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The Blackangel

What is your most ridiculous, irrational fear?

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What is something that scares you that you know is bullshit and impossible? Ever since I was a child, I've had this fear that when we die, we are still fully conscious. 99% of our body doesn't work anymore, but we can still hear, see, and feel. Being lowered into the ground sealed in a box would be enough to drive a person beyond insane. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts. But cremation would be beyond excruciating because they don't stop roasting you until even the smoke is burned down. And an autopsy? Don't get me started.

I know it's a bullshit fear, but it's something that has stuck in the back of my mind my entire life.

So what's yours?

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Honestly, as someone who's basically been in the situation where you're practically a prisoner in your own body and on the verge of death, you won't really hear anything as your life fades. You'll basically just go back to nothingness - the only way you could possibly end up in this situation is if you were a vegetable and they buried you alive. As for my fear, I'd say dropping from somewhere really freaking high and actually surviving, just laying there not dead but in all kinds of agony and unable to end it all. It's like the ultimate torture.

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