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The Blackangel

How do you fish?

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What's your preferred method of fishing? Do you prefer rod & reel, toe, stick, or spear fishing? I've done it all except for spear fishing. That just never really interested me. Toe and stick are great if you're just wanting to lay back and lounge by the shoreline. But I would say I used rod & reel the majority of the time. When I was a kid, I was at a pond fishing every single day. I loved doing it. I've never really liked fish as a meal, with the exception of beer batter catfish. But I loved catching them anyway.

So what's your preferred method?

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10 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

I wouldn't buy fish there since the guy has crabs.





So he has STD's, what's the big deal? I'd quite enjoy Sturgeon, Tuna and Deepsea-Cod.

Edited by Shagger
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I was going to say grocery store or wait for my dad to bring some over for me  😄

But seriously I remember using a rod and reel as a kid and attaching it to the cement steps at a river where my grandparents had a cottage. In the morning we would go check to see if we got a fish. Mostly we did!

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