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  1. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Shagger in Horizon Forbidden West - State of Play Gameplay Reveal June 27nth 2021   
    It's more like an A-Symmetrical team shooter like Evolve.  It had a very shaky launch but it's apparently gotten better with patches.  Unless you have a group of friends to play with it's probably not worth bothering with.
  2. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Shagger in Warner Bros: "Celebrate Pride... By Repeatedly Beating Up a Gay Character!"   
    Some years ago I might have believed that might be the case, but not now.  These day's it's better in terms of marketing strategy to be pro LGBTQ+ (or at the least look like you are), especially during pride month.  It doesn't really make great them great bedfellows with anti LGBTQ+ organisations either since they will still object to the bi character being in the game in the first place!
    Microsoft have a pride sale going on right now on XBox and PC and are even giving away Tell Me Why, a games heavy on Trans gender themes for free.  I'm not saying these companies necessary care about LGBTQ+ rights or the community (the almost certainly don't) but it's better to look you do because if you didn't your the only one that's ignoring the giant rainbow coloured elephant in the room and that's a very bad look. 
    With that in mind I can see what WB were trying to do.  Shine a torch on an bisexual character that they have in their game which itself isn't really a bad thing...  BUT HOLY SHIT did they not think it through!  I don't believe they had any anti LGBTQ+ messages or intentions in mind, I was just a very stupid idea that they didn't properly think out.
  3. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    In a word, everything.
    In life you need to sleep, eat, drink, piss, shit, run the daily risk if getting sick or injured, worry about money, face society and law in manners that actually have consequences, wait in real time, there's no fast travel, no extra lives, no superpowers, no saves, no reset, no time travel, no mods, no console commands, no cheats and even if play by all the rules and play it with 100% effort it ultimately results in death no matter what.
    Video games are great, and life sucks.
  4. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to Empire in Do you always have to have the latest phone?   
    About about the new xiaomi software, they have improved big time then many years ago. They have gone up to high recommended for most tech reviews. Down to the price point again they say. 
  5. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from skyfire in Beautiful Desolation   
    I looked because I could not believe it, but to you credit it's true but it's not common practice.  What YoYogames is doing with their Gamemaker Console licenses is fucking bullshit.  It's the equivalent of paying a subscription for Netflix but then Microsoft gating that 3rd party service behind XBox Live Gold.  Even if you pay them their fee you still need to go through the same registration process Microsoft, Sony, and/or Nintendo and pay their fees!  Their literary charging developers for something they don't provide.  If I were a dev, I wouldn't touch their shit with a flag pole.  FUCK THESE GUYS!
    Yes, publishing for consoles is expensive because of publishing fees as well the one off cost of development kits but neither of these have anything to do with the choice development tools and game engine.  I know that likes of Unity, Unreal and Cryengine don't charge extra fees for publishing on consoles because it's BS.
    But obviously none of this has anything to do with the protagonists being white so I still gotta question why the hell you made that connection?
  6. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Beautiful Desolation   
    I looked because I could not believe it, but to you credit it's true but it's not common practice.  What YoYogames is doing with their Gamemaker Console licenses is fucking bullshit.  It's the equivalent of paying a subscription for Netflix but then Microsoft gating that 3rd party service behind XBox Live Gold.  Even if you pay them their fee you still need to go through the same registration process Microsoft, Sony, and/or Nintendo and pay their fees!  Their literary charging developers for something they don't provide.  If I were a dev, I wouldn't touch their shit with a flag pole.  FUCK THESE GUYS!
    Yes, publishing for consoles is expensive because of publishing fees as well the one off cost of development kits but neither of these have anything to do with the choice development tools and game engine.  I know that likes of Unity, Unreal and Cryengine don't charge extra fees for publishing on consoles because it's BS.
    But obviously none of this has anything to do with the protagonists being white so I still gotta question why the hell you made that connection?
  7. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Shagger in Beautiful Desolation   
    I looked because I could not believe it, but to you credit it's true but it's not common practice.  What YoYogames is doing with their Gamemaker Console licenses is fucking bullshit.  It's the equivalent of paying a subscription for Netflix but then Microsoft gating that 3rd party service behind XBox Live Gold.  Even if you pay them their fee you still need to go through the same registration process Microsoft, Sony, and/or Nintendo and pay their fees!  Their literary charging developers for something they don't provide.  If I were a dev, I wouldn't touch their shit with a flag pole.  FUCK THESE GUYS!
    Yes, publishing for consoles is expensive because of publishing fees as well the one off cost of development kits but neither of these have anything to do with the choice development tools and game engine.  I know that likes of Unity, Unreal and Cryengine don't charge extra fees for publishing on consoles because it's BS.
    But obviously none of this has anything to do with the protagonists being white so I still gotta question why the hell you made that connection?
  8. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Withywarlock in Tell me Why is free on on XBox and PC until July 1st   
    Deal Expired, locking thread
    All 3 chapters of Tell me Why from Life is Strange developer Dontnod is free until July 1st on both PC and XBox consoles via Microsoft Store and Steam.
    Microsoft Store;
    Steam (PC): https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1180660/
    Moderator Edit: Removed Hyperlinks
  9. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Shagger in Tell me Why is free on on XBox and PC until July 1st   
    Deal Expired, locking thread
    All 3 chapters of Tell me Why from Life is Strange developer Dontnod is free until July 1st on both PC and XBox consoles via Microsoft Store and Steam.
    Microsoft Store;
    Steam (PC): https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1180660/
    Moderator Edit: Removed Hyperlinks
  10. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in Would you rather humans go to the moon again or go to mars?   
