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The Blackangel

Coronavirus Rhapsody

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DAMN, Most people don't realize how many hours of work doing one of these takes. This video certainly took days and days of work. FANTASTIC job! Nicely done, The curve has still not flattened. If we can't work together to solve this dilemma, maybe we don't deserve to survive as a species.

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He's pretty good. Some adults out there really do need songs and children stories, campfire scares, etc. to get the point across that pandemics are bad. But they do know that already right? wink wink. The deniers just want major cities to take its toll hoping that would lower liberal votes. That's all the crazies care about. That's the real hidden message of denying the virus. Stats show blacks and Hispanics have taken the brunt. So the deniers want more of that. They even protest people's rights to get vaccinated and even shut down a vaccination site. All the while they cry "you can't force me to wear a mask." But they try to force others to take off their masks and not get vaccination. And I mean by force where they literally beat and kill people for wearing masks. The devil has a boner. 

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