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Blinds or Curtain?

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Depends on the room. Blinds alone won't block a glare on the TV. I have twenty plus windows and only about 4 have both blinds and curtains.

I didn't have to buy them. Came with the house. I'd you invest in a better quality set you could add some resale value. Mine are the thicker style instead of the thin crap that breaks down over time.

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7 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

I have black out curtains, which block all light from coming in. I have to have them to protect my eyes.

I do have some black curtains as well but I hardly open them.

13 hours ago, Empire said:

Depends on the room. Blinds alone won't block a glare on the TV. I have twenty plus windows and only about 4 have both blinds and curtains.

I didn't have to buy them. Came with the house. I'd you invest in a better quality set you could add some resale value. Mine are the thicker style instead of the thin crap that breaks down over time.

I also have some pretty high quality curtains in my place and they're pretty thick as well.

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