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Gamers who underestimate their abilities

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World of Warcraft, and probably all MMOs, are a great case study for this. There's what's called the "holy trinity", which is essentially a team composition of Tanks (who draw enemy attacks from squishier players), Healers, and Damage Dealers (both self-explanatory) in Player-versus-Environment (PvE) content. The most popular role is the Damage Dealer, mostly because it's all you're really taught from the beginning to the end of the game, and the other two roles require initiative and a lot of patience because of the abuse they can receive for causing a group to collapse. A lot of players make excuses for not trying the new roles, saying it's too hard, too complicated, they can't get a group together, when really it's just a simple matter of finding a good group to play with consistently. That's how I went from wanting to quit the game for being abused as a Healer, to now being in a guild that is always short of a damage dealer for group activities because we've all supported one-another doing different, less popular roles.

Another thing is what Preach Gaming said one time, that the best players aren't in the best guilds of the game. The fact of the matter is there's someone out there who doesn't know how good they are, or truly can be. I'm not saying I'm one of those players, and I don't want to be either, but there's not much holding people back from being better than they already are if they know what to look for. ^^

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On 4/7/2021 at 10:22 PM, StaceyPowers said:

Do you know any gamers who consistently underestimate their abilities? Like, I know someone who is far better at aiming and sneaking in multiple games than me, but consistently thinks he is worse.

He may actually not be that good or he doesn't really know how to do it but got good moves in fights. It's only showing him how it's done that will open his eyes. 

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