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What’s eating Gilbert Grape movie

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Now this is an older movie, but definitely a classic. Leonardo DiCaprio played the mentally challenged son beautifully. I remember a friend telling me when she watched it when it first came out that she was impressed with the performance & you would have never known it was the same actor who played in the later years of Growing Pains. I think it’s a simple yet deep movie touching on family love for each other. What are your thoughts?

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On 6/7/2021 at 12:22 AM, killamch89 said:

I've never watched this movie before if I'm being honest but your review of it makes me want to watch it. I'll make sure to write it down somewhere so that I definitely check it out.

Its a very good movie, in my opinion.  Especially if you like Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, or Juliette Lewis.  Leonardo DiCaprio is awesome in basically everything he's ever in. 

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