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What type of game intimidates you the most?

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Any type of killing game intimidates me. I much prefer kid friendly type games but I don't like them to be completely dumbed down. I like games where you need to have strategy to move forward but also a little bit of skill to make it difficult enough to hold my interest. If something jumps out at me and tries to finish me off then that's not the game for me.

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I play such a wide variety of games and games genres, that I can’t think of a single type that I would say “intimidates” me. Yeah, there are several kinds I don’t like, but I don’t feel intimidated.

Unless military games count, as I can’t play them whether I want to or not due to my experiences in the Marines.

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There's a part in last of us where Joel falls in to the basement of this old hotel and you're trapped with this monster in the dark. I nearly shat my pants playing through that. I had to take breaks to get my heart rate down.

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