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Zelda: Skyward Sword thoughts?

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As far as I'm concerned, it's not even a true Zelda game, the same as Majoras Mask or Links Awakening. It just has the Zelda title, and a character that was drawn up like the classic depiction of Link. I hated it on Wii, and see no difference between the two. I can't even stomach playing Links Awakening on my Switch anymore. It's a Game Boy game, and that's where it should have stayed.

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I played this game on the wii for 40 straight and I think I only managed to do 80% of the story. Its a very long game, its good, its you average zelda, dungeons, side quests etc. But is far from my favorite zelda game, my main complain about it was the beggining, it literally takes you 40 minutes to begin the game, like to actually get your sword and start exploring, the first 40 minutes are about cutscenes, going to one place to another to activate another cutscene with no room for exploring, it was painfull. Gameplay was somewhat tiresome because of the motion controls, to leap over ledges, climb and attack you had to use the wiimote and believe me after 20-30 minutes your and and arm will get tired, and for a zelda game 30 minutes is not enough. Still everything else was just your average zelda, the sword play was fun but it always felt inaccurate , like at times I needed to attack horizontal and the control made my attack diagonal or vice versa. Also one thing I hated is that every single fucking time I picked an item, even common items or Rupiees, even green ones Link would pick it up and hold it in the sky like if it was the first time finding one but he would do it every single time, unlike previus zelda games were he would only do it the first time finding the item, it was annoying. And speaking of annoying if you though Navi was annoying wait until you meet Fi, fuck that blue bitch. Anyway I would give the game a 7.5/10 as far as Im concerned most of those issues were already addressed when they made the remake for Switch so that would probably make the game much better. I just dont recommend playing this on a Wii.

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  On 3/23/2022 at 12:24 PM, Empire said:

I think it's the best game for someone who's never played Zelda to play. I havn't but who has 😛 


I dont know about that man, I mean yeah its a good game and all but Im not sure if its the ideal game for someone who has not played Zelda games before. The game does have a rough start and the gameplay is a litthe bit different than other zelda games.

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