    Where do you get the "100s" part?
  11. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to Shagger in Must have Softwares Thread   
    That's enough. Not only has @Crazycrab been consistently been one of the most technically adept members of this community, he's also 100% correct on this.
    MSI Afterburner is compatible with other brands of GPU, but is completely pointless when that brand of GPU will have it's own, indigenous software to perform the same functions. If you have an ASUS GPU for example, you shouldn't use Afterburner when you could GPU Tweak III instead. It will be more compatible and allow access to features exclusive to that ASUS card.
    Berating someone like you have over correcting a point you made is bad enough if you're right, that's bad manners, but when you were wrong the whole time just adds and embarrassment factor to it all. For you own sake as much as anyone else's, stop it.
  12. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Finally levelled armorer up to 50 in Oblivion   
    Leveling from 50 to 75 is the hardest part.  After that you can repair to 125% so you can practice on pretty every single weapon and armour piece you find and it's a lot easier.  With that being said it shouldn't be taking THIS long.  Are you using trainers to?  If the purpose of this is to raise endurance (which is something you want to do) then you can raise block and heavy armour as well.  Armourer as a skill honestly isn't anywhere near as important as it is Skyrim anyway since there's no crafting system.
  13. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from DylanC in Best games for the Vita   
    Here's a few that should get you started:
    Uncharted: Golden Abyss
    Killzone Mercenary
    Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster
    Persona 4 Golden
    Gravity Rush
  14. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in 8gb ram still worth?   
    You spoilt brat!  My first computer had 52mb... AFTER it was upgraded from 8mb!  It also had that original Pentium that was famous for not be able to count!
    Your RAM capacity was more than my hard drive!
  15. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Patrik in 8gb ram still worth?   
    You spoilt brat!  My first computer had 52mb... AFTER it was upgraded from 8mb!  It also had that original Pentium that was famous for not be able to count!
    Your RAM capacity was more than my hard drive!
  16. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Patrik in 8gb ram still worth?   
    NO IT DOESN'T!  I already proved in my post last August with Chrome and AC Odyssey running on max settings I was using barley more than 8GB.  Why do you keep trying to spread such misinformation?  A non-gaming or productivity user could run Windows 10 with 8GB.  They can browse the internet, use Office, basic multimedia and streaming apps or even play some older games without ever pushing it.
  17. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in What video game company stock would you invest in?   
    I'd go for Microsoft right now.  I think the Series X/S is going to be a late bloomer.
  18. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in Thoughts on the PS2?   
    Cosmetically, it was an attractive system. It was also the first console to feature DVD capabilities. The backwards compatibility with PS1 games was also a major plus. There's really nothing bad that I can say about it. I unfortunately missed the era due to reasons I won't get in to. But with everything it featured, and everything it was capable of doing, it was one of the best consoles ever released. I doubt anyone will even try to argue that. And it still holds up today, 3 generations of consoles later. I honestly feel that it laid the groundwork for future disc based consoles.
  19. Haha
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in Your favourite Final Fantasy version?   
    It's not really that complicated.  Untill Final Fantasy X-2 each was one is its own self contained universe unrelated to any of the others.  They have common elements like enemies, abilities, weapons and a guy called Sid (weird) but if your playing a Final Fantasy game for the first time you don't need to know anything about the others.
    Now Kingdom Hearts...  Try to explain THAT franchise to a newcomer and their brain will melt.  It's more complicated that the Space Shuttle!
  20. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in Where do you stand politically?   
    If you have any questions just ask. I'm not spokesperson for TST, that's Lucien. But, if I can, I'll answer any you have. I can't remember if I have posted them anywhere before, but here are the 7 tenets of TST, and here's the website.
    The Satanic Temple
    1) One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
    2) The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
    3) One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
    4) The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
    5) Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
    6) People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
    7) Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
  21. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in Where do you stand politically?   
    I was taught roman catholicism. So I know where you’re coming from. In a nutshell, Satanism is a different form of atheism. People tend to convince themselves otherwise, but there are many TST members who practice other beliefs with Satanism. We’re the first truly unified Satanic organization in the United States. The Church of Satan is much older, but is as loose as it gets. They worship hierarchy and elitism. They’re posers that have no clue what Satanism is even about anymore. 
  22. Like
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in Where do you stand politically?   
    If anyone has said you're anti-transgender I have to agree with them. You're extremely narrow minded, and often close minded. Just because you have a friend who struggled with their gender identity doesn't mean that either of you know the true struggle that transgender people face. Not to be insulting but, the both of you are completely ignorant of transgender issues. You're an outsider looking in with tunnel vision. From that standpoint you can't see everything that's inside, because you have chosen to limit your vision.
    It's really pathetic that you're bitching about a people that you don't even know, and haven't even truly met. Whining and claiming that transgender people are pushing lesbians out so they can come in is an extremely bigoted statement.
    You and I will disagree on many things, but I will still respect your right to believe what you believe.
    The fourth tenet of TST states:
    IV - The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
  23. Haha
    Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel in Describe The Person Above You   
    Too damn confusing with his tech talk.
  24. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from Family sedan in Before Your Eyes   
    Never heard of it, it sounds like a pretty annoying way to control a game to me.
  25. Like
    Crazycrab got a reaction from killamch89 in How do reviewers cram so much game play in so fast?   
    Running under the assumption that it's a reviewer who does make the effort to play as much of the game as possible, There's two reasons:
    Early review copies, the bigger ones at least get their review copies a week or so early. The play in 8 - 12 hour marathon sessions to get their reviews out as quickly as possible.
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