right to bear arm's" is having the complete opposite effect to what it was intended. 
  22. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Patrik in The 3070Ti is here!   
    Well look at the flip side of the coin.  Folks can only get a 3060 from scalpers, so you release a 3070ti at those prices and what's gonna sell?  They have an opportunity to strike the iron while it's hot and their taking it.
  23. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Family sedan in If you had to change your name to a video game character’s whose would you pick?   
    Duke Nukem, as far as I'm concerned if you pick anything else your mad!
  24. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?   
    Cute the disease 100%.  Not only would would you be saving millions of lives, it would also make you the richest mother fucker the world has ever seen... And then you could just simply buy your way into being the first to explore a planet!
  25. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    In a word, everything.
    In life you need to sleep, eat, drink, piss, shit, run the daily risk if getting sick or injured, worry about money, face society and law in manners that actually have consequences, wait in real time, there's no fast travel, no extra lives, no superpowers, no saves, no reset, no time travel, no mods, no console commands, no cheats and even if play by all the rules and play it with 100% effort it ultimately results in death no matter what.
    Video games are great, and life sucks.
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